Why aren't you a post-leftist yet, Holla Forums?

Why aren't you a post-leftist yet, Holla Forums?

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Change ideology already?

How does one come after a non-chronological category?

Rebel, I'm glad you enjoy reading pretentious literature and talking about sex, but I think you will find yourself more at home someplace else.

Don't see the point tbqh

I was talking to a post-leftist and he said that he agrees with left wing analysis but thinks action is useless cause no revolution will happen.

Great excuse for being lazy tbh, well I can't judge cause I don't do shit but I don't attempt to make my laziness a core part of my ideology. From what he was talking about, post-leftism seems like a neoliberal appropriation of leftist ideas, leftism that doesn't threaten the ruling class.

Because I read the classics and didn't skip them to pick the edgiest thing I could find on wikipedia.

What is post-leftist?


post-leftists aren't really a monolith… it's a wide spectrum

Hey rebel, looks like your ancap alliance thread got trashed by the mods

can anyone tell me how it ended? who came out the saltiest? him or muke?

fuck off rebel


I think you can say this about most post- things unless its music.

post-feminism is literally egalitarian laziness and the same can be said for post-class retards.

When did you turn into a fascists, Rebel? I miss the old Rebel.

I'm not a fascist?



His stance is aesthetic as fuck too

Preemptive. Fucking autocorrect.

why do these weak memes still trigger me a month after victory?

Read a book.

forgot to sage



not sure if this faggot is a Holla Forums falseflag
but as a Holla Forums falseflag he pisses me off
fuck of nerd

I smoke too much weed I'm afraid of Bob Black

Does "post-leftist" mean "reactionary"? Because Cioran was reactionary as fuck.

He says I was saltier but he was the one who wouldnt stop messaging me on twitter about it hours later after I asked him to stop.

nope, he was fascist. (Iron Guard)

Because i am not post-modernist.
I can`t just adopt bullshit i conjured up on the spot because my autism triggered.
Ideas have to be tested, like in science and can be implemented only once they pass, if they are even useful then.

Because rebel is post-leftist.

This is genuinely retarded. I could never trust someone politically who has never been a member of political party, association or any other type of organization.

Something's wrong here…

Still not convinced.

He was a fascist indeed, but only at youth, later in life he would consider both nationalism and totalitarism demented sects he fell for, eventually calling himself stateless.

Yes, you not reading Kierkegaard: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_existentialism

I think since the struggle is so one sided right now, and we're so hugely outnumbered, we shouldn't abandon the left but maybe even learn to make ideological sacrifices. If my country has a marxist revolution then I am a marxist.

Because the party hasnt even started yet.

What makes you think I am not??

The pics you just posted makes me think you're not.



i dont think you know what post-leftism is

I'm pretty sure that was the joke.

I can never tell if people are purposefully retarded or not anymore.

What are you talking about nerd, post-left isnt post-anarchism, if anything, The anarchit ukraine proves the left is against our struggle


Didn't That Guy T make the same argument?


I like Wolfi Landstreicher, and now I'm trying to learn Nietzsche because of him, and I agree anarchism should not be lumped in with the rest of the left.

That being said, the left/post-left divide seems sectarian a lot of the time. Both sides are too quick to write off the other. I believe we do have a responsibility to keep an open mind and to try to entertain as many ideas as possible, so that we wind up with the best synthesis in our theory and practice.

Anarchism shouldn't end up as a million different sects who won't give each other the time of day, it has to change and adapt and we can't fall into this silly dogmatism. It should reflect the conditions of our lives and not be like the stupid ideological windowshopping that you get with a lot of politics and that causes us to reject that.

post-leftist = alt-alt-right

Based Karin being based.

Think so. Ideologues fam, what you gonna do.

I read Feral Revolution but I thought it was pompous, esoteric, and trying way too hard to be Debord. =(

There's nothing new under the sun Reble, people have said that Debord didn't come up with much of his own too. What I liked in Wolfi was that he takes ideas from a wide range of places so it makes you want to learn more. For example I first heard about Amor Fati from Against the Logic of Submission and the part in that essay where he talks about self-education ties all of that together really nicely.

Now that's a good fucking picture of Rei comrade, never thought I'll write this, but I'll fucking save that fucking masterpiece, because goddamn, I've never like-liked Rei, was more of an Asukafag, but damn, damn damn, that gotta change


🍀🍀🍀controlled opposition🍀🍀🍀

if I was post-left earlier than rebel, does this mean I'm edgier than he is, or he's finally washed up?


seems like just edgy bullshit. situationists that are lazy and already have money. if youre not fighting youre wasting your life, critical theory is cool whether your bitch ass thinks so or not, and leftism has actually made a ton of progress that you take for granted cuz ur an edgelord shit.

im gonna go get drunk outside a prison, suck my ass, im cooler than u and u know it.