How does leftypol solve the illegal immigration problem?
Here is the Libertarian solution for some context:
How does leftypol solve the illegal immigration problem?
Here is the Libertarian solution for some context:
Other urls found in this thread:
no borders, no nations, stop the deportations
You can't solve immigration, unless you remove the cause.
The root of the problem is not the immigration itself, it's Capitalism that doesn't have jobs for everyone, and consequently gives jobs to the workers that ask the least payment.
You can't fight it.
Even if you BUILD THE WALL (which is not happening IRL), Capitalists will simply move factories to China or wherever, leaving US without high-paying jobs. As a result economy will devolve to the level of Third World.
Sure, this stop the immigration - because it makes it meaningless.
Illegal immigration exist because their labour is cheaper
Unionizing all illegal immigrants means porky wont profit at all from them
By removing borders. You'll still have mass immigration, but it won't be illegal. :^)
Mass migration wouldn't really be a thing in that kind of society though.
I want to work somewhere else because I like the location and there's a job there that I want to do that doesn't exist so much in other places.
I'm not undercutting people if I'm doing that job, because the people already there can't do the job.
Just my 2 cents on why I want to immigrate. It's not about the money.
Full employment, world communism, anti imperialism.
Just build walls really.
Also not bombing people's homes or forcing them to lower tariffs and ruin their economies is a good start.
Globalisation was a Right-Wing idea which was firmly opposed by the Left and the 3rd world until 2008 when it hit the 1st world hard and anti-fa and liberals started supporting it.
Mass immigration only happens because of capitalism.
Pic is funny but "niggers lol" isn't an argument.
2008 wasn't really because of globalisation
End the drug war, open the border, in that order. The drug war has turned northern Mexico into a war zone in which a quarter million people have been slaughtered in the last twenty years. This is deliberate on the part of American capitalists, as it creates a low intensity conflict that they make money from, as well as making a huge swath of the nation desperate enough to risk lives to hop borders for the pleasure of picking beans when its 110 degrees for 25 bucks a day.
Once the drug war ceases, normality can return to the Mexican people. This would make the numbers of folks coming up here drop significantly enough that an open border could happen. Also, socal, AZ, NM, and TX are full of nortenos who have always been there, speak Spanish, and to be sure, the border crossed the chicanos more than they cross the border. I think it's good geopolitics to recognize that and to build solidarity between white workers and Chicano workers in the borderzone.
No but it played in favour of it. China, Brazil and India were rolling onwards while the West crashed, just like the USSR did in 1929. Lula was fapping on live TV about how the Imperialists got what was coming for them.
Westerns had their low-to-medium skill jobs taken because of their high labour costs while China, Vietnam and Malasya grew.
The popular discontent at their economic situation also led to the spark of Right-Populism. (even more so in rural areas)
Muh human nature. Private capital is completely natural and will totally not lead to fascist oligarchy.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
M/18/USA looking for a daddy :3 user is Astrobix
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Fake thread
That's a liberal, friend. you should get /liberty/ to spam him to Read Hoppe.
I'm not sure who I hate more, e-celebs who are literal stereotypes of their poster ideology or normies who get their feelings and arbitrary personal opinions involved in politics.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
ive seen it as an actual badge a few days ago. Didnt save it tho
That's a liberal, friend. you should get /liberty/ to spam him to Read Hoppe.
I'm not sure who I hate more, e-celebs who are literal stereotypes of their poster ideology or normies who get their feelings and arbitrary personal opinions involved in politics.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
are there names more forced than this?
Next question.
Airlines say its for security purposes, but its relly more of a revenue integrity/fare calculation thing. Its to prevent brokers from buying up a bunch of cheap seats and then undercutting the airlines mid-high fares when the low fares sell out.
Doing a namechange is actually pretty common. I've done it in Amadeus, Sabre, and Shares, which are some of the most common reservations systems. The problem is 1. agents arent trained to do it or think its impossible, and 2. Their employee log-in may actually not permit them to.
Your best bet is trying to swap at the gate, but you will probably have to pay a fee to go "standby"
PS: will you retards stop booking flights with your nicknames? Name changes are kind of a pain in the ass even if you know the commands.
When I see the director and animation studio, I can't help but be hyped, plus the screens looks good.
Or maybe you wake up in a dark place, seeing a light. That light is God, and you can talk to him. You still remember who you are. I don't know what happens next.
The dark place with the light is EXACTLY as OP pic.
this has GOT egoraptor WRITTEN all OVER it
Towers: Lord Baniff's Deceit ist in real time!
Well for example it is possible that i would get paid for 2 days less for the first fortnight for the example this fortnight would cover the 1st-14th getting paid for 2 days less here would leave me with £120 less for this period, later covering the 15th-30th it's then possible to get paid for a normal fortnight this leave us £120 short during that month for me personally after bills that's food money.
It's the culture of doing the minimum effort and demanding the maximum reward.
supernatural shit? supernatural shit? supernatural shit? supernatural shit? supernatural shit? supernatural shit?
supernatural shit? supernatural shit? supernatural shit? supernatural shit? supernatural shit? supernatural shit?
A New World Order isn't the best idea for a government.
The US plans to deport 2-3 million people? holy smokes, that'll be quite the bill.
Abolish private property
This. It's far more fleshed out than most conspiracy theories.
It's all memes my leafy friend
I think Obama deported 2+ million people already
its good to see that you haven't an hero'd dude. now go lose some fucking weight.
This is just one of the many annoying side effects of 24 hour news, they take any bullshit and talk about it for ratings then act like they never covered it the next day.
It's funny they created this "fake news" meme when things like the recount, the Russian spying without any evidence and the possibility of Hillary getting elected even though Trump won are all examples of fake news.
your singles are cancer
Wtf who cares nigger if democrats won the electoral but lost the popular vote they'd be praising the electoral right now. They're dumb whinebabies.
Thats why we elected Trump
That shit is going to end real fast
Well, stop labeling it as illegal. Then illegal immigration drops to 0.
Georgia here, dealt with nigs my whole life.
I don't think anyone has a problem with a few immigrants, it's mass immigration that's the problem.
You likely tried maple whisky, you goof. No foreigner could truly enjoy such a nectar of the gods
Best way to get rid of illegal immigration is to destroy those imaginary lines across the world my dude.
He isn't paid by CTR or Clinton. He's just a ronery fat fuck loser who has nothing better to do because his career is a mess and a waste.
Truly a pathetic human being. Not to mention he killed his own wife and LIED about it.
*Charles Lindbergh, I mean.
Dissolve borders, race and distinct cultures are a social construct.
Also: Weed lmao.
A mode of transport that can be policed relatively easily and which usually has a cost attached to it?
End sale of US subsidized crops, repeal North America Free Trade Agreement.
what? what does this have to do with anything?
Wonder how hard it would be to knock over
Am invatat romanescu pentru threadul acestea
Anyone who isn't communist is anti communist
Chemist here.
Coming home from work and seeing retard units like "miles" and "pounds" makes my head hurt.
I can't wait for all the boomers to die off so we can make the switch. Finally. The only other country on the planet that still uses Imperial / fraction stupidity is Myanmar.
Makes you think.
The fact still remains that Trump lied in one of his major campaign promises. It raises major questions on his integrity, and if he actually intends to pursue his other campaign promises
This is a major red flag, and you americans should be worried. I'm not, because the only thing i want from american politics is entertainment, and i'm pretty sure i will have it
Its Dave , Listen mate its Ipswich (?) MH Secure UNIT I going ..lulz
Our government has ruled that even illegal beaners have constitutional gun rights.
Blue eyed master race
What do you suggest the white race do instead?
Go quietly into that good night?
germany repeatedly threatened to invade finland and use it as a staging ground for barbarossa if we did not cooperate. im not really sure why it isn't taught here.
Stop fucking up Mexico.
On the premise that human nature can be changed
Also the Middle East, North Africa, and wherever else.
Isn't it funny the less a western nation screws around with another nation the less immigrants eventually find their way back to that western nation?
Make Isolationism Great Again!
Lmao, funny how trump and trumpfags whine about corruption and suck this guy's jizz dry under the same breath
Easy answer is: the admiration is justified because retards who fall for personality cults and memes are one in the same, trump/Putin supporters.
Hahaha. Who wrote all this stuff for non-sequitur robo-poster?
Are you retarded?
There are no shitskins in Switzerland.
You do know that Zurich is in Switzerland and that Switzerland and Sweden are two different countries right? Or were you educated in the US?
Wait aren't those dudes orthodox?
Notice who is reporting his picks in this way, a corrupt man will scream that an honest man is corrupt. But will stay silent about another of his own ilk. When the msm and shills don't balk about a pick then we need to be worried.
fall on my knees and pray like a bitch?
well tyron is shooting guns off a few blocks over in a gun battle while pedro is off at his construction job down the street building a new bixdonalds and gas station. so you tell me.
literally a gun battle going down a few blocks from me right now.
How can a lolbert say such things?
Anyway, illegal immigration, while not totally inconsequential, is sort of a meme issue. Illegals account for a stable ~10 million at any given time, and basically didn't exist until the '90s. Whereas legal immigrants are in the tens of millions, them and their descendants accounting for almost a quarter of the population, legal quotas are skyrocketing, and this policy has been the case since the neolib political coup in the 1970s that also killed trade tariffs.
We wuz monkeys n sheit
That's not actually too bad by pol standards
feeling like maybe the lmaos have chilled on their cattle mutilations and crop circles now that trump is going to build the dome
No one said it was responsible for everything. But you of all people should appreciate the effect that a shared religion has on the cohesion and reinforcement of a culture.
Forgot the best part:
James 2:14 21-26
its a classic sub, just the lighting.
they are literally taking children off the streets and from collapsing orphanages out of the country. When the children are out of the country, their parents have very little ability to find the children. remember Haiti was in a state of chaos so determining who is an orphan would be riddled with potential for mistake. during her trial, the court found that the 30 children Lauren was found with were not orphans. There was nothing stopping these people from organizing emergency shelter in haiti or using undamaged structures, the primary objective of this operation was to get the children out of the country.
The goddamn idea of taking kids off the streets is chilling. How the how can you know they are orphans? if you take them to a nearby shelter, their parents have a chance of finding them again but taking them to another goddamn country? there is a goddamn reason they were charged with trafficking
Step 1: kill yourself
Step 2: that pretty much solves the problem desu senpai
Why do christians think it's their holiday season?
Jesus wasn't even born in December. The catholics co-opted the pagan Yule festival for their own power. Fucking worse than jews.
what diseases? are they easily prevented by other means, such as good hygiene? you can prevent tooth cavities by having your teeth removed and replaced with dentures, but people don't typically do this
how so? you're removing a lot of the most sensitive nerves
that's subjective
Also nordic feels, because why not.
Friendly reminder that Trump won the presidency.
All I care about is that the right people for the job are placed there. I don't give a shit what sort of ties they might have, as long as they can get the work done.
The swamp draining referred to all the unqualified nigger trannies working in high level positions.
opinion discarded
Shoot them all for trespassing
OMG the butthurt with every single one of those nominations. Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.
Death is natural, so why are you avoiding it?
uh did you somehow not read what OPs post said? He isnt denying it you fucking mong.
If Islam was created by a white personal followed by whites then it would be different
But the author specified "now that I have a child," which makes no sense. Obviously the girl survived 15 years, maybe leave the kid with the mom or give the kid up for adoption.
No, the actual numbers you were comparing aren't comparable. The F22 was development costs. The F35 was all costs of the program for the entire life of the program (development costs, procurement costs all the thousands of aircraft, lifetime maintenance on all those aircraft, etc.). I am not sure where the PAK-FA number is exactly coming from, but it hasn't even been fully developed yet, so we don't know its development costs. Also, when comparing military programs between different countries, you should really be using PPP (purchasing power parity) since materials and labor costs vary widely between countries. Finally, you need to use the same currency in the same year (e.g. 2005 US Dollars). The comparison of costs of the three programs you listed was completely meaningless.
Showing a little Christmas cheer? You mean becoming a consumerist drone and drain my wallets for gifts?
Way ahead of you buddy
zero fucks given
That's not what they're for.
sage goes in the options field folks
Nazism rhymed with communism, now get the fuck out
You have to go back puta
Kek, the cuckness transfers to whoever's in the driver's seat.
It has nothing to do with Maker spaces.
Think of it as a hippy commune with shitty wiring jobs and fire hazards everywhere.
Socialista morena?