Why is this fascist asshole Black Pigeon Speaks cancer? He thinks women destroy civilizations. After some digging, it turns out he is some degenerate weeaboo Canadian who came to Asia because he cannot get laid in his home country. Man, fuck this guy.
Why is this fascist asshole Black Pigeon Speaks cancer? He thinks women destroy civilizations. After some digging...
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he's a fascist asshole.
Even SJWs manage to BTFO his ass on that: youtube.com
Yeah, what's that channel again? It's some PUA type channel but I forgot the name.
Apparently, Black Pigeon Speaks is an alt account of TVShinjuku, an expat weeb channel dedicated to showing parts of Asia.
Vid From BPS:
Vid From TVShinjuku:
Notice how their voice are the same. This fucking manlet weeb slob is cancer
More evidence that they are one and the same.
some spastic is gonna stumble into this thread and say he's right or he's gotta a point and also pretend to be socialist
i'm just waiting
lel, how did you find this?
I know how stuff works :)
Good character assassination. a shekel for a good goy.
Isn't this Holla Forums, Land of the political weeb?
How is him being a Weeb an argument?
Not him but I saw it on 4/pol/ a few months ago.
He's pretty cancer even by Holla Forums standards.
I don't think Shaun & Jen is an SJW. He's a liberal cuck, but that's it.
I like Shaun and Jen. But I prefer Contrapoints, HHBomberguy, xexizy and LibSocRants to the degenerate Anti SJW's and liberal cucks.
How does that work? Contrapoints looks like the first thing popping into one's head when thinking of fun.
It's always funny when a reactionary turns out to be some yellow fever beta or creepy sex tourist.
this is a revelation
Right on.
no need to bring up that stuff. i'm a virgin and it makes me suicidal when people mock virgin men
Sorry, dude, but you must recognize that some virgins allow bitterness to overpower them. There is nothing wrong with being incel in itself, but if you allow it to consume you like some do, that's what makes you a loser.
It only annoys me when people insult virgins. Given how some on the left talk I half expect to be shot under communism for being a virgin
No one is mad at you for being a virgin, you cuck. Being an incel is degenerate, though.
From a borderless communist perspective, what's wrong with that?
See now you sound like Holla Forums
Lmfao, Nazis are promoting irrelevant shiting. The irony.
I'm not promoting anything. I'm questioning you.
If you don't believe in borders, why are you shaming him for going to Asia?
what's wrong with being an incel? how sexually attractive a person is has nothing to so with them being a good person or not
because hypocrites are funny?
How is this so hard to understand?
I don't have a problem with virgins, bro, just people who take their sexual hangups and make them into their politics.
How's he a hypocrite?
Incels are whiny betas who blame women for everything wrong in their lifes.
Because he is one of you? so by being an expat he is being hypocrite?
BPS is degenerate, indeed.
only comparatively :^)
How does that make him a hypocrite?
I won't shoot you, I will make you get fit and read theory until you're able to hold a conversation with a qt though.
He's an immigrant
Don't take this to heart man. Its just a bit of bantz
In hookup culture, the sexually successful are justified in doing so since female choice is always justified. He's a "beta" if he doesn't have sex.
There is no option for him to have arranged marriage. He really just doesn't have a choice if Canadian women find him unattractive
What? Is he a white nationalist?
I don't want to do that
Why/how are you a nazi? I haven't heard you talk about race even once.
You will remain an incel forever.
This poisonous prejudice has no place on this board, please get out.
Holla Forums, you literally oppose freedom, stop pretending like taking down your types somehow helps the elite that you support.
I can't find any evidence that he is a white nationalist that despises irrelevant shiting anywhere can someone please help?
We do worship George Soros though. Just saying.
No, in order to have true communism we must eliminate all females
Prove me wrong
yeah, i get personal advice on how to destroy the white race
Kind of hilarious.
literally who?
Of course he's going to use the current system the only way it benefits him. Doesn't mean he supports it. It's an argument on the same tier as "wut ur a leftist and you use a computer LOL capitalism invented that!"
you know when you going to a new low when you are literally defending migrant rapist mentality simply because the offender in this case shares your skin color
But then again there are idiots who donated money to him through paypal/patreon so i am not surprised at stupidity.
Until we can remove women from the reproductive equation, we can't have communism? That sucks.
ok Holla Forums now you really should go back
Is he raping or is it consensual? Either way, it's not like migrants would disappear if he didn't go to Asia. People are going to exploit the current system to their benefit. The problem is the system. If Canada made it so he had an assigned wife and was punishable by law to go to Asia to have sex, then it would be logical to be against that.
So BPS has been going on massive Asian rape binges? Well this is news to me, I thought it was all consensual. Why haven't we nailed him with this yet? With this info we could easily get him in jail.
Dude why the fuck are you posting on Holla Forums anyways? Stop whining, improve yourself, start fucking some fatties or 4/10s, build up confidence and start fucking the hot ones.
i am not Holla Forumstard if that is what you are implying but whites who go to asian lands for pussy are no better than arabs who are migrating to europe for cheap gibesmdat and raping
oh right blame the system instead of blaming the person responsible
Lets blame the system because pedophiles rape.
Lets blame the system because drug dealers are selling coke to kids.
Lets blame the system because murderers are killing people.
Are you living under a rock or some shit ?
Artificial wombs are the future
bit rude user
People like him are hilarious because it always turns out that they're bitter hyper-racist weirdos because they can't get sex unless they go to Asia for sex tourism. Behind his bird avatar he's probably some fat pathetic dork like Matt Forney.
It's like pottery
How in the fuck does that work
Opinion discarded
enjoy your ban
Except he's upset when other people do the same.
Why is this so hard to understand?
Almost everyone in this thread deserves to have their testicles replaced by lamb testicles
why so cruel?
Fuck off fascist
What the fuck? How? Tourism and consensual sex are comparable to abusing welfare systems and raping women? You need to have your head checked m8.
sounds kinda hot
This is so fucking funny
You do
Holla Forums doublethink ladies and gentelemen.
*praises hitler*
*gets called a bootlicker*
"f-fuck off f-fascist!"
what the hell
Fresh off the boat?
Only if you do it, bb
ignore her.
Trust me, it's best if you just filter her trip.
That's the reason why I put it on, but you're missing quality content
He makes videos about how it's basically the biggest sin to ever commit to have sex outside your "in group." Aka race traitors. I'm sure were not supposed to take from that, that he is free to fuck Thai women.
He's getting the lowest quality denominator fucking anyways. Limp bullshit, and he thinks that's somehow making him actually have some sort of self esteem. Fucking sex tourists are so miserable and pathetic people.
oops, forgot my trip :)
None of the Holla Forumss can break the weeb habit. Not even Holla Forums is exempt. Like it or not, we all came from the same place.
I've never watched anime in my life
It's completely normal, take Islam for example where men are allowed to marry out but women are not.
The fact is, it is the women who are rejecting the men, not the other way around. No Canadian woman is being shafted by him going to Asia, since they have rejected him and there are more men than women anyway.
If women in Canada hate blond hair on guys and he happens to be blond, what choice does he have?
Not be a boring shit who's only got women on his mind all his life until he idolizes their presence as the maker and destroyer of things
But it's not about him being boring. You agreed the other day, that western women find blond hair to be ugly. What choice does he have but to go to a place outside the west?
It isn't? News to me.
No I didn't, I was being sarcastic dumbass.
I'm kind of disappointed from some of the replies here
The dude isn't that extreme, sure he's edgy and kind of dumb but he isn't even alt-right, he said so himself. And I'm pretty sure he isn't a white supremacist.
A shame some people have a bone to pick with and immediately go for the lowbrow insults like "virgin" and "manlet". Way to be mature, not even sure why you wanted to dox the guy or even post about him. Go to >>>/leftyb/ if you want to bitch about some youtuber.
this is a new tier of pathetic
I don't like the guy, I just think the thread is stupid and the replies immature and not any better than Holla Forums. And I haven't seen any evidence of some of the accusations thrown here.
this shit is why i hate anime, it gives clueless kids a horribly warped view of how human socialization works in a way that a normal mind couldn't differentiate without real world experience so these people end up thinking the bizarre fantasies of japanese virgin manchildren are real
this tbh
sage isnt a downvote you fucking cuckchanner BPSIDF
Who dis qt?
ok good point
I know but it's form of expressing dislike for the thread
looking for screenshot of the Brazilian Amry dude in the stands with the West Point graduates
The deaths of his political opponents
dunno the guy, he seems like your avrage MRA/mgtow. which seems to be really common in Canada for some reason.
don't know if Canadian women are that much cunts or if Canadian men are just beta, or both.
as long as he's not calling for a genocide or mass deportation i don't care.
back to pol, you cuck!
Except there's literally no other choice, where as this dude can fuck white women all day.
Seems fair TBH.
the arctic vortex is just polar air being pushed south by a high pressure warm front moving over the north pole. too bad people are too stupid to understand the difference between weather and climate.
Well why would it be fake? The UN's been openly writing about this for decades.
Always the leaf, someone, please, ban every canadian of this board.
And what if they find him ugly?
Seriously, the bullying against Irish members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Irish are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Irish man who finds it hard to take pride
in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of
than our peaceful little island? Slavs get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Europe.
Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it.
And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you call an Irish man a "potato nigger"(disgusting word) to his face? Would you say to a kind,peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Irish man that they are a "potato nigger"? Would you say those words
to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.
facebook com/events/255775478170337
Good lad.
so they are pretending there was no offensive?
Still doesn't answer my question tbqh.
whew checked digits just in case
Trump is going xD
this is the most arrogant cockwadded thing i have ever heard
Everyone in greece was gay at the time so he was just normal
this is what happens to you when you go to much to both Holla Forums and /r9k/
your question was loaded anyway.
Fuck off we're full
I went back to the civilian world 2 years ago, I still don't like it. I have almost no friends and after my last relationship kind of lost interest in dating too. Gen. Mattis made the right choice honestly.
We have social welfare in Finland so no one will be on the street.
If there was no social welfare, I'dbe about 10 paychecks from destitution.
Allahu Rockbar
diversity is our strength
Latvia is the worst Slav country.
Go be a terrorist somewhere else
RAN -> SEM. I guess.
Did something happen to your access to the Adriatic, Dirco?
How is he retarded? Even Patrick Brown didn't want him in but his whole church voted for him. Cons are trying to separate themselves from social Conservativism but clearly people in his riding still support that. He's hated by the politicians but loved by his riding
Niagara something
ARMY WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
most blacks vote democrat because most southern whites vote republican
has nothing to do with falling in line, it's just the parties cater to different races
Money does not equal happiness.
A study found that peak happiness occurs at an income of $75k; after that, it levels off or even decreases.
stop pushing fake news user!
I agree with this
I have no idea who Jesse Cox is and I have no fucking clue who the vast majority of the people Holla Forums complains about are
Continue filling Australia.
The point is that this catering is thinly veiled horseshit that doesn't actually benefit anyone.
Yet they are oddly unwilling to part with any extra income.
Glad we could settle that.
I sure love paying 40℅ more for a shittier plan than I used to have.
its ok though becuz Holla Forums tells me their muslims are tame
trumps tax plan will hopefully help white birth rates
Nobody clicks the site links anyway, you dumb nigger. I have half a mind to remove most of these ancient fan videos, too, and slowly replace them with OC from our threads and newer content from YouTube.
my buddy whose family is from Spain and visits every other year represents the situation as if its actually the most natural thing in the world for a spanish man to be unemployed and living at home until he is 30, after which he gets his first job or a family (which ever comes first). Then they either get an apartment in a city and raise their kids there before eventually retiring to family owned estates, or they never leave and support themselves with agricultural work.
Is this just him or is this basically how all spanish people who aren't upper-class do it?
Whait is his profile pic a literal black cock?
Big titty jewess
Not being a fuckin retarded cuck.
Boxing. Quality time with my dad.
just pick one from the list and kill them. they might let you take their place. then post funny stuff they do here.
delet this
Controlled land releases.
it's a shame hitler lost.
Because there are programs that people use to see everybodies hands.
best meme so far
If you faggots don't want to fuck a white chick that is 1) talented 2) has money be my fucking guest. Even if she's a 2/10 in your book, she's still more useful than 95% of western women.
I'll take her any day, she's a solid 7/10
*Blinks big beautiful blue eyes* huh…. *Sniffs heavily" kinda makes you think, doesn't it?
that's a pretty good observation
Wait and see.
Somewhere in there you decided to willfully delude yourself. You can make many good arguments for deism, but none of them translate to the bullshit in the bible.
*NA school,
It's good progress you faggot.
Opinion already discarded, a tenuous grasp of the English language is not a sign of wisdom.
A harsh but necessary use of justice, if no other punishment can bring peace to the victims and their families and the violation is so great, there is no greater use of the law than to exact the vengeance of the weak against the mighty.
War as a means is not good, and you will be hard pressed to find someone who believes war is justifiable as an end to itself.
I am sick of hearing this. I am not a child who is asking his parents if I can purchase Grand Theft Auto because I have been a good boy. I am an adult who has the right and responsibility to defend myself, because no one - and ABSOLUTELY NO ONE - is responsible for my safety except for me.
Abortion is preventing a life from entering the world. You need a damn good reason why you are preventing a human being from coming into existence after you decided to forgo any sort of protection against impregnation. You had multiple opportunities besides prematurely ending the life of something that has a central nervous system to avoid the economic stress of raising a child. You had birth control you decided not to go on. You had condoms you decided not to use. You had the morning after pill you decided not to take. You even had 45 days or so thereafter to terminate the pregnancy before the child's brain had developed enough to feel pain and possibly begin the first stages of consciousness.
The arbitrary nature of women's values is abhorrent. Their disregard for the victims of brutal and bestial crimes, their lack of understanding of why war occurs, and their condescending attitude towards those who wish to protect themselves is disgusting. I weep for women, who have been corrupted to become unempathetic monsters.
Yes, certain nations are not white nations. You can be an American nationalist and not care about the demographic shift. Europe is a completely different story.
The world is garbage, how about that, faggot?
this isn't real right?
dying his hair
how do i become a communist youtuber? i'm ready for some donation bucks so i can start a legitimate charity and help out people in need. or dogs. love dogs.
Charities are just a consumerist venture. The more radical choice is to go over there and volunteer. Or invest in automation or start a worker co-cop.
Please help me find evidence for these views I hold that aren't based in evidence thanks
Also what's with all the spam in this thread? Has Bui turned up the spam-dial?
i'd like to start a co-op but i don't have any money to invest.
It's okay impotent spurdo, no person who's disillusioned with the system wants anything to do with the sexual market.
will you be my sex tourist?
lmao feminism really is reactionary af
The real victim here are the poor Thai hookers who have to fuck his fat ass to survive
There are state and regional organizations and programs for that if you're in the US.
If you can get some people together and design a feasible business plan they'll give you some money to do it. It can be a long, drawn-out pain in the ass, though. A food co-op just opened near me, but it took them something like 15 years to raise the $2M they needed to buy the space, renovate it, etc. There are even some companies that specialize in helping to set up co-ops.
well that too, Asia is a mess
Anime in general is just very selfpleasing
Most people watch anime that panders extreamly to their fetishes and is utter poison if you don't share those fetishes