picture related
Should child services take Holla Forumsyps kids away?
>>>Holla Forums
And to the surprise of nobody, Holla Forums is full of shit.
tbf there are people in organisations like blood and honour who are middle class professionals
No surprise there. Fascism is thoroughly middle-class.
Holla Forumsacks should be sterilised or made to breed with a different race person. both are funny.
Let me guess. You're black.
Nope, and if I was it wouldn't matter.
You guys really have to stop being so reactive to everything on Holla Forums, content on that boards been going down the toilet for months on end as it is anyway. Soon they'll have the same level of discord as on 4/pol/.
I browse 4/pol/ more than Holla Forums on here, I don't see much difference
Yes and there is a reason for that.
The inner mind of an autist.
Stupid Commie Kike
Take away someone's child don't be surprised when you wind up with a few bullets in your head.
Funniest part is where he claims to be a πππlawyerπππ.
Don't worry about this scenario.
Everyone knows that the vast majority of Holla Forumsack's are also /r9k/fags and with the advent of Trump not giving them state issued GFs I really doubt that they will ever have kids.
I think we should create a new board specifically tailored for leftist theory and discussion, and keep this board to just be a shitpost zone.
Even though nobody like this is a lawyer
Also if you hate Jews then you probably shouldn't pick a profession where you are literally surrounded by them. Might was well be a cheerleader for Team Israel at the Olympics.
Just a "heads up" to comrades who don't have kids yet. Please try to train them to be entryists and send them to school for subversion.
OP should have used pic related as kid friendly example
the American fear of state education stems from this shit. they just want to drill reactionary garbage into the next generation's minds
And after that, everyone stood up and gave the kid and his dad a round of applause. Little did they know, that kid turned up to be Richard Spencer.
funny thing about richard spencer is that he's such a porky he could be pushing any ideology
only reason why he went for nazism inspired """alt right""" was because he was edgy fedora tipper
just look how much money he has and who is behind him
I'll take 'Shit That Didn't Happen' for a thousand, Alex.