Any other tranarchists here?
Any other tranarchists here?
Other urls found in this thread:
"tranarchism" isn't an ideology
No I don't think there's very many transtender people around her
There's at least one anfem one who posted her butthole once.
As opposed to out of her butthole which is all they do?
How would you even know which posters are trans in order to arrive at that conclusion?
snowflakes belong on r/anarchism
I don't mind trans people posting here but they don't need to make a big deal about it
trannies are clearly transhumanist wut u tak abow eh?
Do you actually think that works?
I'm trans and agree with this.
Marxist Libertarian here and mtf here
kys trans faggot
Thanks, doc!
gender is a spook
wheel of derailment turn turn turn, tell us the reason this thread will burn
you sound cute :3
I'm a leftcom/anarchist trans woman
It often seems like trans ideology presupposes this thing called 'gender identity', but I have never heard any account of what it is.
What is gender identity?
How does one determine one's gender identity?
What are the effects of possessing some gender identity?
Fuck off with the idpol. No one cares if you're trans or not
Kill yourself you retarded tankie
>>>Holla Forums
Even Fidel thinks you people suck.
Did I trigger you?
why are trans women more common than trans men?
Just saying, but some people treat any mention of such things as "making a big deal about it".
>>>Holla Forums
wew you got some issues to work out, mate.
t. gay communist.
also you should fucking read theory, faggot. stop bringing your pollack idpol here and pretending it's communist
This explains so much.
They're not afaik.
The trans support group I work for is like 75% ftms.
Women have less responsibilities in society ;^)
>>>Holla Forums
just admit you're fascists you cowards.
It was just ironic memes friends, no need to be so serious
we can't tell if you're being ironic when all signs point to you being a pollack
Fuck you to fucking hell. This is the kind of manipulation that happens in abusive relationships.
There is a hell in communist society, it's called the gulag and you're headed straight for it.
Ironic racism is not real racism . drawn women are not real women. It`s alright.
Wew. thats some next-level anti-fun you have there.
Could also be because phalloplasty is much more expensive and not as good as vaginoplasty
I'm a tranny and I probably have spent longer organising and protesting with MLs in Chile than you ever will in your life you LARPing Holla Forumstard. Thinking you're an ebin KGB man purging "le fun" in the left is a sign of mental illness too.
One last thing: Like I said, even comrade Fidel Castro decried his own persecution of LGBT people, offered an apology, and Cuba has completely changed its stance regarding LGBT rights. That your brain is unable to comprehend the existence of LGBT people who aren't liberal stereotypes tells me you're just a Holla Forumstard with no actual knowledge of Marxism. You edgy LARPers are a bigger harm to the movement than the people who make the images like in the OP, at least corny trans communist shit still has the potential to be genuinely communist, most LARPers are just in the movement for the power fantasy.
I am jealous of trans people. I never chose masculinity. I was forced to accept it.
I'm not opposed to trans people myself it is just not a cause I fight for. All for their rights, but class struggle is my fight.
Call me a brocialist, don't really care.
Uhh, you sure you're not a tranny?
If you look at the class composition of transgender people pretty much anywhere you'll realise that trans liberation and socialism align actually quite well, despite the attempts at co-opting us from the neoliberal "left". Remember that Stonewall was a riot against cops, not a modern pride march.
Don't worry transanon, we'll help you
Well at least working class trans peeps
Yes I am sure I am not trans. But for some reason I have a real deep jealousy I feel towards them anyway, this also includes towards young androgynous males. My sex was never a mystery to anyone it also helps that I have always looked older than my age.
Because in the long run I am more comfortable with being masculine. I also am 30, wouldn't pass even if I transitioned at 18, did not have the money for it. I just don't like that I didn't make a choice or that I am not EXTREMELY masculine.
God fucking dammit!!
why !!!
why the fuck !!! Why!!!
any other Blackfaces Matter activists here?
It's just a symptom of *chan demographics.
Porn-addled anime wannabe social misfits = male-to-trans """women"""
Rest assured that in the wider world there are plenty of self-hating women who have internalized sexism in the form of epic bacon whiskey football lumbersexualism.
gender is a social construct
Why would you be jealous of those who have been spooked so hard by stereotypes that they've literally chemically sterilized themselves to conform to them?
If you're not masculine, that doesn't mean you're any less of a man
Into the gulag it goes
Its telling that the only allies terfs can find are reactionary conservatives. Dustbin of history.
Germaine Greer; I hate Germaine because of The Beautiful Boy too
Cathy Brenan
This is the ideology that is haunting gender though. What does it matter whether one is masculine or feminine when one wants to be more than a man?
Yeah, better not think too hard about why The Powers That Be have wholeheartedly embraced trannies
Really making your case, huh.
It's telling that gender-trenders essentially embody the Islamic Republic of Iran's understanding of sexuality: that deviations in proscribed gender performance hint at some inherent "womanly" nature that needs to be addressed through medical intervention.
It doesn't. That's the point.
If you have a penis, you will always be a man.
Thanks for sharing.
Go back to your irrelevant Tumblr blogs you autists literally nobody likes you
In everything not related to the sex woman is a man…
And we share 98% of our DNA with chimps.
Women gendered as such from birth on the basis of their genitals have an experience largely divorced from that of a man. When organizing spaces and pressing cases, sometimes perspectives outside of this experience are unwelcome as they have the tendency to downplay issues seen as pertinent to actual women.
A man can never say he knows he's actually a woman because he has never been subject to this experience. What he's actually taking ownership of is the pornographic stereotypes he associates with "femininity."
A socialist can never say he knows he's actually a socialist because he has never been subject to socialism. What he's actually taking drafting property rights for is the capitalistic modes of production he associates with distribution.
Literally, this is the argument Holla Forums gives about the left standing up for workers without being workers. Like, was this seriously the best you could come up with?
So you're attacking trans people for being gender essentialists and then go on to say that they can never be women because there is just something inherent about being born a woman that they can never understand?
Seriously get the fuck off this board we have enough trash posters already
Why is it then that the first thing a transbro does after declaring himself woman (and roaring) is taking on a stripper/anime name and buying ridiculous fetish clothing?
It's pure gender performance based upon the way the way men have always consumed women as products.
Looks like the boys are mad.
You can wear the clothes you want to wear. The products you consume don't define you. Just stop demanding access to women's spaces. You are men.
Citation fucking needed
Also it's pretty clear you're just a Holla Forumsup at this point
Holy shit
Kill yourself right now
Live stream it and post the fucking link so I can record it masturbate to it and then edit it into a dank meme to be remembered forever.
Tell me how there isn't.
Gender essentialism is justifying stereotypical roles with sexual biology. That's a far cry from saying one's life experience is a product of the way they are seen by society at large.
Seems like your speaking from experience. You mad that you popped an erection at something you weren't supposed to?
Pray tell, what is that woman's space? Her pussy? Don't worry, all the gays hate that place. It's too sticky and wet. And besides, if men are supposed to stay away from the pussy then society will never be able to sustain itself for their will be so little production that we will all jsut have to post about our reactionary opinions and reply to others as if the opinion was what was valued in the first place!
You're right trans people have it far worse than the average woman. In fact you should stop suggesting or asking anything from trans spaces. *:^)*
I think you're miffed because you've been exposed as a hyper-liberal larping as a leftist. There's not inherent progressive value in everything that happens to get your young white rocks off.
Do you think communists treated homosexuals or transgenders well?
Czarist Russia was one of the most tolerant of all Western societies towards homosexuals, and that all died under Stalin.
And where did that come from? It sure as hell wasn't from within Marxism. It was part of a worldwide trend across the Western world.
Really makes my synapses fire
And to that degree I sympathize. I view them the same way I do those with eating disorders.
The solution of course is not to feed the delusion. We don't give amphetamines to bulimics after all. We need to teach children from a young age that most things deemed masculine and feminine are inconsequential–not that their biological chemistry must contort itself to their consumption habits.
It's almost like theory changes based upon the new information and material conditions at hand!
Who cares what you think? Radfems aren't even socialists.
That cuts both ways.
A woman has no clue what it is like to be a man. Source: Norah Vincent, a woman who lived as a man for 2 years.
So basically all the psychological research and medical trials, studies, and experience we have about gender dysphoria is bunk and they just need to pray the gay away?
God you people really are scum
No shit?
The psychological impact of a porn-soaked and thoroughly woman hateric society is indeed well-documented. I just disagree with proposed "treatments" that entrench this hatred of women even further.
Sure, but will add that mistreatment of homosexuals was never based on anything rational, other than maybe some communities that were extremely concerned with demographic decline still 99.9% a phony issue It mostly came from the Abrahamic religions.
When Marxism beat back Christianity, they didn't similarly damage their negative attitudes towards gays except in a few isolated instances. They instead continued them, and it was part of a larger intellectual trend towards more tolerance of sexual minorities that ultimately changed this.
Always nice to have guests from Saudi Arabia.
You mean the things that have actually done the best so far at helping these people?
Because you're retarded if you think they didn't try behavioral therapy for all these decades and you somehow thought of it first.
One's concern over hatred of women is telling. Ironic then that the one patronizing such is what gives when interrogated, congeals and reifies the given.
You are aware Marxism is an economics focused ideology right? Lgbt rights are not what Marxism is concerned with. It's about the relationship people and institutions have to production. You're expecting something from Marxism that it never claimed to have a social prescription for all of societies specific cultural ailments.
Marxism is an economic doctrine but it's still based in emancipatory politics.
Definitely but Marxism itself was never about dealing with specific social issues in that way. I agree that the 20th century ML's were awful on this issue but he's acting like Marxism itself is to blame.
That's something of a cop-out. Virtually all Marxist governments are heavily authoritarian, and Marxist theory is viewed by them as revolutionary and opposed to existing social orders. If it were simply a theory of how to build more refrigerators more efficiently and do it more nicely, it could slot into existing societies.
Marxism may be focused on economics, but in its beliefs and values it has always been much broader than that.
They were. They had a chance to treat gays more humanely when they undercut the Church, and they didn't, except as they were swayed by larger global trends. The French Revolution ended laws against homosexuality in France, so not much excuse for Marxist countries.
Good luck convincing the bourgeoisie to give up all their exploration and power. Marxist economics are radical by nature within capitalism.
Under Lenin they were though. You mentioned that it became much worse under Stalin but you neglected to actually give the context of why. Stalin reinstated the Orthodox church during WW2 as a concession to the Russian people who still clonged to the religion. He did this under pressure from the populus who had to keep on his side in order to win the war. With this came many reforms and social policies Stalin didn't necessarily agree with. He of course went along like he wanted to do it but the truth is it was a moment of serious conflict for him.
You're either retarded or don't understand how hypnosis works.
Also, many people are innately immune to it.
Fair enough m8, it's just that that jealousy is a huge red flag. Best of luck and I hope you don't become a hon. At least consider Finasteride if you still have balding left to do
Ah yes, the powers that be, like the current vice-president of the world's most powerful empire. You're too retarded to even recognise how liberals co-opt genuine struggles in order to defang them. You cannot comprehend the logic of late capitalism because you're so deep into ideology that you'd make Zizek choke.
Speak for yourself dumbass, I'm the biggest square in the world, my woman name is the literally most mundane thing in the world. You're insane and deserve to spend a long period of time dealing with your sluggishly progressing schizophrenia.
Because they're hot?
No, you'll always be a male. sex ≠ gender
So they have worked to make sure that men live as long as women?
Back to tumblr, little snowflake
Probably because they actually know or at least care about what men like, whereas most women spend their consumerist lives signalling to other women with unappealing designer clothes, jewelry and shoes.
You can at least meet trans people who have no relation whatsoever to tumblr politics, TERFs seem to exist as an archaic vestigial remainder of 70s feminism and most of their presence is online, they can't even gain traction among liberal feminists, and they're entirely nonexistent outside the colonial metropoles.
Homosexuality was only decriminalised under Lenin
tell me more
why not transmen???
Those wicked, awful 70s feminists.
It's 2016 baby. Feminism today is about pimping oneself out, taking huge loads on the face, and making lesbians suck cock. It's all much more fun and appealing to men now: not like those ugly bra-burners. I bet you're feeling empowerful already!
terfs literally have no presence in the areas of the world where women's struggle is the most radical and crucial, little gringa. Enjoy your angry tumblr blogs.
And hentai-loving twenty year old boys do? lmao
Enjoy being eaten by your cats.
You really do live in a fantasy world, don't you? The miasma of ideology around you is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Sure, but that came along with a revamping of the laws. What's important is not what the laws say, but how they are enforced, and homosexuality was broadly accepted in late Czarist Russia, just like it was in Weimar Germany. Plus homosexuals have a long history of acceptance in Russia.
The first laws appeared during the 19th century, a time of considerable social conservatism in much of the world. However, they were mostly ignored.
Communism was a huge step backwards. In the beginning, it was simply a continuation of the status quo.
Assuming you're a leftist, is this horseshoe theory in action?
See Even the poison of Christianity can't take the blame for this. Russia had been Christian for centuries without gays being bothered too much.
It's kind of amazing, really, that strident communists would defend the history of their movement's treatment of homosexuals and other sexual minorities, especially when you look at countries not burdened with an Abrahamic religion:
If you're a tankie, you might just as well go full Holla Forums and say you are against LGBT instead of attempting to excuse the history.
Since we're on the subject of Maoism:
If you look like a hot woman, you're a woman.
If you have a penis, it's even better.
I can't imagine being a monosexual tbh, it's really weird to me. If I can fap to it, I can fuck it.
Capitalists didn't "co-opt" the tranny "struggle", capitalists wholeheartedly endorse it because trannies pose no threat whatsoever to the system, as they are the end result of the mindless consumerist worship of the Self. If you want to take genderbending drugs and mutilate your cock, fly yo freak flag high gurrrrrrrrrl
Also elites are (or inevitably become) morally dissolute, because that's what great chasms of wealth and power encourage. Yeah, tell us more about how "morality" is a bourgeois invention to keep the proles in line, but by utter coincidence the highest echelons of capitalist have always been more tolerant of homosexuality and other vices than the middle or lower rungs.
You're haunted.
Also you don't know the first thing about being a tranny. Majority of trannies around the world are lumpenproletarian, sex workers in the most precarious of conditions. The contradictions of capitalism not only produce lumpenproletarians, but also absolutely require their existence. Do you know how the struggle has been co-opted? It does nothing to address the severe economic marginalization of trannies, instead it focuses on minor shit like bathrooms and bourgeois talking heads like Catlyn "Porky" Jenner. You've let animeposting trannies from 4chan dictate your entire worldview. You need to either put on the glasses or start eating that trashcan.
Hmmm…it's almost as if most of the mentally-ill without the resources to sustain their eccentricities drift to the edges of society of their own accord.
Because you can't, anymore than you can "address the economic marginalization of schizophrenics" by telling them that yes, God does speak to them, and if people have a problem with that that's on them
Ah yes, I got you, you're a Holla Forumstard who somehow convinced themselves they're a true leftist and knows exactly how to treat trannies, as if trying to cure the trans away hadn't been attempted for decades, with no positive results. Trannies are poor just because they're crazy and not because there's systems in place to prevent them from achieving employment, bitches just need to pull themselves by their bootstraps lmao
Well, honestly I think you're a mix of hopeless utopians, embittered malcontents, and useful idiots tagging along behind wherever liberalism leads because Hey, we like gays, trannies, blacks, and refugees too! DON'T YOU WANT TO HEAR ABOUT CLASS WARFARE AND THE CONTRADICTIONS OF CAPITALISM
i am a trans woman. my name is megan. here is a picture of me, right now. this is how i dress.
SO stereotypical and pornographic rite
you're very cute
A hole is a hole
wew hefty shitposting day
what even is the deal with TERFs? I'm a guy who knows little about feminism but they seem nuts
thank you im flattered
reactionary second wave feminists who sometimes make good points but are mostly a pain in the ass.
More because of the problems of transitioning while holding a job. That is thankfully not as big a deal today as it was 20 years ago, but it's still obviously an issue.
The ones who can do the transition easily and are smart enough to land a husband or significant other will usually fly off the radar, and it's the escorts and porn stars and cam girls often leading unhealthy lifestyles that remain visible.
Definitely passable. Good for you, Megan.
im honestly suck of trannies, you people are .2% of the population. You're not important enough to pay attention to, get over yourself.
Most TERF arguments are pretty sound.
Do you honestly believe that trans women are the same as regular biological females?
because you fucking people never shut the fuck up about how trans you are. It's annoying, i have nothing against trans people but im so sick of you people pretending that you're some important demopgraphic thay everyone has to care about. I'm also sick of the media pusging trannies on us, it's annoying. Again, you people are .2% of the population, you're not important.
Its fucking spooky to care, just let people do what they want. It doesn't help that TERF's/SWERF's are insanely no fun allowed in general. I fucking hate anti pleasure feminists.
grow up pollack
so we can be ruled by the masters of persuasion
We know. This is why libfems are so popular now. They don't ask for any introspection on the part of men and just pen "I let my boyfriend slap me around and fuck me in the ass–but I'm still a feminist" thinkpieces.
when i read rhetoric like this, all i read is "women cannot make informed decisions for themselves about how they have sex."
You seem like a nice enough boy. I don't take issue with your hair or makeup, just your ownership of womanhood. You can carry yourself in exactly the same way as you are now but recognize you're a man. What about that is unacceptable to you?
The percentage of partners who need to be "talked into" having anal sex (not pleasurable for most people) has ballooned as a result of pornographic norms dominating male sexuality. Many guys have come to expect it at this point.
People need to be clear about their boundaries but practically speaking, that's difficult when you are with somebody you love.
because youre booting me and my sisters out of feminist discourse when we clearly belong there.
"male socialization" is real. i agree with you on that. doesnt mean i in my current state am anything close to a man.
i call myself a woman, when someone genders me.invorrectly i call them out on it. 9 times out of 10 they have an issue, and three times out of 10 they make fun of me. they yell at me. they call me tranny. sometimes, they ask to see my boobs (i have real boobs because my body runs on estrogen) or they ask to see my dick. men send me dick pics when i try to talk to them about revolution. trans women have their appearances dissected on a daily basis. any feature on us can be perceived as "not feminine enough" and we are treated like monsters.
a black woman has a different experience than a white woman. a trans woman has a different experience than a cis woman. a rich woman has a different experience as a poor woman.
our culture views trans women with a different but just as woman hater gaze as cis women. thats not "ownership of womanhood", thats intersectionality. women are not a monolith.
fair, whats your point tho? most of the "libfems" i know would agree with you, but they wouldnt just decide that when a woman wants to be spanked, she cant possibly know what shes doing. thats condescending as fuck and arguably woman hateric.
FFS, i forgot that mi so gyn istic filters to "woman hateric".
what are we even doing here, sister?
That sounds difficult and I'm sorry to hear that.
I think we both agree on the need to carve out space where people like you can present and behave as they please, but to do so while calling oneself a woman reinforces so much historical hatred of women about "female nature" imo. I also worry about this medical approach pathologizing all gender non-conformity, pressuring femme gays, butch lesbians, or even just plain tomboy/tomgirls into believing there lurks a fundamental biological flaw within their behavior that needs to be addressed with medicine.
ftr im not wearing makeup, idk if that matters to u but i dont even know how to do makeup.
The trans definition of womanhood is that it's a kind of victimhood. "Woman" is defined only by sexual oppression or hatred. They didn't invent that idea, post structuralists did, but thats all being a woman is now. To be a woman is to experience hatred of women.
Also trans men are again conspicuously absent from a discussion of gender and intersectionality for some reason.
I just think it would be nice if the default assumption weren't that all women are into violent and painful sexual practices. If somebody wants to be spanked or anally violated, maybe wait for them to ask you first? It can get very tiring maintaining constant vigilance against these sorts of overtures, and I think the expectations that men have are indeed a direct consequence of pornography.
Why not some kind of affirmative model? She asks first.
i couldnt agree with you more.
i understand those concerns. i share them. hrt and srs are massive undertakings that should be carefully discussed
why is all the impetus on us? were not trying to make womanhood into a stereotype. i barely conform to female gender norms and yet i call myself a woman because im claiming an identity for myself from a society that would rather call me a creature.
Then you just have naturally healthy lips I guess.
"We" may not include you, since we're having a reasonable back and forth and I'm sorry if anything I wrote earlier was exceptionally mean-spirited.
But I hope you can recognize toxic tendencies among some of those who identify as transgendered–especially those coming from a 4chan background.
I just think libfems are a naive in their enthusiasm for intersectionality. They go beyond believing that transgendered individuals can be feminists and assume its a feminist act in itself. This is simply not my experience interacting with many such people.
you're really fucking cool and i hope you have a great day
ty fetty, youre a real one.
gotta leave bc my phones gonna die, once i get on my pc i can continue. keep this thread alive
will do. how long have you been transitioning if you don't mind my asking?
What a hottie godayum
you look like those metal fans
how can I get a qt left wing trans gf
It's to piss off reddit.
A bit like saying "Man" is defined only by violence or domination, and that to be a man is to hate women. A disgustingly simplistic view.
Who is this semon demon?
I think to accomplish this we need to attack the societal norms that allow men to have these expectations in the first place, without attacking women for having their own sexual fantasies and wanting to explore them.
Why burden the woman with more work?
It's okay, here's a couple points of mine
1. There are obviously some real fucking perverts who just have a crossdressing fetish and have never experienced dysphoria and are just applying the trans label to legitimize themselves. These are the exception and not the norm. I believe we can respect these people's names and pronouns while critiquing the societal norms that create people like this.
2. There are trans women who transition late in life and have had a lot of success, much of it owing to being perceived as a man by society. They still belong in feminist discourse, but obviously it is appropriate to bring this muh privilege to attention. This can be done while still respecting their identitiy.
3. I think LGBT is a feminist act because all the letters represent rejections of traditional gender norms. Even the stupid trans women who talk about "being a lady" and such are still rejecting gender roles by their very identifying as a woman when they are MAAB.
One more thing I guess is that while I also find it deplorable that some transwomen think you need to be super feminine, that their wearing lipstick or panties is what "truly made them a woman", the "femininity coaches", these are all complete bullshit. But I implore you to look at it from their perspective. Trans women, we know we are not men. Are we women? I think so, I wouldn't force you to think so. We are desperate for acceptance. All of us. Gender dysphoria isn't just feels. It's a real separation from your body and the entire "you" that people have perceived. It's an awful thing to go through, it's laborous, frightening, and humiliating. We want someplace to call home. All of this applies to trans men too, btw. Not sure if I'm being entirely coherent here, I'm very tired, but hopefully this helps you understand why so many of us are so desperate to "pass" and to be perceived as "real women" by you and society.
So then, what is a woman?
there is no such thing as a trans
if you transitioned, then you're either male or female
everything else is attention whoring
kill yourself you degenerate capitalist product
A spook.
Is there no way for men to be, but women must be half-workers?
What do you mean by this?
I'm quoting a Shakespeare play. Do you believe that a "man" can exist, born, whatever, without their mother? If so, how can you reconcile such corrupting influence and negativity with yourself?
The best part about anarchism is that any prefix or suffix is literally IDPOL.
Anarchists don't want to govern you and if you do not ask them for a word or an action they will not come to you with one. Fuck off.
Read Lacan reeeeeeee
You are not trans fam, you are a feminine subject of desire.
neither a female/male "le you have dik = you are man xddddd" nor a trans.
just feminine subject, are you ok with that ?
+thx for posting qt face
I'm still not sure what you mean. Do you mean to say that we are purer and more positive than men? I do not think this is true. Just look at Hillary Clinton, or me, or your mother, even.
Sex is biological.
How you dress and act is your own business and you have no right to yell at people who call you mam or sir based on your appearance. Now fuck off and stop trying to legalize transgender surgery on fucking children.
Opening up this question to the entire thread, not just trans-face-poster, although I am curious about what they have to say.
What is a woman?
No. That is the opposite of what I am saying. Instead I mean only that femininity is negativity and that subjects who posses this dark substance are just temporary and futile disruption. It is not called femininity by way of, strictly, women who are oppressed or those who liberate themselves from sorority, but by a certain energy which is not aggressive, only available as an anti-symbolic dimension.
Meant 4 ffs:
Nobody is doing that you dumb Holla Forumstard.
Its kind of funny because I am a sub, but pretty much anything that arouses someone born with a penis is patriarchal to you people. Not that any of this matters, how fucking spooked do you have to be to get pissy over what they choose do in the bedroom anyway?
A spook.
Of course some of you want that.
what does this even mean? Like these 'anarchists' want to take the monopoly on force from one accountable group to one other unaccountable groups? And why 'trans women' in particular?
You are cute!
You're really cute and I'd cuddle you 24/7.
Post more
As long as we have a world where cuties can be freely appreciated, it's alright. Conservatives want to remove femboys and need to be gulag'd.
bump for cute traps
I mean it isn't all that bad to be in the aesthetic purgatory where its: Androgynous—[You]—Manly-Man-Handsome; to be honest I think that's the area that a lot of guys tend to be in, anyway.
Pic related. It's me
So what you are saying is that you are more special and unique and interesting than a regular plain anarchist? Gee whiz
You look like a FtM
That's probably because I'm a fat fuck and because of how my body contains fat, I got man-titties
Their is no reason not to be accepting of trans women. Language evolves, and their is no harm in expanding the definition of woman or man to include trans people. We already redefined male and female to include people who are intersex or androgen/estrogen insensitive who don't have XX or XY chromosomes. Furthermore, having a penis doesn't automatically make someone male, because that implies that gender is entirely defined by a person's reproductive ability, but in practice we never do that when it comes to cis people's genitals. If a cis woman can't give birth, we don't suddenly refer to her as a man. On the other hand, since a trans woman can't give birth, she suddenly is suddenly considered a man. This is a double standard used by autists who hate trans people. In the end, all arguments against accepting trans people boil down to "trans people are different from me and make me feel uncomfortable, therefore I'm going to come up with bullshit arguments to justify my bigotry, instead of accepting the fact that people who don't conform to my ideas about gender/sexuality exist."
you look dead inside
Why do people make up ideologies using words they don't know
I'll be vehemently opposed to "transarchy" aka trans rule
you fucking morons
I'm trans face poster
A fluid label applied to a range of persons, who may or may not have functioning female reproductive organs.
No. I hate this absurd leftist attitude to language. Just because it's flexible over time doesn't mean you can warp it around your theory however you like, by legislative decree if necessary. A woman born without reproductive capacity is still a woman, it's considered a medical issue that affects women. A man born without a penis has a medical or developmental issue that affects men. Doesn't mean you just can add and subtract characteristics and get "less man" or "more man", who thinks language works like this? MtF and FtM can just be considered trans, what's the issue with simply being different, and approaching the social issue as acceptance of differences? Pro-tip: there's none.
There is no such thing as a trans struggle. It is another movement liberals latch unto, the most typical expression of late capitalist "fashion" identity mutations.
It is NOT the same as women's rights.
There are only two biological genders.
I am not a traditionalist, and crossdressers can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own homes, and go to any place they like being the way they are. But such a thing has nothing to do with the Left, and all of you who embrace this idpol liberal idiocy are hurting the Left beyond belief.
Very cute~
You should really should pluck your eyebrows though. It will help a lot more than you might think towards passing.
No. The reason why you will never be a woman it's not because of the fake vagina and being unable of having children. The reason why you will never be a woman it's because you will always remember that you were born a man and when you look yourself on the mirror you know you weren't always like that. You will never, ever delete that from your brain. It's storaged, permanently unless you get alzheimer's later in life.
Look…i don't hate you. I believe you're just alienated folks that need to receive affection, love and help. You've create this bullshit issue because of alienation. People have so much, yet they're unhappy, so they start to believe that a sex change operation will give them happyness.
But i'm willing to change my belives if you want to. You can explain your perspective and i'm willing to read with an open mind, because like i said, i don't hate you, nor i fear you, i can still respect you.
It seems that I have pretty "heavy" eyelids, so my straight face makes me look kind of like Mandy or Nihilist Cat
people on this board who hate transgender people or other LGBT people for whatever reasons are either false-flagging nazis who are using divide-and-conquer tactics to cause tension and fractures in the left or are misguided leftists who are thinking about this the wrong way.
There's something to be said about the tumblr sjw crowd who have 50 genders, but them being ridiculous doesn't mean they don't have some sort of valid dissatisfaction with how enforced our society's gender roles are. They're ridiculous and are living proof of how much damage the cancer of abrahamic religion has caused our species.
Gender roles are a spook. People should be allowed to modify their bodies to be as feminine or masculine as they please. Going by genetics is meaningless when we're a few years away from being able to use CRISPR to radically change the genetic makeup of somebody. People have ownership over their bodies and what they do with it, even if it means they want to fucking drink themselves to death. (spoilers: we let this happen and are 100% fine with it, but the minute somebody starts taking estrogen, steroids, or any other medicine/technology to modify their body people flip their shit)
Who fucking cares, let people transition and call themselves what they want. fun isn't real. The real enemy, as always, are porkies and fascists. Being LGBT doesn't mean your labor becomes less valuable or anything. I mean fuck, Alan Turner was a homosexual and that man was a genius who contributed a lot to winning the war vs. the Nazis by effectively cracking a lot of complex cryptology systems.
The cult of existentialism perpetrated Max Stirner and the 68ers is reactionary, hedonistic, anti-scientific counter-revolutionary garbage.
I agree but suckling on the techno-scientific elite's anti-philosophical masculine clitoris is pretty bad news, spoogboasters are just annoying little fags on image boards.
Science and its studies are tools and can be used for reactionary, neutral, or revolutionary purposes.
It's important to put some stock faith in science, but also important to remain critical of it and acknowledge that there are popular 'scientific' studies that have been done on horrifically bad science that would not stand up to proper scrutiny or a re-do on any experiments performed to reach a conclusion.
t. an engineer
On the subject matter: "Gender" itself does not exist. Genetics exist, chromosomes exist, but they only affect how your bodies are /expected/ to grow. They do not determine phenotype as much as people would like to say they do. Most people on earth decide somebody's gender based on their phenotype (looks), not their genotype (genetic makeup); this is because it is impossible to factually know somebody's genotype outside of a genetic test. Otherwise we'd be telling those non-transgender XY women who were born with androgen insensitivity that they are men.
You can't label the mass majority of people as men or women based on their phenotype but then conveniently switch to calling transgender people men or women based on their genotype. It's hypocrisy of the highest caliber; and hypocrites go to the gulags.
No one cares about your 'holy vagina'. Fuck off back to your echochamber.
Maybe it was typed in error, but I think this is a little off tbh.
Generally, male & female describe sex.
Man & woman, boy & girl, masculine & feminine describe gender.
Having a penis or a vagina is a primary sexual characteristic, so putting aside very rare intersex cases, you can reliably assign sex based on the genitalia someone is born with.
Bailey Jay is a male, Buck Angel is a female (sex). At the same time, Bailey Jay is a woman, Buck Angel is a man (gender).
Sex will never change, but gender can.
Trans people are fine but the genderfluid meme should stop
Saying this makes many people defensive/uncomfortable, but due to the existence of intersex people even our understandings of male and female as sexes is not really set in stone.
Subtitles for those who don't speak feminist:
What part do you think bothers people? I personally think that acknowledging up front that sexes can't change overcomes most of the conservative criticisms of transgenderism, and everyone else does seem to understand that sex and gender are two different things.
Without a doubt, but for the purposes of general discussion and everyday identification, that works well enough.
Whether or not it will give them "happiness," for some it gives them peace. People don't enter into doing something like that lightly. It's honestly kind of weird how people say things like this as if it never occurred to anyone that there were alternatives to sex change surgery.
Unfortunately, they don't seem to work. I saw someone do an interesting post about how psychedelics helped them to overcome their being uncomfortable with their own genitalia, which is awesome, but there's not much other information on this.
The desire to shift gender for what works best for you and what makes you feel most comfortable seems pretty normal/healthy once you get outside the restrictive box of bad beliefs instilled by religion and other factors. OTOH, I do think a level of discomfort with your own genitalia that you would have them modified/removed is a form of mental illness. That doesn't change the way you treat it though.
That was not uncommon at all for almost all of pre-modernity.
This, stop being retarded people.
What is the leap from treatment to a political agenda based seemingly on transforming society for its own sake to accommodate a mental illness, rather than focusing on treating the symptoms of that illness, for instance with therapy? Changing the conception of man and woman is fundamentally different to other accommodations, like wheelchair ramps and epilepsy warnings, and you can't accommodate forever, or we wouldn't have any repetitive visual patterns at all in cases of severe (actual) autism. Can you imagine accommodating society around every delusion, dysmorphia, emotional distress? It's impossible, ridiculous. So why the focus on trans? People are perfectly entitled to question this, and the leap leftist trans activists make to "you're literally killing us because it makes us suicidal" is holding society hostage with suicide… which is in fact a known abusive behavior when interpersonal. Probably not the healthiest way to conduct "progress".
Any sort of "anarchism" embarrassing.
Usually touted by pimple-faced, sheltered teens who think shouting "NO RULEZ!!" makes them look cooler.
I'm a male and wholly accepting of trans people, but there's something I don't get about MtFs:
In order to become an attractive grill, you have to lose muscle mass. Possibly a lot of it. Is this not a terrible loss? You'll become weaker, and if you take hormones, you'll stay weaker.
share you cunt
sexual liberals are the revisionists of feminism
transgenderism is the de-stalinization of feminism
In the age of firearms this doesn't mean much.
To clarify, I don't think transgenderism itself is a mental illness, but genital dysphoria is. Not all transgenders have this, not even sure if a majority of them do. You could certainly make an argument that people transitioning later in life in a way that upends everything they've built would also be a sign of mental illness, but they have probably felt that they have been living a lie for most of their lives.
I don't think we are changing it. I'm not arguing for "50 Shades of Tumblr Genderqueer" a narcissistic pursuit that usually does not correspond to anything that anyone would want, much like the fat-acceptance movement.
Trans and gay activists today are generally horrible people who are unintentionally fomenting a backlash against their own communities.
and also, if oppressive patriarchal beauty standards weren't around I could look any way I want.
Shit like this is proof of why we still need a radical approach to feminism. We completely acknowledge that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and also use meaningless words like "attractive girl". This total contradiction, for me, is what implies a patriarchal culture of beauty that continues to oppress women in the 21st Century and beyond.
Why do we need large muscles?
Do you also advocate for women and thin men to take testosterone injections in order not to waste their muscular potential?
You can look any way you want. Likewise, people whose looks you like can avoid you because of the way you look. It's a two-way street, fatso.
First of all, alienation in the economic of marxist sense is not responsible for creating transgenderism. Being transgender is a psychiatric phenomenon that pre-dates Capitalism by thousands of years. If you are talking about alienation in the sense of general depression and sadness, then being transgender is not a symptom of alienation. Its usually the other way around, being transgender causes someone to feel alienated. As for the claim that a trans woman can't be a woman because she used to be a man, this argument doesn't make any sense, because gender is different from biological sex. Biological sex is what someone physically is, whereas gender refers to the cultural/psychological factors that constitute femininity and masculinity. Transgender people typically realize that their gender doesn't match their biological sex at a very very young age, sometimes around the age of 2. A transgender woman always has been a female even before she transitioned. The only difference is that her appearance finally conforms to the gender she wishes to live as after medical transition. For the most part, changing one's appearance to match one's gender helps relieve the symptoms of dysphoria, and that is why transgender people do it.
lmfao, im a lesbian.
Pretty sure something which is as integral to someone as gender identity cant be understated. Its hard not for it to be a "big deal", dont be stuck in the gender binary….
You might as well put your trip on now and tell us the rest of your life story.
Is this even real?
Transwomen are one of tbe most oppressed people?
So you are a straight dude, who likes wearing dresses?
*tusken raider noises*
Don't you want to work transphobes to death to have commodities and sell them to buy your estrogen ?
Thanks for the pdf and answer
There's been decades of attempts at treating gender identity disorder as you would treat any other disorder. This has been a complete and total failure and done more harm than good to patients. The current treatment of accepting transgender people as their stated gender and allowing them to transition has so far proven itself the only remotely effective treatment to dysphoria.
In fact, transgender people tend to be forced into lumpenproletarian status because of their identity, don't let porkies like Caitlyn Jenner fool you, transgender people who develop class consciousness are our allies. The danger of identity politics is not that it recognizes the marginalization of different groups of people, it's that it turns the energies of these people towards liberal reformism and division rather than towards understanding the function their oppression serves for capitalism - the ultimate enemy.
People who are not trans seem to believe we make these decisions lightly, that we don't try to make it go away in ways that don't mark us permanently as part of a demographic that many see as circus freaks. They're wrong, the average age of transition is still late 30s, people try to repress these feelings for as long as they can, and its only because of cultural shifts in the west that people are starting to be able to transition earlier, yet even with these cultural shifts, a lot of transgender people undergo a lengthy period of attempting to repress their own dysphoria and only transition when they discover those feelings never go away with any other methods. Hell, the whole "chopping your dick off" meme requires approximately two years of living your life as a woman to even be considered acceptable for you because it's such an irreversible process that it is understood that you need to be able to take the time to seriously consider if you want to take this step.
how come we get all the ugly autistic communist trannies with fragile egos and Holla Forums gets all the cute ones?
t. Holla Forums
The fact that people waste so much time giving attention and talking about a tiny group of mentally ill people when there's much more serious things going on tells a lot about the current stage of the propaganda spectacle we are living in.
we wouldn't have to talk about them if right-wingers weren't so homicidally butthurt about their existence
you're the mentally ill one btw
Because how else are they going to get sugar daddies without capitalism?
A woman's place is in the factory or battlefield, not her first cousin's bedroom.
is tyhat a real gun? you faggot.
i don't answer to meanies
Yugotrap why are you so fucking velma-tier kawaii?
i dunno
i don't even wear makeup most of the time
No T does that to you i guess
you fucking health hazard STD's spreader.
You're looking for reddit, they like joke ideologies.
>>>Holla Forums
I'm afraid some proofs are required in order to validate your statement. like a pic of your boipussy, with timestamp plz*
oh boy.
you are begging for a trip to Siberia aren't you?
wew lad…
fuck it i blocked his posts
Because the political right embraces gender roles, at least to a limited degree.
That means the political right is going to attract more feminine women, and the political left is going to attract Tumblr-tards and genderqueers. And that's not even getting into the fat-acceptance movement.
To present a stark contrast via pictures….
The faggots in those pics really trigger me.
The first one is a heterosexual woman, the other is probably just desperate for any love they can find.
I bet you're cute