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Video Games #109
Video Games
WWE 2k17 Thread
So the Pokemon Sun and Moon demo came out in NA and has been out for Nipponese region e-shop for a lot longer...
Shooter of the year
Why aren't we emulating a PS3 by now? PC gaming far surpassed it after only a few years after its launch...
Good Android/Smartphone games that aren't too casual
Neptunia Thread
Welcome to Publisher Inc., user!
Do you know jap?
Be horror protagonist
What's a game, be it online or single player, that lets me play a crusader in a fantasy setting
What went wrong or was it just average enough for no one to really care?
XBOX Thread
Resident Evil 7
4 AM
VR Kanojo heading to America in January
Will she ever stop getting roles?
Holla Forums Musical is done: The real one anyways
Friendly reminder Battleborn flopped so hard. There a good chance we won't see a Borderlands 3...
8 Chan Official RPG tier list
Are there any good places on the internet to discuss videogames Holla Forums?
How does one make friends in video games?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: For the Waifus, The Worst Nightmare of Gamergate Edition
Characters that did nothing wrong
What games have some sex/sexiness? Not straight up h games, but a segment or area with nudity...
Psychonauts 2 needs to sell 2mil at 60$ to break even
Which RPG class do you usually go for?
Bad Endings in Vidya
New Games Thread
Got Your Pre-order In Yet?
Where do you get your gaming information other than this place?
PC gaming in Japan
Last Guardian thread
Tfw someone on your team bullies you
Game set in the distant future
What are your favorite vidya doujins? These are my fav ones
Good god
So what is your opinion on the CRPG Resurrection Holla Forums?
What are some moments in vidya that blueballed you? Moments where they hyped up something epic...
Kicked by admin
100%ing games
SS13: Security Babbysitters Edition
Good indie studios thread
Books that would make great video games
ITT: Game titles that did not explain the game itself at all whatsoever
How many games this gen do you actually consider must play games?
PS4 Hidden Gems
Best Combat System for Turn-Based RPGs?
Is Chipp Zanuff the first weeaboo character in videogames?
FINAL FANTASY XIV General: Anything can happen on Halloween edition
I wasn't paying attention
Space Thread: Comfy Re-Entry Edition
Chart Thread (with possible revisions)
Why does Modern warfare remastered graphically looks better than Infinite warfare?
Censoring Black Goku name on Xenoverse 2
Hentai Games Thread
Modded Skyrim
Enter noob lobby
Red Dead 3?
Was there a moment in any game you've played that made you feel completely angry...
Holla Forums Why is the Xbox One outselling the PS4 lately...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Online: Diamond is Unbreakable Expansion Pack
Amateur Game Development General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Elder Scrolls Thread
Shantae, shovel knight and mighty number 9
So I borrowed a friends origin account to give BF1 a try because he gave his shekels for the free trail and I was met...
Terrible game design thread
What killed this franchise?
Hey Holla Forums, how would I go about geting a boyfr– friend to play Wakfu with on a regular basis?
What are some games that really push hardware either old or new to its limits? Vid related
4 AM
GDQ needs to die
Yo-Kai Watch Thread
Battlefield 1 General - No Poorfag Edition
If PC is the master race then why are all the online multiplayer games full of hackers?
Video Game Music
Kill The Industry
YTPMV/Otomad thread
What games have the most hardcore drones defending it?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: What does wait for us in 2017 Edition
Griefing thread
Super mario 64 general
Flash Games
Webm Thread: I'm out of ideas for editions Edition
What sacrosant games didn't you enjoy?
ITT you will argue about which video game characters are the strongest warrior in all of:
No thread about this
Are there any RPG's where you can play a monster?
Why No VR Mecha Games?
Okay let's be frank here
What are some games that it's against the rules to criticize on Holla Forums?
Playing handhelds on TV
No server browser
/OGC/ - Racing Vidya Thread - MEME CARS EDITION
Windows 10
Is there a more redpilled video-game lore than that from Elder Scrolls? It has it all...
Why are so many games today go so crazy with lighting effects? Tone it down, people!
Shit seems to be fixed
What's the point of VR if you can't even punch people?
God damn I wanna fuck this nigger. When the fuck is her game coming anyway...
Anybody know what happened?
New speed run
Why do people even like this garbage?
James Bond Vidya thread
Wii U Habbening thread
SMT Thread: FullHD Aspect Raidou Edition
Who is the biggest traitor in vidya?
Are there any games out there with lore and setting as crazy, exotic, and strange as Morrowind?
Stop bitching about stuff and fucking play video games
Xbox one repair help suggestions
Emulation General
Overwatch: Transcendence Edition
Game has a goodies folder
I feel like playing an RPG maker game, something good you guys could recommend? Also general RPG maker thread
That Gearbox check must have been very big
Team Sundown-Three deserviced. Helix-Timco active and intercept, Leader 12 out.
IW Beta
University organizes lan party
Project Reality
Battlefield 1 General
4 AM
What are some decent Holla Forums youtube channels?
Draw thread
Miyamoto was once an eccentric, humble lovable elder and driving force of Nintendo's creativity
Mfw every pc game will be 100+ GB in the future
Obsidian's Tyranny is rearing its head
Scalebound is shit
Bloodborne Thread
A popular skyrim modder was so triggered by Donald Trump he took all of his mods down and replaced them with a message...
Tfw paying $30 for 20 gigabytes of internet that frequently is unusable and runs multiplayer games terribly
Legend of Zelda Represents the White Struggle against the Jew
How would a good Frankenstein game be?
Name a game that gave you a fetish or something weird that you now like
Eve Online - Limited f2p coming out soon
The Little Things in Vidya
Anthony Burch thread
PC gamer shadow warrior 2 review docks points because the dialogue hurts his feels
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: We Just Wanted to Play Some Vydia Edition
Difficulty in RPG
Are any of these games worth playing? I'd pirate them and see for myself...
Vidya Halloween
FFXIV General
Webm thread
Rainbow 6 Siege
World of Warcraft: Future and past
Japan Studio
Spookyween isn't that far off
Since every time I try to start a Shiren thread it dies a slow and painful death...
Jew ruined Bethesda???
Linux gaming
The Triforce and Legend of Zelda series are anti-semetic
Is Facebook Disappearing Oculus Founder Palmer Luckey?
Hiding in a barrel
Why do people include VISIBLE points of articulation in figures for games? Just make them like statues...
Interesting concept art
Fifty thousand people used to live here, now it's a ghost town
Why is this being re-released for 60 bucks instead of, say, 10?
Fuck this game, over rated trash
Chinks and pals are the new golden goose on Steam. What are some negative repercussions?
SS13: Life as Clown edition
I skipped PS3 and now I've got one. Buy games for 5$. Is playing last gen cheaply the true masterrace?
Is Killer is Dead any good?
Did all the oldfags move to console and the kids are now on PC?
What is the _A/AA_ GOTY?
Minetest: Minin' for Memes Edition
Real Lives
In the modern world
Let's talk about Japanese games you want to play, but you never ever will play because you can't learn Japanese
ITT we post videogames that actually have a chance of being good
4 AM
Koei's going down the shits with their recent Musou games. While they do seem to be getting more fun among musou fans...
Super mario 64
Zoo tycoon
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Some Smug for Our Soul Edition
How Much Cheaper Will Consoles & PC Parts Be On Black Friday?
What the fuck happened?
Let's have a cosplay thread
Project: Gorgon Thread - Not Wurm Online Edition
Vidya smoking thread
Recc me a game
What are the most influential games from the PC? Games that had impact across genres and platforms...
The last video game character you played as is going to beat you up. How fucked are you?
Gamepad thread
No RTS Thread
/vr/ shill thread
Tfw favorite class (mechanically) is locked to a character type you can't stand (aesthetically)
Hungrybox Quits Engineering Job to Play Smash Full-Time
What's your RPG class?
Cringe thread
World of warcraft is the worst thing to ever happen to video games full stop
Tfw today I sign up for my local college to start studying software engineering to learn to code games
Feminist agenda is a game genre
Low-End PC Gaming Thread
This game is better than GTA V
Endless Legend
How dead is metroid...
What game developers still make expansion packs?
Will a videogame creator win the Nobel Prize of Literature someday in our lifetimes?
SJW bullshit aside, how shit do you know for a fact this game will be?
Post nothing but COMFY games in this thread
Neptunia Thread
So this is on sale right now
Amateur Game Development General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
What is your favorite James Bond game?
Pokemon thread
Overwatch: Trick or treat Edition
Shadow Justice Warrior 2 released
Games nowadays are super productions that need hundreds of people working for years...
Where the hell did everybody go?
Yfw PS4 users are now the majority posters on Holla Forums and the PC users have slowly dripfed back to 4chan
Best games and way to play them
Who else /jumpedshipfromtff2tooverwatch/ here?
3DS CFW+Homebrew: We haven't had a thread in a while edition
Are there any games with redpilling on them?
Play the game posted under your post
Shoot to kill
Witch3r: Hunt Wild
Webm Thread: Japanese Madden Edition
Is anyone else glad that Arcades are dead?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Emergency miniviv Edition
So the PS4 has been out for around 3 years now, what's the verdict so far?
The Division
4 AM
Euclidean WEBdemo
Torrenting sites?
5 Year Anniversary Direct
Which is better Holla Forums?
Games you can play with a single hand? Medical reason's are why I'm asking
ITT post your favorite character in all of videogames and others judge your taste
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - good?
Post games that are easy to play, but hard to master
Which youtube reviewers can I trust?
Serious Sam > Duke Nukem
Games that did things first and better, yet obtained next to no recognition
RPG Maker games
Thoughts on the Uncharted series?
Mafia 3 is still better than Mafia 2
Alright niggers, classic Sega thread
What was the most overrated system of all time?
A Rare Item Drops
Total War thread: Byzantine Edition
Webm Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Message from Kek Edition
What is your opinion on save states/restore points?
Wallpaper thread
Hey guys i LOVE Alton and Coolpecker can WE sell it to a publisher?...
VN Thread
Anita Sarkeesian
Resident Evil
What's the biggest and most soul crushing disappointment you have ever felt relating to video games?
Alternative game sites
Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 confirmed winter 2017
I don't want to be that guy, but this is looking pretty nice
Waifu Wednesday
Starjew Valley
FBI Game Studios Presents
Are their any other games like Corpse Party? Is Yumme Nikki something like that? Or maybe something like mad father...
Jewbisoft sells out of a digital item
I've been mostly an imageboard user since 2010, but wonder if Reddit is a better place after all
These face meshes each had 20% of their information deleted at random...
They just put the ps2 version at 1080p on the playstaton store...
Need for Speed
Let's talk about the greatest display for gaming, CRT! Perfect blacks, beautiful scanlines, no input lag...
Dream of making games
Males should play less video games than females
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
Pick up a rock or some small object that can be easily carried
Why isn't this a game?
Will somebody play DayZ with me? ;_:
Overwatch: Fapoween Edition
Skyrim """Special""" Edition: Just Buy Better Hardware
4 AM
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
Im always running out of ammo in this. I remember some spergs bitching because they ran out of ammo on DooM 4...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Progress Edition
Anton & Coolpecker Devs Begging Cuckchan for Help
What was he doing in there?
Dream game thread?
If I don't have autism, can I enjoy Disgaea (5)?
It's a Peggy Hill Mission
Yfw the Duke re-re-release bombed
Banished / City-builder general
Morrowind/Elder Scrolls leveling system
Promo art looks cool as fuck
Mother 3 (2006) was a prophecy for our time
Salt And Sanctuary
IGN's Mafia 3 Review
ITT: Cool ass moments in an IP you might not know about and will probably be forgotten by the mainstream
ITT: The most feelgood vidya OST track of your childhood
I just found this in one of the threads
What's the worst 'horror' game you've played, Holla Forums?
Steam popular new releases
Why don't most indies use low poly rather than pixel art?
Recommend me the comfiest 3DS games
WEBM Thread
I am a cheapass looking to get into VR
Payday thread
Getting back into Destiny
Battlerite/Arena brawler Thread
Why are there so many games on Steam featuring Donald Trump and no games featuring Hillary Clinton?
FaceRig alternatives
Fullderp: Brave Bird edition
Dead Games, still awesome thread
Many years later, Queintin was right
Criminal Girls PC
Here's a "hypothetical":
Just finished Fallout 1, it was a good time. What kind of build did you guys use for Fallout...
Will there ever be a good Star Fox game?
Final Fantasy 11: Era Server edition
Shadow Warrior 2 devs refuse to use denuvo | Discuss graphical changes
Neptunia Thread
So is Holla Forums prepared for destiny to be the new Overwatch when it comes to PC next spring?
Muhfuggen 3
"This game and it's characters are way too sexualised! Imagine if my girlfriend/wife/sister saw me playing this! I'd be...
Where The Series Should Have Ended
Battleborn thread
It's been a while since the last thread. Can we discuss LISA?
How did Mortal Kombat become more popular than Street Fighter?
Massive game worlds
4 AM
Shadow Warrior 2
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG+#NYS]: I'm Watching You Send Your Emails Edition
Amateur Game Development General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
The Rainy Day Sessions Remastered v2.1
Space Thread: Autism Simulator Edition
ITT enemies that aren't necessarily supposed to be scary, but make you shit your pants and keep you up at night anyway
Gameplay vs Story
No man's sky has officially broken the lowest rating record on steam. It's good to revel in such a failure
Battle music to hit things in the face to
Sickest Moments Playing Vidya Thread
ITT games everyone loved but turned out to be shit in the long run
Find old Nintendo Power magazine from 2004
What are some modern multiplayer games that still take skill to play?
If you guys are so scared of being caught torrenting games, why don't you just get a seedbox?
Undertale rebirth thread
AMD bricked my graphics card with a new driver
Undertale Thread
Indescrite Ito Thread
Fallout New Vegas Help
Unlikely Waifus
Just finished this
Map Thread
8ch exclusive mario retardy is here
Sonic is shit
Dragon Quest: Builders
Game Soundtracks
Oh man, this board is so damn slow
Prey thread
Are there any historical city builders that DON'T force you to use an ugly, modern-era grid system?
Custom Units
New game by Zachtronics
Dev's neglection of their community
Whatchya buyin?
Makes you NOT buy
Tfw want to learn to make 3D anime girls
Growing out of this madness
Fighting Game General: Will it finally be Jubei's time?
"That guy" that swears "duke nukem used to be funny!" not realising he is making the switch from "that guy" to "creepy...
Game Reboots that surpringly hasn't happen yet
Ain't no party like an OC template party
What is Space Station 13?
ITT: Weapons you never use outside the first few minutes of a game
Game Crossovers that You Want to See
Can you name a single 1st party Nintendo release till the NX that isn't Pokemon Sun and Moon without looking for one...
So has Yo-Kai Watch bombed in the west?
People still fall for the old pretend to be a silver knight in anor londo trick in the current year
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
4 AM
Granblue Fantasy General - /gbfg/
Here's hoping V3 is any good
Bethesda "to reconsider regulating mod-making tools for future installments"
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: GaymerGays and Daughteru Benis
Do you remember Holla Forums?
When is the remake finally going to be shown Holla Forums?
What are some good videogames based on cartoons?
Battlestation Thread
Tfw you will never be able to play this game
Harry Potter Games
Age of Wushu Thread - Swallow the Whale Edition
Gamer Fuel Thread
Do you think low poly can become again a popular style among games?
NX shit thread #9120
Wrasslin' Vidya
Games whose name you don't remember
This was made by a single dude using UE4
Tfw you couldn't save her
Is there anything wrong with using procedural generation today?
How would you feel if the Mario used realistic looking renders for the princesses?
Vidya Cringe Thread
Stealth game thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Still Living as a Boogeyman Edition
Should Ganondorf want to fug Zelder?
Poor Furbait never had a chance
Am I on the right track?
Is this the greatest Wario Land game of all time?
PC Gaming thread
This is something I've thinking latelly, so I hope some answers will be nice
What kind of tv do gamecube and wii games look best on? Mainly gamecube games, I only ever play a few wii games
Tfw you are watching an mmorpg based anime and you get a hankering for an mmo game but its never good because WoW...
Love the fuck out of "GAME"
LMGs do less damage then handguns
Freeware Games Thread
Sell me the Tales games
So what kind of weapons would you put into your dream game?
That gun you used for the rest of game as soon as you got it
Frikandel speciaal, kankerlijers
Which Mario Kart was best Mario Kart?
What is best class in vidya ever? For me, playing Blacksmith was pretty unconventional enough to be great
JRPG thread
WebM Thread: Day before canuckistangiving
17 years after the PC port was released, this is still the best driving game ever made, bar none. Yes...
Tomboyish girls in Vyda games
Csgo knife/weapon skin autism
BF1 drops next week? Your predictions? Are we gonna have a salt party?
Why are the japs never creative? They love to follow the trends...
Anybody remember this? (Note that this was made in the early 2000's...
Since I'm tired of seeing this shit art posted everywhere I finally fixed the girls to have bodies accurate to their...
Power Rangers
I think I've finally figured it out. Games were a lot better when they were more influenced by arcade games...
Is it ok for a game to be technically bad, or at least unpolished, if it still manages to be fun and entertaining...
4 AM
Mount and Blade Warband
Howdy, folks!
Steam vs Devs
What do you think of Mario 3d models?
Songs you can't get out of your head
Video Game speedrunner is now a suicidal wreck, insulting and threatening old fans. [Live Stream]
A very Jailbreaking thread, Nintendo Edition
Is there anything worse than clanfags
Dead Fantasy is biased towards DOA
6th gen consoles general
Characters openly mock you when you play on easy
Garry's Mod Thread: What Happened Edition
Big guys
SW2 isn't even out yet
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren's Greed
Early access indie survival game with crafting and zombies
Ever since it's inception Digimon has consistently shat on Pokémon so much it's not even funny
Normies (Get Out)
Was this really as bad as it was claimed to be?
How to ruin a good game
Saturday Night Horror Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Our Cause Will Continue Edition
What are your actual expectations for Metal Gear Survive?
What game are you the best at playing?
Arma 3 (c) Thread (tm)
Video Game movie stream
I wish there was more horror shooters...
RIP Kenshi
ITT: Sequels that improved on gameplay but ruined everything else
What are some games with character creators where i can create brown QTs
SEGA Thread
WebM Thread: Screams Eternal Edition
Finish the following sentence:
Neptunia Thread
You are not alone
Impressive uses of hardware
How shit is it going to be?
Remind me, how long does it take for Sonic go build enough speed to travel to a parallel universe
Paper Mario: Cuck Trash and nu-Fire Emblem
What do you guys think of blizz north's D3?
Are CRAPCUNTS a step up or a step down from generic tacticool FPS games...
Drawthread: drawthread edition
Mafia 3's Gore and Violence
Doom Mods
4 AM
Persona 5
ITT things casuals say
Vita Thread
Are beast races really that unpopular or are devs just lazy?
Smash Bros Thread. Bear In The Big Blue House Edition
Pirate Games
I was 15
Metal Gear Solid 5
/ogc/ - Racing Vidya Thread - DAYTONAAAAAAAAA IT'S BLOWN AWAY edition
I love Sunshine, it's by far my favorite platformer and mario game...
What are some good horror games a kinda Crappy computer can play?
ITT: annoying NPCs in vidya
Tank Thread
Imagine a world without XBOX
Someplace else
Tfw got an email from the gubberment saying that jewvidia has to shell out $30 to me for lying through their crooked...
Is this an ad?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Sound Of Sensha-do Edition
Haydee Thread: Mega Jugs Edition
Emulators' graphical settings
It's time for the stuff
I'm a programmer and my sister is an excellent artist
User plays:
Any good clicker/idle games?
WEBM Thread
ITT: Times vidya implied some really dark shit
Welcome to Camp Navarro. So you're the new replacement…
Bought into muh upgrade meme
What's this pose called? Why does he look so beta?
Smiles you wanted to protct but you couldn't, and it's still stuck on your head
So Gears of War 4 came out
What did they mean by this?
Starship Troopers
Dragon Quest: Builders
Seibah PS4 and Vita available for preorder in Japen
What's a good videogame with killer clowns?
So, at first MOBAs were real-time strategies with a single unit
Why do people play moralfags in RPGs?
Kingdom Hearts Thread
Endless Space 2/Amplitude General
Overwatch: Angle or devul Edition
Playing through Bloodborne now, it's fairly difficult to believe that it was released BEFORE Dark Souls 3
Why do people suddenly defend Doom 3 after nuDoom became popular? Gameplay wise, both games shat on the original Doom...
Honey Select
Fire emblem
4 AM
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Amateur Game Development General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/
Played this game:
IRL "gamer" "friends"
Ace Combat Thread
ITT: characters who got what they deserved
Space Thread: Sieg Kaiser Reinhard Edition
Alright motherfuckers. What's the best Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game?
The new Power Rangers beat em up game looks better than the actual big budget Dark & gritty Power Rangers movie reboot
Anyone else own this piece of shit? The gyro keeps turning on in mind and turning into the mouse. Anyone know any fixes?
The absolute madmen, they actually did it
I am a Star Citizen
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Life is Good Edition
What are some games with good snow levels?
What's in a title?
Let's be real, the game sucks once you leave Hong Kong
Old thread seems to be on its way out
Brionne on the front page!
No Man's Sky sold 750K copies at full price
Deny all that power
Signs a developer just didn't care
Mfw the Dark Souls twitter is now using memes like Sonic's to be down wit tha kidz
Factorio: Fuckloads of Circuits Edition
Washington State Gambling Comission Tells Valve to Stop Facilitating Gambling
Gravity Rush 2 delayed to January
Beloved Games That Will Never Be Remade
3DS CFW+Homebrew
Can we get a Souls thread going? I have no one else to talk builds with
Refugee Simulator 2016
Any essential mods? Are mods essential?
Who here plays this heap of shit?
Mafia 3 Salt Thread
Eternal crusade
Vidya cartoons
Why do these things have to happen?
Doujin games
Reminder that NWN3 will never happen thanks to shitty publishers and MMOs
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...