PC gaming in Japan

Hey Holla Forums it seems like more and more gamers in japan are moving to PC these past few years what do you think this means?

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.co.jp/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_4_4?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=geforce gtx 1060&sprefix=1060,aps,205

fear that I might actually have to "upgrade" to windows 10 eventually if japan starts doing pc oly stuff again

You talking about the 500% growth in Asia on Steam? That's all the other Asian countries.

It means that i wont have to shell out 300 for a dated brick anymore.

I'm sure most nips dont care for PC, for them its a niche hobby. Its all about that gaijin money I guess

Maybe they'll figure out how to run in resolutions other than [email protected]/* */ Or we'll start having access to more Japanese-only games.

Hopefully more Japanese games on PC, and no more console exclusives.

Where are you getting this trend info from, OP?

Koei tecmo, at least have released a lot of games onto PC recently.
Some weeb games of recent memory on steam
and a bunch more I am forgetting. Thing is, most are ports, and of older games at that, but maybe we will see some simultaneous releases soon, like NiER: Automata

I think MGS is probably the biggest and most important one of them.

Look here
But its also alot of Nip devs are into making much more powerful engines and plus a much wider player base.

No. You don't want that. You get downgrades for 'console parity' when that happens.

Instead, you should be hoping for HD re-releases.

More and more of Japan's population have become NEETs and are realizing that consoles fucking suck anyways.

Well think of the simultaneous releases as of late, DS3 and MGSV, I don't think either got a downgrade. NiER will probably get one, but then again how can one downgrade for console parity a game that is primarily for consoles. And it seems to me (though this is mostly speculation) that most nips don't invest muh ebin gaymen rig, so they probably try to make them run on anything anyway. And before someone points out how shit Dark souls and most ports run, they still run equally as shit on most PCs from what I can tell.

Plus people in nip land are like oh shit this isn't to expensive to build if you aren't a retard.

I don't know shit about their PC component market, but I'd assume if they are actually 5 to 10 years ahead of us, techwise, that they could build a PC that could run any PC game on the market at full specs for dirt cheap.

Let's take a look shall we anons?
amazon.co.jp/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_4_4?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=geforce gtx 1060&sprefix=1060,aps,205

user, how do you think this works?
IF they are 5-10 years ahead we would buy our components from them.

It's not really high tech but more like; "lets put a music player in our toilet" - tech. And the government is more willing to use technic - even if it's unsecure.

I suspect some loli version of Unreal Tournament where you fire tentacle rape guns at other opponents in an attempt to violate the enemy team the most.

shit joke aside, I'd play it.

I actually would play this.

But OP, gamers are dead.

You need to spend more time around /agdg/ user

Well shit, I hope the dev makes a thread when he's done who I am I kidding, he's in the /agdg/ thread he's never gonna finish

Fund it.

Japanese gamers are huge casuals

Atelier pc port?

Japan hasn't moved past XP.

so are American ones, what's your point? The majority is always casual.

We got 2 in 2000. Wish we got one released in English.

Forget that ever happening, the Japs were super pissed about the forced W10 update. They lose their shit whenever something changes even slightly, it's why most of their top 10 sites look like they're from the late 90's


WinXP is still incredibly popular there, there's no chance W10 will gain a majority market share in the next 5-10 years. In other markets W10 will become predominant by virtue of new computers being bought but foreign electronics are twice as expensive there thanks to customs duties while made in Japan computers cost significantly more than average prices throughout the world, Japs hold on to their computers for much longer than other nations.

And several of those made in Japan manufacturers were advising their users to not update to W10. They're not even bothering to make drivers for it, Windows 7 or 8 works fine as is.

No, it really doesn't.

no, japanese are like on another level, muricans are like slav hardcore compared to them

Nintendo already made a tentacle loli shooter. Why wouldn't other Jap companies do the same?

Again it depends.

Maybe if that wiiu emulator finishes we could have nude mods for splatoon

But jap devs cant into PC.


You can have that right now, the latest firmware is exploitable. Go learn how to model.

I'm not following


Nothing because Japan is the mobile stronghold and centre of The World

I welcome them.

Pretty sure Japan is going to turn into a very large computer in the next 20 years.

See PC-98.

I don't know why but just looking at it gave me feels. Things were just so much more simple back then. Remember when we could customize our YouTube pages? Remember when online advertisements were brand new? Remember when teenage edgelords everywhere would set their homepages to use fancy cursors that made your cursor trail fire? Remember Gametrailers?

I really fucking miss that time right now. Like I don't know if I can properly describe how much I miss that.

We can dream, can't we?


oh boy, the audience more casualized than westerners coming to PC.

Crash when?


the miracles of FLOSS gaming



I've seen the nip version of Holla Forums they might be more hateful then us.

No kidding, at least every third reply is a death threat, and that just the mild posts.

That's literally not for Japan but for America


If anyone's curious as to what they're playing (outside of hentai VNs which has been known for awhile) it's almost exclusively those Korean-style grindfest "MMOs" and strangely to some extent the Elder Scrolls games, starting with Oblivion. If you find a "cute" outfit mod for female characters for either Oblivion or Skyrim it was likely made by a nip, and Oblivion in particular has a couple very popular nip mods that try to make the combat more like Devil May Cry (with the unfortunate missed opportunity of not calling it "Dagon May Cry")

The mobile market is going to remain there, the japanese console and PC audience is not the same thing.

Who the fuck deleted my post

At least you can still see what older sites were like with archive sites.

I just deleted my post and posted it again to fix a typo, maybe hotwheelz fucked up and deleted yours too since it was made at around the same time.

Commit Seppuku

Commit Seppuku

Commit Seppuku

Commit Seppuku

Commit Seppuku

Commit Seppuku

Commit Seppuku

Do they ball bust Kojima over MGS V's fancy PC port? Does it even run on XP?

Reddit and cuckchan Holla Forums whine that 8/v/ hates video games but japan's Holla Forums equivalents are so fucking negative that literally all I've seen is them do is hate and when I mean hate the hate there is so genuine that I can feel it in my soul.

I think that when the Japanese decide to do something they really go all-out.

Japanese are fucking nuts when they want to be.

smh tbh fam

wow, simply amazing. So much facts and statistics in one sentence. Now I know the premise is true, let's answer with an opinion to this established fact

I don't give a fuck about japs and their pc ineptitude, give back OUR, WHITE MAN'S, WIZARDRY

Look at the nioh stats.



It's looking good fam


PC gaming is as big in Japan as it is in the West and there hasn't been any change. Just because a few new games are appearing on steam doesn't mean anything is changing you delusional fags.

There's no need to be upset.

Toushinsai is supposedly bringing in a bunch

just letting you know nothing's changing so you can lower your hopes little one.

I have no idea what you've just said and it only adds to my confusion.


Salt isn't a flavor, it's a taste…

But EDF has tons of jap players