Japanese game series “Legend of Zelda” Represents the White Struggle against the Jew
Took the ADL long enough.
Japanese game series “Legend of Zelda” Represents the White Struggle against the Jew
Took the ADL long enough.
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This guy is fucking scum.
If he thinks the internet is so horrible why doesn't he get the fuck off it?
We really should have noticed how anti-semetic Nintendo was before this. I mean, look at SMT.
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The definition of bait
Those are the runes Odal and Algiz. When combined, it means something like "fierce or noble spirit/inheritance"
never take the bait. you'll just make it stronger
holy fuck
any and all nord symbols are now intrinsically linked to skinheads t. adl
Speaking of which, the new Jojo should be up.
This makes the Varg cry.
TBH Nintendo deserves this guy
not vidya, but holy shit is that guy retarded
It gets Vidya at the end.
"I think that's messed up"
This is actually true.
Just cuck my shit up.
TLDR: Jews and their MKultra.
Is it confirmed by Nintendo though? Leave theory shit out of this.
Though, to be fair, I'd love the retards at GameTheory to shed light on this.
Wind Waker Ganon has the exact same sob story as every rapefugee. It's confirmed.
I dunno, It's gotta be more in your face like pic related.
I'd love it to be true though, let's hope a breath of the wild sheds more light towards this, especially in these times.
I really dont understand how any of those 14 words can be seen as "hateful"
i repeat this mantra daily to everybody around me. people get annoyed, but fuckem. this shits important.
lol what a fag
Fuck off hylian scum. Gannon did nothing wrong!
He did everything wrong, he failed so hard it's become engrained their collective cultural memory.
It's like no one knows that a subset of punk culture arose independent of muh whiteness.
He only wanted to create more land for the people is that too much to ask?
The point of that equivalent is to slander the working classes.
thats not how land works.
It is with 3 golden triangles.
He was willing to pervert the divine providence the Goddesses set for out of greed and egoism.
The Triforce is a holy relic, not a genie's lamp.
Its a holy relic that grants wishes.
No, it defines reality and is its cornerstone. "Granting wishes" is the last thing it should be used for.
Got the one of Jotaro with "Jewish merchants"?
I wanna have the triforce get link naked.
I wanna fuck Jotaro.
Too bad, unless you're a dolphin. Young Joseph best Joestar
Wait, so Griffith DID nothing wrong, it makes you think…
To be honest, it seems like it's just a rigged game for the goddess. Hyrule is probably like a soap opera to them.
I mean, I understand this is the theme of the series, but I would like to see something a bit new. Like a new enemy that forced the three to act together to keep reality safe, or maybe, with a character like Cia/LanaI know they are not created by Nintendo, but they are in a Nintendo published game, exclusively in a Nintendo console, so, yeah, it's as canon as it gets except for the name. being able to access the whole history of the land, maybe this could be avoided to happen over and over again though the ages.
If the Triforce is so powerful, it could probably break the cycle in an effective way.