
Other urls found in this thread:


Why not just post
since VR is shit.


There's no way that could accidentally trigger fucking constantly or anything.

I'm just confused.
This is clearly ridiculous, but I also feel like there was never going to be a way around it in a AAA market product.

just make the characters react to what you are doing
try do that shit in real life and see what happens

trying to peek up a schoolgirl's skirt IRL would cost you a lot more than $700 I'm pretty sure

Project Diva always did something similar if you attempted to rotate the camera in the module viewer or edit mode.

What the fuck is the point of VR then? Why would anyone shell out 400+ dollars for some googles that can look up girls dresses? I'm able to do that with a bunch of vita games without any problems, hell some vita games even have motion control shit to look up dresses.

Wasn't that only added in the western release?


Why would anyone buy VR in a platform where you can't do nude-mods or run pornVR?

Fucking plebs.

What a shame

Who are they trying to protect with this? What's the point?

no one wants to be the first to give up to pron, but once someone does it, everybody will follow the money, I'm sure I hope

I always knew that tekken guy was a cuck. Somewhere deep within me i never trusted him. He ended up being literal faggot, along with sony as an entity.

Sony is finished. And their VR too. Probably works in Dragon Age Inquisition sex scenes perfectly though.

At least we still have Custom Maid 3d 2.


I think you missed the part where you can't. VR is even worse than shitty vita games for looking at girls.

Oh, I guess I'm better of emulating.

This can't be real. This is like saying "don't buy this, it doesn't work properly".

>hello darkness my old friend

B-but the jooz fear the samurai… r-right guyse?


This nips are fucking awful, the only reason anyone thinks otherwise is weebs shilling 4 them 24/7

calm down user no need for sodomy


Fucking hell, they managed to kill the tiny bit of interest I had in the PSVR. Summer Lessons sounded so promising as well. Do we have to kick start the waifu age ourselves?

No Fucking Way.
Holly shit…



Do you at least have sex ? Last guy I knew who went 6 months without masturbation went on a hooker spree.

KSTV should be airing on [as] alongside World Peace, it's the fucking best shit.


Game over, man.
Game over!

why'd you have to go and kill all the hookers man…



VR is now 100% dead. Cant wait to get $10 VR set now


It is made by Sony. What the fuck did you expect?

Only 3 party software that hasn't even officially even made a deal with Sony (or any of the other VR companies) will be able to make actual porn.

still not that great, though

Yes. If we dont, these prude fucks are going to ruin it all for sjw bux


All the women you will rape after seeing this in-game.

It has only begun


>It will never get good

Happy Manager is going to be shit as well isn't it?



>there are anons on this board right now who thought the PSVR would be a good alternative for zuckulus and the vive

Fuckoff normalfag

If I was a good goy and fell for the VR meme Id still buy a Cuckulus over the PSVR.

We will be deducting .35 cents from your account.

Straight outta facebook

So how many otaku went out and bought these on launch?
And how many are going to be returning their useless purchase?

Pretty good filename though.

I'm still astonished in how you faggots managed to run a 2008 meme into the ground. It's exactly like reddit did with rage comics and you people don't even realize it.

Kult of Kek is pretty pathetic when it comes to occultism. You're worshiping one of the old Niburian "gods" which are the reason why humanity is stuck in spiral of negativity.

Polite sage for off topic.


You've also forgotten that it got put onto the ADL list of "hateful images" recently.

This, everyone who's shitting on the Tekken guy and feeling smug should get a reality check regarding who's the publisher for this turd.

-50 cents have been deducted from your account

Well Sony just lost a ton of money.
Bet 2ch is pissed

Wasn't summer lessopn already confirmned not to come out inthe west because translation would be too much work despite english being already in it

But that somebody who does it first won't do it without expecting some return on it.
If it doesn't sell well in it's initial stage, nobody will follow to make content for it.

Call me when panty shots count as porn and not something you see in 50% of all children's anime.

Go back to cuckchan Holla Forums, crossposting scum.

Only found out about it when normalfags started posting it on Facebook huh?

Some hipster told me it's okay that these headsets are nearly a thousand dollars and locked to a specific platform because it's only for enthusiasts. I hope he enjoys buying a different headset for every platform he owns and only being able to use it in a Publisher-Approved way.

Shonen is not children's anime.

Rage comics are not an expression of white supremacy.


They really don't realize how much they pissed off their fans and japan do they? They neverm mentioned the censorship and many japs bought it because of this. What a bunch of retards. You would think sony would have learned not to cater to SJWs after SFV bombed and their american branches keep screwing over their fans.

The odds are likely that Sony have funded anime with pantyshot fan service in it. It's just that they don't want any flak for it since vidya is more infected with political correctness than vidya and VR has the attention of normalfags.

*than animu

Meanwhile in the PC world…

Vitas alright

U.N also thinks listening to Anita and Zoe are worthwhile things to do with their funding.

Being noticed by the niggers who get paid to notice is hardly worthwhile if anything it exposes us to more cancer like the HACKER ON STEROIDS news reports did.

Is that picture legit? What are they going to do with those pepes?


What will they do when this backfires and young japs are taught a women's nether regions are a black pit of endless despair?

Are all the 3 options for VR fucked now or which one is allowing porn?

Crash the rare pepe market.

I'm right again. If all these shit failing ideas keep up and show dumbasses how not to make money the hard way, we should finally have consistent releases of actual good games within a few years. Guess I'll just spend my money on the cardboard jew for Yugioh.


It's a legit porn game btw.

None of the peripherals do that, that shit is on the games themselves.
Platform for porn is the PC.

Which is funny considering that games like Witcher 3 and God of War show full blown tits.

Nah :)

The second this showed up everyone should have been able to figure that out.

Was expecting no less, hopefully its not shit.

Come on now

Now that I can pirate the games and get one second hand cheap, it is.

wageslaves btfo

Straight up rip off "summer lesson" with porn.

I likes some of their games guy, they're hit and miss.

Dead in the water


Lamar pls

Sounds ok to me
But can you rape her?

I wouldn't call anything Illusion puts out "shit."

What I WOULD call everything Illusion puts out is "full of potential but woefully unfinished."

Im betting that they're making a translation for this game and that it will be censored.
Either that or they are finally seeing potencial in the western market and have finally moved over the Rapelay burger normalfag autistic fit since Nip porn has been selling like mad recently.

why do all 3d jap games have these retarded down syndrome lips

absolutely disgusting

What in the fuck are you talking about?

The new demo is coming soon

They couldn't even be tasteful about it and add custom animations and reactions from her about it.

I already lost interest when they cut moved to DLC the blonde waifu. This is just the final nail, bravo Harada.

Did anyone really want a followup to Real Kanojo and with only one non-customizable heroine at that.

look at the lips in illusion games and the ones in OP's pics

What is this censored bullshit?

but, user, that's because they're asian

you can see visible seams on the back in that promo shot.
i give you my anonymous guarantee it will be shit.


I can't wait for all the sexually frustrated virgins to snap and begin openly raping 3D women in the streets to alleviate their anger and blueballs. The last straw is coming soon, if this wasn't it.

it's just console cucks getting cucked, nothing to take to the streets over. they ask for this kind of crap.

it's christian image board approved version

What said.

also this isn't Harada's fault, it's entirely Sony's fault


Is there a harpy for that?

Nips are fucking retarded though and don't build gaming PCs, they depend on consoles.



this. Sony has always been full-jew. Harada doesn't give a fuck about petty moral shit like this. Sony probably forced this shit into all their VR exclusive.

As for Miku in paticular, SEGA has always prevent you trying to see upskirts since after Project Diva F. Pesky Sega….I need that Miku booty


got anymore at least what that is from

I always wondered what holding a bird is like. I bet it feels soft.


probably because SEGA doesn't own Miku.

Americans. They've become too sensitive.


What's that sound in the background around 16 seconds in and onward?

Why are there actual human beings think that any type of fantasy (i.e. violent, sex, or whatever) can effect another human badly? How did they got that mentality in the first place?

Nigger you fucked up.

what a terrible opinion

Monster Girl Island

I don't think there are any harpys yet but the dev is still adding girls based on votes.

I know you deleted your post, it doesn't change the fact you fucked up.

I'm more into girls that look like monsters than cosplay, mate.

They didn't "get" that mentality, they just use that mentality to push their ideology. I don't think anybody in their right mind actually believes this shit.


so you're a furry?

forgot pics

You're a /monster/ poster, I see?
Clearly this is furry :^)




Game shop employee here, you need a playstation camera for the VR headset to even work, so im guessing that was just him moving outside the camera range.

Why cant i stop staring

Nice inspect element skills user :^)

How the fuck does that pass for sexy ? You know I used to burn elves on the cross for shit smaller than that.

go to the thread in /monster/ or /hgg/ and ask if he's gonna have it or request the dev to put it in.
I havn't been to the threads in a while but he was still posting there last I checked and was looking for feedback.

it's called monster girls, get some taste faget

Get out of your fetishes instead. They ain't doing you any good.

Nigga I'm with him, monster girls are great if you like titties, nape and navel but if you like ass, thighs your shit out of luck.

Unless its a slime girl or those wolf girls with wolf feet but human legs.

Girls are not some fucking mystical creature that are always humanoid.
Pics related are all girls.

nah, you're only out of luck if you like dick


But those aren't even unusual (except for maybe the middle)
Slutty bee and slutty octopus are kinda mainstream.


Who else would it be?


Holy fuck user spoiler that shit.
Where the fuck did you find these sluts?

1st one has insane thorax to abdomen ration, like holy fuck would I shove that down my Urethra.

2nd is wearing some insane see through lingerie, I can see inside it.

3rd This doesn't really need any explanation, octupi are incredibly sexual creatures, with several arms for handjobs, nipple teasing and anal fisting? anal tentacling?

Either way, you are truly a patrician of quality taste.


human parts are for casuals

Post more baby seals, faggot.

Fucking do it right now.

t. nigger

Just to add on to that.
Imagine a tongue in your ass, now imagine that tongue is a meter long, more flexible then a tongue and can produce its own mucus, now imagine that this 3 meter tongue has little nubs on one side.

Imagine one of those suckers finding your prostate and lightly suckering down on the wall nearest to it.
As it squirms inside you the suction gets tighter and tighter until you feel a sensation like a huge female cock ramming into your most sensitive spots.

Now your nipples are being sucked on by suckers and your dick is wrapped by two tentacles which have suckers fastened to the tip of your dick and taint.

Imagine the octupi looking deep into you eyes with its superior eyes while it continually and relentlessly drills your boy hole.


Wew file didn't post

Wow, rude

user don't fug the non-humans

Just kidding. Here you go.

You're just inviting the Canadians to come in and post seal clubbing shit.

you think that's bad?

yeah i fucked up bad


Those moths are so fucking cute.

Seems anime fags prefer their women to look like girls. Only the shota fuckers ever seem to get it right.

But yeah slime girls are definitely a step in the right direction. I'd fuck it (so long as she/it was more like a wet pussy and less like a D&D Gelatinous Cube: no melting my wang plz).

Man it's a good thing that chick in 2nd pic has combs for ears because she is hairy as fuck

Holy fuck:

You realize that the 4chongs were what spawned pepe, right? We can do what we want with our memes.
not to mention the whole reason in the first place that we "ran it into the ground" is because fucking casuals were using it.

That's a fish.

Someday… just not on ps4

Do NOT make me aroused over an octopus

Would you rather a real moth waifu (human sized) or a monstergirl moth waifu?

You should have learned since the first VR failure.

What we all felt ages ago when oculus was bought by fagbook was justified.



I had hoped Sony would be smart and not censor shit like that, but I guess I underestimated how much poison SJWs managed to fling towards Japan. I'm now doubtful we'll ever see Senran or Valkyrie Drive use VR on consoles, but Marvelous wouldn't bother releasing on PC in Japan, either. The only hope was porn games, but even Illusion admits current VR is shit and hopes to some day give us the much more important sense of touch.

Only if your fat/ugly

That will be more obvious in VR

MOCAP when

Shut the fuck up retard.

Can't wait to give shark girl head pats

Ive yet to utter a word Reddit

Sharkteeth is my fetish

A prevalent irrational fear just like fan death in South Korea.
Ingrained societal stigma caused by fear mongering puritans, the fear mongering during the cold war and perhaps especially a lot of fear mongering in this day and age.
You can look to other countries, the media they ingest and say
But few care.
Humans are creatures of habit.

Sharkfu bestfu

Which is ironic considering people will open their legs for anyone these days and cheat and cuck each other like there was no tomorrow while their children are embroiled in the middle of their dysfunctional life.

No sexual content with 3D models which doesnt degrade real human beings though, that might too much for Timmy.
Killing hundreds of people is ok though.

Fuck moths, I go out of my way to kill every moth I see. They are disgusting, the bastard siblings of butterflies.

I fucking hate butterflies and they scare me

They shoulnt
Flies on the other hand…

I wouldn't kill a cool looking moth, but around here the only moths are boring brown poo looking pieces of shit that come into my work and bother me during night shift.

I meant as bug bros, faggot.

How do you explain people that are against censoring violance in vidya, buit for censoring any kind of nudity or whatever in it.
I've seen this shit in a alot of forums, where people can't stop complaining whenever a game gets the blood cut out, but want to murder anyone who calls out censorship like Shittendo for example has done recently.

They literally metamorph from caterpillars same as them.

Do you have much other of those disgusting bugs in America ?


It's called learning to ignore all that shit and verbally and actively defend your interests that you know there's nothing wrong with. Fiercely.

Yes and they're really fucking annoying. To the point we actually kill them just because of it when they have no brains and will die in a week anyways.

It's White Nationalist frog now.

best tier

worst tier



I just realized this is hipster faggotry for that monstergirl anime. Kill yourself.

i respect your freedom of having a shit opinion

I've seen enough greek pottery to know where this is going

That's my fetish
Seriously feeding horseflies and mosquitoes get me rock hard

Now this is what you actually call a fucking degenerate. Mend your gods damned ways, user.

While his taste is shit, so is yours.

Asian babyface looks like that.

Everybody has their price user, which means that every single woman - young and old - in your town is a hooker.

You just can't afford them, brother.


horses are superior to squids

I have a girl that can fix that issue for you, user.

He's actually cool in my books. He's just got that super non-confrontational Japanese thing going.

But he took the shit out of SJWs and keeps saying he won't bring Ganryu to Tekken 7 because he's too sexy since people were complaining about swimsuits for girls so he's just applying the same to the guys. Pretty based. He even said SJWs once but he got some much twitter drama over it he deleted it because he represents BN and I guess he didn't want a scandal.

I think someone has spent too much time in the stables.

that sounds retarded

Exactly user.
SJW shit is retarded when applied universally, which is the point he's making.

to whom? the SJW that DONT play the game?

He wasn't releasing Ganryu anyway. He's just pretending that's the reason as a jab at SJWs that he can get away with.

The people who claim "They've been fans of Tekken for years, but it's time for it to grow up" types. In some cases, these people have actually played Tekken once or twice. But it also makes a point to onlookers about this retardation, even if you don't play Tekken.

ah, ok

There's a lot of monster girls with great ass, hips, and thighs.

rip vr
seriously who thought well can't have people looking at that it shouldn't effect sales right?

Yes/no/is that a dude?/no/maybe if I'm drunk/yes/yes/just a bj
6/10 overall user

In my experience with my sister's friends, that's a girl. Ugly or insecure ones go the "try to be masculine" route sometimes.


Didn't they say they wouldn't be releasing Summer Lesson in the west in order to avoid SJW backlash? And yet, even though its in Japan only, it got censored.

And to be clear, this is censorship making it so you can't look up skirts and shit, right? Or is it due to the PSVR's shitty tracking making it fuck up when you lean over too much?

Hey /mon/, I have a question. Are goo/slime-girls made out of semen gay? I mean… they're girls, but they're also made of semen.

What if the semen isn't just a unique part of their own physiology - but that they devour semen as sustenance, and that semen is added to the collective that makes up their body. So every time you cuddle with her, you're really just cozying up to a bunch of ejaculate from random dudes.

Because I dunno dude, that sounds pretty gay.

I can't see a semen-girl working in the first place, it'd just devour itself the moment it started existing.

You came up with the idea, didn't you user?
That's pretty fuckin' gay

That's weird tho

I think if she grow some long hair to hide the male chin and cheeck bones she could get some dicking….the one in the background not even a miracle, the rest are easy to fug
but what I'm talking about. Femminazi have no sense of beauty or sensuality

They already signed their death warrant there.

Can someone who used VR tell me what it feels like to use?

But we are all made out of Semen.

To the investors and producers who knows nothing about shit but still have gigantic amount of power when it comes to decisions in games. Remember, gamers are dead, gamers don't have to be your audience any more it's the retard bachelor in marketing intern that compile a report about "kid's toys" to his both between two pumpkin spiced late. It's not a sales analysis 7 month down the line that now affects what devs can or can't do, it's pre-sales investors pitch, and those retards know only two thing about vidya, copying what already "succeeded" like COD and transposing it's model to every single genre, or reading the specialized press. Harada, amongst many other requires extremely rigid companies like Sony and 'Crosoft and other unaffiliated distributors to actually make their games, and those people only know what people yell about.

And don't start with Kickstarter, it requires even more investment by the Gaming Media if you want to make something new that's better than a shitty Unity project.

his boss. fuck.

Magic doesn't exist retard

When your 30 you will understand

one day i will summon a sexy demon ;_;

The problem with cult of Kek is that Kek's other name is Kuk. This won't end good for you, I promise.

Worship the Slavic Sun God instead.

I fixed that WEBM.

The HDK2 is the best VR device and it is half the price.
The fact that so many people still buy the other 2 shows how dumb the average consumer is.


Actually it's spelled "teacup teacup baby-chicken"

does the bulge on male characters gets censored too?

So are people shitposting as usual or is this true?

They already do that, it just gets dissolved. Plus, they tend to be willing to commit if you have a decent dick.

Sorry, I am not a virgin loser like you, you magic-believing retard

Sorry to hear you have AIDS.

Is what true? The fact that it needs the camera for tracking and fucks up if you step out of that? Yes.

I'n going to need an elaboration on that.

user, just because she has terminal aposematism doesn't means she's only useful for a bj. The tomboyish one is kinda cute. The one next to her makes her look way better.

Nice strawman, retard.

Please kill yourself. I promise it's what all the cool kids are doing. You could be like one of them.

Now I really want to know if anything is actually there. Do you think they modeled anything in the areas you're not supposed to look? Do you think you could trick it?

Meanwhile Illusion fixes the problem.

you got raped?

He raped, a dog.


it bothers me more that each outfit comes with its own panties and its as detailed as the outfit. too bad you cant see it though

How do you know if you can't see it?

some music has her rolling on the floor and it gives a really tiny peek under there. and the photo viewer you can angle it juuust right to see a bit of it, just like how you can easily see luka's

oops ment to reply to

This is going to crash and burn like beta did when it banned porn

You would think sony would've learned by now, but nope

Nigger this isn't porn, this isn't even softcore shit, you can't take the panties off or anything

That they are censoring fucking pantyshots and cleavage means they are going full SJW

Prude moralfaggotry isn't a SJW monopoly and this meme is dumb and misleading. I see you dumb kids automatically assume that everything that gets censored is to pander to le SJWs when there's a million different reasons why someone might want to censor shit. Our hate should be directed at moralfaggotry in general not just le SJWs cause they are just a tiny part of the problem and most of the time when shit gets censored it isn't even to please them like you ignorant kids like to think. Japs censor their own porn since ages, is this due to le SJW pressure too? It's expected that a jap corporation would censor panty shots to avoid being associated with pervert degeneracy.
If the day comes when japs start to shove niggers and faggots on their games then you'll have a good reason to automatically think about SJW ruining games but for now you better start using your fucking brains.

moonrunes land is dead

I can't read the kanji in OPs MP4, but the second one reads being outside of the play area. Maybe people already know, but the PSVR relies on a single 3d 85 degree camera for tracking. If you move too close to the camera, you're outside of range. If you move your head below the waist, you're outside of range again. I saw a setup guide say that you want to place your PS4 camera on top of a television. Maybe it really is censorship, but it could just be someone bringing their HMD leds out of the view of the camera.

What you can also do is manipulate the 3d space so that the character you want to look at is within those out of bound areas.

I'm buying a HTC vive because I don't want suckerberg on my ass 24/7

Own both the PSVR and the Vive, and the only thing stopping me from getting an Oculus as well is the fact Facebook owns it.

spot on user maybe you are not drunk enough yet. Still none are worthy to bear my seed. Modernity sucks friend.


How bluepilled can you be? Summer Lesson didn't come because of SJW pressure. Every single time they cover it, even now, it's about the game being creepy and rapey.

There's a chance they pre-censored it in preparation for a world release. You'd have to ask Harada.

They did not censor it. The nips were just fucking up the technical settings. See

OP and everyone who posted ITT are 200% faggots

>There will never be a slice of life tragedy based around this character

It's good that they exist so that they don't get sloppy but really why the fuck would anyone buy anything other than the vive for vr? Granted i'm too much of a fat fuck to play roomscale wagglan often and i live in a room just big enough for a bed and desk so i'd never get one myself but it was really impressive.


The PSVR is not censored. Nips were just retarded.

Have the Vive, but also got the PSVR for the PS exclusives. Vive is much better, but you need a computer more expensive than a PS4 to run most of the good games. So I can see why some people might just get the PSVR. It's not terrible. No porn on it though.

This is true. It won't get lewder than Senran.

step 1: download VR porn video
step 2: copy onto a USB stick
step 3: penetrate the USB port of your PS4 with the USB stick
step 4: fap furiously while watching VR porn with the PSVR media player

I was talking more about porn games, but yeah videos work. You're pretty much limited to 3DPD or captures of Waifu Simulator though.

Enjoy seeing your lunch on the floor every time you sue it

Isn't that the warning sign that you are out of the play area? Where the camera cant detect the PSVR?

Until PC drivers for PSVR come out, which will probably happen before the [CURRENT YEAR] is over. After that, it'll be just another HMD compatible with SteamVR.


I never get motion sick, thankfully.

It's going to be a nightmare for my desk as cluttered as it is, but for something as cheap as $400 I'd gladly take it.

Assuming, of course, that I can't somehow snatch the Vive as a Christmas gift or something


Fuck, forgot pic related. no bully

Owning a Vive is just the start of it, you also need capable PC to run it

I don't think the breakout box will be used for PCVR with PSVR, so it's just 1 HDMI and 1 USB and 1 USB more if you didn't have a webcam before

Well that's somewhat of a relief. What's it even used for, anyway?

Cabling between the Vive and PSVR is about the same. PSVR has a much larger breakout box and it routes the monitor signal through it while the vive doesn't.

Oculus has a fuck ton of cabling. Especially, with the touch and room scale. 4 USB ports.

It will need it. There is a in and out hdmi port, and then two hdmi ports just for the headset unlike the Vive and Rift. I'm assuming one for each eye screen. The audio is also added through the usb from the PS4 to the breakout box.

The breakout box is also what powers the headset.

The HRTF for 3D sound and projecting the HDMI input into the virtual cinema if the HMD isn't used in native VR mode. Virtual cinema already works for all HDMI inputs. You can play Xbone, WiiU or PC games on PSVR right now, it's just true VR that'll take some time.
If you're interested in the specifics, have a look here for the tech in the breakout box: quite overpowered for the limited use it gets right now, could be interesting what they'll do with it in the long run.

Interesting, so it's just a glorified virtual TV screen.

I think the real question is **Splatoon VR when?

Those aren't twin HDMIs to the HMD. Why would they be, it's just 1 display. One is the HDMI connection, the other connects the sensors, LEDs and power via USB.

No wonder its so big compared to the Vive's.

There is no USB going to the headset. If you look at the front. The ports with the triangle, circle, x, and square above are the two hdmi's to the headset. Maybe one is only being used for video, though.

That micro usb port connects to the PS4. The camera also connects to the PS4, and does not interact with the breakout box. (The camera might be a problem for PC as it uses a proprietary connector. Maybe they could use the original Kinect.)

You can do that right now. Just leave the USB from the breakout box connected to the PS4 and swap the HDMI input to the breakout box to whatever you want to play via the HMD. Only caveat is that you won't get sound, so use headphones or speakers connected to the other system instead.

It may not be a standard USB connector don't know as I haven't got the thing in my own hands yet but given how many 08/15 components are used it would surprise me if it wouldn't run on a standard USB protocol. Maybe extra pins for sound and power? But those definitely aren't two HDMIs. Remember, only one display that's used for both eyes.


Yeah, you're right about those ports. Actually, bothered to get of my ass and look. It's easier to tell with the male connector. The camera connector has seven pins.

And it probably does has two displays. At least the Vive does. It just treats it as one in software.

Go watch a teardown. There's absolutely zero ambiguity about how this part works but the same is true for the reprojection and some idiots still don't get it.

Just watched. Both the Vive and Rift use two displays while the PSVR only uses one.

VRKanojo could get a Steam release, maybe toned down; would be odd to have a full lewd game of Illusion magnitude on steam.

Scratch that, they're planing to release a SFW demo on steam, the full lewd game will have to be bought from illusion directly.