Waifu Wednesday

Post 'em.


Hey, a not late start to Waifu Wednesday. To break usual tradition, I'll start with a question to make it related to vidya: what are games with good waifu material?

Mornin' fam, how are you all doing?

Hey guys, we in here!

Slow start today

Typically you'll see them coming out of more character driven stuff like VNs and RPGs. That's not to say you can't find one in other genres but they're far more common in those two.
If you were looking for specific titles, that's up to the individual person since there's no real standard for what makes a character waifu material.

I hope Kat's game ends up good.


Do you think you're the one who chooses a waifu or something?

Waifu fags are the worst fags

I thought Mark was hilarious last night. Mark is damage control mode is best Mark.

Granted. I do like certain girls more then others.

The best

Ar Nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star.
Ion's fucking adorable.

Nothing but suffering. At least I have Shantae to come next month.

Fair points all around. VNs are usually good, but I always enjoyed fighting game girls where you get some back story and a bit of personality. God bless SNK's girls.

I meant for an environment to meet girls with personality. How is your Waifu supposed to find you if all you play are games with no personality?

The Jurifag on the scene, here to remind everyone

Picking up her Halloween alt today after work. couldn't do it yesterday because steam is jewish and makes me load $5 on my account to pay for a $3.99 item and I'm pretty broke till payday

I've never played Ar No Surge. I'll have to take a look.

Jurifag, why?!

Best husbando

You answered your own question. He's a fag.

Morning JuriBro.

That waifu has to look for you, it has to be the preferences you had in mind. Personality has a factor to this.

Bully if you want to ;_; i don't care
He is qt

You support your waifu no matter what user

I know at this rate I'm going to cave and buy a PS4 for the FF7 remake along with KH3

Reminder that your waifu will
be real and if she was, she would
let you end up like this poor soul

I want to go running with Emi.

I wanna box with Tifa

There are times that you have to draw a line, though.

You can always play KoF14 on PS4, too. Better than SFV. :^)

What up EmiBro, ready for some spooks?
How's your marathon today?

Really unfortunate for me that I had to give this company's money because of my waifu.

faggots are for burning, not posting in waifu threads

I want Peko to teach me to swim

You couldn't have found a torrent for the next part of the show?

oh u
Today, Yangbro, I actually shook it up and took my bike for a good spin. Rounded it out with just a kilometer on the track some weights and having some protein milk at the moment. Full running comes tomorrow.
For Halloween, tho? I don't know any spooky vidya I should play for then - anyone have any recommendations?
Either way, I'm thinking of an outfit. I've two options; go as a pirate as a subtle Emi tribute, or scare the shit out of my neighbourhood and wear a MAGA hat

Well, I had to learn how torrents work.
Inb4 ">being this new"

Other than that, I might warn y'all ten days in advance or seventeen I might be going full turbotard because of this show. Willing to hope the new episodes gets torrent'd

any game with your waifu

I keep meaning to play that game. I have heard good things about it.

well there is also bloodborne and persona 5 looks marginally better on p4
I still don't know if I would say it is worth it, but there is an argument.

every single one of your waifus
stop worshipping 2D characters, you nerds

RPGs, VNs and fighting games usually have the best waifu material.

I want to beat up homos with Junko.



I want to arm wrestle with Yang.

pic related

I don't like it either, bud. But she's my waifu and it's not like there's a better way. Besides, why do I work to acquire money if not for waifu stuff? Honestly, it's pretty troublesome otherwise.

I want to spar with Juri while she talks down to me.

I could've commission this, but here's Yang in a Neapolitan hoodie. Now I need to head to work.


I just don't understand why

Work is about serving others, user. Be a good servant and take care of your fellow man, and you will make the world better.

Or you could buy a fleshlight of Juri or something, I dunno.

Nah, I'm pretty sure I work solely to buy waifu merch and pay for the essentials. Money's the only reason to work, and the only thing I can see worth doing with the money I make is to buy waifu merch and ensure she sticks around in the next game.

Posting best nep. Any happenings or good games lately? Been playing other characters in Revelator, liking Jam though I have a tendency to get a little too mashy with her moveset. Rushdown might not be my thing anymore I guess.

Actually it's not, but I doubt I'll be able to change your mind on it.

I had a dream last night that me and Agrias had a baby. What does this mean?


Try me, I'm intrigued.

Hey guys, Petrinefag here


Which of these five is the best?


That is clearly Cima Garahau from Gundam

Just perfect.

Just posting these.

Well, for example: if money was no longer an object, what would you do all day? I'm assuming you're a teenager to 20-something, working a small job. You probably have 40 more years of your life left. Imagine winning the jackpot lottery and you get 120M funbux in cash, after taxes. After the first 10 years of not working and only buying waifu merch, wouldn't you feel a little bored? Or unsatisfied? You might think "I'll just buy a jetski or a new car, that will make me feel better!" But the end result is the same. Work makes humans have purpose. Purpose allows us to have mental sanity.

I must agree they have some similarities

Ramlethalfag here
How does your Waifu do with animals?

It means you should have a daughter

Chie-chan is best girl

Hey, Petrinefag.
That reminds me, I should probably get around to playing the Fire Emblem games one of these days.


She likes teddy bears, does that count?

My waifu gives me purpose, bud. And by doing the best I can in all of the things I do for her, I'm working to fulfill that purpose. you grossly underestimate my ability to make my own fun when I'm bored

2hu and Pokemon



Uni is cute asf bro

You are a beautiful person, user.
Please, never apologize for that.

I want to take Uni and take her to a gun store and talk guns for hours while nepgear gets bored and wants to go home

Perfectly fine, provided they have eight legs.

i like any dominant girls tbh


So Coro Coro leaked and the leaker is being a complete fuck about it. Instead of showing us something really surprising like Shiruvadi (Type: NULL's evolved form) or Jangmo-o's evolutions, we get an image of Alola Grimer which was already leaked.

10 out of fucking 10.

Why even live.

Top tier tastes, gentlemen.

Best boat coming through.

Speaking of leaks, did anybody datamine the demo for Sun and Moon and if so what did they find?

Because you can always imagine her dominating you, and you can have dreams about it too.

Sup faggots, your friendly neighbourhood waifu enabler has arrived. Feeling comfy on a wednesday evening.

Not yet, all they found out was how big the game is.

Though I'm pissed that the plot or lore relevant pokemon's evolution wasn't posted. Seriously, we have a legendary slayer that EVOLVES and the image posted is of a fucking Black Grimer with yellow lipstick on it.

True, too bad most of my dreams are stupid and make no sense. I wish I could lucid dream.

Rune Factory, 4 is the best but 3 has the best waifu.

I used to be able to do that, but I still couldn't make exactly what I wanted happen.

WHat the fuck are you dOing


I love this monster.


I hope you die alone

I'm sure he will.


I will.

hey camillabro

We all will.

Why don't you guys just get real girlfriends? Or boyfriends, I won't judge.


Well hopefully some other Coro Coro leaker isn't a dick like the other guy, either way we will know eventually

I'm the same way with my dreams being nonsensical. Thankfully you can do many things to increase chances of getting lucid dreams, such as writing in a journal on what you want your dream to be about, or repeating in your mind "I am dreaming" when you go to bed.

because I would have to leave my house first

Many reasons that I really don't want to get into.

Because I have mental issues that make me extraordinarily angry basically constantly and nobody would want to stay with me for any period of time so I just post on Holla Forums and act as if my genuine absolute hatred is ironic anger.

Lucid dreaming is weird man. It sort of freaks me out knowing that I'm not conscious. Anytime I notice I'm dreaming, I force myself awake

Always a pleasure, bud. Wednesday is the time for comfy and I'm glad you're taking full advantage of that.

See, in my experience with lucid dreaming, at least in the couple times I've gotten it to kind of "work"; if you focus too hard on something you'll just end up waking yourself up.

because my waifu is my girlfriend. new to this "waifu" term, huh?

Has CoroCoro ever revealed anything important?

because die cis scum

Thats true. You need to keep this sort of dreamlike ignorance in order to stay asleep unless the sleep is really deep.

We're anonymous here, lad.

I'm interested, want to explain more?

Note how I said "real"

Many reasons:

Sure, but I don't want to type up an autistic wall of text.

Big boob sister is best sister.

Kind of important since Shiruvadi seems to be a Mini-Arceus with AR Systems.

megas and most every major gimmick pokemon has had has been leaked through corocoro

how do you guys deal with the fact that you get older while your waifu never changes? Yuffie has been my waifu since the 90s.

Best couple

That name makes me think of Shiva, for some reason.

I see, well, I like that they are being secretive about the game.
Love, user, Love and understanding



that's a bit much, I want her to gentle dom me in a loving, soft way.

I'm not a feminst but i want them to win because if they get their own way, pic related will be how the world will be

if feminist win world will be muslim

Thats not how feminists will make the world, user.

Basically my entire life is pure rage. I feel actual anger over extremely minor things. i'm currently "sober", so-to-say.

I hear a song I don't like? I get pissed. God forbid I ever come across something that would make a normal person angry, I get borderline homicidal, I just have to bottle up that anger so it gets even worse over time.
The anger doesn't just cool off, it lingers and slowly burns away, it adds to the anger that comes afterwards. I feel like I'm going to fucking explode.
I could never get a gf or bf because I'd constantly take it out on them. I don't own pets because I'd hurt them, so I'm certain I'd be a wifebeater. I like to imagine that with my waifu I'd be perfectly calm and never lash out. I'm too embarrassed to say who it is.
I've grown resentful due to this, I push people away emotionally because I'm afraid I might hurt them if we get close. I have no friends and I don't talk to family.
I have legitimate bloodlust, when I get truly enraged I want to kill the person who caused it. The only thing that can state this is violence, I go to junkyards and just fuck shit up as an outlet. Again, another reason I'm afraid to let anybody get close to me personally.
I haven't had a single friend in my life, and I was always distant to my family because of my problems. I honestly, deeply want a friend, but I'm too scared I would lose control of myself at some point.

I just want to fucking die. You have no idea what it's like to know you wouldn't be able to hold a friendship, let alone romantic relationship. I have no one, I'm completely alone in my miserable fucking existence and I'm too afraid to kill myself because of how my parents would feel, I don't want to hurt them like that. I don't want to hurt anybody, I really don't. I don't want to be like this. I don't want to feel the need to hurt people.


YES IT IS user

It sounds like you know the truth deep down user, just accept reality.

3D girls are gross.

I doubt it, most radical feminists are ugly lesbian landwhales who hate men. They'd probably cut off all men's dicks and turn them into slaves. And not the fun kind of slaves.

Woah there, bro, I can't let you do that to yourself! You can't just go turbotard!
What's turbotard, again?

You've got issues lad

But I'm interested, user. I don't mind how long whatever wall may be, you certainly can't be worse than the other user I replied to

I love my waifu

That sounds trippy, now I really want to try it.

This is probably the only time I'll ever say this in earnest: but you should kill yourself.
Forget how your parents will feel, you shouldn't have to live if live if that much of a fucking struggle to go through. You don't have to live if you don't want to.

Oh I'm an expert on this topic
Before brushing and flossing before bed, eat some cheese (Actual cheese, not lol burger strips). Various cheeses will have various effects.

For Junkofag I'd suggest a nicely sized chunk of blue cheese
Really vivid nightmares
Also try not to get excited when you realize you're dreaming, you'll be forcibly awoken and have a head ache for most of the day

visit psychologist before you kill someone

Unfortunately I don't have any blue cheese right now, but I do have some Mozzarella cheese left, what kind of dreams will I have if I eat that? Italian?

Because women are complete trash now. They have given up on femininity and have been tricked into competing against men and believing all their problems are due to mans control over women, despite the fact men throughout history have sacrificed everything just to ensure the safety of women.


That's actually really interesting user. I think I have a block of Cheddar in the fridge, so I will try that tonight. Hopefully something good happens.

Dunno, I'd have to find chart, I think it just increases chances though, nothing too bizzare. The only reason I remember blue cheese was because it was really vivid

Doesn't coffee also help with lucid dreaming? Remember reading something about it back when I actually had time to dream.

Well I guess it's time to go buy some blue cheese then. I hope I have a nice despair-inducing dream tonight.

I like to think she ages with me. we're close enough in age that it doesn't make much of a difference.

I thought it was caffeine in general. I seem to remember reading something similar on 4/x/ years ago

Not worth the tradeoff for teeth

Short version is that my dick is fucked due to nerve damage and crappy surgery. I also have trust issues.

Give this a try. Remember what this means to you. Remember why you're trying to win the battles against anger and hatred, because you don't want to be alone any more. At first it might feel wrong, like you're not reacting genuinely or something, but it actually feels good to just let things go. It's not about suppressing anger, it's about not letting things bother you as much in the first place. As something angers you, stop and think about how it's not their fault, think about it from their perspective and try to be as understanding as possible. we're the same user, I understand your pain because I've been there. You can do it.

Because that's not how it works

Having a girlfriend just for the sake of having one and fitting in society is retarded. If you ever get a real girlfriend, do it out of love, not out of an obligation to society

Otherwise, being with a person you have no feelings for will be an even more empty and painful experience than having a 2D waifu

Fucking normalfags and their shallow mentality

There is no way to remove emotions, one has to find a use for them.

Pic got lost in the void

I don't think you quite understand, when you're willing to put your fist through a window because there's no space to put your boots in the shoe cupboard, there's a fucking problem. Don't worry, people like me and him will never be completely free of anger.


In related pokemon news, I more win in the World Tournament in B2 and I can do the champion tournament. Cresselia and Heatran blasting through the PWT.

Maybe the leaker's trying to hype it up considering how big of a detail it is. I could easily see a trailer just including the evolution alone. Probably won't stop someone else from leaking though.
She's a goddess, in-universe she doesn't really change outside of different variants depending on dimension (though with how inconsistent the canon is sometimes wouldn't surprise me if they retcon it somehow). Wouldn't surprise me if she is hundreds of thousands of years old in the first place.

The funny thing was that any food or drink didn't really help as much as just simply keeping a dream journal. Still have it lying around with a couple of consistent dreams in there..

Theres always the placebo effect. If I eat this cheese or drink milk, I will get a dream

Hey, can you spam the lol threads too? If Mark wont clean up the board, then anons will have to do it for him.


Just how many of these do you plan on posting?

Why so butthurt, bruv?

Big Boss is hot.

I wish they brought back the PWT.
It was more fun than the Battle Tower and just the fact you were fighting gym leaders and champions with remixed tracks was so amazing.


user, your taste isn't very good.


Hope they'll at least be something better than the Battle Maison copy and pasted. It's almost insulting that ORAS had a new post-game island, yet just tacked on the maison straight from X/Y.

Gore and vomit is pretty tame though. If you're going to spam at least make a decent attempt instead of half assing it.

Your last post mentioned 4am. What does having a waifu have to do with 4am?

I have to work hard this week, just dropping by to say hi.

Try harder please.

Definitely suggest doing the doubles in any battle facilities, I'm enjoying not being hit with RNG bullshit as often.

It might simply be a combination of quantity and quality of girls. Look at the Touhou games for example.

Still the Best Boss, Best Player Character, and Best Girl right here. Sakuya Izayoi.

Hi fishloser, I'm fishfag.

I got tired of saying "fuck off" in my previous relationships because they were leeches who didn't share the same respect for me as I did for them.

I see your hasubando and raise you my own

You have issues don't you?

Oh I'm sorry user, here have a webm of a corgi.

That's not okay dude.

wow, rude.

Thats not actually his husbando, hes just spamming the thread.

You never know. He sounds like the kinda guy that beats his meat to pics of al gore with his mouth open.

You are super serial


Going to have to agree with you can't mock someone just because of their trans black midget lesbian south asian transpacific cheeki breeki super waifu. After all this is a waifu thread the one time a week we get together and share our love.
i think it's it's painfully obvious he's spamming user, but if they want Al who are we to judge?

Maybe, but you really shouldn't insult people who jerk it to al gore like that.

I'm sure i'll be fine. They can't be that much of the population I hope
Course GNU/Linux Stallman gets erotic fanmail too, so. . .
Yes, I do. At least I understand that you are our greatest ally.

Who you calling a loser, fag?

well I guess that makes some sense, some people are attracted to success

What the fuck happened while I was gone?

She wants to pet them

>4cuck refugees come our way
>waifuthread start getting shitted up with triggered faggots

Anyway, we need to get back on track. Might as well start with a weird one. How would your waifu solved the "clown problem" in America? I have a feeling it would have something to do with bombers…
Shouldn't you be fighting man bear pig or something?

I don't know. I went back to work and I missed gore and literal Al Gore.

A retard found the site. Trolling requires SOME sort of thought, clearly none are found here.

Charlotte would snap them in half with her bare hands.

i am going to fuck ure waifu and cuck both you and the gay huey lizard and theres nothing you can do about it

This is blasphemy and discrimination!
Why do you lot deserve to swoon over your loved on in this thread but not I!?
Somebody make sense of all this!
The world must be in a cabal to tear a gap between her and myself, but I shall not let you!
I am on to you, and I will stand my ground!

fuck you al gore i'll cuck you too

What vidya have you been playing recently?

Long RPGs where you get to know your character well.
That, or fighting games with good lore.

It was alright. Should I continue?

You will see, the day will come when I stand supreme with my waifu and you lot will have no one to hold you when the climate change hits the world and brings despair of apocalyptical size!

Poop I missed it again

all you missed was blatant bullying by the moderators of this board

you shall reap what you sow!

Why you fucking weebs like that fucking game so much, I saw some scenes from what I assumed was the anime and it has some of the most depraved shit I`ve seen, it`s like the japanease version of exploitation films, the lowest form of art you can get


Been playing smt4 apocalypse a lot. Also stuck in one of the ace attorney cases, first time they've docked my entire health bar.

reminder that turn it on again is a song about waifus
genesis were truly ahead of their time

Well other than Black 2, I was also playing BoI: Afterbirth.

Also wondering if I should start watching RWBY, however my problem will be the slow start since I don't stick with a lot of shows that start like that. Even if they get good later.

You sinners will be gone when judgement day comes and I will stand with my waifu on


Got my copy of Project Diva X today. It's fun but the amount of tutorials for every little thing is really aggravating.

That part puts your whole health bar on the line because it should be pretty clear what you're supposed to do. Look over the evidence again


I was pretty spot on until then, too.

Not gonna lie, I admire the determination.

I have nothing but love for my waifu, and I will continue until she receives what she deserves, admiration and praise!


dead french crusaders are the best waifus,


You can always just drop a save there and throw yourself at it until you get it right. I've had to do that a few times during the more obtuse testimonies


do the saves last even after reloading?

Lucina is best


I just got a 3ds, now I have so much shit to pirate and play I don't even know where to start. Probably gonna play some Monhun later.

wew lad

Simon de Montfort truly was best girl.

heh. an image I posted is in that screencap.

Of course. It'll stay there until you overwrite it

Time has passed real quick, huh?

oh good. you are talking about the save and quit saves in the middle of shit, and not the ones between segments, right?

Yeah. Press start, save, get booted back to the main menu, then you can reload and you're right back there as long as you load that one and not the chapter start save.

ID Change, heading home from work again

Can't wait to get comfy playing Red Faction guerrilla again.

Guten Tag

Hey MidoBro

I see. I figured they were the sort of temporary delete on load type of saves and never tried that.

Between college and having to work 300 hours for my co-op, this fucking blows. It wouldn't be so bad if I was used to waking up 5:30 in the morning.

My climatefu is better

Best Nu-Fire Emblem girl-bro reporting

Gravity Rush will probably be good both in sales, since it's not going up against FFXV and The Last Guardian, and the game itself (As long as the Translation/(((Localization))) isn't shit).*

Nu-Fire Emblem has some pretty good waifus

What happened with Mark last night?

I want to cuddle with Tharja

That's nice. 3rd pic related came from the drawthread.


Best Fates girl. Thought it still sucks that if your avatar is male and you marry any 1st gen female units, you'll be one 2nd gen unit short.
Also, Tharja>Camilla.

(Trips and Dubs Checked)
I remember that thread. It was so golrious to see that user being so butthurt and spilling spaghetti at the same time.

Doom mods, Bloodborne, and Fire Emblem Fates


He "sperged out" (his words) over Anton and Coolpecker because the devs left his turf.


Been lurking in the NYCC news, it happens to be that the GE devs are doing a console release this winter. They seriously need to reconsider their release date. Also bully the Devs more.

Oh cheer up CharlotteBro, you got some free time before Friday.

Red Faction Guerrilla Destroying shit is fun

why are you bumping the thread?


Dragon Age: Cisquisition

Which was your image in ?

He is trying to make this thread hit the bump limit so that this tread can die quicker.


I'm not saying which one.

I love you too, Rin

I like cute ==boys== but the second I see a 3dpd guy naked I instantly go flacid.


I forgot to change the formating ==kek==

I'm think the person who leaked Coro Coro is lying about Type:Null evolving and other stuff since he only showed off Alolan Grimer. Good fifteen minutes of fame dumbass.

Doesn't make it less tiring, and it's less the job and more from college.

By the way, know any good places I can watch RWBY?

What the fuck are you doing bro? Besides, the women with big boobs don't keep them unless you put them in their main promoted classes. I wanted to see Camilla or Kagero in the Sorceress class.

Good taste.

Just fuck my shit



What did he mean by this Holla Forums?

Well… Torrents is the only way to go, I seen the web series, and even bought the Blu rays. I can share them to you, or share some webms.

Your yangs need to be lewder, &

Did you put on a VPN or some shit?


Nice breasts bitch


Rather interesting thread this week, though a bit odd with some of the posts and the people posting I saw earler. Hope everyone's doing well nonetheless, and I hope things get better for you if you're not

Good times. Checking those full house of digits as well

So no where I can watch it online? How big is the torrent?


Also, forgot to mention that Subaru is an idiot.

Well, I honestly can't find it. It might be big, if I got the time and resources. Possibily a cheap Laptop, I could convert V1-3 into webms (or a supercut if I got the editing skills.)

I saw that you're interested on watching the series, if you known me and WeissBro more. You could've know that V1 is bad, because of that Faggot named "Jaune" he singlehandedly made people dropped the series with four episodes of pure self insert.

Well that's depressing. You yanks have to stop making it on Thursday for me.

Nice to see everyone doing well though.

What do?

Hey LyndisBro. Quite an interesting turn of events this thread is going. Possibily Super Cereal Al Gore takes a visit.

Hey, don't be rude to mai waifu. She does have nice despairs though


Why are these threads allowed again?
Half of the waifus in this thread aren't even vidya. They serve no place here. Why not just use your own board.

Anyways here is best girl


Yeah I've heard V1 was pretty shit from other places though I never learnt from what. If the reason is * sue, then I can honestly see why.

Though I'd like to start at the beginning simply because I'd like to know the whole story, even if V1 is bad.

Oh sorry BigBossBro, I appreciate the picture. THICC is not on my list, but thanks for sharing.

Hey Yangbro. RWBY starts again soon. Bet you're excited.

See, thing with Lyn is she's obscure enough not many people are gonna have her as a waifu as a more popular.
I have met other Lynfags though, even shared my folder of images since I don't know anyone else with 400 images of Lyn.

She exists only for you though.

See, that's not gonna work on me. It just makes me want her even more.


Fight to the death for the honor of your waifu. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Or just complement their taste, there's always that object-oriented waifuism picture, i.e. no one has YOUR specific waifu.

Been enjoying October so far, Fall is my favorite season and now October is my favorite month because Rachel's birthday is coming soon.

Would you go trick or treating with your waifu? I think Rachel would find it childish.

Youtube, crunchyroll, netflix, roosterteeth.com, nico nico, amazon, the PS4 store I think, its not exactly hard to find. Its actually even free on some of those legally.

Probably. Getting a bit old for it though.

I think she would prefer handing out candy laced with ipecac and laxatives.

This was the answer I was looking for. I think I'll try Youtube, Crunchyroll, or Roosterteeth since those are the ones I'm familiar the most and know are (probably) free. Thanks user.

The best part of getting too old for trick and treating is getthing the big chocolates and/or sweets bags and having so much leftover you have sweets for the next month. And picking from the sweets all halloween while watching spooky movies

We'd probably prefer staying inside and watching scary movies, but it couldn't hurt to take the sisters out trick or treating… assuming Ram doesn't get into any shit anyway.

2nd pic related. Wonder if Rom/Ram were the inspiration considering the similarities.

Yee I hand it out now but I still go to fall festivals and haunted houses which you never get to old for that.

I think we could at least make jack-o-lanterns together.

Well since M&K is in charge. I doubt there's gonna be screwups, like the fights getting more sloppy. It kinda depends on how it's written.

Since MGS is making a game without Kojima, what do you think of Metal Gear Survive? I've already seen the trailer, and I can say it's terrible.

I don't think she'd want to. She doesn't like candy.
I really dislike that bit of trivia about her. It's so general and it gives me nothing to work with. Does she simply dislike sweet things in general? What about sour candy or the zillion other types? It's such a broad thing to just say you don't like, full stop.

It is terrible. I was trying to figure out what the fuck I was watching.

Nah, we give out candy instead

Heh, reminds me of one time I thought it would be funny to try to hand out beer to anyone 18 or older that went trick or treating with their younger siblings.

Tifa was less amused than I was,

I don't even need to watch the trailer to know it's going to be shit.

It's Heresy, pure and simple.

How bout them zombies ay?
It'll prolly be shit by metal gear solid standards, but as a zombie survival game like Left4Dead, it'll probably be decent. it does have MGSV gameplay, which was top notch.

That sounds hilarious. I'd probably do the same if I lived in a country that celebrates Halloween.

There's also the conspiracies that it might be a massive ruse by Kojima and leading up to his new game, or chapter 3, etc.

A pretty accurate review, its good popcorn fun. It goes full edgy mid season 3. Probably biting more then it can chew.

but yangbro, the best written Metal Gear Solid was done without him. The trailer looked like shit though.

Well fam me and my pops are off to see Gojira, I'll let you all know how it goes


It's highly likely this is all a ruse. I don't believe Konami would keep shooting themselves in the foot like they currently are. No sane company would do that. Kojima will pop up, say "did you rike it?", reveal that Death Stranding and Silent Hills is the same thing, reveal Metal Gear Survive is indeed from him Watch as attitudes towards that game change overnight and that he'll sell us the rest of Metal Gear Solid 5.
That said, MGS5 had a lot of problems, even without including the fact it wasn't bloody finished. It'd take a lot to fix that game. Except for the gameplay, since that was actually pretty good.

Search your heart user, you know its true. Kojima needed an editor or a proof reader for years.

So each Island in Sun & Moon have 7 trails each making in total 28 total trails. Sounds hell of a lot longer than 8 gyms. Also not all of them involve Totem pokemon, such as Mallow's ingredient quest.

Cool, I'll make sure to watch it the review. Unfortunately, the series might have to wait till November after midterm exams.


She might hand some Strawberry, and Cinnamon candies.

I wish I had your optimism and your digits but this is most likely just Konami being retarded again.

I hope so. It'd be the greatest ruse he ever pulled off. People would lose their absolute shit.

No! That's not possible!
Didn't kojima have a co-writer? He helped him with MGS2, and Snake-Eater. He's also got that co-writer now he keeps doing the videos on youtube with.

The PWT is one of the best things ever and not even hard to make.

user, there is nothing left, only despair

I left my waifu because I thought she'd probably end up hurting me in longer run and if I didn't stop when I did I'd never be able to recover back into normal relationships.

Welp, better show off my new Yang.

Other than that, I want to hold hands with Yang.


Did you commission that or just a fresh find?

I think you mean, "hold hand".

You have sick mind. Why would you bully her like that after what shes been through.

Just a fresh find, been lurking around for a couple days. Now I need to do learn how to commission.

Trying to steal my soul cute Sylvanas? What makes you any different from the lich king?

nah fam

Because I don't deserve love

So do I, though I don't have much of an idea of what I'd like to have done. Not any that make sense beyond, "I think it would be cool" anyways

What a mean waifu thread.

My hope will never die.

Exactly, couldn't agree more.

That's a cute Yang.

That makes someone, sure as hell wasn't me…

*isn't not wasn't
Fuck I'm tired…

She's been in tougher times, I couldn't believe a poor man's Vergil hurt her like that.

Hey GoatBro.

My hope is tucked away, ever peeking out from under the sheets.

I'm not a huge purseownerfag anymore, but Yukari is still a girl I'd stick with until the end of the world. She's pretty dependable except with her bow.

How's stuff going fam?

V4 looming, and my Waifu's first vidya which is terrible having a console release in winter.

I might say nothing really much.


Good taste

My hope is the sunset plain of Sacae. Can't think of a more beautiful place.

Never is a long time, user. You sure thats actually true?

Our Resolve will never die.

fucking pleb

My hope was never alive in the first place.

I see you're a man of culture as well.

One of the biggest issues is the fact it seems like a rushed cash grab. So yeah, everyone would change their mind over night, since it would be yet another "Kojima being wacky again!".

If you want one of the biggest indicators of Kojima writing issues, you should look at two things, the famous codec calls, and the infamous one question responses Snake does. Metal Gear?!
Nano Machines!?
Funny enough they become part of the game identity so they can't be that bad.

The Codec is basically a glorified radio drama, and exposition dumps only because of how long they last. Nothing is wrong with them by themselves, but its the length of them that an editor would have slapped Kojima in the head and told him to summaries that. Considering they are suppose to take place in "real time" not the sudo conversation time snake gets, but most of the characterization and word building came out of those so its had more benefit then good.

The fact that the infamous one word question from Snake is a stable of the series pretty much shows he loves his exposition dumps.

but it just works in MGS. Just worth noting that they are there though.

JunkoBro, what current torture method she cooked up today? By the amount of despair, it makes Grimms look the other way.

Oh right, I knew I was forgetting something.
I want Junko to push me into a pool full of sulfur mustard and then stab my blisters with a rusty fork.

That sounds horrifyingly painful.

I really want to burn Hibari at a stake, possibly nailed to a cross. I'd watch her struggle while she screams in pain and hysteria knowing she's going to die. I could even record it and send tapes to the other Hanzo Senrans, I'm sure they would be worried about where Hibari has disappeared to.

Playing a lot of EU4 since the new expansion changed a lot of stuff. Also playing more BBCF, I'd like to get some custom art for my stick but I'm not really sure how to go about it. I'm thinking of designing something with Rachel's Continuum Shift art as I think that was the best and she's pretty much my main now.

Divinity 2, it's actually better than Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity imhosmhtbhimo

That's the point.

I know, I just can't help but notice it. You're quite good at coming up with things like that.

Never change JunkoBro.

I wondered if she enjoys torturing self inserts, besides this guy was really whiny throughout three volumes.

Thanks, I always try my best for her.

I don't know about self inserts, but she does enjoy bullying whiny faggots. (pic related)

Lyn frowns on torture. She's already experienced the most painful form of it.


Small annoying things should always be bullied.

Is Jurifag still here? I wanted to ask about his arcade stick actually as I just remembered he has his Juri one that looks pretty cool.

Hey HibariBro. You seem to be enjoying more suffering today.

Well… Yang didn't get tortured, but she did land in depression. Only to save Blake from Bootleg Ver- Erm I mean Adam. It really torn her apart. Oh, and Blake ran…

Spoiler related.

Have to wonder about Yang's state of mind, her fighting style is flashy, aggressive and requires alot of strength to pull off.

When she fought Neo, who used precision strikes and counters against her, it must have made her question how effective her style really is. And now that's shes lost her arm, somewhat due to her aggressive attack on Adam. Makes me wonder if we're going to see her have a different style.

Damn another FNAF? This shit needs to stop, like now.

Well a new fighting style is necessary, but luckily for me… I'm left handed so this would make it easier on her.

Surely mixing up a fighting style has a factor on adaptability, and exploitation. It takes time and effort to learn from opponents she has fought.

Junko experienced the Super Duper Nasty Torture™ and enjoyed every second of it.

Hey, at least your waifu's arm didn't get stolen by a crazy hope fetishist.

hello friendos i am here and i am late like always

at least you made it

Well, it's not that bad. This thread is getting spooky with a super cereal president.

Hey new friend. These threads get made late for me as well. 3 AM my time it was created and when I got on it was 220 posts already. I think someone was posting guro to speed it up.

But good to see you.

The posts were deleted tho.

Don't worry, there's always next Wednesday.

ManBearPig must've found him.

How do monsters tend to celebrate Halloween? Just a burning curiosity is all.

Next would be alright.

Quads for Lyn

Gah, this is why I suck at GET ball.

Quad Attempt!

God damn it.

Impressive, very nice.

Well, that's simple.
They get together, and have a mash, A MONSTER MASH!

Nice digits.

whoa what?
deleted posts dont count towards autosage though, right?

holy fuck dude.


We're already past that point.

Pretty sure it does, which is unfortunate.




Well, at least there was a quad. Have you encounter quitters in SF5? I heard it's getting common by now.

We're past the bump limit but there's still plenty of time left. Tell us about your boat


a handfull, it seems that the higher in rank you get the more common it gets.

Belongs to Reiko though.

Nice. Having never seen the show, I still find Ruby to be cuter.

For Waifus with weapons, what does she wield?

Yang got a pair of bracelets that turns into twelve gauge shotgun gauntlets. The recoil from a single shot can propel the user in great speed.

The Mani-Katti, weighs as much as a rapier, adds 20% to critical and extra damage against horse bound and armored soldiers.

Best way to use a holy relic is to kill with it.

Only the most powerful weapon the ability to steal souls

A shinai with an actual katana inside. Don't think about it too hard, Dangling Grandpas was never grounded in any sort of reality.

Okay, Nasu.


She likes helping people to an extent of helping wounded enemies who can't fight back anymore. She also likes it when someone relies on her and she would be happy to listen to your problems, which in effect made her the loli-mom of the game.
Historically, commanded by the commander on board, she saved over 400 british and american sailors, which risked her getting ambushed by subs.

127mm naval guns, 25mm and 13mm AA guns, depth charges, and torpedos.

In DR3 she has an ice pick and a baseball bat, but her greatest weapon is her Ultimate Analyst talent, which lets her analyze people and predict their actions.

Her fist! Her smile.




She seems like a good ship though.

That's adorable

Forgot to add this, but she possibly uses an anchor as a melee weapon, since her CG has her holding an anchor like a weapon.

Your Waifu's got a nice arsenal. Right now, I'll be getting some sleep.

Looks like the super cereal poster got bored. Kind of a shame, wanted to see how crazy he'd get even after bump limit.

A big hammer, usually the Feather Hammer as default/starting weapon with bulkier, more powerful hammers as unlockables. Her initial transformation turns her weapon into a fancy battleaxe, and she even uses a PROTON CANNON when she goes into her Super Saiyan 3 Next form.

should probably do the same
night man

Sweet dreams are made of this…

Hey man, I just grabbed it from the internets. I even searched Powerd Ciel when looking for it.

Good night m8s.

holy shit i attached a wrong pic for my last post

Good night, bros.

It was the lewdish one wasn't it? Scandalous

Well, just got back from Shin Godzilla.

It fucking sucked holy shit.

Good night fam

Night anons

Not usually into that but for thighs I can make an exception.

Pretty lewd as well.

A quick thread. Some time back one lasted almost the whole week.

Kinda hard when someone's spamming gore pictures.

The falchion was a sword wielded by King Marth, a legendary hero from the past. It is formed from the fang of Naga, leader of the divine dragons. The sword does excellent damage against dragons. The sword was eventually passed down to Chrom, who died since he's so useless. The sword then went to Lucina, who used it to battle against Grima before travelling back in time to make her father relatively useful.

Rise and shine!

Good morning.

Yeah, sad that I missed most of it, but from what I gathered I didn't miss much.


morning guys.

what's up my bois
shadow warrior 2 comes out today

Good to see everyone up.

A sequel, that's neat.

And the devs didn't go with Denuvo to not fuck over legit customers. I like that kind of support.

Good morning.

Morning TifaBro

Who's ready to watch people puke with PSVR today?

It was shit before it was released, I hope it doesn't become a staple.

ID changing because moving between cmpus and home

Is the PCVR even good yet? There is no way a console version can be ready.

if you ever see that dva faggot again tell him his wafu a plane

Would shoot down

Here is Shilvadi which is pretty much Type: Null without a helmet.

Hey everyone, how your day so far?

Tharja/Syalla can use a variety of Magic and Dark magic as a Dark Mage. She can use other weapons, but she is more of a magic focus user.

That's neat to hear about that. I like shadow warrior 2013. Might check the sequel out.

And there MIGHT BE censorship already happening to the PSVR.

Mornin' guys.

Eh, it lasted as long as it was supposed to. I'd rather have an active thread that hits bump limit quickly than a dead thread that lasts weeks.

VR is going be shit for a while, unfortunately. It really needs the higher pixel density of something like the Vive, but with the crazy RGB subpixeling that PSVR has to reduce SDE, while also having a low enough latency and high enough refresh rate to remove nausea. And even then, it'll only be good for cockpit simulation, basically, until someone can invent a treadmill-type platform to let people walk freely such that FPSs don't suck.

PCVR can be good, provided the devs were competent. Imagine a game made by Croteam, so that it runs on toasters, but then making it highly detailed and still run well. That's the best we'll get with these HMD. Until we can get Accel World/SAO/.Hack levels of brain sensory spoofing, it's going to sit directly in "meh/cool when it was new" territory compared to what we want out of VR.

Like taking down videos of people puking? Probably. Still be funny though.

No, this and this is what I'm talking about the censorship of the PSVR.



I don't get this. The biggest market they can get right how are people really into that kind of shit. What else but Waifu-sims, on rail shooters, and walking simulators(which bring in little money) can VR be used for?

Holy shit, I misunderstood completely. What the fuck.

Racing games, plane games, and space games where you never leave the cockpit, really.

It's like they didn't know what made VR appealing in the first place.

Then what's the point?

Reminder that, even though Sony shot their VR endeavour down before it left the starting line, the VR waifu age will happen. It's just a question of time.


I love Naoto!


VR won't be good until we can jack ourselves in Matrix style.
Until then, I'm perfectly happy with games as they are. I don't need any gimmicks. Just good games.

Lyn is always in my heart.