It's getting released in 6 hours. The last FNAF game was over a year ago. From the trailer and pics it looks like this one might actually be interesting
Real talk, Undertale has way deeper lore
pls no
Kill me, Pete.
Soon. Not yet.
I play Scott's games out of morbid curiosity now rather than excitement.
All I'm saying is that since this game had a WAY longer development time it had better be much higher quality/quantity.
No. I like Scott and respect him, milking money from the furfags but his games are garbage.
I be fully honest, I somewhat enjoy the fnaf games. The stupid lore and the dank ass 90's cgi make me keep coming back, the games are the horror vidya equivalent of fast food; You know you should be eating something better, but its quick and easy so fuck it.
Also since the game has voice acting now I'm hoping Scott does spooky sliced together audio messages with the pre-recorded animatronic show audio. Machines communicating to humans through sliced together audio is my horror fetish.
I don't plan of paying for it tho.
Only when the movie comes out and when game theorist stops bribing me so he can make more lore videos.
I fucking love this guys artstyle.
That game he did before FNAF, the one about the little robot, looked fucking great.
Shit that game was baller.
Scott has some sort of fetish for mecha because I've hardly ever seen such attention to detail when it comes to mechs.
I got something for ya.
This time around the game should be in more places than just a single room, hoepfully it will be more interesting
But yes, Scott forced too many sequels in too little time
not like I blame him, he found his golden eggs goose
Oh christ that theme, how come he did something this fucking awesome and then fizzled out so hard with FNAF?
Nobody bought the game, even after it became free people still barely play it
It's licensed music
TDL is still baller, though.
I wonder how hes changed the gameplay this time. I like the concept behind the games, but I always feel it could use a bit of tweaking. I guess thats to be expected from a one man show.
I doubt it, all I see are screenshots and it doesn't seem any different.
It's out
Head-bangingly good.
I rike et.
Waiting for that piratebay upload
Fuck off
Look at you strawmanning. Isn't it just adorable?
I want a TDH sequel where you have to get gud to win. TDH kind of let you stumble your way through with no plan if you buy all the upgrades, especially if you know about Amos.
I'm just going to shamelessly shill my TDH annotated longplay because goddammit I made it and I want people to watch it.
More people should make annotated longplays because they combine the best elements of normal longplays and let's plays without some of the pitfalls of either. Plus if you just like the raw gameplay you can just turn the annotations off.
How is anything he said a straw man? OP literally said it looks interesting
oh shit i can't read
Something with less grinding would be nice
How fucking dare you take responsibility for your posts and admit mistakes
These are the five nights that never end
You don't need to grind if the first four upgrades you buy are Pickpocket, Money Finder, Hoverpack, and Auto-Half-Price, in that order
Yeah, the graphics look much better than the earlier iterations
Anyone played it yet? Is the gameplay better or is the same shit again?
I've watched some youtube vids, and the gameplay varies quite a bit. it's not time based any more, and the gameplay changes based on what you're doing, and where you are. it also has a rather comical nature to it, but the comedy actually works well to make the atmosphere more unsettling.
You can tell he put a lot more work into this one.
where are the webms?
I believe we will have to wait for a bit, so far it's only lolrandumb let's players
Yeah, I had to suffer through watching some shithead scream and try to be funny to watch the gameplay.
It does seem rather interesting though. Testing a torrent now, I'll post a link if it's legit and virus free.
In a sort of stockholm syndrome way, i miss the threads about FNAF. At least the first ones, pure unfiltered autism, tons of shitty OC and then overwhelmed by furries.
Going to admit, i had fun
You can use that gun on yourself anytime
I also remember when hating on [email protected]/* */ wasn't the trend. Ecelebs ruin everything, really
FNAF is a video game, albeit a poor example of one.
It's the same with loads of stuff on Holla Forums, the first month or so discussion about proceeds totally unfettered besides whatever shitposters are saging up a storm because you're talking about a game they don't like, then the pool of stuff to talk about dries up and either things go the way of Katawa Shoujo General or the threads die peacefully until something new to talk about related to the game (ie a fangame or a content patch) comes along. If the fanbase at large gets cancerous ie Undertale or FNAF then everybody tries and pretends the game was always hated and you're a cuck for liking it or wanting to talk about it at all.
eclebs were not detrimental to the meta level of entertainment that fnaf provided, fucking game theory's melt down over fnaf lore was amazing
No, this was ruined by the furrys
Please tell me there's a video
He told the game's creator he knew more about the lore than he did
Oh, was that after Scott passive-aggressively commented on one of his bullshit theories?
FNAF is a mobile game user, it's generally a very different audience from people who play games on PC or consoletards. The reason for it's explosion in popularity is the ecelebs feigning being scared entertaining teens and kids who enjoy watching people be scared.
PewDiePie fucking had enough of that shit and the cracks in his cheerful facade were completely dropped in the last game.
gayme theory went full damage control and deleted scotts comments on the video
Please tell me there's screencaps. I need to see this butthurt with my own eyes.
Enjoy yourself, my man
Gamefag doesn't even have to try to hide it, his swarm will defend him until he dies. But this is against the furry fnaf swarm we're talking about so it might be different.
He's such an ass.
user you can't say stuff like that on the internet, you could hurt someone's feelings.
That's a little disappointing. I was expecting Gay Theory to say some absurd shit like how he understands the game better than Scott.
Didn't he actually say this at one point?
I'm not saying he isn't an ass, I am just pointing out that his business model requires him to be ignored by the actual game devs.
He did in one of the videos. IIRC it was something like "you are wrong based on your own internal logic" IIRC it had to do with the kid who got his head bitten.
Hey what did I do? I just wanted to jerk it to robits until kayla being the colossal nigger that she is ruined everything.
Do something about it, faggot.
I'd more argue that his business model requires rabid fanboys attacking the developers for calling bullshit. "Death of the author" is such a fucking scam.
haha get bullied, nerd
I know you still have some kindness left in your heart user.
No, the last shred of kindness I had left me when I bought oblivion on release
Alright my torrent finished, let's see if this is any good
Stop trying to fit in, you'll be happier.
I may not have any kindness left but I still have hatred. Oblivion was a piece of shit
Robots beep. that's kind of fucking hot.
Voice acting seems good so far, and the N1 interim cutscene was funny
infinite popcorn or TECHNOLOGY popcorn that runs out?
It went like this
>Pat makes a video, saying "Scott, this is what you meant to have happen, but there's a massive plot hole as I will explain! "
Well I guess I'm gonna go watch Red Haired half Asian pewdiepie and wait for Gay Theory to release his stupid video because I hate myself.
KIll me now.
I'll just wait for a gameplay of this game without commentary to come out. OR I'll pirate it and play it myself.
nigger just pirate the thing
Can't ,don't want to, I have to leave in two hours and I haven't packed my shit yet.
It's masochism to be honest, I just like to watch it to realize how far entertainment has fallen.
Keep in mind he is still yelling.
God damn it
Only time Let's Plays I've watched are the TBFP's for Deadly Premonition (Because the dialog and story are cheesy as fuck but goddamn the game is a chore to play) and David Cage games (They're pretty much movies anyway)
links pls
The video was basically Mat taking 20 minutes to explain something that could be said in 30 seconds: If the kids frontal lobe was bitten off, he would not be capable of having fear, rendering the 4th game impossible. Then the rest of it was just him shitting on Scott for not mastering the anatomy of the human brain.
looks gay. videogames are gay.
is there a way to get cubex55 or one fo those guys to play it?
Is the theory guys still permanently butthurt ?
Didn't the game creator get cucked out of his own series and apologized that Matthew was right ?
You're gay
I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Undertale. Even then, he still takes jabs at MatPat.
Dunno, apparently he's playing it right now in a stream.
I want to fuck the robot, though. Man you don't even know how badly I wish to fuck the robot.
Nobody checking those is absolutely criminal.
He did say it.
Also you aren't in a room staring at cameras. Seems you're a maintenance guy with a different task each night. Still jump-scares, though but that's par for the course.
God damn spaghetti clown
If it were a biological alien kind of monster then the design might work with a different head of course but this is just wasted fuel
Viren confirmed
That's what I was thinking
whatever happened to that FNF rpg game the guy made?
Glad Video Games are for kids and the anons here are just butthurt manchildren.
it existed
I actually admire how many games he managed to make and how expertly he has milked this franchise.
I wish I could finish a video game, let alone six in two years.
The ending of that game is actually relevant to this one
Is there anywhere I can get this game without using Steam?
A man can dream
Holla Forums is an echo chamber, a hivemind, a cliche, whatever you want to call it. It's a phenomenal byproduct of anonymity.
If you don't behave or defend your ideas, you'll be drowned out by the conforming culture.
It's fine to discuss FNaF here, just don't expect to change any minds.
Is this ye first time pirating, landlubber? There be many port's.
The desolate hope? IIRC it used to have a freebie copy on scott's site. not sure if it's still there.
I at least hope people liking this serie aren't the same persons shitting on Undertale.
it's still free
But the meanies call me a faggot when I post like I am on reddit :(
Alright. In that case I forgot the site, but yeah that's where I got my copy from.
It's interesting how even that doesn't stop people from behaving like they must maintain some kind of social status.
Last time I looked was a few months ago and I couldn't find it on any of the main sites. Never mind though I'll look again I guess.
that's not an echo chamber, that's just you posting like a faggot. if everone expressed a similar opinion and went unchallenged then it'd be an echo chamber. Think of it this way: if I started typing exclusively in l33tspeak would that be acceptable?
I was just making fun of the guy saying Holla Forums was a hivemind/echo chamber etc
You don't see posting etiquette as culture? You say everybody has different opinions here, but if I made a thread asking what the definition of a faggot was, I'd get the same answer.
You don't have to like this shit, you just have to ignore and not bitch about it.
If that's actually what it looked like, I would too
I'm a bit of a voicefag, so I'm somewhat biased.
d0 17 f4gg07
So the torrent I tried earlier is good, full scan, no issues.
http:// gamestorrent . co/five-nights-at-freddys-sister-location.html
Or magnet link:
This game is surprisingly good for what it is. It's definitely the best FNaF, but that's not saying much.
No, because it doesn't have to. There's no reason these games can't be discussed, even if they're shit.
637 7h3 fuc4 0u774 h3r3
Is there a silent play through yet?
Probably because the combat is ridiculously hard to learn and the only tutorial sucks dick since the target doesn't fight back and dies within seconds.
Just like Final Fantasy
I would absolutely mine this thread for days if I cared to. The perfect levels of 100% pure autismium AUsm are off the fucking charts; highest I've ever seen on this board before by far!
The sad thing is, I don't even think you guys are shills – even shills can display a varying level of self awareness, something the majority of the posters on this thread seem to lack.
Whenever someone actually talks about a decent game you fags jump all over it, but suddenly jump scare simulators 2012-2016 rear their ugly heads and you can't stop sucking eachothers dicks in excitement. I'll be brief so as not to abuse your tiny attention spans for too long: if shutting doors, turning on lights and checking cameras to avoid death is your idea of a good game then I think you have bigger problems with your life than your shitty personal tastes. Also you're the reason people will never stop being paid for making fnaf's rip offs.
I bet asians love it then
There are FNAF ripoffs?
I'd 100% agree with you if that was still the gameplay, but the gameplay in this game is actually much different, and not repetitive. The gameplay changes from room to room, and you don't repeat anything. It also cut all the "wait for 6AM to win" bullshit, and went with a pretty damn well voice acted story instead.
It really shows that he should be focusing on taking his time with games when he makes them, because this one ended up actually being good, and not just some repetitive bullshit.
tl;dr so as not to abuse your tiny attention spans for too long:
See I can be a huge fucking retard too.
He's allowed to dislike whatever he wants.
He's allowed to come into a thread about stuff he hates and bitch about it, too.
I'm allowed to call him out for being a faggot for it, and he can call me a faggot back if he wants.
Personally more impressed by his luck. Fucker pulled off a Final Fantasy and hit it out of the park as well.
As someone with a clown girl fetish, My dick looks forward to more humanoid interpretations of this animatronic.
You need to post your goods user.
Streaming the game RIGHT NOW, get in here niggas.
I see no link, faggot.
Wow, it looks exactly like the previous FNAF games
isnt there a spic girl that dresses as clown? pallacita or something was her name i think
I'm back on my pc now so forgive me if I have a different ID this time around
Just like slender propelled the idea of being hunted by some unknown unstoppable being for collecting some arbitrary item, so too did these games become 'loosely based' upon the premise that five nights at Freddy's purveyed; checking cameras, closing doors, evading death.
The CORE mechanics to the franchise in other words.
Aye, the fact remains that these games do indeed show a series of development ideas and ideological tampering throughout the franchise, however, I'd venture to say that the game play does not variate from the core mechanics: don't die to jumpscare, use flashlight or whatever, use X mechanic alongside cameras, don't forget to do this, don't forget to do that etc.etc.etc, until eventually you're just playing a multi-tasking simulator. And for what purpose? Avoiding a jump scare that puts you right back at the start of the level. Put into the simplest of terms, where is the appeal in this franchise beyond the jump scares and the adrenaline? If you want actual interactive horror go play amnesia or something, or perhaps an actual horror game that GOD FORBID let's you fight back against whatever may be trying to kill you.
That's the other major issue that pisses me off blatant and unrealistic defencelessness.. Just buy a gun nigga
I'd go after this response more vehemently but it seems that you've done it for me with your next post. well done for displaying such self awareness in this thread!
That's right faggot :^)
And there's the autism I spoke of :^) nice comeback m9
Please let this be true.
It actually sounds pretty fucking cool. Like the whole thing was just a big prequel.
good luck getting rapped.
FNaF coming to PC was a mistake, should've been a mobile game forever.
It's the perfect mobile game and actually kind-of advances that market while it only brings PC gaming down.
I loved playing the second [email protected]/* */ on my phone, never felt like some weird autistic furry shit then, as soon as they came to PC and became scarecam-fodder I lost interest.
They are made to be played on small touchscreens for short "day" increments, and when played that way are quite engaging.
So whats the spooky reason why these animatronics are all spooked up?
Everyone knows the only way to deal with a Working-Joe gone arwy is fire, think the same applies to robo-furfags.
I think it was ghosts at the end of the day, or maybe just a ghost.
I remember when Holla Forums used to like the first game, around the first month of release or so.
yeah when it was a semi-decent mobile game that tried to innovate by having a story.
any streams?
Is this even a real question? Of course there are fucking streams.
Now there's the real question. It's especially bad because some of the spooks happen to be in that very corner.
One thing I'll miss is all discussion on the hypothetical stupid ways to trick the bots/do your job easily without dying. The ass shirt one was the best
i figured that was what my question was getting across
who the fuck would want a facecam stream, what the fuck do you take me for
Wait, are you baiting? Because you're either baiting or you're making shit up to look like you're not a newfag
I've never posted in a fnaf thread before and won't even try denying that. I came to 8ch in 2014 and mostly browse >>>/fringe/
FNAF wasn't a phone game until long, long after the first one released.
So normalfags learned that you just need to wait for a few days so scott gets his jewish back and release any game?
are you Kotaku? Because only Kotaku was retarded enough to fall for Scott's obvious bait.
These games are brief enough and enjoyable enough for me that I can turn around and plow through them and have no problems with it. I hope I can have that expirence with this one too. These games have been decent.
Sorry it don't mean a thang if it ain't got that clang.
And as I said, my first interaction with it was the second game on mobile.
I didn't see the PC versions until the infamous game theory videos came out.
What the fuck happened to you faggots?
A few months ago this thread would've been saged and reported to hell within minutes.
Now there's actual discussion over this fucking non-game.
Fuck off with this camera-watching, Markiplier bullshit.
Maybe this will persuade you?
Sorry man, it's strictly metal fever that fuels my baby-based lust.
That is because by all standards known to man you are a faggot. Objective fact and all that.
Do anyone have that Autism+ video of the FNAF characters dancing with a really creepy music?
Also how come Minecraft and FNAF brings on heavy autism?
I'm gonna assume you mean this.
Same reason Sonic and Ponyshit is popular among autists; simple characters to draw, colorful and easy to make OC from.
Scott, god damn it. A better result might come out of you actually having a team to make something new and innovate, but no, keep using that shit-ass engine that is really just an interactive picture animator.
Yes, this was the nightmare I was thinking off.
I guess, it would be easier to make OC from sanic and pony shit. But for some reason, the Autism is in danger-levels even in Minecraft.
fuck got fascinated by the autism at minecom now.
Does he not make allot of money on this autistic nightmare?
So if he can do most of the job himself why would he spend 5 cents on having extra dudes to program?
Since I would have figured along time ago he would have quit the series and made a bigger studio or just made another IP, but its like Notch where he made Autism simulator and was going to make another game, but the pressure got to him obviously.
So maybe its a pressure thing but most likely its a making money thing.
bravo scott.
How dank are the jump scares and the lore?
I want $20chan to leave
The immortal and the restless was a good soap opera.
the damn baby is yours Vlad you shit
user, you need help..
So I played some of it, and what I can tell you is that the meat of the content is like a linear point and click adventure game. This is different to the others, which were about checking the status of multiple things and managing your meters. In this game, there is no tactics.
Achieve this linear sequence of inputs, but don't do it for too long. Wait until it's safe to continue your sequence.
That's all it is. You have to do a bit of trial and error to figure out what the sequence is, but the checkpoints are too sparse for this sort of thing. I was fine with restarting a whole night in all the other games because I had room to try out different tactics. Here I know what I have to do as it's the only thing I am able to do, and it's pretty boring to go through it.
A lot of steam review plebs are confusing this for variety and complexity of mechanics. Really, it's the same simplistic mechanical setup for different aesthetic scenarios. A lot of the game wastes your time waiting for dialogue. If it wasn't for that, the game would be seen as quite short. From what I hear there is a traditional FNAF mode at the end, but the point is that the main game is a linear sequence of scenarios / set pieces.
post more clown girls
Anita Sarkeesian pls
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
this guy isn't awful, if anyone wants a let's play still
I think Scott made the mistake of trying to do to much with the game instead of providing one or two refined things. Like the user a couple posts up said, it looks to have more in common with a point and click video game with a bunch of simple mini games scattered around. For instance, that one minigame where he hid under the desk could have actually been scary, but then you realize it boils down to not looking in the holes, and just trying to keep the door shut.
Lethal drinking game: Take a shot every time there's something he doesn't understand
Even if you look directly at the eye, it's of no consequence. Just make sure to grab the door when the time comes. It happens two times.
`Good times, some of the best OC. It's funny, yesterday I was being nostalgic over the first game and the threads accompanying it and then SL is released today.
Synchronisities man.
Fucking weaver. I love that autistic son of a bitch.
Are there any good silent playthroughs out there? The closest that I've found is the following, but the comment box included is driving me mad.
If FNAF had never gotten massive, it'd be a fun, creative little solo game that Holla Forums would be happy to post and share every month. But we'd never have gotten more and Scott would have given up on making videogames. It's a double-edged sword.
god dammit.
It's for the best. Scott deserved something to reward his efforts for TDH, and FNAF is a fun game with a hilarious fan base to ridicule.
It's a win-win, guys. Holla Forums just has to stop hating everything that gets mainstream.
Why does he do this, Holla Forums?! He could have made proper logos, or made 3D rendered titles if he's way worse at 2D than 3D, why does he continue doing this? Is he just so bad at visual design? Has he grown so confident or himself, he refuses to improve his shortcomings? Or does he do this deliberately, having learned some… ironic low-grade aesthetic that affects people subconsciously and guarantees him success?
It's cheaper to do it yourself.
You know not what you ask.
wew lad
Hold this in your heart lads because it's rare, no commentary whatsoever.
Let's not be delusional here, lad. There's a reason the Holla Forums and /vg/ split happened.
my god what a retard
here's without commentary
That was on a different fucking website, holy shit.
And before you say "we're all from that site", know that many of the users here starting using it after that had already happened.
I don't get what you're trying to say. There was lots of immigrants from half/v/ to here and they're still going to be the people who wouldn't stop bitching about generals for video games people actually played.
Do you seriously think the split happened because Holla Forums users hate anything that becomes mainstream?
Not solely but I would say that's a big part of it, yes. The Holla Forums, /vg/ split pretty much killed half/v/, it just turned into Holla Forums2.0.
The Old OC was good shit
Good times.
Just finished watching the playthrough and both endings of SL. What a load of tedious, uninteresting shit.
By far, the worst one but at least it's one of the most unique.
Pretty much it, I wonder if Scott will expand upon it conceptually
What's the source of that webm? Seems interesting
fnaf started as a decent and unique little game where the lore and mystery was arguably it's strongest point, and then got worse with every release.
Jumpscares are such a cheap horror cliche that it wore out incredibly fast, it was okay for the first game because it was executed pretty well, but was already too much on the second. Second game might have added onto the lore somewhat, but then it just started turning into a convoluted nonsensical pile of turd that gives more questions than it answers.
The only reason to keep playing these shits after the first or maybe second is the hope that maybe you'll get more of the lore out of it, but from what I've seen it's a misplaced hope.
One of Miyamoto's finest quotes is, "A delayed game is eventually good, a rushed game is bad forever."
Don't have the webm but he gets a jumpscare and he looks like he's completely dead inside and doesn't even flinch.
Obviously since he didn't have an anal prolapse his kiddie viewers got pissed off at him.
What is the point of their heads to be in multiple pieces? Did the people who made these things create them on PURPOSE to be fucking spooky?
Well that was the game. Each individual night was shaken up this time, and I'm glad Scott did that. But the problem is that each night is a completely once-off gimmick that never gets reused.
With the way nights 1 and 2 unfolded, I had hoped Scott's plan was to introduce things separately so that they could be revisited and expanded upon, so all the areas become strategically important like camera and power, and you need an overall awareness of each animatronic.
e.g the first thing the game shows in Night 1 is how to zap and show the two auditoriums, like checking/closing the doors in FNAF1 for Bonnie & Chica.
What should have happened from Night 3 onward is that you have only a select number of lights and zaps, meaning you have to choose whether to zap Foxy or Balora; zapping gives you a bit of free time to get to the goal at the end without having to deal with them. Then at the rooms at the end of each corridor, you could bring something to the hub area as part of your main objective for the night.
Some animatronics should move about and attack the hub/chase after you. When they do so, your only hope is to hide under the desk in the top area until they leave. Then you go back, find objectives and then finish your work for the night, being as patient and resourceful as you can, making pitstops for power and ward-away mechanisms, and then rushing for objectives to complete the night.
The second FNaF game is still easily the worst FNaF game. It's basically a pile of random bullshit, too much at once, more of an exercise in tedium. I'm also fairly certain it can knock years off your life because of the amount of stress it creates.
Beyond that, they're mostly the same…
FNaF 1 > FNaF 4 > FNaF 3 > FNaF 5 > FNaF 2
well it's a video game so
Honestly, I'm only vaguely interested in these games for the story. I'm a sucker for supernatural mysteries told in bits and pieces.
I'm not about to play this shit though. Someone want to give me the tl;dr on this one so I don't have to debase myself by watching some youtube faggot do it?
The jumpscares in that one are so fucking cheap.
Goddamn I miss the Mike comics.
Their sole purpose is to bother people with all the model clipping
This is just so fucking autistic why are we talking about this again? A literal autist must've made this.
Two endings are
An easter egg shows the house from FNAF 3 being under surveillance. A death minigame shows Baby abducting the daughter.
So is there an album anywhere to just view all the game's files?
That's all I care about anymore with this, no interest in the games, but I can't get enough of Scott's CG.
give it a few days or a week and the game will get scrubbed completely then up loaded to the wiki. That's what I did for the last two games for all the CGs.
I'm surprised this doesn't have a ton of furry porn.
This shit sounds interesting to say the least, got a tl;dr on the entire story, not just 6's?
Matter is story is too fragmented to tell everything correctly without falling into speculation. Actually, I don't think Scott himself has a clear idea of what's the story, he just adds pieces so that people can have fun wanking their heads on theories
Holla Forums in a nutshell
I hesitate to ask but does anyone have pdfs of the book?
That depends on the situation. If it's being delayed to work on it and improve it, of course. If it's going through development hell and being handed off between devs and publishers for 10 years and then there was a fire that destroyed everything and they didn't back shit up and something something Duke Nukem.
In other words, everything depends on context.
"Got" should've been this.
Meh. Finished watching a playthrough of the 'game' and the hidden ending.
Wasn't so great. These games have no content really.
This guy did a no commentary playthrough that was good.
So if they could escape without killing you, then they're just a bunch of assholes in ending 1
Given how completely not-threateningly Ennard stumbles into your house, I can't take him seriously as a threat. Either the good ending isn't the true ending or the two of you just end up sharing popcorn while watching melodramatic soaps.
Animatronics are nothing but unrealized dreams and pain.
Went and watched through this, expecting slightly more detail or explanation slipped into the dialog, but there's really not that much to it, is there?
Weird company builds a bunch of insane robots than wander around and murder people, abduct children, and wear janitors as skinsuits.
Well this is probably way more horrifying than the Fnaf games will ever be.
Get to the end.
it's actually sad as all fuck when you realize the guy who made these things went at his dream with everything he had without compromising and it just didn't work out.
Not only that, but he had to watch his studio die and his life's work decay before his very eyes. It's a rough ending with no resolution.
So you are saying this is the protag?
Oh, and he's intelligent enough to never be caught for five to thirteen murders over the course of twenty-ish years and invents strong AI in the eighties or nineties, but he worked the night shift at a Chuck-e-Cheese's for fifteen fucking years.
Nah, he just loves cyberpunk.
I still remember when the first game was a hot fresh surprise hit and Holla Forums loved it (back on 4chan, before the exodus). I remember the hype for the surprise sequel out of fucking nowhere. I haven't played the games, but it seems like there was a genuine appreciation that hadn't been on Holla Forums for a long time.
Then it became too popular.
Wait is the book canon or not? because based on what I remember of a brief summary of the book that theory would go along with how the purple guy looked in the book.
Deepest of lore
FOTM always is seen as pretty decent for a while, but after a the more critical minds play it and pick out the problems their flaws become more apparent as a whole. It doesn't have to do with popularity.
There's also the reason these games got popular, which had nothing to do with it being a fun little game (which Holla Forums liked it for) and more with youtube celebrities reacting to it. That's what's seen as cancer, not the game itself (though the rapidfire sequel releasing is cancer too).
It's sort-of canon. If I remember correctly, Scott said that it wasn't entirely or even mostly canon but elements from it were.
Also, the secret keypad confirms that 4 was about the bite of '83, not '87.
So the history of Freddy's is confirmed to be about a restaurant in the 70s-80s with the springlocks that was shut down for a murdered kid and a bite, that was resuscitated by another company that had wifi in their robots in fucking 1987, that was shut down after one week because of the bites and four murders, then it was built AGAIN and shut down after another set of murders, then Purple Guy bought the rights and made a set of strong-AI robots programmed to isolate and kill children, then that failed somehow, then the haunted house about this whole shitshow was burnt down after six days. What the fuck.
Unless it still ends up being shit. That happens a lot.
Then it simply wasn't delayed enough.
Dick Kickem Eternal was shit because of its insanely long dev cycle, though. They kept rebuilding parts of it and shuffling studios, and after fourteen years the result was a confused mishmash.
There becomes a point in which too much delay ends up being detrimental. Talented staff quits, funding runs out, people just generally get fucking sick of looking at the same goddamn game for years on end without being finished.
At some point there is a cut off where you realize it will never be what you want it to be so just get it out the door, make some kind of return, and then move on to greener pastures.
What you're forgetting is that gearbox eventually rushed it out the door, figuring people had waited long enough.
The problem didnt lie with the game though
How the fuck did Ennard at the blue end crawled to your house? Also why Baby promised to find you, but then Ennard came out instead?
Those aren't same beings, right?
Oh fuck i got it. Main hero saves a chip from doll in his pocket device. That's how Ennard have found him. Shit's simple.
Time isn't the only factor in the equation. Money is essential. If you take 10 years to develop a game, and the cost of that development is higher than any sort of return you are going to get once it is sold, you will tank your company.
Gearbox, as shit as they are, had to put that project out of its misery, or risk it being a financial drain on them for a decade.
They are. Baby doesn't want you to take off the rest of her because it'd show that her endo is missing. Enard's right behind her and is the one actually talking.
So Ennard was actually controlling baby to kill that girl she handled her ice cream to. Probably.
Let me check out this game for you user..
Innard is baby, baby is innard. "There's a bit of me inside everybody" refers to this.
I'm 11 minutes into this documentary and I think I have discovered that animatronics is the source of all autism. Staring into the uncanny valley as a child has got to absolutely fuck up your ability to socialize with people later in life.
Nah, it's just talking animals that cause autism. Hence sonicfags, furries, these people, etc.
Making a profit has nothing to do with a game being good or not though. But that quote from Miyamoto does kind of need a change to be completely accurate
The real question is:
Where can i read the story and get done with it instead of watching a 4 hour shitty let's player run?
In a few days everything you need to know should be uploaded to the wikia, just be patient
mp4's related
it's a fun game that plays somewhat like a more RPG heavy TDHcoffee is even an unlockable character
The game has about 5-6 endings and even had an update that included about 8 more characters and a fucking PREQUEL to Sister Location.
I'm curious enough by now that if Scott just wrote a book that flat out explains the timeline, the story, and the events of the games in a way that just lays it all out there for the reader to understand, I'd buy that book.
I feel like the rainbow ending is probably how Scott feels about how shit the FNAF franchise is.
Yeah it feels a lot more like a meta thing: scott created a simple thing to entertain people, now it's gone out of control and has basically destroyed both its creator and the person sent to help, with the latter being used to its own ends. Also can someone who's read the books tell me what baby's purpose in there was? They mention somethings at the beginning of the game I don't understand and I feel like it's referencing events from that story.
No seriously I shouldn't enjoy a voice as much as I do with Circus Baby. God damn someone help me, I'm slipping into degeneracy, I'm sure. I've got some serious metal fever.
I still got some of the OG art that was made.
I want him to write something like that just so we can laugh at Mat as he inevitably tries to pull it apart.
Technically that's true for every animatronic in the series.
Yeah but ultimately game development is a business. They don't make these games for the sake of games. Even Michelangelo got paid to make his brilliant works of art.
Before the first game had really succumbed to the autism I had thought of a neat VN where the day time VN segments with the bots and token humans would influence events in the night like what bots come after you and how aggressive they are.
FNAF world is just one long ass lampshade of the whole game series, how he just wanted to make fun games but people only wanted "the next spooky thing" and "more of the same".
When FNAFworld didn't sell and he overhauled it, he added a free update to it that included "a deranged Scott making a bunch of shitty games"
Games include:
-parody of sonic.exe
-parody of cat mario
-parody of megaman/metroid
-parody of Galaga/rtype/starfox
sounds fun.
To be honest,my favorite was embed related.
I think I also need help
Modern "art" goes for quite a bit of money as well, yet it's all shit. Van Gogh didn't get shit for his paintings that are beloved now. Profit and quality have nothing to do with each other.
>that fucking voice for nightmare chica is fucking ara ara as fuck
That wasn't horrible.
Holy fuck the duck's voice
This looks like just the right amount of self-aware stupid fun that I could get behind.
Also that voice for nightmare chica
What the fuck am I watching. It was endearing at first as they reminded me of the character off trailer park boys but then it got disturbing.
>yfw the other planes' shooting synchs up to the music during the boss fight