FaceRig alternatives

Anyone know if there's an alternative for FaceRig? Preferably open source.

I'm working on a stream and I need a way to animate a face I'm going to make in Blender to act as a standin instead of my mug. Real time, of course.

No, just want to make something special to distinguish myself from thousands of other cunts on Twitch.

Not that I know of

Problem is face rig rarely works correctly if you have facial hair or a web cam that captures in 30FPS (Which is 99.99% of them)

Why not just be special and focus on being good at video games and having no cam instead of having your shit face blocking the screen?


I've used it because I have no space for a green screen

But it doesn't matter, due to my pop filter it covers up my face and I can't use it anymore anyways

Be special for real, and simply don't show your face, you USI-ridden attentionwhore.

Because I'm already not bad, but I'm not nearly as good as you need to be for skill to be the main attraction. You'd be surprised how fucking hard it is to hold viewers without having something "fresh" to capture a person's attention.

This "gimmick" goes directly into production quality. It's something I've thought of but never really had the time to really look into because I was busy working on other aspects of the stream.

Thats not me, newfag.

fuck off nigger

Could you be any more of an angsty, bitter cunt?

yeah heres one

you could also try not breathing

Do you really honestly think that there's any fucking way anyone who's not a camwhore or a pro player at a game can fucking earn money there anymore?

This is something I do for fun.

Then why do you care?

Media shitposting thread?

I just recorded something for the first time ever. This is raw audio with nothing more than a handful of notes to go off of, without a dedicated recording space. Just getting used to speaking on mic.

Feel free to rip me apart on everything.

Trigger warning: Extreme opinions contained.

Because I'm a perfectionist and I want everything I do to fit my vision 1:1

if you want to attention whore there are more healthly ways like shooting yourself, hanging yourself, donating all of your organs and also jumping off a bridge

rough day at school? You get pushed into a locker, dunked in the toilet?


You have shit taste.

large foreheads are a sign of intelligence :^)

Why not just pretend to be a girl

No you want to be a professional streamer because you watched Lirik or that fat LoL guy and thought they're le epic fun guys xDD spam some Kappa lol

just fucking admit you want to attentionwhore and get money for it. i'm sure you've got a donation button banner and a paypal account all set up already.

Nice claim with nothing to back it up. Jesus Christ, this place has really gone to shit in the past year.

Sounds like you should leave

Good, never change

Get the fuck out of here, and the quality will instantly improve.

It's fucking impossible sometimes, though, because you have to pick between asking morons with no standards that are happy to help and people that generally have pretty high demands that are 80% out to fuck your shit up in every way possible.

I miss when you could fucking make a thread on here and get a proper response before it got shat up.

Be the change you want to see.

Good luck with your quest, vision-autist.

thanks, user

I know this feel to an intimate degree. Godspeed, Perfectanon.

FaceRig is so heavily advertised that its nigh impossible to find any software that does the same.

Fucking Jews.

Fuck off, faggot.


Streams are some of the laziest content I ever see on youtube. Every time I watch them I keep wondering why someone wants to watch some moron babbling about nothing while a game is playing.

At least edit together some footage of a video game. Talk about something unique in the game. Do something different than the other 100 000 guys doing the exact same thing other than "le 3D face guiz". I know it's tempting to wanna be paid to play video games but at least try and make something that looks like it had effort put into it.

Are you trying to appeal to the furfag crowd OP? Have you tried yahh harr?

Oh quit the elitism.

Nothing wrong with streaming if it's laid back and the room is small.

It's when you have thousands of people in your stream that it's an issue and it becomes less about the video games and more for the entertainment.

Every time I watch someone's upload of a Stream on youtube. I wish they would've just edited the video and rerecorded the commentary

I'm reminded of Speedruns. Speedruns are some of the most annoying streams to watch. The streamers themselves are usually bored and don't talk. The chat goes apeshit about nothing. There's long gaps where nothing is going on. Constant resets etc.

All of which is solved by just editing the stream. This can also be seen with commentaries on speedruns.

When a speedrunner streams a speedrun. Even it's a successful run they usually don't talk about the game that much. And usually spend a lot of it giving shoutouts to the chat.

Whereas with an actual edited speedrun with a commentary, the speedrunner actually spends time going over the mechanics of the game and talking about how they performed various glitches. It feels like a Director's Commentary for a film almost. It's some of my favorite content to watch on Youtube purely because it feels like the creator put more than the bare minimum of work into it.

Nah, I'm trying to go for a low-poly uncanny valley face a-la Robocop 2 because a lot of what I do revolves around lowkey bullying sensitive people online

You're pretty sensitive yourself mate

With the addition of separate video uploads to Twitch, there's no excuse for that not happening anymore. If you can stream a game for four hours, you can take the 45 minutes to edit down some highlights.

If you're using more than half the length of the stream or you find you can only use one or two good moments, you need to adjust the outline of your discussion.

Newer streamers should try writing down an outline, figuring out what talking points they want to use, and pre-recording the footage unless there's some technical reason why the stream absolutely must be live. Until you trust yourself to get the hang of it, which takes a while to happen, your first focus should be on the quality and poise of your commentary. Speak clearer than you normally would by enunciating and slowing down just a little. Make it a good show, and if you don't feel like that's the case, evaluate why before going on stream again.

Did you not hear that most bullies are actually insecure? The reason I can do it as well as I can is because I target things that are my own weak points, son.




I'm doing it because its fun and knowing weaknesses of other makes me feel empowered despite the fact that I have those issues myself.

Nice black and white thinking, negro.


Hey, therapy is a shortcut. It's mostly talking out loud with your therapist pointing you towards proper solutions to problems you'd otherwise ponder for days.

You could wait for your rotten tooth to fall out or your could go get it pulled.

You literally can't win if you think you're going to make cash money from Twitch.

Read the thread. I'm not even remotely hoping to get twitch shekels.

just pirate the software then

Facerig it is cuckold.

Actually, OP, if you had good content, I could see a few people think "what the fuck is that thing" and then staying if you're playing a good game or having a fun time. Not enough viewers to be like Max or other shitters, but for your own entertainment and for people who are bored without access to vidya, it could work.

I don't know of any other facial masking software, but I wonder how hard it would be to adapt open-source facial recognition into editting the image with some textures over the points on your face it identifies. On the other hand, you could stream without your face at all, that'd be a step up from other faggots.

you should kill yourself

I need eye candy to serve as a hook. 3D animated face is something I've never seen done properly before.

We all know OP's kind of wasting his time here.

show me the bare titties

Honestly, I'm checking in once every few hours to see if there's any difference and at this point I'm starting to think that even cuckchan is better to hang out on, with how fucking negative and whiny Holla Forums has become.

nice shitty girlfriend behavior

You sound like a real softie

Leave, nobody will miss you

you have 2 choices
tits or gtfo
or go back to reddit

What did you expect?

4chan is shutting down and now Holla Forums is getting the overflow from that shitter

Its not like its some huge revelation that trolls online suffer from extreme insecurities, I mean fucking no shit look at people like leafy etc, they were massively bullied IRL so now they bully others

And no, cuckchan is not better, again what you're seeing now on Holla Forums is their shitter being emptied here

Being critical is not being negative and whiny. Buy you are being negative and whiny, and hardly critical.

Half of your "criticisms" are empty assumptiosn and conjecture.




Its ok, Jesus still loves you despite your flaws

Becoming anime is the only reason I'd ever be interested in FaceRig, though last I heard they banned the Nepus, which is gay.


I bought facerig because the only other facial capture software on the planet I could find at the time was like $7000, and supporting people who could do this on the cheap was the majority reason I bought it

Then I used it for some streams till discontinuing its usage, but I mostly gave up on the motion capture market after primesense got bought up by applejews and the MCM has literally crashed and burned since then

Now the only way to do motion capture is to buy an Xbone kinect windows kit which has inferior stats to a primesense sensor released 4 fucking years ago, or spend $2000 on a barebones motion capture camera which only matches a Primesense 1.08, the Primesense at the time of its release 4 years ago only being $120

Motion capture market died because of jews, and its once again in the hands of the film corp so just fucking gave up with it, facerig is just a novelty to me now

You haven't see the asian streamers with rigged anime girl faces. Basically doing what you want to do.
Get someone to translate moon runes for 'face rig' and I bet you'll get it. It's super cringey on streams, though. I mean you're gonna look like a sperg immediately. Streams usually get viewers first and then add the fancier shit. I've never seen a stream get big through having flashy shit. In fact I usually prefer streams minus all the stupid shit on screen. Just the fucking gameplay. Good commentary, good game play, charisma. There you go.

So basically Mattewmatosis then?

reminds me of this.

what? why on earth?


8ch has been very negative against streamers forever and for good reason. 99% of them are attention whores who "interact" with chat (i.e. call it out when someone gives them pennies) and look stupid on cam making wacky expressions while a game is happening in the background so basically being YouTube let's players but with even worse pacing. If nothing else would get people to watch your stream than a poorly animating model of a face then you need to rethink what you're doing and if you should do it at all in the first place.

I don't post much, but this level of being a whiny bitch makes me have to.

Jesus Christ, no one is forcing you to fucking be here. I don't think the internet is for you if you can't ignore people that are shit posting.

Kill yourself or never go online again, do us all a fucking favor.

I'll bet SJWs got it classified as a pornographic VN, like they did with Senran.

Official response is that they illegally infringe on copyright.


The next step should be full body anime rigging. Be able to customize clothes on the fly. Maybe be able to rig multiple people on screen as they do lewd things or just act out improve skits as magical girls caused by a monsters attack that makes them do weird improv skits like "Whose Line is it Anyway?"

Just use a real mocap solution and paint your face properly.

Actually going along on that. I have a shitty nose (deviated septum, two sinus surgeries etc. etc.) and apparently I sniff a lot. Besides just checking myself doing it and trying to train myself to not. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem? It's exceptional annoying when the mic picks up my sniffing noises. I try to noise gate it, but then I have to have the noise gate setup super high and then have to scream into my microphone, which is not always and option.

twitch is already full
also there is a lot of people doing facerig streams


If you don't see the problem with this then you don't belong here by default.