How would a good Frankenstein game be?

How would a good Frankenstein game be?

Depends on literally every other factor.

A competent developer with enough funding, the right vision, and a good grasp on whatever genre such a game would be can make a good game out of nearly any premise.

You gotta find the perfect people for body parts as Dr. Frankenstein and then set up traps a-la Hitman/Scooby-Doo so they die and you can use them to build him like an Armored Core.
The later half of the game takes place as the creature itself on a small rural/suburban open world setting, you can either be good to others and not be feared or become a fearsome grunt which will decide the ending of the game.


Forgot to mention that the second part should play kinda like Shenmue.

Honestly that sounds like risky ground. Maybe as two separate games in the same story, but games that try to shift direction and style so abruptly in the middle of the game have never ended well.

Fuck that, make it a survival-horror game like Clocktower

It starts with a character creation system in which you design Frankenstein as you see fit.

Point of Frankenstein wasn't the fact that monster was assembled from body parts. That's something kid-friendly adaptations are like to focus on.
It was about creature alien and inappropriate to a world it was brought into.
If you are to make game from monster's perspective, it would be maybe similar to Alice game, where world appears surreal and hostile and every single thing is trying to kill you, with cheap twist that everything was normal and it was you, who are the monster.

If to make it from Frankenstein's perspective then it would be something more traditional, maybe point and click,maybe a puzzle game, but something not focused on combat obviously.
Pathologic kind of game would work too.

build-your-own-zombie game where you can collect body parts with different stats and abilities to assemble your own frankenstein

A dating simulator where you try to court the monster, but he always runs away when things get too heated. He makes some mistakes from time to time, but if you turn a blind eye towards them you'll find an irreplacable friend.

Frankenstein doesn't have enough substance for an 8+ hour game.

Why not just have a mash up of a bunch of different horror stories? Each monster can get their own level/chapter.

Frankenstein is the fucking SCIENTIST'S NAME


it's pure convenience at this point

I'll buy 10 copies.

A lot like overlord I imagine.
You'd just be a necromancer or sorts.
It could be neat in the same sense as those kinds of games where the big fish eat the little fish.
You create a small zombie army.
You take over a village.
Maybe a hint of strategy involved.
You take over two more and so on.
Maybe it would be like a strange kind of mode for Mount and Blade.
With every village taken the defenses in the area are made stronger but your army grows.
You attack from multiple points as some push back.
You try and cut off supply to food and water.
You take over a kingdom.
You then strategically take over multiple kingdoms until you own the whole continent.
You decide if you want to destroy or enslave humanity.
All it really changes is what the girls look like on your throne of skulls.

A good Frakenstine's Monster game however would be a horror themed version of Unteralterbach.

Gonna beat your ass

The real villian was doctor Frankenstein, he pushed away his creation into a world of pain.
Maybe a sandbox game that focuses on creating a bride for the creature, as you find suitable corpses to steal and recreate the experiment.
Or a visual novel of some sort.

What if Frankenstein was human?

I really can't see it being any good, it works best as a story not a game.

I can see the potential already

As opposed to being what, a meat popsicle?

It's a Peter Cushing simulator. You steal corpses in stealth sections, there is a co-op mode where the other player controls your assistant and do Trauma Center stye mini games when you get to operate on the thing you're about to revive. You also get to murder people in ways that appear like accidents. There is also a rape scene to "sex up" the game.

And you sound like an exec in a suit.

Sounds sexy. Combine it with the "build a bride" idea from and it's a winner. I'd throw in some alchemy crafting and knowledge collecting for the formula used to keep the creature stable, and branching narrative paths depending on the quality of the parts used for the creature and how good your chemistry is (bad end and the monster goes full chimp out and brings an angry mob to your door where you're torn to shreds).

Fucking Hollywood.

Rape scene may be a bit extreme, but why not.
It'll be like princess maker 2, except much more nihilistic since ultimately the bride will become self aware of her immortality and see no use in you.
Also faster paced, considering you'll probably fail a few times to keep the creature alive.

It's a joke about Frankenstein raping his landlady in one of the movies. It was a producer decision.

what is stubbs the zombie

How would a good Nosferatu game be?

Just make the part hunt short and simple, let it serve as a clever replacement for character creation.
Then roll with and make it a sandbox RPG.

A rhythm game based on a musical version of Frankenstein, like this.

Make it a Mad Scientist management tycoon.

Allow me now to expand upon the idea here
A semi open world RPG starring a monster stitched together from various corpses, inspired by the Frankenstein story.

Game starts with an excerpt of our doc's journal. Following things are established.
The 30 days serve as our stat points. From here on, we make a series of choices that determine the parts we get.
We can wait around for accidents and natural deaths, and dig up the parts as usual.
But we can also, well… speed up the process, yielding us more fresh and higher quality parts. But this might have consequences later in the game. Somebody might recognize the arm or the leg we took, we end up killing an NPC that could be useful, NPCs will be more vigilant as more murders happen, it's gonna be much harder to do a moralfag run with these parts, etc.
If we run out of time before getting everything, we get a guaranteed event that gives us the missing parts, though the quality will be mediocre at best.
Character creation is finished, and our monster wakes up. Depending on the choices we've made, the monster may kill the doc on sight, scare the shit out of him so that he runs away, or if we fucked up real bad (or were too much of a pussy) during the creation phase, it might be too weak to do either of these things. In that case we get a little extra tutorial. Then shit happens and you're left alone.

The game begins. You're free to dick around as you please, bearing in mind the following;
How you do from here is up to you. You can try to stay disguised, maintain your humanity and try to figure out who you were, you can try to clear up whatever's keeping you from leaving and fuck off into the sunset. You can also embrace your monstrous side and either fuck shit up according to your moral compass, or fuck shit up in general just to be a dick, and live up to your name as a monster.
And of course, you can make yourself stronger by harvesting better parts for yourself, and either getting the doc to stitch those onto you, or doing it yourself. It's pretty balanced if you think about it. If you're weak as shit and your doc stays, upgrades are easy and you can catch up; if he runs, you have to find him again and convince/intimidate him to help you; if you kill him right away then you're already strong enough and you'll have to learn surgery the hard way.

There's plenty of room to make things interesting from a writing perspective; from little details that make the place feel alive, to main and side quest plotlines.

Frankenstein is his last name, his monster's name is clearly Monster Von Frankenstein.