Stop bitching about stuff and fucking play video games
Fucking do it and fucking post here your progress
Stop bitching about stuff and fucking play video games
Fucking do it and fucking post here your progress
Friendo, you need to lurk more
M&B:Warband - Day 72 of second playthrough
HuniePop - Max hearts on two girls, no idea how to fuck them
KSP 1.2 - Just fucking around in sandbox while I wait for RP-0 to be updated
Can't play, because preordered.
he is right about Holla Forums becoming a hive mind of the neoSJWs
i used to like it here in 2014 ;_; now i hate this place but i have nowhere else to talk about vidya
Why talk about vidya? Play it.
Deal. Gonna stream Soul Reaver on PSX which i've never played before, although i have a very shitty Internet connection
well i play the ace combat games now a days
Started with Balkan wars, don't know if i like them tho .
Hey user, zeitgeist is a real thing. Unfortunately so is cuckchan among other shitholes leaking here.
You also forgot:
Those who complain about "le leddit spacing" annoy me more than those who actually commit it.
People who are complete opposites are actually the same.
I just played REmake and EDF 4.1 yesterday OP. Speaking of EDF though, are the Hardest and Inferno mode unlocks worth it? I was only able to beat some levels on Hard mode, but I fell in love with this shotgun I found called the Governor 50, and it's making me wonder if there are better guns than that.
Also can someone refresh my mind on the differences between REmake and the original besides the obvious Crimson Head additions? I've made it up to the first encounter with that giant snake and from what I've played of the original on DS I guess there are more puzzles, map seems more useful, but there's no way to skip the door animations. Also characters actually show different animations depending on damage.
But video games are ruining my life.
Lol, where do you think you are? Less than 5% of these fuckers even play video games.
I hope you are baiting.
I'll make sure to put up some trigger warnings next time
Tell me you're joking if you think Holla Forums ever one believed in horseshoe theory
werks e'ery tiem
Forcing yourself to play video games when you don't feel like it, will make you hate playing video games.
Everyone in this thread is breathing manually.
I finally beat 2hu PCB on normal with 2 continues unused and I couldn't even believe I did it, but then I got a bad end and realized using continues is still babby mode, and now I don't feel like I accomplished anything at all.
Nice nothing posts with no substance. You'll never get those seconds back.
If you don't feel like playing video games why fcuk are you in a board about video games
You useless pieces of shit talk about cuckchan and leddit and you are trying even harder to become them
what is happening
joke's on you I bitch about stuff WHILE I play videogames.
Just finished DOOD, was actually a really good game (other than MP which is a total loss). I feel like Holla Forums lied to me. On my 1080 I never went below 100fps at 1440p with everything maxed but blur AA and chromatic blur. Strongly recommend, but play on nightmare and don't 'glory kill' unless you're at critical health, you'll have a much better time ignoring that mechanic.
Today I'll probably be getting back to Valkyria Chronicles. I left off on some kill-the-tank mission where you get raped in the second half.
Will get a used copy of Dood for console.
Fucking nu-game apologist. Fuck off you cuck.
You just need to stop posting altogether.
Did birds die?
Beaten Mafia III. It is a massive collection of missed opportunities and medocrity.
The only locale I remember (since you do exact same shit anywhere you go), a Jazz Club which expanded into the canals below with Nosferatu hideout vibes from VTMB. It left an impression not because it had fuck all interesting, but because it made me cry there will never be an Old Masquerade game set in New Orleans. Watching Holla Forumslacks getting triggered is more fun then suffering through it.
I'm too busy making videogames to play them.
It's actually somewhat jarring to read posts with formatting like that for those who spent enough time on imageboards. I doubt that's purely "reddit spacing" tho, I think a lot of it is just fuckwits aping what they see at 4chan daily because it is easier to type like that on their phones. If they use this formatting it is easier for them to not fuck up quoting and the like. On a decent board smartphone filth should be b& for the same reasons underage is.
Holla Forums did lie to you, the game being good didn't fit their narrative, so they lie about it.
why would you play mafia 3?
These faggots didnt even play Doom4 they are just bandwagon contrarians. The ones that did played just the demo on easy while spamming glory kills like the manginas they are, its the kind of homosexual that will play some AAA game on easy and use all of the assists put for the casuals and them cry that they are too easy. Then its right back to generic gook grinding simulator.
This place is worthless for anything but shitposting, dont forget that.
Because it exists.
Your shit taste is criminal.
Your father is probably extremely disappointed at how much of a fucking cuck his son is.
Playing Skies of Arcadia Legends.
Pretty fun for a JRPG, though the initial "leave town for a few minutes and come back to everybody dead" bullshit is way overplayed. I just got to Valua, and am presumably going to sneak into the execution soon.
A lot of things exist that doesn't mean you should do them. I just hope you didn't pay for it?
No, you forgot to misconstrue valid criticism and distort what the guy is saying by putting their words in his mouth, thus hiding criticism of their ape-like behaviour and forging a folding screen of imagined criticism of their beliefs.
The birds are being sucked into a grain sorter without a grate to keep foreign objects (like them) out, they most certainly are gonna suffocate, or get caught up and crushed in the machinery, depending on the specifics of the mechanism.
Maybe there's a chance they'll make it all the way through without either of those happening, and end up deposited into a bin at the end, then maybe they have a chance to fly away, but it's more likely they'll just end up buried by the grain coming in behind them before they get that chance.
Unless it's dumping the grain onto a conveyor belt, in which case they may well just be able to fly away possibly uninjured.
You're not going to maximize profit that way.
I got it from some other thread.
I know.
what is next faggot? SA punctuation? or maybe NeoGAF paragraphing?
video games are created by the jews to turn whites into degenerates. the best example is this shitty board. i work hard to show you faggots the truth but noooo "muh horshoe" and "go back to pol!" you fags dont realize that this is pol territory and you must conform to our ideals. we know better than you because we arent degenerate niggers like you.
i was watching this yesterday, i love the one in the end that just says fuck it and walks straight into his death
You forgot your related
Why, you brought some with you?
No, you can glory kill above critical and get armor drops with one of the powerups but it comes at a large risk of being one-shot the millisecond the glory kill animation ends as the demons aren't paused while it happens and there's no grace period. I initially tried to glory kill for armor but got tired of yelling at the screen when I'd go from 100% to dead before I could even move the camera and learned to just avoid doing them. Realizing they're skippable improved the experience.
If whites are so bad then why do you come to white countries? If video games are so bad then why do you keep coming to Holla Forums, the board made specifically to talk about video games?
Reddit-spacing is one of the stupidest D&C shilling tactics I've seen, and you're a fucking retard for falling for it.
The slimes in 4th level of grimrock were fucking me up hard so I decided to restart and actually have a plan on what to spec instead of just bumbling my points into whatever the fuck. So far on level 3 and it seems that I've missed at least 5 secrets during my first playthrough because I'm finding them now.
fun game. Real fun game. How's the sequel?
the best way to solve a problem is by killing it by the root. if you stopped wasting your lives playing the interactive jew and started helping us at pol eliminating all non-whites from the world.
What's that grenade symbol?
i refuse to work with pol fags until you recognize loli fags as true allies
I'm stuck on the Terran campaign mission in SC1 where you're right next to a Zerg base that you have to defend from the Protoss.
What should I do, and how do I get better at single player Starcraft in general?
fuck off kiddy diddlers. youre playing into the jews hand of molesting children.
b-but I just rage quit Mega Man and came here to shit post and hate games
this thread went well
It was actually the Jews that raised the age of consent to reduce the number of fertile years your women have and so they'd get a career before considering having children (and then decide not to for their career). It's at the root of everything that went wrong in the west and you've still got their poison in your head.
Nice try, but you've given yourself away you jewish shill
not an arguement
and it's the same jews who kidnap children and molest them while their mothers are away in the shitty deadend careers.
thank you for correcting the record
Post lolis, let's make the best from this thread
Observe these dubs.
Some day, when you stop being twelve, you will realize your folly.
What is this, some sort of LARP general? Why the fuck does this thread even exist?
Watcha talking about op? I have been having fun with videogames
piratedShadow Warrior 2
The adventures of Van Hellsing
Grim Dawn
Paladins with my friends
and more games, I may try that copy of Dood that I saw on kickcass later. so yeah having fun with vidyia and shitposting on Holla Forums
sorry user, i am on my phone so i don't have access to my loli folder
No one has said it, so I will.
Shamefur dispray user
Let me help you a bit then fam
Yeah, it's pretty shit. There's very few games that you're allowed to talk about here without the Holla Forums crowd crashing down on the thread and then the Holla Forums thereafter to make the entire thing a commie vs. natsoc retard fight.
post real child porn
That's original SC, not BroodWar, right?
You're probably better off repeating this question in an RTS thread/creating one if there's none to be found.
I'll try to get through Terran campaign because I don't remember any details, but I'm really rusty so it's likely going to take some time.
You're up early FBI-kun. Even if I had some I wouldn't post it here
Finished Bravely Second.
Chainspell and Echo trigger even when you're using Mimic.
Still, I liked it, I spent a fuckload of hours grinding (fuck the 999 jp fight limit), and I'm a sucker for games that thank the player for playing it.
That's what you're doing. :^)
Take them on a date at night, also download the patch if you don't have it already
are you sure that's something you want user?
Just follow the link in this picture
you're right but still i fucking hate the faggot who started openly talking about reddit spacing and made newfags like you and actual redditors able to fit in better
I don't even know what the fuck reddit looks like