ITT games everyone loved but turned out to be shit in the long run

ITT games everyone loved but turned out to be shit in the long run

Every video game you have ever liked

Recettear. I recently replayed it and it was quite shitty, especially late-game.

People loved Half Life?
>inb4 Bimblerdale autist comes and turns this thread into a shitpost pool.


Half Life 1. Go back and play it. Not that great.

Bad on so many levels. Even the main theme was lame.


Half Life 2 was alright.

user, I agree with you, it's awful, but don't do this. You're playing into their hands by making a big deal about it. I was just stating my concern for this thread.

''C O N F I R M E D

Just shitpost in his memegame threads, don't do this user, it's what he wants. Let this thread live, and forget that I even mentioned it.




Fucking trash game. It's only liked because of nostalgia and hipsters who want to prove their video game cred.

Couldn't make it past 5 minutes.

I'm not going to listen to some smarmy little dweeb rabble on about how he doesn't like a decent game for irrelevant reasons no one would normally look into that just boil down to mostly opinions. Pedantic sums up the video.

hl2 is still a solid game it wasn't shit in the longrun.

What exactly do you even mean anyways? Something like fable then? normalfags loved it but its aged poorly and is actually a shit game. Anyone with taste knows this.

You never played Descent.




There is no undertale in this thread, it's all you.

honestly I believe it's just some upset undertale fan that people don't like his game. So instead of going to a place that shares his taste he just tries to change opinion here by pretended to be a idiot in the hopes that people get influenced by behavior

This. Half Life is pure shit, there is a reason everyone waited years to circlejerk around a mod that basically rebuilt the whole fucking game into something presentable.

welp glad to know the nu males are on Holla Forums now, Sage this thread for bullshit opinions with no merit.



Gas this thread.

Shit taste, even for a manimefag.


this guy is retarded, though

Half life 1 and 2 are amazing but they were copied to death.
Half-life 2 is still better at what it does than most modern shooters though.

The only reason it's shit today was because all of the revolutionary elements it incorporated have been copied to every other fps.
It's like if every game copied elements from Super Mario Sunshine, the original wouldn't seem much good.
Plus this faggot was probably like 5 when half-life 2 came out.
or he's a faggot tranny

It's one of the easiest ways to see someone is underage.

This faggot is an idiot.
Also the reason for the pauses was because they wanted it to sound more like a real life conversation, not like a high-budget game where every character rattles off their lines in an instant

I don't think you know what a conversation is

Gotta admit, he does raise some good points about the pandering to HL1 done wrong

The biggest issue HL2 had was that the modding workflow was (is?) fucking horrible.