How to ruin a good game

So you have game where you run around doing errands for some piece of shit npcs that talk with you like you are trash while they tell you their sob story and you are allowed like only 30 seconds to deliver their golden dildo to their gay buttfriend hanging around on the tallest building on other side of the map. And every time you fail, you have to hear the npc tell the retarded story of his golden buttplug, again.

Its like they just want you to rush through the main story which has no time limits btw, who cares about logic amiright.


Im pretty sure Holla Forumstards like the first one. And so far its the same shit about fighting the EBIL CURPURATION that made the whole world look clean and stylish as fuck.

you mean boring as fuck.


Nigger nobody cared about the story in Mirror's Edge 1.

So? The same way you can just not give a fuck about the story in this one?

2 isnt anymore "sjw" than the first one. You faggots sound like trumblinas looking for things to get triggered by.

This thread is more about games that already had everything to be great but the devs deciced to be dumb and fuck them up.
Those kind of games you refer to were never good to being with, or even complete.

Way to be a faggot with no life and wasting your time in threads you hate.

Open beta is just a demo, user. They call it an open beta because it attracts the eye of consumers more.



it's actually things that makes the game more expensive to make. it's like they decided they have to make a piece of shit

Mirrors Edge was a beautiful game with a clever concept with solid execution.

But it was made in a time when EA still kind of gave a shit about video games and had creative people at the head. Any sequel now would completely miss the point if the first game but exploit the ip anyway cuz lol

I didn't really notice any more SJW shit than in 1st one, except for le genius autistic NIGGER grill.

I dont get what you mean, girl. If you just want to shitpost generic green arrows, yes, you are in the wrong thread.

Its a feature shitlord, how dare you question the high intellects that make modern games!


Very true. Quests could have been better.

y-y-you are supposed to see it in motion, goy

So you didnt play the sequel and want to talk shit like a hipster anyway. Got it.

So, denuvo was cracked on this game, right? I remember a thread about it yet nobody bothered to post a torrent for it.

It's not even worth pirating.

Of coursh

You think i bought it? Lol

There's a few more problems but you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. The devs took the game and turned it into a literal first person Assassin's Creed game. The problem isn't really what people think it is though, the game was doomed right from the announcement.

What made ME1 so great was that it was a perfect storm of poor programming, that the way it's best played is actually to speedrun it, and using all bugs to your advantage. The devs didn't account for this originally and just wanted to make a generic fps game with some parkour. Playing ME1 normally is a fucking awful experience on every single front, but when you step back and try to use every single exploit to beat the game as fast as possible, it turns out that it has arguably one of the highest skill ceilings in vidya history. It unintentionally turned out great, but the devs didn't realize this, and you can't program glitched gameplay mechanics into a polished game. What people ended up with was ME2, which was faster and smoother than it's predecessor, but lacked the challenges due to being too "polished." It's hard to put into words, only actually looking at some of the speedrun strats and trying to implement them yourself can people really understand how crazy ME1 could get. Instead, ME2 took those strategies and made them easy to pull off. Instead of being able to sidejump boost in ME1, in ME2 they simply map the "boost" button to right-click, removing any form of effort needed to get that smaller edge. Same with the other glitches, you can shave off a fuckton of time but requires an ASSLOAD of effort. And yes, many games do this too, but none require the Arena-like reflexes and whatnot to actually pull them off. When you see people speedrun ME1, there is an assload of frame-perfect actions needed to be made for the entirety of the game. Imagine CS obstacle courses turned up to a ten. It's fucked up, but ultimately the game was objectively doomed from the start because no dev in current year would ever want to purposefully make a game just broken enough to allow for crazy high skill gameplay. ME1 would have been an absolute disaster had it not been for how broken it was, and the relationship between it and it's sequel and using glitches as inspiration/purposeful gameplay mechanics should be studied by devs in the future. Just my opinion though.

Nah, with all the speedrun challenges and time trials and shit, it was clearly designed with that kind of gameplay in mind. It's a speedgame, where the fun comes from routing out the fastest path through the environment, and improving your skill until you can pull it off, or improve your speed. That style of gameplay, and games like it such as Marble Blast just rarely get talked about, because it's pure kinetic gameplay that requires skill to program and play, antithesis to modern games development. You can have fun with almost no glitches speedrunning Mirror's Edge, but EA forced them to slap on a token story and bossfights and all that other crap to make a campaign.

Somehow, this reminds me of one of the GunZ games. Don't remember which one, but I do recall it had so many programming bugs and exploits that the game's entire multiplayer meta eventually revolved around them.
I'm not even entirely sure it was a GunZ game. I'm only kinda sure.

Soldner: Secret Wars?

Time to start up ME again

I'd be impressed if it was Solder: Secret Wars, but I'm pretty sure it's just one of the old GunZ versions based off like CS: Source. I recall people complaining that all the servers became nothing but people using katanas to fly or whatever.

This game also has one of my biggets pet pevees with open world games. They make some places only accessible through one route with like a bridge or something. So everytime you have to go there you have to go throught the same place.

When i played Gunz, it was full of level 99 faggots that had so much HP and gear that they were basically immortal so they just used the katanas to slash the walls and fly around and do nothing the whole match

Speaking of Gunz





Didn't play it, but isn't the gameplay shit?
I remember shit like simplified parkour and forced combat.

I pirated Mirror's Edge: Cunty Lips and played it for about 20 minutes so far. I already really fucking hate it. First other character you run into is some egotistical faggot instead of a delicious Celeste. Faith sounds like an annoying cunt now and looks like her jaw could be used as a jackhammer to rip apart concrete. Tutorial takes goddamn forever and resets itself if you deviate from them trying to teach you how to play. HUD is fucking annoying on default, like a goddamn Ubisoft game.

Open world is boring. Game actually runs surprisingly well, but the city lost all of it's soul, which is funny because the first game was incredibly sterile, but it still felt really unique. They decided to focus on Ubisoft-tier collectibles and unlockables instead of actual well-crafted levels. They could have instead made bigger levels that accommodated different runs and allowing people to optimize their playthroughs. Instead, they give in to the open-world craze. Side-missions are all completely strict, yet the game urges you to play differently. All "skills" that Faith knew in the first game are now hidden behind unlockables. Game had an emphasis on combat, despite it being so easy that Anita's thumb-like clitoris could fight the enemies and win. Instead of fixing the gun combat, they put guns behind a, "All guns are ID locked now, so Faith can't even use them, teehee!"

Fuck this game. I didn't even get to the next story mission. I'm just so fucking tired of open-world games. I'm tired of shitty soft-reboots. I'm tired of basic skills you should know being hidden behind an experience bar. I'm tired…but I am ever so glad that I didn't pay for this pile of garbage.


the gameplay is the same as the first one

If i thought like you i wouldnt make past the first godawful cutscene in the first one.

fuck you mark, this captcha shit pops up to me every few hours

Listen, I don't really give too much of a shit about cutscenes or story or what have you. The gameplay IS essentially the same as the first, but they lock basic movement techniques behind bullshit XP which you get from grinding bullshit side-missions. Instead of focusing on making the actual game part of the game more fun, the developers decided to throw all of that out in favor of padding. That's pretty much all they did. They took elements from the first game and padded it out to be longer. I don't want the first game, we already got that. I wanted improvements, but they improved absolutely nothing. I liked the first game because I like running and jumping around environments, which is ironic because I'm pretty out of shape IRL, so I guess it's a part of my personal fantasy. But anyways, the first game had some really nice visuals, alright game mechanics, and levels that actually look like they had SOME amount of effort put into them. I won't say that I had any hope that they would actually improve upon the gameplay from the first, but I decided to give it a shot. All DICE did was combine the first game with Assassin's Creed: Unity. I'm almost surprised they didn't make it a third-person game with Bamham combat.

Like what? Half of the "upgrades' are already unlocked when you start, i havent noticed anything from the first game that you cant do from the start. I just quickly scrolled through that upgrade page and its mostly useless bullshit like taking less damage.

Fuck you, SMT 3.

The 180 degree turn when running and jumping, being able to press the crouch button to roll and not die from tall heights, being able to crouch mid-air to jump over obstacles more easily. Simple shit like this was cut out and locked behind "upgrades." I don't get this shit. I hate it.

post yfw you're not 86f391

I'd rather live in the ME world than California.

To be fair, I would rather live in squalor in the Half-Life 2 universe than in modern day California. It's probably less restrictive when it comes to personal rights.

It's definitely GunZ you're thinking of.

The accepted meta was known as "K-style" due to the obsessive Korean playerbase that originally developed it.

Shit was insane. You basically had to exploit glitches in order to fly around the map and run along the walls. It was impossible to get into as a newbie unless you were willing to put in the legwork.

keep running nigger

Have a very white day.

But what he said is exactly what they did with the sequel, though.

make it always online

whats the matter, too video gamey for you? are you tired of boss fights as well?

let me give you a lesson fam

EA has never given a shit about video games
EA cares about money
EA only seemse like it cared about video games to the uninformed because they don't know how EA operates
they buy companies that give a shit about video games and then suck the life out of them

Idk what people liked about MEdge 1, i pirated it to try and it was boring, only played it like 1 hour before securely wipe it 3 times off my HDD for good measure.

it's a platformer fam

if you have very little time to play vidia platformers are great

Yeah, but it came out during that one short period of time when EA was on heavy drugs and decided to let its developers be creative for a change and we got Dead Space and Mirror's Edge.

The really hilarious part is that EA then gave up on the idea of letting developers make AA titles for them to IP far and just defaulted to beating the dead horse's bones into dust with their existing IPs.

user EA jews at different speeds throughout it's existence but it always holds true

EA eats games and eats companies until they are no more


Your right, the sequel/reboot/fuck it all did completely miss the point and tried to take the setting seriously but ultamitely failed in all categories . Though EA never cared, and that creativity was milked furiously cause mirrors edge was a new concept.

Catalyst seems to do everything wrong. ME was minimalist in its approach to storytelling, the narrative being there to give some excuse to string the levels along, while the sequel drowns you in it, and what's worse, it's a shit story inferior to the original.

It puts an emphasis on combat for no good reason. In ME you could fight, but there was no point to it because running was the preferred alternative, and the mechanics encouraged such an approach without holding your hand and forbidding you from using weapons.

And the open world and RPG style progression kill the level design. I'm not outright against open-world, I just don't like how it's handled, especially since it brought the skill ceiling so low.

ME obviously was big budget company experimenting with minimalism. It was surprisingly elegant in how they had no idea what the fuck they were doing but did things because they seemed reasonable. It was bare bones for full 60 bucks, but now that's its like 20 its more than justified.
Catalyst seemed to forget how tight ME was by adding in things that just dont make sense. Instead of looking further into the niche side of things and abstracting more, it went further into mainstream. So yeah, Catalyst missed the target. But it missed the target so hard I'm pretty sure it even forgot how to load, aim, and shot the gun altogether.

23 minutes in and I'm already wondering how the fuck do that shit

Gunplay was also extremely good in ME, although it could just be because it was extremely limited in how often you did it, and since you couldn't hold more than what the weapon had in it, you quickly went back to running.

Gunplay in ME is a crutch for newer players. They assumed that players heading into this were people who knew standard shooting game rules so that by killing an enemy you'd be granted a weapon which players were familiar with. But the minimalism was still there; no ammo counter and you got whatever they had left in that mag, no aim down sights(minus the sniper), and you only had one gun on you at maximum for usually what amounts to 30 to 40 seconds of hoping you dont fuck up. When in reality Faith alone was equally as deadly to even more effective and speedy than the guns.

The fuck is going on with her leg? It's like 2 meters long.

Manlet detected.

I thought manlets liked tall chicks because they can be carried around.

I doubt every manlet has weird infantilism fetish.

Fuck off.

Perspective. 32mm game camera lens versus 50mm

Make it all about women's periods.
Fucking women trying to play games, they aren't even good at them.
Gaming is in a dark age because feminists found the internet because Steve Jobs created the iPhone.

Okay, Anita.

What reality is this? You go see how easy it is to beat up some roided up, padded up, special forces gorilla.

Reality as in that not using guns is just as viable or better than using them in ME1.

Mattress Edge was never good to begin with.



The entire history of the early 360 gen is to be rewritten, as the SJW invasion was already doing damage in a covert manner.

Accusations of sexism against Duke Forever, things like Other M being championed for turning Samus into a damsel, were all symptoms. But anons fail to make the connection, because Gamergate hadn't happened yet.

I understand one cuck likes to say hurr le redit spacing but next time can you please put some effort into making it easier to read and add a few more paragraphs like in the middle.


Can't wait for this one to come out. It will raise the bar in terms of how shit a game can be.

Holla Forums will actually play that crap. And make daily threads to talk about it while pretending to be ironic posting.
Because anything-rpg and these retards just swallow it up. This is one the reasons i think people here are mostly huge casuals.


Don't sexualize guns.


Didn't they have Anita Sarkessian consult on ME2? Also some contraversy about mattress woman or something. Sounds pretty SJW to me.

I dont follow internet drama. The game itself doesnt has any of that bullshit so far.

Relevant video. This guy is sometimes your typical liberal faggot, but most of his arguments, although a bit too simple for their own good, are well-supported and use relevant examples.

I see what people liked about it, but the controls were too clunky for my tastes. I never really felt like I was going very fast even at top speed, and it suffered from the same problem Sonic games do: unless you play the levels repeatedly and know the optimal routes, you spend a lot of time building up speed, which is a terrible feeling. I might just be spoiled by Super Smash Bros. Melee's movement mechanics and speed (or Need for Speed: Most Wanted, which I played earlier this year), but it's always odd to hear people describe Mirror's Edge as a "speed" game. Faith is so slow, and the movement techniques feel less like gameplay mechanics and more like mini-cutscenes.

Thinking about it now, I realize that the reason all the vaults, walljumps, etc. felt like mini-cutscenes is because the animations didn't scale with speed. You have four or five different tiers of speed (barely making a jump with no speed, up to moving at max speed with perfect timing) but they're all uninterruptible animations. There's also no way to accelerate from a dead stop aside from trudging forward; I get the feeling they wanted the top speed and movement to be a superior state of play which you have to work towards, but there's still that bit of speed lost every time you have to do a vault or a wall run. It feels like the game interrupts you instead of just letting you move around.

I dunno, maybe I'm just being autistic about this. Did anyone else notice that?

You're like an inner city nigger who brags about being too illiterate to read the newspaper. Tell me, did you think GamerGate was measly "internet drama" as well?

Anyone have a magnet link for the first one? I have it for PS3, but I've been wanting to replay it on PC for a while now.

Is he a liberal faggot? I like him quite a bit.

Liberal in the sense that he'll throw in lines like "and we can see this technique used in Gone Home's level design" even though anyone with half a brain could recognize that Gone Home doesn't have level design because it doesn't have gameplay mechanics around which to design levels. He also made that video on Her Story, which I assume is full of doublethink and faggot-ass justification as to why it should count as a game at all.

But then you have surprisingly salient points like vid related (relevant since ME:C suffers from severe handholding problems); many people are too stupid to understand how a game can or cannot be "built around" a dotted line, but he summarizes the problem well. I'd like him more if he didn't delve into faggot territory in the first place, but it actually doesn't affect his other work so I can only complain so much.

did i trigger you girl?

Answer the question. Do you take pride in being uninformed?

With comments like:
"I love how queer Faith looks in Mirror's Edge 2"?
She is supposedly modeled after Emma Sulkowicz, the mattress girl.

Yep. The SJW bs had begun much earlier, particularly in reviewing. The cancer is pretty deep now.


"Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur." -Han solo

Seriously, though, the game itself was an interesting experiment, and I liked that they were trying something unique, but I don't think it worked. The idea of fast fluid movement kind of breaks down when you realize you'll be spending a lot of time at the loading screen and redoing the same parts because the game thinks it's a lot more intuitive than it is.