is there truly no hope?
Normies (Get Out)
I'm too bitter to even insult you. Please just lurk for like a month, man. There's an obscure but important difference in board cultures between here and cuckchan. Just fucking lurk, man jesus.
Most of the technical things people bitch about are going to get fixed in patch 1.01 which drops any second. The game only released broken so it wouldn't conflict with the Gears of War release. If you invested that much money in making it, would you eat the bad publicity for 3-4 days or ship drastically fewer units? It's an AAA game for fuck's sake, not something made as a work of art or something for oldschool or hardcore audiences. It exists to make money and they're trying to make money out of it. How dense are you?
Sage because "waah normalfags"
Thank you for correcting the record. I think I'll go buy 10 copies now.
How about not buy the game in general?
Why wait for it to get fixed when it shouldn have been working fine since launch?
2014 isn't over yet.
This is no way related to board culture, it's just plain logic for someone that actually give a shit about a video game quality
How do you know if it's shit if people don't buy the game to play it?
Mark stop being triggered and unfilter normalfags or something or is it just for thread titles?
No, nevermind, norm1es is still filtered because Mark's triggered over meme-sanctity.
Stop making these threads
Just let them eat their shit and don't even bother interacting with them.
Are you trying to make yourself mentally abnormal?
You should care that game devs care what they think.
Using normalfag instead of normalfag, reddit is that way.
Holy fuck normïe is censoredby the mods. This really is neo/v/
You were saying?
so which sub-reddit linked you here?
But that is 100% true. I'm not buying anything from 2016 until at least three years from now. By then everybody will have forgotten about the games that people only know about because of a marketing blitz and the only games from now people will be talking about will be the ones that are actually worth a shit.
Fuck off back to reddit, normalfag.
The game has less than 200k sales on steam spy.
Its a fucking bomb for all intents and purposes. Stop talking about it and it will die.