infinity booru:
art boards: >>>/art/, >>>/loomis/, >>>/ani/ (dead)
draw. request. discuss.
infinity booru:
art boards: >>>/art/, >>>/loomis/, >>>/ani/ (dead)
draw. request. discuss.
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reply to this post with requests or submissions
If anyone can guess what characters i have butchered drawing with extra dix i will do nothing
because nobody will get
Those are some nice (unlike the "drawing") video games you got there, OP.
Got my request in a screencap.
Yooka Laylee
Is that Bzzit?
no but good try
one of them does look like a dick already so bzzzit isn't too far off
What part of "don't make a drawthread if you're not a drawfag and taking requests" is so fucking hard to understand.
Who in the heck is Yang?
It's not videogames that's what it is
Well, I sure wondered for a moment if user would be so kind as to post a screenshot so that we might see if this is vidya of not, but I guess this will not happen. Including real screenshots instead of fanart in your requests is something I prefer, because the artists can then build from the source. On the other hand, if the requester wants a particular interpretation of the character that only appears in fanart, it is probably better to include both fanart and screenshots.
Eh might as well, got nothing to lose.
Trio de la Muerte, I don't think I've seen a single piece of art for these guys.
No. If you´re not a drawfag, kill yourself.
taking sfm requests, I'll look at them in the morning
Well, if you ask me, if the requester wants a particular anything they better pony up for a comission then. That's what they exist for.
Requesting this image with Fio and Marco in the place of Mirai & Akihito.
This drama could not be more artificial, could it?
Then the issue is solved, innit
Well I must admit that was good, thanks user.
One more thing… Requesting to remove her right arm only for her elbow remain.
Chiaki Nanami in S.T.A.L.K.E.R attire pls (any attire but preferably Sunrise suit or Duty gear)
No, the issue isn't solved at all.
Why should I have to ask?
Regardless, I was going to take a couple requests, try and keep positive. But seeing the worst request in the thread get attention, the no effort waifufag that couldn't even be bothered to type out out a post; whose request isn't even videogames get the attention.
That just killed my enthusiasm and hope for this.
Requesting Gumball as any vidya character
I get the feeling that the best way to "fix" draw threads would be to ban anyone who starts complaining about draw threads or the people in it.
Think about it, the only thing you'd have left is drawings, requests, and art related discussion.
first request gets priority
you're lucky you got trips, otherwise I wouldn't have responded at all
No one draws shit because requests are shit 99% of time.
High quality content, yeah, sure.
haw haw haw
fuck off back to Holla Forums with your low-key furshit
No, what we would have is only requests because we´ve already BEEN there you fucking newshit.
Nigger he posted a fucking drawing in the OP, you're just stupid.
I'd rather take 100% requests than 50% requests and 50% whiners like you two. News flash; complaining about everything and everyone in every thread won't attract any artists.
I guess stuff like Berserk and Madoka are videogames too then?
If you went to /a/ and requested videogames you'd be rightfully told to fuck off, same with anime on Holla Forums, regular porn on /furry/ or furshit on /monster/
Why are drawfags and drawthreads on Holla Forums expected to forfeit even the barest minimum of standards?
Gee, I wonder if that has something to do with you being a fucking noskill with shitty requests.
Its the DRAWFAGS that are complaining you fucking mongoloid.
I am one, you fucking ponce. These threads were never good to start with, then markoto happened and drove it even further down. And now we have halfchan-tier retards like you trying to "police" the place around pretending that it really is about requests and not about fucking drawing.
Do consider fucking off.
Not the drawfags, that's for sure.
Most drawfags are like bitches.
They whine about how everything isn't "their way" in their own threads, and weak men always seek to come to their defense, in vain hope of favouring.
Not all the drawfags, I meant.
Requesting STALKER art, with some Cheeky Breeki.
anchor your requests so someone can actually find it in between the arguing.
Well lf course not, there's always people with no standards or whores looking to enjoy the attention of art depraved requestfags.
You aren't a drawfag until you draw something for the thread. Until then you're just a regular fag, fag.
From what it seems you got so butthurt by someone else's drawing that you refuse to draw anything yourself.
Let me also point out that you need to do some serious self reflection. You say that I'm here to police, yet you've spend all of your replies complaining about this thread, while all I said is that people should stop complaining and just let requesters and drawfags do their thing.
I think you need to look for the issues from within.
I always thought anchors were a retarded idea, but now I'm starting to see the value in it. The fact that we need them is a bad sign in itself.
Would of rewritten my request but can't repost files unfortunately
This is not a forum.
There is no need for reserved posts.
Please, do not fucking complicate drawthreads beyond the OP being a drawfag.
Nigger I can draw myself if I really want something done.
Dat nun's face is really fucked up.
it does that sometimes
/r/equesting someone draw a pic of the postal dude and not important posing for a buddy cop movie. It doesn't have to look like cop out's, it's just an example
What are you waiting for?
Do it.
I'm too specific about what I enjoy drawing, so I tend to just make requests and draw my own thing.
Let it be, user. The more cabinets you place only sully the mantel.
Well why don't you just fucking draw then?
Do it.
is the thread over? is this all that's gonna happen now? a back and forth with this cunt?
What do you want then, cunt?
At this point I don't even know what you want me to do
Draw my own request?
Post my completely unrelated drawings?
I think it's best if I just stop replying.
maybe some drawing
shoot a proper request if you got one
I second that.
I'm working on your request, give me the coolest of minutes since I'm doing something special
Yeah, you should draw your own requests if you are capable of drawing.
They're your ideas.
Fucking use them.
Draw yourself.
Draw the fellow above you drawing himself.
Seriously, what is actually wrong with trying to make these threads a little easier to read for draw fags? You can ignore the anchor post and people who want to draw can use it.
Why would you report this innocent thread?
I guess anything, they would definitely prefer you do a request but they just want to see if you can really draw.
Thanks man!
solid snake/big boss (your choice) laying on the ground with a look of sadness in his eyes, a single tear coming down his cheek, while he is being mauled by a zombie
so would be like pic related, but instead laying on his back. heres some references if you really need them
Putting a list of every request when half of them don't even deserve to be seen is a waste. A big fat mess.
If you're going to turn this place into a bureau, at least try and make it an efficient one.
Also it's not like drawfags aren't going to browse the thread anyways. Why bother hovering over every reply when you're just going to scroll past them anyways?
have any of you guys even drawn anything yet?
It seems like you guys scared away all the artists.
Because its overflowing with pretend drawfags and other meta shitposters
Well bye thread, was nice meeting you.
on it
mark's in favor of the drawthreads
so either whine elsewhere or kill yourself
wah wah, are you fucking retarded
Actually heres a question. I'm a lewd sculpter, and I was thinking of doing some Rule 34, Maybe. Is they any user here who may be interested in seeing 3D lewds of some kind of vidya character Preferably a guy?
This is the part that always gets me. I figure if someone's a drawfag they can at least post something otherwise anyone can waddle in and say "taking X requests" and just shit up the thread.
If I was a draw fag and I was looking at the replies to the anchor post and saw a dumb request that I wanted to ignore, I'd ignore it and move onto the next one. And again, if you consider the anchor post to be a waste, just scroll down and ignore it.
Ask a draw fag and see if they like the anchor post. If there are even 1 or 2 of them that say that the anchor post helps, then it proves it makes the threads more efficient.
What's your alternative?
Or just shit up the thread without the "taking request" part.
Does anyone know any good resources for comparing different light setups?
I.e. clear sunny sky, overcast, indoors, etc
The joke is that Lime is a figurehead mod that doesn't know how to delete a shitpost even if it was his life on the line.
No user, you're retarded.
Point is that if someone's saying they're a drawfag they better be able to prove it. It's like TITS or GTFO but with drawings.
Preferably some one more femine since I am in the mood for working on more fem'ish boys
No I will not do Yoai Hands Doom Guy
the jokes is you, user
maybe if you had been here last thread you'd know and this is my last reply, I'll be busy drawing then
and unless you got anything to add to this besides "WAH WAH" get the fuck out
Oh, should I probably post examples of my sculptures too?
It's fine, except for the anchor. All that does is prop up what's already been rightfully ignored. Last time this kind of shit was OK'd, we got a fucking mailbox.
I always lurk these, although it's been months since a drawthread made me want to do anything but purge requestfags and beat some sense into other drawfags.
Just do women or be a proper faggot and embrace burly buff men. Pic related.
Preferably feminine eh?
Then what about Chihiro Fujisaki?
I do buff men, I was just in the more for doing something more bootyful right about now.
Is that even videogames, user?
>being so much of a nu-male faggot that you cannot bring yourself to sculpt aesthetic P E R F E C T I O N
Yes, Danganronpa m8
Since you haven't drawn anything in months, I think you need to start with yourself.
That's a VN
Katawa Shoujo is more videogames than that
What exactly do you mean by "boyish"?
Requests != Drawings
He's a faggot.
Eh got nothing else then I guess
I am beginning to realize that this may of been a bad idea, since I think you guys may not like it.
And done!
As a pseudo-drawfag(sfm sorta counts), Waifufags piss me off the most.
Then get out of here, you boy-molesting fruit.
that's what these threads are supposed to be for.
You're lucky the Russian drawfag ITT doesn't burn your fucking house down, Russkis hate homos with a passion.
Just pulling your leg homo.
Actually, if you have a request I'll do it just to make it up to you.
I think you should do something with your favorite model the wraith from evolve.
Aside from the request earlier
I don't really have anything else in mind, Chihiro was simply a suggestion. Maybe make a Gondola sculpture because, idk it's funny ?
He's not the sculpter. Check the IDs.
Welp time to off myself I guess
In what sort of situation?
Fuck off
That's nice
What does you art look like user?
Make him look surprised like someone walked in on him I guess? Up to you what he's doing
As in what I want it to look like? Similar to the portrait of Nanami only she's in Stalker attire
Woah, user. Don't put your mind in the gutter.
After all, she is your waifu, and you just love doing poses of her!
Alright, but it'll have to wait until I've slept, been up all night unable to sleep and my body is shutting down.
Same here so I know that feeling. Night user
going to grind on forms more
is drawabox the only resource that teaches you how to practice form? are there any other exercises I can look at too?
Check the first few chapters of Vilppu's Drawing Manual.
Vivian wearing Estelle's clothes!
Well great, now I want Vivian James putting me in a wrestling hold.
here you go
sorry, I can't color well
ah thanks, I forgot about vilpoopoo
Well, one drawing is enough, but thanks. It's also good too.
Until time, I'll find a way to request a colouring.
Requesting Shinmyoumaru sitting next to a pile of Halloween candy and eating one of them. Drawing her in a cute costume is optional.
Requesting Pipboy listening music on his mobile phone because why not
Sure. A bit busy right now, but i'll give it a go once i have time.
Well, I tried.
Thanks. Looking forward to it.
Here, I forgot to add the headphone wires. I added a cleft and some more music symbols.
I thought op was going to wait till next Friday to start this thread, guess it doesn't matter now.
I can't post anything because my desktop got banned till Thursday, don't matter, I got time to draw now without being distracted. Mod is pretty cool guy.
Also, are we going to keep the Friday on Friday schedule?
Send the drawing to your phone by mail and post it.
If you wanted, then you could make it Friday of next week.
fuck these threads.
literally worse than 4am threads.
What did he mean by this?
look through the thread, small guy
There's a lot of drama, but folks are still posting drawings, what's the big deal?
Post your stuff too.
Requesting Tio playing vidya while being very frustrated over it
why didn't my pic show up?
have some waifu with your breasts, for fucks sake.
tiddies are life m8
user, 8/v/ is a English board.
That's an excellent question.
Maybe the breast is the waifu itself.
Hey, breasts are great. However, I feel like the female body should be adequately proportioned in order to be fully appreciated. Failing that, I'd rather take a woman with smaller breasts but a fuller ass than one who's got it the other way around.
I prefer hips, thighs and butt myself. Realistically I was just joining in on making fun of you
Third time's the charm, i hope.
Requesting the Protagonist of SMT Strange Journey and Kagura of Senran Kagura, side by side, looking ready to fight, please.
Thanks a lot mate!!
Requesting two slugma playing with together
Now, this is how you start a drawthread.
"But you're a nigger"
does anyone have any requests? preferably related to mechs/guns. I need to practice with my tablet.
I don't do anime/cartoon/waifu shit.
pic of something I've done recently. ink and copic.
What if someone's waifu is related to/is a mech/guns?
Requesting one of Battle Engine Aquila
then it would fall under the "waifu" category and I wouldn't draw it
unless I like the subject matter a lot. then I'll draw it
ok give me some time
Ay, I remember that gun. It looks somewhat organic.
Requesting the EBA agents posed like in the second picture.
Why not like this big guy?
Faggot learning how to draw here, taking requests, nothing too complex though, I'm still trying that seamus backflip from the other thread.
Nice. Have you ever done clang?
Also, try a VSS Vintorez.
jesus christ the undercarriage of aquila is confusing as hell, it will take awhile longer to get this done
I can do a vintorez in no time though it's a relatively simple gun
Replicating beauty is no easy task ;^)
But those were the only images I could find that shows off the Aquila as best as possible, a shame there was never a full image of the Aquila.
Here is the closest image I could find that shows off the undercarriage.
And the image wasn't attached FML
I think I will do battle engine justice and see if I can extract a 3d model of it from the game to use as reference. this game seems like it hasn't gotten much recognition, though I did find some old posts about it on conceptart and facepunch.
Good luck with it, nice to know someone else appreciates this criminally underrated gem
Draw Benis
Some examples from previous drawfriends
I'm trying to get in contact with someone who would know how to extract aquila.
monitor future threads, I might show up at some point
I'm kinda busy playing the game, glad you introduced me to it
here is some more of my bad art. good night.
Wait you found a copy? I don't think I'll ever be able to find a copy again. Still it's good to know one more person found and is playing this game. Nice artillery mech drawing btw
Your opinion has been moved to the proper receptacle.
Sometimes those room builder/room decorating software/websites works. You can change different types of light.
I like the VirtualPose books. They have 360s on models, as well as a CD to let up custom rotate. The version I have you can't change lighting but you do get lots of shadows on lots of forms to play with.
I'm turned on by her because look at how tall she is. I'm taller than every female I've ever known. Those hips, the thighs, butt and boobs are perfect as well. Plus she's really a good hearted individual. She's perfect marriage material, I'd protect her all right even if she was stronger than me.
Do you have any more of the yuuka ones?
Requesting shota art of Ape Escape's Spike
Of the pixiv stamps, that specific artist only made three as far as I know. Most of their art is Yuuka if you want other art of her.
Here's the pc98 Yuuka version of that first image.
A full set would be nice, but I don't know if other artists have made any, even of other touhou characters. There doesn't seem to be a tag for renditions of the stamps.
I hate mice
I took a different pose, hope that'll do it anyway
also if the first one is too dark, I added another one
that's dope user
unfortunately I don't have a request but just putting it out there
Isn't Solid the kind of guy who never cries? still neat art though
How do you requesters guys feel if your request is fulfilled by a less talented drawfag? Would you request again, considering it wasn't a joke drawing?
Also drawfags, do you feel bad if someone re-requests something after you have fulfilled due to lack of quality?
it's a drawthread, user
any requester is happy when they're not sent out the door and actually get any drawing done for them
you shouldn't feel bad, even though re-requests are usually not welcomed, especially from waifu fags and from names we don't speak of anymore, if anything this gives you more reason to improve
after all we're doing it for free here
a degree of appreciation is usually always there, no matter the quality
Thanks man.
Pretty sure the crying is to rape the zombie rape his series is going through right now
*represent the
Requesting Marco sitting on a cliff or terrace having a cig
If anyone would like something colored let me know. Preference is for not completly shit line art, keep it vidya.
The fuck is going on here?
This fight has been out for almost two weeks now and I haven't seen any Sophia porn. What the fuck is this shit? Can a kind user fix this?
thank you very much. Would be better if the zombie actually looked like one of those from mg survive, but this is still pretty good.
if I'm honest, I only realized the connection about before I was done with it
I felt silly it took me that long
Quick coloring
Draw Moonman and this KPop star back to back killing hordes of chimps with whatever weapons.
Not a drawfag, but were you thinking the pose to be something like this, or different
she pretty much is moonman m8
yeah just like that, with Moonman where Joseph is, and Jenny where Popeye is, since Moonman is gonna be taller than Jenny. Maybe with both their faces splattered with blood, smiling like they're having the times of their lives.
Requesting Frank west punching Otis in the face through the transceiver
I second this, how we haven't gotten any porn of her is a mystery to me.
This needs to fucking happen.
Seriously fuck that cunt.
I'd second that.
I'm the same person who requested this might be an ID change I assumed but good job.
This will be the only request I'll send, now I have to find some good commissions.
I noticed it, ok
The most patriotic thing you can think of
Requesting negromancer
Oh, drawthread, you so silly.
I'm doing this for Halloweenie.
Poison Vivian and Erin Quinn.
Rev up that autism son
Damn nigger, that's pretty fucking good. Planning on coloring it?
Cause I'm going to if you don't
draw this gondola
Here you go, mate.
I thank you
Gongola ad shid meme
t. Spurdo
Draw some characters you might meet in a font-based video game.
That must be one of those really cheesy fonts you'd find on fucking or some shit.
Also, will draw a request.
please consider:
reported :^)
there's a few requests still pending in here, take a look maybe you'll like one
Been done many times already.
but have you drawn Bagina?
You raise a valid point
That's Kenshiro? I meant to say Johnathan earlier, not Joseph. Kenshiro and Johnathan look alike though. Purple shirt, shoulder pads, buff as hell, dark hair, etc. Admittedly, Johnathan doesn't have the wrappings on his arm.
/r/ing r34 of mark and the cake
It is. Sailor baddies for Popeye, punk road warriors for Ken. Colored it for some guy years ago
nice i wonder if Kenshiro would get a boost from eating spinach…
Requesting Tharja wearing a Zero Suit like Samus Aran from Metroid
requesting Tsunade continuing stripin like in this and showing mid butt crack
Not OR but looking good
Don't mind me.
Very nice, it's almost there. You didn't quite get the same expression, but I think a small eye fix should take care of it; they just need to be more shut.
Tried that and didn't like the result, so I reverted to generic slut eyes.
Requesting Marie playing with Callie lewdly
Requesting a satisfied looking nero saber princess carrying an embarrassed hakuno.
Will it look like DIO?
Guy who requested here.
Love it so far. Can you do a coloring for my request as well?
third i wish dead rising had a moonman mask
/r/equesting CIA agent from the Dark Knight Rises dressing as the hunter from Bloodborne
Thanks user, I just noticed my request got fulfilled.
Could someone redraw second pic related, but draw it as an actually womanly woman? (and then just put it next to the original picture for comparison)
I.E. opposite of everything first pic related (wide hips, thin shoulders, large breasts, blonde-hair/blue-eyed, non-man jaw, etc.)
It doesn't really even have to be in realistic style, gooktoon style is fine. Color isn't needed either
oh fuck, forgot, put at the bottom that "2d is better"
Requesting Magisa wearing a cute autumn-themed outfit
video games are gay hahaha
johnny is best joestar
I guess Marco doesn't have upper teeth.
All models are skinny fucks. Pointless picture.
is there anyone here thats doing inktober by any chance?
i want to see your
my what, user
I'm here to draw, give me easy requests.
Vivian kissing a girl in front of Gilda
A guy with a faucet for a nose.
A merchant version of the time goddess from half minute hero.
Requesting Princess Peach under rage vibe but with most/all of her dress incinerated by it.
Bane sukusuku hakutaku
You wanted this
to happen, didn't you?
Oy vey.
He actually did it, the mad goy.
Thanks buddy.
nice touch
greato daze
is that it?
would bang/10
she's a small girl.
was being a pervert part of your plan?
Of coursh
Well congratulations, you got yourself caught, now what's the next step of your master plan?
crashing this thread
Requesting faust dressed up in a track suit with a 6 foot bottle of vodka instead of a scalpel.
This counts as vidya, right?
Requesting a reference from a recent thread: Miku dressed as a barbarian
Shitty literal MMD ripoff that's in a western weeaboo 3D "anime" beloved by autists.
the epitome of autism on this board
usually found in the waifu threads
Forgot to anchor last night; my bad.
forgot to anchor, fug
whoops, forgot to anchor.
Yes please draw Kawajiri doing that one grab->explosion->walk thing to her
There was an attempt.
cute :3
draw sam hyde burning sean murray's house down
stop your furshittery this instant
is that ying or skye being held down?
I was thinking about Kinessa.
sounds good
That's easy, you just gotta get organized! :^(
Taken gratefully! Thanks!
Requesting this bane picture except it's the bulldozer from payday 2 (shown in the second picture). preferrably the green guy but up to the drawfriend
requesting this image but with vivian haha
just as a joke haha
Upvote for the guy who gives me the keyword with which I can find reference photos of the female's pose.