What are some games that it's against the rules to criticize on Holla Forums?
Pic related
What are some games that it's against the rules to criticize on Holla Forums?
And criticism is shitposting.
Nothing says shitposting like mentioning a full priced game doesn't have a server browser or complaining about balance.
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 for some fucking reason.
Only if that one hotpocket sees your posts
Despite being one of the game's legitimate problems I almost never see the shitposters bring up the lack of a server browser up while complaining about balance is shit even people who like the game do.
Hello tumblr.
Any game that Mark autisms over gains protected status.
At first, Overwatch was a verboten topic because "muh blizzard shills". But after Mark picked it up it suddenly became okay to talk about. Same thing happened with DoAX3 but was less publicized.
It was wrong to make it against the rules to talk about Overwatch but it's even worse to make it against the rules to criticize it.
This is what we get for trusting a jew.
There wont be very many boards to talk on left.
The hotpocket strikes again
go back to reddit
Dragon's Dogma.
So you are the mod everyone's been talking about. Kek.
Nice to finally meet you mod.
How are those cock Flavored hot pockets?
SaGe Frontier
Why are the jews taking over this board?
You are just as retarded and butthurt as the hot pocket mods
This thread isn't bumplocked for me.
There's no anchor at least.
The anchor isn't enabled.
It's bumplocked.
so now what it's against the rules to hate games autistic mods like what is Holla Forums going to spend it's time talking about?
I think that ship has kinda sailed though
You sound mad because you entered a thread about game filled with people that enjoy game and endlessly shitposting negative opinions about game instead of realizing you're done already, you said your piece
real life
The board was fine for awhile, now it's back to overmoderation for the dumbest shit. Guessing Mark got cucked or something recently.
posting scat porn and other stuff is not criticizing the game, is literal shitposting.
See pic related
I expect criticism on OW threads, stuff like the AIDS and alledged SJW pandering is kind of stupid though, "shocking" pictures and dubs are shitposting, other than that I wonder why criticism is deleted, unless it is some kind of personal attack or strawman arguments (I mean, the later is still OK even if repetitive and pointless), overall I just don't get why some people feel the need to tell people to stop liking something.
Because it's Holla Forums and people here love explaining why your favorite game is shit. It's a past time. But even then it's a horrible circular argument the cucked mod is making.
Drones will make any excuse necessary no matter the mental gymnastics.
I expect insults to the game, I would ask for arguments if any, if the arguments fail or the conversation just goes to "you are just getting paid to promote the game" I see no point in keeping up and filter the person, sometimes though I think it goes too far and becomes less about the game and more about personal politics, that's where I would draw the line.
Other than that I find these shitposters and their habit of shitting on a game stupid.