They always find new ways to fuck up, amazing
Before someone asks, Persona 4 does this. There are others no doubt.
Nigga you discover them as you play. Fuck off and git gud
I'm going to guess Technomancer?
Only time i experienced something like that.
Usually, the key left of 1 works for this because many games only check for keycodes, not characters.
I remember a period of time when sequels actually assumed you'd played their previous titles and didn't treat you like some bandwagoning easy-mode normalfag who was using the fifth game in a franchise as their point of entry.
Fuck you Tearaway, just let me love you.
Guess the geimus
The second one is some MMO. I haven't played it, but I'm guessing EVE.
Portal 2
You know why we do this shit? Because 90% of people DON'T read the damn manual and then bitch like little fucking faggots when they don't get spoonfed
I'd rather force a damn tutorial than deal with that shit again
borderlands 2
other than that, that's my guess
Is the first one Ass Creed 3?
I take it you work in the AAA industry?
Fuck that, I'd rather have a casual filter in all games instead of mandatory tutorials and fucking play-testers that get lost turning fucking right at every corner so they have to collapse fucking tunnels to prevent the potato counters from sobbing in to their fish and chips.
gta 4/5
That's instant uninstall, mate, no good game does that.
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
I love this game, but goddamn I know how to fucking do the shit.
Let me guess, you've played FC3 Blood Dragon
Afaik is the only game that ever did this.
Fucking fine I didn't like my pinky anyway.
You deserve it then.
superstar saga is objectively one of the best games of all time
in PiT you could soft lock the game during the hammer combat tutorial by releasing x too early. Anybody that was already comfortable with counter attacking with them may have experienced this several times before realizing they need to let the game tell them how to do something they already know how to do.
Yes, and the game is horseshit. You don't fucking force players trudge through bullshit you make fun of.
Jesus fuck this noise
Feel the the rhythm, feel the rhyme! Get on up, it's ear rape time!
Do we have to DSP-proof games, or do we give people the helmet?
We do if we want games to sell
Want to know why the average intelligence of normalfags seems to be dropping over time? It's because of all the drugs they do. The reason they need all these tutorials and handholding? Because they're not sober while they play.
Woof. That's the saddest fact I've ever heard.
Every GTA ever
You'd think that that with the majority of modern games having almost identical control schemes and mechanics thanks to COD4 there wouldn't be need for forced tutorials like that.
>Game starts with higher difficulties locked because more playtime = better game
Advance Wars
Everyone is wrong, its actually final fantasy 13
Not even ff fans want to play that abortion of a game. Also Advance Wars is still a correct answer, fite me fgt.
I was led to believed that the EVE "tutorial" was the entirety of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2012
Kill your faggot self.
I've now had to use AutoHotkey macros a fair amount of times in games, from fixing DaS2's mouse input lag, to making a macro to mash ADADADADAD ultra quickly for QTEs in Dragon's Dogma. But those aren't excuses for bad control design decisions in games.
Is pic written by seanbaby?
dorf tress
Use the 'k' key to identify what is on a tile
But it doesn't teach you anything about the system or how it works. It's not even good as a "drop you in and let you figure it out" scenario since you can win.
Want me to tell you a secret that everyone already knows? Most people are taking some form of illegal drug, the rest either don't for a special reason or just don't know. Western civilization is degenerating for a reason fam.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you've ever seen Egoraptor play literally anything, you know what I'm talking about. After watching this video, I understand why devs make tutorials mandatory.
The difference is those people's opinion doesn't matter, learning and grasping new concepts isn't hard, especially in vidya. And egoraptor never had any value outside of a few humorous animations.
That's not a fair comparison, even my dog could get out of Outset. He's not very bright, but at least he fucking listens.
I'm not saying the average casual gamer is anywhere near as bad as Arin, but this sort of behavior can give insight to how people who aren't hobbyists approach games. A tutorial is an inconvenience for us, necessary for them.
People didn't bitch back when there were literally NO tutorials. Now pretty much every games, even the supposedly "hardcore" ones, like the Souls games. How well a player follows and learns from minimalistic instructions is on him and him alone.
The same guy who claimed games don't need tutorials, because gamers can figure out stuff themselves. The same guy who can neither figure out stuff by himself, nor can follow obvious instructions given to him.
That faggot couldn't even finish a high school, go figure.
I hate this so much, why not simply
True, while the test is based on average median IQ, the flynn effect is bullshit. The average millennial is not smarter then someone educated from the 1930's. Thanks Common Core, Thanks Obama!
To think, I have heard normalfags genuinely suggest that games ought to handhold new players because they didn't grow up with tough games. That for a game to be fair to modern audiences that they must accommodate to the player. the old "Le we grew up in this, le forged by the fires of le oldschool gaymin, evolved with it and therefore we have an unfair advantage meme". Fucking kill me now!
Normalfags being the good little goyim they are need orders or otherwise they wont do shit. They dont try out buttons and they never deviate from the highlighted path to explore.
Fucking Majora's Mask, you had to go through one cycle to save.
Or perhaps they're not as deeply invested in this hobby as you are and willing to try new things.
Tell me how to play American football, user.
C&C games? Fucking hate it that each mission is pretty much a tutorial for one unit / building type and they let you go crazy only in the last missions.
At least they gave you infinite quickly-recharging Ion Cannon in first GDI mission in C&C3. I promptly proceeded to wipe out every destructible feature on the map.
I was more referring to the final boss thing that the user I was replying to said.
**Path of Neo was shit but this was pretty fucking cool*
man fuck video games
Oh come on man, it gets good 2000 hours in.
Don't you want to be hardcore?
oh fuck this got me
The mental image of an user making love to his computer and fathering the child that comes out is great.
What would the baby look like?
Fucking casual couldn't even do the tutorial on first try.
Now see there's your problem.
If the game is extremely complex I think it's understandable, if it's just another shooter, fuck off and let me play already.
I wish I hadn't clicked on that video.
this is WORSE than DSP. they fucking take pride in acting like retards and try to act funny while doing so, they just sound like they're trying to entertain ki– OH WAIT A MINUTE HOLD ON
thanks oatmeal cookie
The entirety of Starcraft 2. Fuck that game.
Dragon's Dogma?
That was absolutely terrible, I honestly can't believe someone is this bad playing games. The only thing that actually made me watch the whole video was the youtube comments shitting on him.
what does degenerate mean user
Hyperinflation? Government corruption? The media perpetuating lies and cowering from the truth?
No, it's drugs, of course. Let me tell you something: drugs are like guns, as making firearms illegal does not preclude criminals from using them neither does the prohibition of drugs and alcohol preclude criminals from capitalizing on them. In fact, you're handing these criminals vast amounts of power with such regulation.
Someone you don't like.
I never said the legal part was the issue here, even if weed were legalized, wouldn't stop it from making people into stoners who don't care about anything except weed. The issue here is that people can't control themselves, they think more about their own self-pleasure at the expense of almost everything else.
Also, that was a definition of degenerate for this user.
MGR was good tough
Because back then, people can actually do something called reading the fucking manual. Nowadays, people complained "I don't want to read, I want to play the game" like the brain dead shitheads that they are. These folks are the same idiots who doesn't want subtitles because their brains are so tiny that they can only focus on the moving pictures..but not the words that occupy the same space with the moving pictures.
Source engine games are notable for fucking that one up. Always a pain in the ass to get to the console.
Tutorials are worse than cancer. Just bring back paper-printed instruction manuals already.
I lol'ed hard, jeus fuck, casuals are retarded
What the.
The webm
Is this for real?