Super mario 64 general

a a press is a a press you cant say its only half

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Henry is a slut

Haha epic meme my friend!("HENRY" WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


here's a 12mb version



I wish the mods did more fun stuff like this.

None of the late non-presence, none of the earlier Mark sperging at everything (I still love you, Mark), just fun little things like this. Every time I see a ban like this, it reminds me of when 4chan was fun, back before 2008.

Fuck you kike

He explains it in a very round-a-bout way. All he needed to say was the half A press is just a way of saying jumping twice with one A press. In other words we asked the time, not how to make a watch.

Are there any other peoplebthat get as autistic about a game like Pannenkoek does?

supper meatballs is a good game

Yes. Look around his suggested videos. There's one for Paper Mario, I think.


Not really, and that's not even what it is. It's not about jumping twice with only one A press, and that has nothing to do with half an A press.

What it is is that there are mechanics specific to holding A. If you need to hold A in a level, you have to press A first, but if you had to press A to get into the level itself, you can just keep holding that, and use it in the level where you need it, instead of pressing A twice, you press A before you enter the level, and just keep holding it.
Hence, you use the same A press for something outside the level as you do for inside the level, making it only "half an A press" in the level, because the other half is semantically on the outside.

He explains it badly, but the logic does check out. All he should have said is "It's a single A press that is used both before the level and in the level, so it's easiest to describe as two halves of an A press, especially when talking about the level as a single unit where you don't necessarily want to talk about entering the stage".
It's a simple concept really, and more a convenient term for a mechanic used frequently in that niche than something that literally describes what is happening exactly, like most jargon.

You mean 400 years of block hitting?

The simplest way to explain it is:Using A button functionality across several actions will holding down A.

the problem is if they do it to much it gets less special

You mean back when it was full of kids?

I could swear that there was another…

What do you think it is now?

So, besides Mario 64, why is the nintendo 64 so fucking shitty? I still to this day hate that fucking controller and hate that fucking console. Garbage tear gimmick bullshit.

I've really enjoyed pannenkoek's short proof of concept or explanation of a mechanic videos on his side channel. Seeing how variables are generated and called for certain purposes helps me as a novice coder understand how things can be done. They may be dated or roundabout techniques, but it gets me to think about ways to do things. Knowing what makes enemies blink when they do doesn't help him with his A button challenge, but it's really fascinating to see someone deconstruct minor details like that.

Disgusting, they are probably jealous knowing that they will never be that smart.

Full explanation, but his other videos are bretty interesting if you're into game design: He's an autist that wants to see how few A presses you need to beat the game, and he's uploading each star individually. Since some stars can save a press by just keeping the A button held from the star before it (entering the level with A held down), it's only "half" a press. That's all. It's just notation to say "hey, this counts as a full press for a single level but would be no press for a full run."

Webms slightly related

So nobody has claimed the $1000 Tick Tock Clock clipping bug bounty yet, huh?

it seemed to be a random bitflip.
was the TTC upwarp done on an emulator or console?

Emulator with JP version

Any nodev knows that a button press has three parts though. You can't divide three by half.

Button pressed: Called on a single tick/frame upon the button initially being pressed
Button held: Called every frame the button remains held down
Button released: Called on the exact tick/frame that the button is no longer being held down.

For example, you could make a simple jump strength mechanic this way, depending on how long you hold down the jump button.

func button_pressed(): jump_fx = add_effect("JumpPrepare") jump_fx.add_var("jump_strength", 0)func button_held(delta): jump_fx = get_effect("JumpPrepare") jump_fx.set_var("jump_strength", jump_fx.get_var("jump_strength") + 5 * delta)func button_released(): do_jump(get_effect("JumpPrepare").get_var("jump_strength"))

tl;dr pannenkoek is actually doing 2/3rds of an A press

I guess you understand the point I was making.

It called a half A press because of it's functionality. Calling it 2/3 A press would just be pedantic.

But user

What's his side channel? I'd be interested in seeing that as well

I played this game as a kid and didn't really understood shit.

Were the paintings portals or just pocket dimensions?

Right, that's what I mean. Pedantic or pedantical?

My point is that pannenkoek is the very definition of a pedant

Living paintings

I thought you were making a meta joke.

The 4th state a button can be in is "held" in the off position, so half is an appropriate naming convention.

I'm not actually that clever.

What gimmick?

You have weird hands, user?

What gimmick, you shitposter pos.

pannenkeok2012. The e and the o in "koek" are swapped.

meant for

That actually makes sense.


You mean this one?

Wow based mods wew I am so glad we don't have to deal with that guy anymore amirite lololololololol. In all honesty, I don't mind the SM64 general, but don't start with faggy memes

Yis. Tanks.

I think you were being a pedant correcting another pedant's use of the word pedantic. I've also been drinking.

I don't know why people treat autism like a disease.

Because kikes treating it as something special by calling them "indigo children" and saying you should be grateful for fluoride in your tap water went so well.



Fun fact, """""Henry"""""" mentioned in a
that after all this time, he still says Pannenkoek was wrong about calling it half a press.

Also, apparently Pannen gets really autistic about the parodies. I'm talking "these are preventing me from making videos" autistic. Literally the YandereDev of speedrunners

Fucking "henry"

I think what's preventing him from making videos is a different kind of autism. He doesn't like releasing videos that don't live up to either his standards or his viewers' expectations. Once Watch for Rolling Rocks exploded in popularity, he felt that his next video would have to surpass that in quality or else he would be letting his new viewers down. And since making such in-depth videos takes a lot of time and work, he just hasn't uploaded a new video on his main channel since then.
He's able to "fail" to meet these standards by just uploading the quick videos he wants to make on his secondary channel where he feels there is less pressure. But then he released his video on blinking which got pretty popular and drew the "omg so complicated im confused lol" crowd to his secondary channel, and that was the last video he's posted there too after a pretty consistent stretch of uploads.
For some reason he's really affected by some people not understanding everything perfectly, which is why he went out of his way to clearly label his secondary channel as such and just recently renamed it to "UncommentatedPannen" to make it even more clear.

He needs to realize that a lot of people are stupid and not worth paying attention to. If you want to make a video about something, make a video about it. It doesn't matter if a literal retard who found your channel through his favorite hyperactive Twitch streamer doesn't like reading words on the screen without accompanying voiceover. The only person whose standards you need to satisfy are your own. I think he's been paralyzed with a kind of performance anxiety, and was a lot happier making videos for relatively few people who were really into them. But that's just my take on it. I don't know the guy.

Unbelievable! I can't accept that.

do you have a single fact to back that up


I wish more autists would speak. They have very calming voices.


This is what happens when we meme irresponsibly.

Who the fuck are you quoting?

Pannenkoek, one guy which may or not have autism, being a SM64 expert doesn't change the fact that Autism is a disease. Go into a video game where Holla Forums's involved to see how a bunch of low functioning autists behave. You don't even have to go that far, just take a look at the 4AM general.

Not you, I made a mistake. What I meant to say to you is that it was a joke. You should chill out.

I was quoting


Now I feel silly.

Bad autism, not cool autism. CWC versus Ulillillia, you know?

His buttbuddy Plush white knighted for him on a, you guessed it:


How obnoxious. I'm just now realizing that this is the guy who also shit on that SM64 TAS race for being poorly run, though. That's nowhere near enough to tarnish the respect I have for that.

Post sauce so I have SOME grounds to call you a faggot.

when did we get 12 megawatts?

Something happened along the lines of his methods getting banned out of nowhere mid-competition just because they were too good. He proceeded to do every single entry in the most obnoxious and roundabout way possible out of spite.

You ninja'd me to it. But yes, the idea is that he did stuff purposefully slower or overcomplicated it to make fun of the TAS community

Oh, that. God I can't tell if I should call him a petty piece of shit or absolute madman.

Being petty can be great. After all, that's the only thing anyone will ever remember that TAS competition for now, making up rules in the middle of it to punish a strat that's too good and getting subsequently shit on.

return pettiness with pettiness. would you just have him go "oh well"?

I didn't see it as some big conspiracy against him, frankly. Of course I'm biased against him so there may have been one, who knows

may have been one and I just hate him too much to see it, who knows* Sorry I'm retarded

Who wants to A press my prostate with their cock?

But there is currently no cases where that's use or important.

when you have nothing to lose and things are looking grim, you can either give up or give it your all, mario does not give up.

I'd do it in 0.5 A presses bby

It's a good stress reliever.

Lost it at Sand Land


purposely getting blown away*

we'd have to go to another parallel universe though

This is addressed in the video itself.
There is only variation on the status of the jump if
Therefore, because of how the boolean interacts with player input, it's practical and useful to split it into 'halves' for records purposes.

Parallel Universes.


This scuttle fuck needs to update his home to the death barrier

So, you don't have a single fact to back it up. Pics or it didn't happen, faggot.

But where's the proof?




Who here votes to kill the Henry?

Holy fucking kek those bob-ombs.

This is what a meme-positive culture cultivates. You only have yourselves to blame for this.


He has the showmanship down I'll give him that


I miss when games would actually tell you things in the manual that no one would ever figure out from just playing the game.

By that explanation isn't it 66% of a A press since he enters the level holding the A button(part 2) and then releases it(part 3)?

Only parts that matter are the press and hold. Release and unpressed aren't counted.

Then isn't it 33% of an A press?

No, there's 2 parts aren't important, 2 that are and only one is being used.

Yeah but releasing a A press is a important part of a whole A press. Why shouldn't it count?

I don't know why people started confusing intelligence with a form of brain damage.
thanks (((psychiatry)))

I meant necessary

Releasing it doesn't really do anything in a level. For more information ask pannenkoek, "henry"fag.

The only segment of the process of pressing A he's using in that level is the [held] part as he pressed A in a previous area.

There are two button states: pressed and released

There are four pollable combinations: change from unpressed to pressed, pressed, change from pressed to unpressed, and unpressed. There are again only two states, the four combinations are merely there to aid the programmer semantically. The cycle of pressing an A button is only 2 states, but there are "4 states" between the previous and current frame.

Change in release state and release itself dont matter in SM64. No actions care about this. Jumping is triggered with a press, some movement paths require the button the be currently held, but that's all. An example of release mattering would be Guile's Flash Kick

There are two ways to handle a button in a game's code.
You can use a boolean and check it every frame, or you can call up/down functions. You can also do both, if necessary.
I suppose that pannenkoek's half an A press means a single button event function call.

For a game like Mario 64, it's possible that there's no up event at all, and only a "down" event and a boolean check exist.
However, the bit about four combinations is wrong. Anything that happens within a single frame can be considered simultaneous; therefore the change is instant. (either the function is initiated by the boolean being different from the last frame, or the boolean is changed by the function)

I miss the N64 CG Mario model.

Its not wrong.

The frame that I press A in sets the current state and also allows you to check for a change in state (on that frame only)

Checking the boolean before polling the controller in the same frame is a bug.

And thats not what ive been talking about at all

like it should

The 3 parts he described are points, not sections. Doing a press puts you in the "hold" point of the definition of a press. Releasing the press obviously gets you out of the press entirely.

His explanation is shit, much like all of his other explanations in the video, that's why it sounds confusing. The term "half an A press" is already pretty fucking retarded. You can understand what he means, but it'd have been easier to say "0 presses, just a hold".

Oh, alright.

The absolute madman
what a legend

He blew them so far the fuck out that they actually banned him from submitting to competitions altogether.

Post source, I want to have a laff

See me after class.


Asking for a friend haha.

Asking what?


Now I really want to know if he actually feels embarrased.

I dunno.


Could have avoided this whole meme by saying "I tapped when I should have pressed."

He didn't tap it, he held it from before.

You need a bool for each of previous and current state. Everything else can be inferred by a function call as needed

Your mom needs two bools.

fucking video games

Its from Mugen

user, why did you image search this?


So does all this alternate dimension shit work on the DS version of the game or is this autism contained to the original?

If Bowser kidnapped Yoshi and trapped him in an egg, then that means eggs are better associated with Bowser or perhaps Magikoopa. If Yoshi throws eggs that means ???


Yoshi was trapped in an egg in his first appearance

Eggs are not native to Yoshis, then. If they are then it means another Yoshi had betrayed his race and vored everyone to help Bowser


Can you repeat the question?

Mario games truly have the deepest of lores.

Why does this remind me of the big snow monkey from Monster Hunter?

I'll give you a deep smooch if you keep acting like a faggot user.

This wasn't in an actual Nintendo game, right?

Maybe they do this because nintendo games are now mind numbingly shit.

Look at him. He's begging for it.

What did the advice block mean by this and why was it beside a big, wide pillar?

You're the one begging for it fag.


I never said I wanted to slide my dick into Yoshi's soft, hot hole. Quit projecting.


>any hole


I'm not even a quarter through this video and I'm dying.

What are you gay?


incredible autism


Why not both?


People are taking this meme too far aren't they

Thats pretty gay


Its only gay if he lets you have a little extra air

You're cute


Anyone been playing the recent Rom hack?

What do you mean? Are the tasks given by TAS or is he just creating them himself? I know nothing about TAS or speedrunning in general so please don't bully.


IIRC he just kept posting em after he was "disqualified" on youtube and the forums it was had both, just adding that showmanship "salt on the wounds", annoying the others involved in it.

From what I can tell, he kept doing bullshit like going into courses before starting a run, fucking with memory values, leaving and then re entering a "fresh" instance with the values still fucked with. There's no cheating involved and nothing in the rules says he couldn't, but no other runner knew how to do this kinda shit reliably so they decided to ban him from running rather than make like 8 billion new categories for every run.
He was banned for being too good, so essentially he won at TAS speedrunning.

You know what i mean right~?

As if speedrunners couldn't get any more pathetic

I don't fucking get it.
Is getting laid supposed to magically deter you from being interested in other shit?


I assume its vore

These videos are pretty entertaining

It could be a lot of things~

just changing networks from my ride home silly

You should give me a throw away email adress so I can add you somewhere

What the flying fuck

I'm not familiar with how this is done.

oh my god you furry faggot pieces of trash get out

You cannot have a fraction of a button state, smartass.

Given how small 8ch's userbase is, theres a good chance you already have me added on Steam

if your face was smashed completely against his hole, what in saying is theres only one real place the air would come from


For all the MAYMAYs i think pannen actually explains shit really well, it just sounds funny, i wish he would do more commentated shit already, it is genuinely interesting and the showsmanship and added flair like perspectives makes em more fun then you average "generic" TAS. that is more often then not just "Teleport to win state".

Well only 4 people are online with me, doubt I know you.

ecause they make cool shit, like half a press videos

just give it out already you fagboi

Well, here's a temp email
[email protected]/* */

Fine have a throw away email
[email protected]/* */

google image search has been completely worthless lately

Well fuck, sharklasers doesn't let me do outbound emails, it just fails to load

Holy shit kill yourselves already steamfriend furfag degenerate trash


Half an assblast is still an assblast :^)

why am i not suprised

play bastion and beyond good and evil faggot

yeah i will, eventually

pls no bully, i dont support our cuck government

Because he sounds like a fucking monkey.

then why do you still live there?

You can't just move because the wrong person got elected, you have to see what the damage is, first.

Also, I have a stable shit job, live close to family, things are pretty good the way they are right now. Toronto is 2.5 hours away and it can stay the fuck over there.

if you try to escape twink trudeau will have you killed for not embracing terrorists

If Trudeau kills you, you've won



Steam was a fucking mistake.


feels bad

Fuck you I didn't want this fetish.

What fetish?


This thread made me masturbate to Yoshi.

Thanks Holla Forums. Really. god fucking damnit

Remember to properly worship his huge ass

I came


What if Trudeau
kills himself?

goat sounds
baph sounds

It involves looking at the memory values and reverse engineering what pieces of code cause the memory values to change. Without the source code. As you can imagine, it's pretty hard.

I could have sworn this guy had a commentated video detailing some insane memory manipulation glitch which resulted in corrupted music, but I can't find anything like that on his channel. Does anyone else know what I mean?

we win


post more baph

she really needs to tidy up

So anybody play SM64: Last Impact? So far I'm not really a fan. While they might have tried to improve the camera it fails miserably along with the level design.


I don't get the Sand Land part. He just needs to not press the A button, why is he crawling for the entire stage

Because it's funny. All of his entries are fulfilling the letter of the rules but not the spirit.

It's a baby challenge, so he's crawling like a baby

Wasn't the whole gold reserve thing actually set in motion by the conservatives prior to Trudeau being elected in?


Wait, so half A press is real?

The purpose of the video was to explain how he got the star in that level with half an a press, not simply to explain what half an a press was. Watch the video again, he resorts to elaborating on the subject because people don't read the description.