What games have some sex/sexiness? Not straight up h games, but a segment or area with nudity. I don't necessarily fap to these games, but I do like the rise in blood pressure. The only one I can think of is the strip club in Metro: Last Light. The stripper there had such a
What games have some sex/sexiness? Not straight up h games, but a segment or area with nudity...
That looks like a dude.
women are like dudes but without penis
GTA games. Have either strip clubs or hookers or both.
If women don't have penises then how do you explain how a little bitch like you has one?
yeah….. um you are gay bud
This scene in Majora's Mask.
You mean you can't jerk them off while you bang their butthole?
What's the propose of women then? Seems awfully boring.
Those are some ugly gargoyles
I want a big meaty cock
You see it's kinda like a game of chance, they have another hole you stick it into and RNG will determine whether another female or a male pops out. It's fun if you're a gambling man.
Away with you, vile seductress.
This is why your parents limit your internet usage
The fuck?
Yeah, my first thought too. Thats a mans ass and a mans face. Am I on /cuteboys/ again or something?
Ass autist is that you?
I actually kind of miss him.
Please leave.
Somebody post the screencaps of him.
he had his own board, then i never heard of him again, maybe he died and went to ass heaven where he can bang vanessa's ass all day
Ass autist was a good poster.
Ass autist did nothing wrong. He just had an insatiable love of ass.
Ass autist was a faggot and he should have been lynched.
you`re a faggot but you at least have the decency to give a reach around
Getting roughly fucked in the butt and having my penis neglected is my fetish.
What are you, straight?
That's pretty rude, user.
Why do women shit the bed after sex? It's really gross, and furthermore it makes people really angry. So you see it actually is really all their fault for what happens
Well you know what they say, men are from Mars, women shit the bed without consideration and are the sole reason for domestic violence as a result.
that's prime example of how western game devs, even slavs can't fucking get women right and unintentionally make them into dykes instead
Good riddance
Is there a name for this? Making a bitch rest on a wall and letting birds poop all over her booty?
In the end, answer was not given.
ass autist was representative of the lifeblood of Holla Forums. not that he was the life of the party, but when anons turned their back on him they gave up a small part of themselves
Wait, who's this Ass Autist?
forced meme
I kinda was thinking the same when i first that image because the backround is outside on the street but the real question is how long would it take for those bird all shit in that one centeral area, did they use bird pheromone?
he would make threads focused around vidya girl butts, usually peach bayonetta or samus
Is this the work of Ass Autist?
Haven't met the guy.
Remember that the internet is full of ass autists.
it does look like that bitch is resting on the wall while birds shit on her
animu porn is just terrible looking like that
I get the intent of this webm, but all this time on 4chan has ruined me.
I really wish there was more spanking in games
Is God Hand the best spanking simulator?
Maybe, some prefer bayonetta though
I forgot if there even was any spanking or it was just other sexual torture attacks
Without the voice over it absolutely could have been from a sketch show.
Holla Forums took a nosedive when he moved to /vass/ He was a cultural icon that will be missed.
That looks like your average Texas woman.
Wish there were more spanking mods to be honest.
Look no further than the DOA games.
on the bright side she'll never spill a cup of coffee ever again
You don't keep women in diapers?
somehow farcry 3 and 4 get away with bare breasted females
It's okay as long as the game isn't Japanese.
Their nudity is incidental and never the focus of the game at any point.
That picture is missing the best girl though
Not the ass autist I'm afraid. I know this thread reeks of underage, even though I am technically a grown man. I just enjoy lewd in vidya because it gives me a different kind of rush than say, porn, does. I enjoy the increased blood flow to my face and the increased heart rate. I can't think of what it is called exactly, but I imagine that's what it feels like to be seduced.
I feel like a wild fucking animal when looking at this.
This is motivational for me to build my own ass.
Me too, I love it when something invokes those kinds of pure red-blooded instincts in me.
I don't want to make my ass bigger though, I'm not a faggot.
You guys might be part nigger.
Don't let your memes be dreams :^)
show some progress pics maybe? ;)
user I don't know what care homes you creep into at night but normally nobody shits the bed after sex unless they're incontinent or depraved.
Also I was hoping this would become a template ass thread but it seems as though I was mistaken :'(
I am, I also know a 14 year old boy with a sweet, sweet, spongy ass
he lives in texas though
I might drive over there and cuck his boyfriend
backpack cuck him
What's that mean?
I'm spaniard actually, you know how horny spaniards can be.
>Mistakenly In vain thinking there's anything but males on Holla Forums
Oh well.
means you're fuckin' new
Nothing wrong with a feminine penis now and then.
I wanna know, I can't know EVERY term, user.
It sounds funny.
I know a few girls that lurk this board, they're just as Holla Forums as Holla Forums typically is, they just aren't gonna go out on a limb and say "I'm A GURLLLL"
looks botched
you know what they say about spoonfeeding
Eeeeew, why are you posting this garbage? At least post some half decent stuff, not this 3DCG shit.
>>>/vp/ 1
I'd share but I can't find the pics. Guess I was a retard and didn't name them.
>>>/vp/ 2
Not bad actually tbh fam
Well there's that at least. I think that in most instances if you say you say that you're a female and it's unrelated to the subject matter then it's most likely just a ploy for attention.
Indeed. There ARE females on 8/v/, but since they are 8/v/ and not…let's say…reddit/tumblr, they aren't going to do shit for attention here, simply because there is no reason to, nor do they give a fuck about validation.
So would that just involve lots of biking or what? Squats? Indulge me user, I want the fattest butt.
What the fuck are you on about?
That explains it. You are part nigger after all.
The proper term is moobs user, get it right.
Chesticles? You gotta feel marks moobies and get off to them, cum on his chest and watch the fat fucking guinea pig lick it all up like a fat turd he is.
Explain, father Holla Forums has not told me about this.
I never knew niggers could have green eyes
Don't build your ass too much. Pick related is a /fit/izen overbuilt his ass.
Squats. Lots'o'Squats.
plz be in london
Holy shit, I remember that thread.
Stronglifts 5x5, not even once.
wew lad nice roleplaying
Fuck, that's hot, yet, the gluteus medius itself doesn't look big and thick. He fucked his legs up, but I wouldn't mind copping a field.
Fucking kill yourself.
I'm from Cali
That isn't even me, it's the guy I'm talking about.
I don't wanna be a girl, I wanna be a man with a big fat ass.
Women always have the absolute worst taste possible.
Not even tits or gtfo, just gtfo.
how unfortunate
Into the trash it goes.
Never come to Texas.
We don't WANT YOU.
I never would have fucking guessed.
Moor blood, its probably not strong but it explains your ass lust.
not sure if want
Don't lose your head friend.
I wanna go full Sam Hyde on you and just fucking beat you to death. Do not take this as a "lol I said I wanna kill somebody on the internet!1!" type of post, I truly want to end your life.
It's not even for sexual reasons, I just hate women like you.
Don't worry bro I still got it.
Reminds me of this.
Too bad, we gotta work together in the election if we want trump to soar and un-poz california.
I'm so glad I don't live in SanFran
I live to close to PS though
A shooting recently happened here and a cop near retirement got shot by a crazy mexican along with a newly wed female officer of a 4-month of baby.
The reason? "muh police brutality
The crazy spic was feeling very unstable and the neighbors called the cops, then he began shooting bullets like rain
I need to see what that is. I can't believe I'm part nigger.
Not want, NEED.
I'm not a woman. What the fuck, why do you people keep saying that.
nigga calm down
Holla Forums wannabes don't think. They look for a reason to be upset over degeneracy and will misread things as such.
Take your meds user.
The difference between you and Sam Hyde is that Hyde is a comedian and you're a fucking sociopath.
Well, your honest, I like you.
Have some screen caps I took from random games.
Sources are Dynasty warriors 8, Bloody Roar Primal Fury, Gladiator Road to Freedom REMIX, and Shinobido 1. Now go get some better taste.
Hm. They need reading comprehension then, because if I was real tranny with mental issues, I would be eating this shit up.
Mac Tonight is by far the best fad to exist yet.
..Is that real user? I just can't imagine how something like that could tear the skin off like that and not make a fucking mess.. If it's real then how the fuck did it happen?
Well, it's certainly a weird incentive, but getting fit is definitely something good
Some failed to face their problems.
i'm no martial arts expert but his strikes are pretty slow
That's a really bad picture of the lady
Pretty sure it's cartel shit.They probably cut the skin off her face, then dumped the body elsewhere.
She was killed first. She was also dumped there, her face was fucked up somewhere else.
It's Mexico, they're batshit insane there. They probably did it either for fun or she was the girlfriend of a rival gang member.
I grabbed an image of her ass without any effort whatsoever. Which is strange because I'm a tits man myself.
Damn.. What strikes me as weird is that they seemingly had her dressed up in clean clothes afterwards because there's only a slight stain of blood/grime on the back of her tracksuit. She must have been washed/cleaned after all that too; there's scarcely any blood at all. It's crazy to think that the clothes probably aren't even hers too. Ahh.. Maybe I'm thinking about it too much.. All in all its fairly distressing but I think the Internet has probably shown me worse over the years.
Holy shit I think we're bumplocked. Would anyone like me to do a hentai dump on our spiral downward?
There's justice!
Quick, post overwatch to appease mark!
you mean like, 3d modelling? sculpting?
They probably raped her first, this is the cartels we are talking about. They just redressed her afterward.
Out of sofas.
but they arent bad looking either, youd expect some screeching gargoyle to raise a ruckus over it, especially in such egotistically themed games.
i want to cheeki her breeki if you gopniks know what i'm anuuing
mexico is one hell of a drug
That would require that kind of person to actually play video games and discover it.
That's fucked Anons.. If you ask me the government would have a better time selling the drugs themselves in order to compete with the business of the cartels, and simultaneously taking away some of their revenue, rather than to spend millions of dollars on the DEA and shit like that, a war they'll inevitably be fighting for as long as the drugs are in demand
Sure, here's my vidya related stuff, pick one for me to dump. You guys won't like most of my other stuff it's either /u/, non vidya or both.
Or do you want me to include my other stuff as well?
that is unreasonably arousing. reminds me of that new sexy legs fairy pokemon.
or maybe theyve the mentality of a jackal, and their pack leaders on a payroll have been ordered to give ubisoft a wide berth so theyre largely left alone.
Does anybody get excited by this? specially if it was her whole body, just imagine fucking those skinless dummies that are meant to represent human muscles
I would fuck her so hard the pleasure response from her vagina would completely mask the pain of having all skin removed
Post the cutest /u/ you have. Give us as much hand-holding as possible.
I was talking about myself actually.
I have no yuri, but plenty of handholding.
I prefer brazils idea of "kill fucking everyone"
Duarte is pretty cool too down in the Philippines
i never fucking know in which order to read these and from which side to which side
It's in chronological order, right to left.
his mannerisms will probably wind up having some 'peacekeepers' sent there for trying to fix his own damn country
The cartels ARE mexico's government, at least behind the scenes.
Nah, not enough oil.
hey i know this one, bretty gud
god damnit i haven't fapped in days, i can't tell how soundproof my faps are for my roommates and the fuckers are always home
Most of my /u/ doujins are actually rape or femdom, which is funny because now I'm starting to prefer vanilla
But I'll try to get some nice cute /u/ vanilla doujins with plenty of hand holding and maybe even some leg locking ready for the next thread I'm in that ends in a porn dump.
yuri femdom is pretty rad that's for sure
in the past i just recompressed picture into a lossless h264 or vp9 still video
Oh yes.
i hope my fucking roommates are asleep
I have folders of this stuff.
There's a thread on /u/ for this, but it's been slow recently due to lack of new and good content.
every board that isn't Holla Forums or Holla Forums is slow here
You might be part woman.
i remember that thread
poor dude
all that morbid obesity
The Saboteur