So, Endless Space 2 is out on early access. Anyone playing it alreadt? Is it any good? Is combat not shit this time around? Is it still comfy as fuck?
Also Amplitude general I guess.
So, Endless Space 2 is out on early access. Anyone playing it alreadt? Is it any good? Is combat not shit this time around? Is it still comfy as fuck?
Also Amplitude general I guess.
Who really cares about any of that OP? This is what is important.
We're done here.
I just want to know when it gets pirated already. The current game is a glorified tech demo from what I was told that ends at turn 125, so I'll treat it as such and only try it out for free.
Also post favorite track.
Do people really like this game? I've played Endless Space, Endless Legend and Dungeon of The Endless. They all struck me as having a nice concept artist but terribly shallow. You can't try and take on MOO2 and then have your game be totally shallow in comparison. That's not how life works. You're supposed to make something better than the past.
Pretty much, there's only 4 factions
Doesn't that go for most games these days?
Yeah and life.
I mean, Amplitude is very upfront about it on their steam page at least, and that is how they always did it. I guess this is why the reception has been lackluster so far; I have a bunch of friends who have ES1 and EL and nobody bought into the EA (which is how it should be anyway. I still wish it were already pirated.)
Remarkable taste, user.
They might have overdone the design a little this time around.
- Greys with ships that look like dildos
- Space zombies
- Space vampires
- Space Jews
I always like the ES soundtrack over EL
I just hope the combat doesn't suck endless dick this time around
This is the reason I use autoresolve every single battle
Tried it once and never again
Does Sega or CA have a patent on whatever in Total War? I find it odd how there is no games trying to copy that grand strat overworld/RTS combat type combat.
Codex uploaded a crack on their website. I am at work, but has anyone given it a go yet?
user, I don't know how to tell you this but there is something about Amplitude that makes their games allergic to porn. Rule 34 is failing us.
My thoughts:
Gameplay is like a mix of Space and Legend, mostly for the better.
Not sure about combat yet.
Love the visuals and music, amazing atmosphere.
All factions play differently.
Population system is broken atm and lots of features are missing.
It really is EA, not fake ones like many companies try to make. Still, it's not broken. Features that are in are very polished. Since they did this twice already before, I'm not concerned about the game's future. I think it'll end up being great.
Forgot: government system seems great. Tried only democratic system, it's fun as fuck to rig it.
I mean character design wise it looks more like a warrior race, but the closer you look, you see more bling and nice clothes.
I think they're supposed to be frogs
There's a difference between an early access game and a broken fraud. This is early access. Just shows how retarded Steam users are.
More like mafia slug tits.
If you release your game early, expect it to get called out for being unfinished. Everything they're saying is accurate.
It may not still be accurate when the game is finished, but they're playing a version where it is.
Anybody is an idiot for paying for vidya, of course, whether on steam or elsewhere. No exceptions.
How to spot a shill 101
There are good points on the screenshot you posted, but not everything is right. I especially love this meme review:
He makes no points whatsoever.
Who's the shill here, exactly? Oh, right, it's you.
You don't have to make points when reviewing vidya - if it's shit, that's enough of a point by itself. You don't have to justify why.
Stop trying to make the Jews work easier for them.
Or, how about you just fucking release the game when it's actually finished
if people are dumb enough to give Mafia 3 their money even when they know the final product will be shit, I think it's reasonable for Amplitude to expect people to give them money before they've finished their work.
because you want feedback and direction from players while you still have a chance to make big enough changes rather than when the mess of spaghetti code is "complete" and changing something small requires you to rewrite an engine
It's been working fine so far. Here's the magnet link:
Have yet to put more time to see what I think about it but so far it truly looks less impenetrable than ES1.
can you make a webm of the combat?
I can't make a webm but I can describe it. When your ships engage combat you decide how they will engage - long range, defensive, broadsides etc… we no longer have the three-stage rock paper scissors card… atrocity of ES1, but it has altogether been very streamlined. You can auto-resolve battles or watch a full animation of it a-la ES1 but you have zero input after determining the battle strategy.
It seems bare-bones so far.
play my first game sophons ai already cuts me off from outside worlds even the next system i was capable of achoring an ark at.
send ark out further finally find a system not raped by the ai. and another vodyani at mira system which now is gone cause they got destroyed
build up leechers and the other basic small ship Start leeching off the sophons for more holy power. and working on having fleets at each system sucking on their assholes for a bunch more holy power.
i've already shit on 3 enemy fleets with my hero fleet
the ai in 4xs always been harsh
i hope at least after 2 4x games they manage to better the ai a lot instead of just cheating nature most 4x games have
the music is really good
was worth it selling all my dota 2 shit for this game
No it's not. Just fucking finish the goddamn thing for christs sake
it wasnt THAT bad