Doom Mods

Gimme your favorite wads & pks!

And how do I extract the OST from Dump2?

Other urls found in this thread:!8gxATDiY!Yr_PUwk1xCy1KYaehl6tRGfx0AFvzoE_T1--9o9RKxs!4oAnyTKJ!BsiLst9PH7SvHV2Dp4wXonosOr2FeFp-kgeBuAbZz04!aglSyCDQ!iD5ihx_QhZJa_qOI6wlzsnOrVKiAWA_USZbKGw8qNNw

The OST from DUMP 2 is very easy to get a hold of. Just open up the .pk3 (any archive-opening program like Winrar or 7zip will work) and extract everything in the music/ folder.

As for what I've been playing recently, I've been going through Black Warrior on Equinox. Fun gameplay mod, but terribly unfinished.
Been trying to catch up on the recent map releases, not sure where to start.

the music is saved with extensions like .it .vgz .s3m and .mod

how the fuck am I supposed to listen to that?

What music player are you using?
Most good music players should be able to listen to tracker music no problem.


My favorite wad

A quick google for Foobar module music brings this up.

Hopefully it slots in easy. Tracker music is great, bro.

Is it one Doom autist making these thread's or what's so good about Doom that so many of those threads are created? It's just a circlejerk, right?

It's Doom, I don't gotta explain shit

This user gets it, if you can be bothered to dig around and pick out the ones that don't have ridiculous ear-piercing samples then module music is by far the most optimal choice due to the amazing size/quality ratio, not to mention dynamic music being a legitimate option due to how the format works.

It's the only game engine left that doesn't suck the big one when it comes to ease of use and mod support, not to mention the essentially infinite content that gets produced for it. Just imagine if Bethesda games actually worked without having to use a suite of bizarre tools to fix your project.

pic related

Doom the best FPS game ever you trancuck

Semi-related, any tips to not suck at Brutal Doom? Picked the third-easiest difficulty and still running out of ammo and getting riggity-rekt.


any porn-wads you could recommend?

Wow, I haven't seen prostitutes that ugly since I watched Fargo last night.

Everything about that mod was the greatest also the hardest difficulty was pretty good too

Strafe, hide in a corner, and trust your shotgun

What I can recommend is turning that godawful texture filtering off.

I expected a fun little wad but it was surprising high quality.

That's where it got me actually, considering it was a more political mod/parody, it turned out to be a higher quality mod that caught me off guard. I went in expecting shit and got gold.

Where can I get Trump Doom?

It was in the last Doom thread that was had here,!8gxATDiY!Yr_PUwk1xCy1KYaehl6tRGfx0AFvzoE_T1--9o9RKxs

So, out of curiosity, are there any mods similar to Brutal Doom that don't have shitty reload weapons?

Similar to Brutal Doom how so?

Isn't reloading an option you can just turn off? Anyway, you should be playing Project Brutality instead of Brutal Doom.

what good is it
when you want to listen to it on a MP3-Player?!

Any converter for that shit?

Where the fuck do I find the wad with all the official Doom releases in one? A google search for the name I was given only leads to a commercial release.

I started over in 'Power Fantasy' which was absurdly easier. You're right, I was trying to play this shit like serious sam and serious sam it is not.

Do you mean this?

you failed in trolling with the 2 nuDoom threads and now you're here to cling on to any attention you can get. stop trying

I've been playing ZION recently. I enjoy the adaptation of the DOOD weapons, but in a game that doesn't suck that doesn't have Denuvo attached. I just end up playing the Doom 2 campaign over and over with it though. Anyone have a good idea of some maps to play that work well with weapon conversions?

Have you tried D4D? I personally enjoy it more cause it also tries to be its own thing and it ends up being more than just "NuDoom weapons in Doom".

Also in terms of maps:
B2SX ep. 1 is probably my favorite megaWAD to play with gameplay mods, ep. 2 is good too but not as good imo
Scythe 2
UAC Ultra
skillsaw's maps, especially Vanguard and Valiant (get the Vaccinated Edition for gameplay mods, it removes the custom monsters and weapons so you can use your own mods with it)
Speed of Doom

Those are some off the top of my head.

There are no good porn wads.

I hope someone someday makes a suitable HDoom.

The best kind of autism. How's the progress going?

This fucking flag, holy shit.

Grezzo Due is fun in a post-ironic sense. It's fun killing literally anyone. Are there more mods that allow me to run rampant, killing people, monsters, and assorted crazy shit like a humongous Padre Pio?

made me chuckle

im pretty sure if foobar can play it, it can convert it to mp3.

Those are from Holla Forums.wad, most of what Grezzo Due has is taken from other wads. I don't necessarily want a patched together, mess of features like Grezzo Due has, I just want a really gory, extreme, and absolutely insane experience.

There's always moonman,pk3

Not enough gore, not to mention it's pretty shit at gameplay. Not even funny either.

If it means I can play shit without having to use Brutal Doom, I'll absolutely give it a shot instead. Thanks for the recommendations.

You can always play shit without using BD.

Is he OK?

I did a small progress update a few threads ago on halfch's /ss13g/ which subsequently sparked muh reskinned TDM shitposting as always, here's the cleaned version which wasn't typed up and posted at 7 AM.

It's dangerously close to making the move from pre-alpha to an actual playable alpha - there's pretty much a feature freeze in place at this point, so I'm currently ironing out bugs and sync issues related to the important systems such as rounds, antags, client settings and preferences, and so on. Most of these work okay on their own, but still lack the glue to make things run as a whole without bizarre behavior.

Do keep in mind that v0.1 is going to be laughably primitive compared to modern SS13 although from what I gather from the code releases it seems to be approaching a 2003 spess level of features except with shittier atmos and better combat, but it does provide the foundation for the next few major alpha releases which are going to be more interesting to work on. TL;DR for now it's mostly a shitcurity simulator with antags, assistants, and rudimentary medbay, and after that it's all about steadily adding things and ensuring they don't break at least until the engine itself falls apart. The point of v0.1 was always to scrub away most of the vanilla Doom feel (modifying player classes, setting up data structures, testing simple verbs, etc.) ahead of the next versions, which are going to dip deeper into simulation aspects such as atmos and power, on top of better object interaction - more consoles, better inv/container handling, etc.

I've admittedly been kind glacial at posting updates recently, but that doesn't mean things aren't happening, and I'm probably gonna try to put a bit more effort into keeping people up to date as alpha testing moves on. Bear in mind that I have some reservations about putting out a roadmap just yet - not so much to keep information away from players, but because it tends to create certain expectations and sort of forces me to lock into it instead of being able to adapt and tinker, which is bad when everything isn't set in stone. Expect that somewhere around the time jobs start being a thing.

Even if this ends up a trainwreck, I give you my word I'll be working to make it the most glorious trainwreck I possibly can. Make space great again.

also have some dank OC which doesn't make me sweating marine.png from the pressure at all :^)

Well fuck. I thought I remembered reading somewhere that ZION was a Brutal Doom mod and wouldn't work without it, but going back and reading the description for it, I must've been mistaken. D4D plays a lot better though, so it was still worth switching away.

Hey we finally got another Doom gen-

10/10 thread fullchan always keeping it classy

Here are some Doom mutators; load 'em up with ZDoom and have a blast if you're not too busy shitposting.

If you're up for a different kind of old-timey FPS goodness try Marathon. Though generally in Marathon you spend a while in each level wandering around having no idea what the fuck to do. The first game is the weakest gameplay-wise, levels are pretty cramped, Marathon 2 is probably the best gameplay-wise, and has nice open levels. Infinity makes a partial return to cramped spaceships and on top of this the plot becomes convoluted cryptic bullshit, but more or less makes sense if you spent a bit of time thinking/reading the story site that people are still discussing this shit on.

There are also quite a few very high quality community made campaigns that easily rival the very best doom wads, most of them are also much more action packed than the original games.

shotgun frenzy is so much fucking fun that I still think of it on like a weekly basis. jesus it's so great. one person plays as the commander and researches weapon upgrades and puts down turrets and shit, and the players are basically mobile turrets in a tower defense game, earning dosh per kill and wave, and spending them on new weapons. oh yeah and there's mechs

Pissing in an ocean of piss V2

Project Brutality bros represent.

Is Project Brutality as crazy as Grezzo Due?

so as someone who is only hearing of this for the first time right now, are you looking to basically make a 1:1 ss13 in the Doom engine? or are you making it more shooty? I guess what I'm really trying to ask is will I be able to be an autistic Law & Order RPer as the Detective and spend literally hours running fingerprints, collecting evidence and autistically putting them in their own sealed evidence bags/envelopes? or cutting out brains and making robots?


if you want average to average maps, pick up the JPCP wad
it's basically from the description

it also comes with a wad that replaces the hud with japanese characters that even an engrish speaker like you can read!

Admittedly it make sense to space out your post when it contains links and greentext.

I wish Guncaster would work properly with it ;_;


yeah sure. but it doesn't make sense




Posting progress on current wad.

I don't get why this is happening.
>inb4 it's symbolism for trump overtaking the dragon

nice pillars fag, literally no corners

Meant in the visceral "rip and tear" sense of high impact violence and over the top gore.

Been looking at that actually, but from what I understand, all using PB would do is make using classic weapons slightly more viable by making enemies use them again as well.And no. At least, I haven't seen a no reload option outside of maybe using classic weapons.

someone can always change the art assets since you can still use the code as a base for how things work.

The idea is to implement things in order of their complexity, starting with core systems such as gamemodes, basic mob code, equipment and item interaction, then ensure that all of these work online without fucking up the server, and then carefully start adding job-related content. Right now the departments have been cut down to the essentials for each department including heads, so security/HOS, engineer/CE and so forth. Not that there's much point to most of them yet outside of initial loadouts and access, because the focus is on the framework and gamemodes before anything else - Traitor and Nuclear Emergency are both nearing a stable state and will be going into testing soon, and something like Wizard/Rev/Xeno should be feasible enough after the other two since they're effectively just new player classes or items/weapons, but I'm intentionally keeping the mode/job count low until the beta phase, if things ever get that far.

Making it more shooty or robust in general is something I may attempt further down the line, because original SS13 combat is miserable and this is definitely a chance to turn it into something that's a little more immersive and less laggy. The ballistic weapons are currently "improved" in a way that feels roughly like Chinese bootleg Hideous Destructor in Zandro with faulty SS13 damage logic, and energy weapons will get the same overhaul when power gets added, but until then it's more of a long-term worry. It would be interesting to experiment with, for one.

Aspects like the ones you mentioned would be nice to have (MD, Roboticist, and Detective in particular are great mechanics testing jobs), and surgery and borgs are both on the drawing board, but ultimately I think it's more important to have a playable game than a decade of fluff. That, and several of the more complex systems from the original require either tedious autism, more backports from ZDoom since Z& 3.0 is still way behind, or for things like more robust chat/radio handling, engine patches altogether. let's hope the netcode survives until thatalthough if the player metabolism scripts didn't kill it I'm not sure what will

Not that I won't do my best to port over as much as I can within the limitations of the engine, but at this stage it's about priorities. Webm related, Box is slowly growing more furnished and the shuttle call -> dock -> flight -> results sequence works pretty much the way it's supposed to don't mind the -273C/negative pressure, the UI is -still- broken, so work's primarily going into round setup and bugfixes now, hopefully followed by getting the fucking disk.

what a fucking casual.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You get this completed and I will host a server for it until I'm dead.

But why is it the Doom engine and not idTech 1, 3 or 4?

Because Doom/idT1 is the engine which has always had the simplest entry requirements, the most exposed architecture and the least problematic data formats and/or processing in comparison to Quake/idT2 and onwards. Quake is where id engines started becoming more reliant on toolchains because of all the 3D overhead, and the later engines began offloading modifications to .dll files as well as splitting up the WAD format into multiple file types, which somewhat raises the bar for what you need to be capable of to make mods. With Doom, you draw lines on paper, write some text files, add graphics, and you're done.

Of course, what a lot of people forget is that this wouldn't have been possible without the brilliant guys at Raven Software who never get the credit they deserve for the current Doom source ports - an impressive amount of the extended features existant today were absent from the original 1.10 LinuxDoom source, and have their foundation laid in Heretic and Hexen, the latter of which added the scripting language (ACS) which grew over time into what ZDoom provides today. Outside of maps and ACS (which does need compiling), everything is essentially plaintext or raw assets. Couple this with the brilliant actor system and DECORATE and you have the main reason the engine gets ridiculous TCs to this day.

Contrast this with Quake's fine scripting language, QuakeC, about which the man himself said the following:

I'm not saying Quake has a bad engine, but it has a very different design philosophy. YMMV.

Quick double post - the quote is actually satire, but it might as well be truth because it happens to fit 100% with reality and how ghetto QuakeC actually is when you look at how it works under the surface. Just clarifying - I figured it would get the point across that the latter engines never had the innate mod potential which Doom+Hexen was always capable of.

I'd even prioritize Wolf3D modding over Quake modding at this point - honestly, the latter supports great maps (check out some of the insane shit people have made for Q1 source ports), but for gameplay? Nah. The good Quake mods can be attributed to skilled programmers, not the out-of-the-box engine features.

Dont you get bored of the same bobbing around doorways dodging and shooting.

You don't seem to get bored of shitposting in Doom threads, and that's far more monotonous. Why even ask?

russian overkill is a good murderpack
put ketchup blood on so it's even more retarded
anyone got any good slaughterwads?

The Slaughterfest and Combat Shock series come to mind. Not sure about the first CS because I only played the second one, but I can guarantee that one'll satisfy your slaughterwad cravings.

OpenMPT supports exporting to MP3 and FLAC and whatnot. Rockbox can play them too, if your MP3 player can run it.

download-link, please?

God fucking speed.

where the fuck is the blue key in the time attack map in Trumpdoom?

The key to winning is to look around.

The Cacodemon was so fucking lazy, holy shit.
Fuck that wad, I was hoping for some demon ladies and got Doom cosplay.


Not everybody can be a Cage or an Eriance.

Posting the rest of these vids. They're pretty cool.



How do I set the defaults for gameplay options in gzdoom? They keep resetting whenever I restart the game.

First, make sure you're using the latest dev build. I know it's the obvious one, but a lot of people who have problems with GZDoom are using the stable release from February. However, this is unlikely to be your problem, as this issue mostly pertains to cutting-edge features in newer wads. Still, leave no stone unturned.

Find the directory where GZDoom is. Make sure that whenever you close GZDoom, a config file named "gzdoom-yourusername.ini" is created. If there isn't one, try running as an administrator. If there already is one, right-click and open properties to make sure it isn't read-only. Open the security tab and make sure that you have permissions to edit the file. Finally, if your are running from a batch (*.bat) file, open in with a text editor and make sure, if the batch command references any -config parameters, that the config files exist (technically the wiki says that they should automatically be created if they don't exist, but it's known not to work).

If you're using a Linux build, then good luck. I had so much trouble with the Linux version that I just run GZDoom through Wine.


Are there any good horror mods?

Can you play it alone?
Outside that, shit looks fun as fuck. Might grab it.

Unloved is some top tier shit user.

Gotta ask, have any of you managed to get 100% of the secrets?

Are you loading them in the correct order? If not, post guncaster and I'll take a look for you guys.

After you get past the plat forms that move up and down, there's a switch to press up a ladder. An alcove of Democrat Foot Soldiers opens up, it's in there.

That's monstershit for ya.

Many thanks, I found what was the problem: the posters, switches and buttons are kind of fucked up and they are way more large that they should be, so when I reached the room with the two switches in the top floor the hitboxes to open the doors where actually below them

Happy Time Circus 2.




There wasn't a Resident Evil one?


I've yet to go back to find 100% of the secrets, some levels I managed others I think I didn't manage to find a single one

What's worse is that monsterfags call everybody who don't like their shit furries, they're so annoying.

Who exactly is it that you are quoting? No one here is really playing Doom, but a modernized source-port of Doom, with a lot of the bells and whistles you would see in a modern engine. Not to mention a lot of them play with gameplay mods that alter the game profusely, changing many of the original levels into entirely different experiences.

Says you. I'm making a vanilla-compatible map and testing it in Chocolate Doom.

There are two secrets that I can think of off the top of my head that are not 100% obvious. I threw in a few others for the hell of it.

Map10 has a ship. There is a secret involving that ship. Map12 has a bathroom that you normally can't access, there is a way to access it. Almost every Bernie picture has a secret. Map14 has the prequel to the launch party.

Next thing youll do is reply to that faggot samefagging

Care to show a few screens?

I lose nothing but a few seconds of my time replying to people on video game forums over the internet, even if they're baiting.

Except they reply to you and then shit up the thread more

I'll have to look at it as replay value, I tend to overlook a lot of things, even secrets that are so obvious that it's there, the next go around I try to find it I slap my own head at how easy it was to find it.

Where the fuck do I download the maps from the vinesauce contest? Some of them look really fucking good.

Does heretic have good mods?

There's a few Doom gameplay mods that either natively work with Heretic or have patches for it. The Guncaster and Wrath of Cronos are a few examples. Other than that, you're basically stuck with custom maps. Even Hexen is more popular for modding than Heretic.

There's an Aliens mod in the Zandronum Forums but the download doesn't work anymore. Fucking shame.

Aliens with Marswars looks kind of fun actually.

Thanks for the explanation. I didn't thought of Q1 specifically, but the Q3/idTech 3 engine saw a lot of good games being made for it and I'm wondering why nobody cares about it anymore.

So how easy is it to change things like how corpses work in Doom? I'm annoyed by the fact all the doom clones don't have corpses have multiple directions and always face you no matter what.

Looks great. Almost expected F.E.A.R from it than horror. Shit would have been great.

Anybody got a compilation the cacowards wads from 2004-2016 or just tell me which are the standouts among the bunch so that I can download them individually?
So what's the verdict on this? Only thing that really catches my eye is the detail. Of course it has to be another fucking sandbox zombie shit.

Don't mention it, I can understand where the confusion comes from. On idT3, I wouldn't be surprised if stuff like modern CoD games -still- have holdover code from Quake 3 lurking underneath all the flashy bloat, because the thing that really stood out about Q3 wasn't so much the gameplay mods (the base game needs no introduction), but the general engine and renderer first and foremost. This is what I meant by the Quake engine not being great for modders, but absolutely great as a licensed engine for use as a foundation by coders who know what they're doing - see GoldSrc for an example of what a more mod-friendly Q1 branch looks like, plus all the other great games you mention.

If I had to sum it up shortly, I'd say that Doom is for tinkering, Quake is for production. There are exceptions to the rule, but that seems to be the general history.

thanks a lot.
But it still won't play half of the files (.mid files)

Natt from RFS played our wad Holla Forums


Closest I could find for a Grezzo-esque game was this.


The trailer.

I think the autist means double spacing.

tbh Quake is better. Have fun with having multi-floor maps, nerds.

GZDoom now supports it. Haven't really seen it used outside of DUMP though.


Except that Quake 1 does it properly i.e. you can actually change all the X Y Z value for a vertices, ZDoom however needs a additional triangle/cube "room" that acts as a Z value for the tagged floor/ceiling so that it can have the additional value, it still does not support a proper Z value. Just look at any UDMF maps and you can see it shows only position for X and Y.

What's the Quake equivalent of the /idgames database?

I know about this one, thanks, but there were some sounds and stuff I wanted to steal. The mod I posted also seemed to be made for co-op, while A:TUD gets a lot of "out of synch" errors.

I just masturbated to hdoom

Why do I keep doing this to myself

Because you I II II L control over your life.




Does anybody have that bullshit "Doom 1993 vs Doom 2016" list? Jewgle has failed me.

You mean the one that claims that both Dooms are literally the same except that one is liked due to nostalgia? That's pretty bullshit.

Sure is a lot of homos on Holla Forums today.

All of those posts were made several days ago.

Yes, I need that image. I can't find it.

Das a beautiful get mang.

DUMP3's hub is pretty great.

I both agree and disagree with them, but they're being giant faggots anyway.

there was only one mistake on this picture

Ultimate shit taste

I've gotta say, though, from this limited angle, that's some good taste in mobile suits. Are there any gundam mods for Doom?



There is no "Doom 2016"
There is just Doom.


The meaning of "Doom" didn't change in 2016.


Your post just sounded like something Victor would say. That's the only reason I posted that.

Would you play Doom: Pajeet Edition?

If you can remove them then yes.

I'm really liking the wad but this bugs are killing the experience for me

what the fuck, man?

Get out.

You just need to make the sprites for the additional 7 rotations, is all.

Let's say that you've got a monster whose final sprite, when they've died and come to rest on the ground is DEMON0. Instead, you'll name your angled sprites DEMON1, DEMON2, DEMON3 and so on, up to N8. Eight sprites, eight rotations. Actually, G/ZDoom can support 16-angle rotations, but nobody seems to use those.

Trailblazer supports it too, natively. The ability to make IWAD-filtered directories is making this a lot easier.

There's also this thing:

It's kinda neat, but very weird. All the weapons have different modes that you switch between with ZDoom's native 'Reload' key. The starter Goldwand uses your stamina to melee attack, and you can charge it with gold gems and stamina to do a really powerful attack. The Hellstaff replacement, for example, has three modes. Each of the modes has a primary and an alternate. The purple mode 'tags' monsters when you hit them, and if you kill them fast enough, their corpse spawns a purple pod that acts like a proximity mine. The purple mode can also kill monsters and when they die, leave behind a stun field. Like I said, weird.

Any good melee-focused mods out there for doom? I've tried demon steel and I like it a lot but I'm looking for something more barbarian-esque than a fast light weight anime.

I guess try out Wrath of Kronos, go barbarian or w/e class it is you can improve your chance to crit high enough you might as well have double damage enabled

Best Wolfenstein mod for DOOM?


Personally, this looks decent enough. It looks more self contained than Brutal Doom due to no fatalities and reloading. Yet.

Check out Blade of Agony. Technically, it's a GZDoom total conversion, but it feels more like a proper Wolfenstein sequel than anything current idsoftware makes.

This is pretty fucking rad

Mark actually said that he'd have two charactes, a "classic" doomguy with no reloading and one that has it (with some slight balancing changes to compensate). No fatalities either, so I honestly think Brutal Doom 64 could be really great. Needed a good horror shooter anyhow.

You'd think 90s FPS would be the one place where you could avoid this level of faggotry.

Wait for the next GMOTA update.
Soon, I hope.

Didn't wanted to create separate thread for this, but what are some good gameplay mods for Q2?


Don't see what the big deal is, it's just girls your fucking in that mod, not like you're fucking a baron of hell that someone slapped a vagina on and called it a day, then that'd either be xenophilia or furfaggotry

Neat, only issue I have is the Zaku MG firing noise

Has anyone seen this game before?

Some slav is making a Doom RTS based on Ultimate Doom, it's simple as hell regarding its mechanics and has a restrictive 100 unit limit but it has online multiplayer and it has a fairly challenging campaing mode.

GMOTA user hasn't posted in a while. Man, I'm looking forward to that update.

That looks terrible.

That looks interesting.

That's WRONG, Jay. There's nuDoom.

It's FAR easier to make a map/new weapon/new monster in Doom than it is in Quake

In something like Doom inorder to edit a monster you edit a text file and add images to it for sprites. It's why there are elaborate mods like Simpsons Doom that just changes the graphics of the monsters to Simpsons characters. Iirc that was done in 2 weeks of the guy's time.

Whereas for 3D engines there's a much higher bar to entry with developing modifications for it. Scripting is much more complicated, you have to actually learn to model things like characters. It got easier with programs like Trenchbroom but it's still really hard to do unless you're much more dedicated. And nowadays almost everyone prefers to make their own game in something like Unreal 4 than make something in an old Id Tech engine.

tbh most are multiplayer focused. Like Action Quake 2

Personally I was way more interested in commercial games based on Quake 2's engine. Like Soldier of Fortune and Kingpin

Figured this would be a good place to ask, are there any new 2.5D shooters? I've always preferred them to newer 3D ones.

Apart from re-releases and mods? Not really

Interceptor has been developing a 2.5D sequel to their shitty game Bombshell on the Build engine. It hasn't released yet though

For modelling nowadays it is not that hard anymore of course it will take a 1-2 years give it or take to make models that look acceptable or better. For animation well as a start you could make characters per pieces instead of modelling as 1 which should be done normally then you could try modelling the characters in "normal" way. The UV-Map/Texturing part will take it's time too and it is a tad harder to make good looking textures.

Blender has md2/md3 exporter plugin which could work but I never modded any Quake engines so I cannot tell.

Like I said that's a huge bar to entry compared to making mods in Doom. There's many more resources to make models and shit now but especially nowadays with how many free commercial engines there are, and brand new games like Skyrim/Fallout etc being released. Most people couldn't care less about making mods for older engines.

It's why the guys who were trying to port Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines to a newer version of the Source engine eventually gave up and started trying to port it to Unity. Because there was way more people and documentation available for that engine.

Wanting to fuck the actual demons in Doom does, unless it's exclusively for the zombies, in which case makes you just a fag. Revenants and Lost Souls could be considered just necrophilia, I guess.

There're a few in development, from what I remember, but nothing actually released. Most of them are dumb procedurally generated crap, unfortunately. You'd think a Doom-clone wouldn't be that difficult to make for an indie studio trying to cash in on nostalgia. Maybe the release of nuDoom will spark some interest in them.

Most of them are dumb procedurally generated crap, unfortunately.

I've noticed this with a lot of "modern" "retro" shooters. Like I was hyped for STRAFE until I read "procedurally generated". Which caused me to drop it

I think the devs were more interested originally in making a Minecraft FPS and decided to market it more like a Doom successor later on.

Hey dudes, I'm almost done I think with my doom map, I just dont know what to do past this part (pic related)

I want it to curve back around to the red room (after the large room with the switch in the top right opens a gate, unlocking the dead end beneath it) but I dont have any ideas for what to fit into that spot

here's the map DL link, tell me what you think I should do

Is there any mods that are like Strife, anons?

There are a few RPG-esque Doom mods but I don't know of any off the top of my head. You might want to ask around on the Zdoom forums

Depends how much one is willing to put work into it and how much details it needs, another possibility is also to make models, animate them and then render them as sprites that way there is less things to worry about. Of course that won't work well with Quake 1 unless one has a mod for it that would make it possible. Another way which is even simpler is by doing vehicle related combat then there is much less animation involved.

Cases for animated vehicles:
Car: only it's wheel need to be animated which is just a rotation, for it's gun well it depends how it is done but it isn't much harder
Tank: The wheels can be animated either via textures, scripts or by model itself, the tracks should have low polygon count (no highly detailed tracks) and it can be animated with textures. The turret/barrel stuff should be done via scripts
Airplanes/Helicopter: hardly any animation needed
Mech: The legs could be animated via scripts or by model it self

Yes I have to admit making a good character model takes it's time and practice but at the end it will be worth it.

condensed down steps for modelling a vehicle:
1: Modelling it
2: Texturing via Traditional method, Atlas or PTex (No UV maps at all)
3: Animation (not really needed for alot of cases)

If there is a point I didn't made clear enough just point it out and I'll try to explain my best.

For resources one could look at the /agdg/ board/thread or looking at opengameart website which has quite a lot of stuff.

That is indeed a pity especially since Quake 1 and Doom 1 is easily accessible nowadays with those vast amount of source ports available. And they would run on toaster machines as well.

I agree, documentation is very important so that the modders know how to work it, too bad that majority of Unity games are badly optimized.

I'm happy that Dusk has absolutely nothing like procedural generation.

Question, how you make the Beutiful Doom hud doesn't overlay with the project MSX one?

My favourite WAD for the original Doom was the Simpsons WAD that came out in about 1996.

XtremeQuake2 is probably my favourite. It adds like 30 guns, lets you call in airstrikes, laser tripwires, etc.!4oAnyTKJ!BsiLst9PH7SvHV2Dp4wXonosOr2FeFp-kgeBuAbZz04

Is 0.9.9 the latest version?

That looks pretty good, though that revolver would give /k/ an aneurism.

Threadly reminder that none of you will ever see the success of Brutal Doom. You spend literally hundred of hours after ridiculous weapon mods that get old after 5 mins.

The Doomworld forums are a safespace for faggots who ban people for saying nigger.

You mean people wouldn't donate to my patreon for fine maps like this? :(

I'd play a map or mod for Doom that's all about puppers.

You'll get your shekels only if you were to put the dogs in the map.

Sorry, I only take advice from people who get trips or more.

That's like judging music by its popularity.

If you can't go 5 fucking seconds without saying nigger you deserve to be banned as much as some fucking tween speaking in ebonics.
Call people niggerfaggots as much as you want here but its pretty fucking stupid of you to not realise that Holla Forums is basically your safespace where you can say what you like.

I'm loving the design of this map, i thought it was a bit on the easy side until i tried it with hd.pk7, which turned it into corridor carnage with clever verticality. The enemy placement up before the yellow door near the start is quite top notch despite the HOM issues with the grille textures in certain areas like the chaingunner ambush section, which i'm sure you'll get fixed soon enough. However you could really do better with Radsuit placement prior to the slime tunnels as i found myself lacking enough of it to explore most before it starts rupturing and i don't think it would be cool for those playing in COOP vanilla to only have one rad suit before getting worn down by the tunnels. Perhaps a secret area added in that yellow room with the imps and the caco would do great with extra radsuits.

Some extra medkits at the start area would also not come unappreciated, as it is filled with hitscanners all over the place even in vanilla you can feel the popshot hits wearing down on your green armor and eventually your health, and since you're eventually going to return to that section, why not have some backup stuff in there for the player?

I think you could sneak a secret in the area you're pointing at that shortcuts you to the revenant slime tank/elevator area from the red key door instead of having to go through those corridors filled with revenants and lost souls, perhaps with some strong monster combo like a Baron or a Pain Elemental to explain the lost souls in that area and to add some challenge.

Also i have to add, the area with the revenant and two cacodemons at the middle of the slime maze where you get the plasmagun: IT COULD REALLY DO WITH SOME EXTRA COVER IN THE CORNERS INSIDE THE ROOM or at least a secret area prior that lets you flank them. I had to waste so many rockets there to clear out the zombiemen because i couldn't run in and crouch on something to heal after dealing with the cacos, just raising the corners' cover a few units upwards to allow you to crouch behind them effectively would be more than enough.

butthurt nigger lol

oh, I shouldve mentioned this map is supposed to be played without crouching and jumping, but mouseaim is fine if you prefer it

I'll look into your criticisms tho, thanks mate

fuck i forgot to spoiler it

Fuck you. I expected the seal to get clubbed, not a cute MAD.

Its a single one contrarian mad because DooM 4 s better trying to make we tink people still give a shit about Og DooM

Project Brutality is better.
Brutal Doom is also a mod. :^)

What does Project Brutality improve over Brutal Doom? Seeing as such opinion has been shared quite a lot of times here.

Other than the fact that Project Brutality adds a fuckton more weapons, monsters, and mechanics, Project Brutality balances out those that already exists in Brutal Doom to feel faster and closer to vanilla Doom while maintaining Brutal Doom gameplay. Also, Project Brutality offers more gameplay customization than Brutal Doom.

Thanks for explaining it m8.
Are there options to make it play a bit more tactical?

How tactical? I know that Project Brutality can let you set down mines and turrets, and practically all of the weapons have different firing modes.
As for settings, you can change individual monster variants that can turn up and AI, and you set what weapon upgrades would naturally spawn.
Found the Project Brutality user manual:

Something along the lines like Tortured Transmission and Hideous Destruction mod does.

Found the Project Brutality user manual:
Neato, I will give it a shoot soon enough, thanks for the link.

Like I understand why some people wouldnt, but still it makes me feel sad.

That looks amazing, what mod is that?

Just finished Going Down, pretty good. Quite hard at times, but not "fuck you" hard like Sunder.

Best map: Demonology.
Worst fucking map: Forbidden Fruit
What the fuck map: 200 Megahurts

How's Doom Launcher? I just discovered it. I'm doing fine with ZDL and an organized folder structure, but I'm curious if I'd be better served with something else.

ZDL has support for pretty much every sourceport in existance and it's serviceable concerning it's options asides from being lightweight. It even has preset modes for saving and loading certain wad combinations of your liking along with their respective command line parameters which is great for things like multiplayer or booting saved games/demos.

Only thing it doesn't have is a dmflag generator which Zandronum server browsers like DoomSeeker and IDE (russian made Internet Doom Explorer) have, but considering it's scope, that's pretty understandable.


I think you misunderstand. I already use ZDL. I'm wondering about

That sounds extremely useful for newfags to DOOM sourceports. Easier than dragging shit over constantly into GZDOOM.

At least it was aesthetically pleasing. Buried Alive was just boring shit.

Yeah, Buried Alive was pretty boring, but the gameplay wasn't held back by the map like it is in Forbidden Fruit, where the decoration fucked you up every time you wanted to fire a rocket.

I hope Cyriak will make another megawad at some point, Going Down was great.

Any mod with a good story?

Swan Fox


Strife is a thing

Yeah, and it's a fucking mess.

Well there's always Trump Doom where you set off in an adventure to Make America Great Again

John Carmack in Masters of Doom, on the subject of Tom Hall wanting to turn the game into a cinematic bullshit experience.

Oh, that. I wouldn't know, it only works for x64-capable systems and i only have an x32. It does sound kinda convenient, it has things ZDL doesn't have like a direct link with the doomworld /idgames/ repository among other things, but i'm not sure if it works with all sourceports like ZDL does. It also seems to be the opposite of ZDL's minimalist style, with menus ontop of menus and ontop of menus.

I also don't like that it manually scans the entire hardrive for sourceports and wads (plus their .txt files to extract data like author and maps), which although useful, kinda become a little bit too intrusive for my tastes.

I use eawpats as a soundfont, but how do I get my game to sound like this?

So, the golden souls wad as a remix of Ducktales's moon theme and i don't know where to find the original mix, does anyone know where i can get it?

Here's what i'm talking about

Startpage'd "Ducktales Moon Orchestral"
Found this, seems to be it

Unpack the mod and load the music files in your favorite player, chances are it's tagged or has more internal info.

Thank you

Guncaster is my hazubando~!

If you use GZ/ZDoom, you can use those packs:

Don't extract the files, just load the zip like a wad.

Holla Forums fucking delivers

This was pretty hype for a deathmatch mod.

Here's a WIP levelset focused around skeletons, using custom enemies from Realm667 to replace non-skeleton enemies. Play in ZDoom, GZDoom or Zandronum.!aglSyCDQ!iD5ihx_QhZJa_qOI6wlzsnOrVKiAWA_USZbKGw8qNNw

this raises too many questions

Robots in the classic period are little more than tools for humans, functionally.



It's going to be out on the 30th for you fags to play.
>Spider Mastermind is just a scaled up Arachnotron


How badly did he butcher the gameplay this time?

Question: should I feel shame for wanting to fug a Baron of Hell?

Haven't played it, I thought it was just a reskin?

That's not far off DoomRPG's HUD. I don't know why anybody plays DoomRPG instead of solely going with DoomRL Arsenal.

I guess I would too, maybe if it were a bara shota.

According to the FAQ on , there isn't going to be fatalities, and you can choose whether you want to reload or not as separate classes, so it's not as butchered as Brutal Doom. Also, cut content and enemies not in Doom 64 are also going to be in the mod.

Although I'd like to dig my face into their genital area and furiously masturbate to the intense aroma of their musk, I have to say: fucking a demon is probably a bad idea.


Please stop lusting over demon men.

I think he was talking about a different image that directly references Doom and NuDoom.

No it's not a reskin at all, it has a few things added to it, a railgun, a few added features onto certain demons, humor surrounding this election, and a map set of it's own, I had a blast on the hardest difficulty too might go around on the second hardest just to try to find all the secrets

Though I got a like, everything to do and never end up doing it either


Do not sexualize the Barons.

Are you masking your own engine entirely from scratch, including API here? What the fuck user, it doesn't take years to make a decent looking model. Several models in succession including things like the mesh and skeleton sure but that's not years of work each that's the collective amount of time for all of them. At first it'll take you months on your first attempts but as you git gud it'll be shaved down to weeks for each step or even hours. Unless the Quake engine has something for it I'm missing you're vastly over exaggerating the length of time it makes to make models.

Are there any good RPG game WADs?

He means accumulating the experience to make good looking models. Not the time it takes to make one model.

Just DoomRPG as far as I know.

>We'll never have a version of H-Doom with actual guns so you can fuck their half blown off bodies as they cry and beg for you to stop in their last moments

I bet you tried to run it with brutal doom, didn't you?

Just load it with brutal doom, bro.

Well this user corrected me here:

No, well I cannot code at all so that's why I am using Zandronum in the first place which is based on (G)ZDoom with the additions it has a proper network support unless the barebones ZDoom has.

Well I had a relative easy time figuring out how skeleton animation works, of course my animation isn't much better due to that as I have yet to learn it but the very least it gives me more flexibility. Luckily the MD3 exporter can use that to translate it to vertex animation else I would be screwed.

mhm yes if I don't procrastinate too much I can make a few models in short time order. And I am not aware of any Quake based source port that offers similar function like Decorate.

Why does the hdoom creator hate the brutal doom creator

Pick your poison.

How easy is it to adapt to keyboard only for DOOM anons.
N-No bully for the question.

I guess no harder than playing Lego games with only keyboard? With a WASD for movement and a IJKL for looking?

Sounds like it would be doable, but awkward.

Hdoomguy (mike12) made the mayority of the fatality animations for brutal doom, sgt. mark never credited him for it and when requested for the animations to be removed mark simply told him to fuck off. Or at least, that's what he said back then at /vr/.

Kind of a shame, guy made a shitload of good stuff for the community Remember doom center? Most of the assets in that wad are made or rigged by him but never gets credited for it because he doesn't notice he's hanging around conmen.

Both mods a shit but BD basically turns Doom into modern vidya cancer.

I only found 2 WW2 wads but forget what they're called, I thought there's be an abundant of them.

I won't go into detail but hdoom guy tried to attack me once, so I was just wondering about the bacl story

Brutal doom, no matter how you look at it be its community repercussions, the casualized gameplay changes or even the effort done for it by other modders, is an incredibly touchy subject for most veteran doomers and mostly everyone steers away from it as far as possible for several good reasons, not just because the author is a huge prick. I wouldn't try to discuss something like that with such a person.

You don't need to say he attacked you, he made a Doom mod that replaces demons with anime girls, it's clear he's a faggot.

replaces them poorly, as well

Yet there are people who would say the same thing, but play a modification of Brutal Doom like Project Brutality or Johnny Doom. Flashy gameplay mods are shit anyway. Brutal Doom done right is Burl Tumd.

>implying it's not vanilla Doom

fixed that for you

Just fucking play NuDoom if that's the case, it's basically the same thing with better graphics.

Oh boy, here we go with the old "MUH SJW CENSORSHIPS" argument.

Let me tell you a little story, about a ZDoom Forums member called Jinal. Jinal got into the bad habit of chewing out people, Marty Kirra among them, who made sprites with sexualized females in them.

Do you want to know what happened to Jinal? He was warned, and then he was banned. Permanently. If you think I'm making this up, you can go to the ZDoom Forums, and look up his posts from his profile on the Member List.

But he wasn't making that argument. He wasn't defending MarkIV in the first place. He was simply stating the facts as unbiased as possible. He never said the moderators were wrong for banning him. Stop and think about the post before you respond to it.

I believe you're mistaking who he's talking about for the creator of HDoom.

No no, MarkIV got banned for feeding flame wars, among other things. A lot of shitposters, though, like to claim people only dislike BD because he put a nigger joke in a code comment, which did make people on the forum upset. That user is understandably annoyed by posters like that and just made a knee-jerk reaction to a post that could resemble that at first glance.

haha, bullshit

there's a whole group of constantly outraged jelly bitches who should've been banned for the same time. also, people were pretending, and some probably honestly but I don't want to believe, to be so outraged over him using real gore pics and telling some LMAO13posts troll/scumbag who said he wanted to kill his own mother to kill himself properly.

So he's not supposed to defend himself when he's attacked constantly by that pack of outraged pansies?

It was a bunch of pussies who were salty that their own mods who they thought were so superior to his, didn't get anywhere the same recognition. That's jealousy and every time that word was uttered they got triggered as fuck and started bashing the mod and saying how not jealous they were because the mod is so shit.

There were just collecting pretend reasons to hound that guy with because they hated his guts for making a popular mod that brought droves of dumb little shits into their community. So they wanted him gone for years and then finally got what they wanted.

It's fucking disgusting IRC clique gang stalking. They've even taken hold of the cuckchan /vr/ threads. Niggers are so salty.

So did he steal content for the mod, or no?


I don't know about that for certain.

What I do know is that for as long as I remember there was always that alternating menu screen that listed all the names of the people who contributed assets to the mod but not specifically who did what exactly. People bitched about the page not showing long enough, which is stupid because usually something like that wouldn't even show automatically and you'd have to click on credits to see it.

I think he might have only added it after people asked him to include it, I don't know if that's true though, the earliest version I played already had it. Kind of a non issue though because Carmack gave the source code so the game could live on. With that in mind, nobody should try to hoard and lord over little assets they create for the game. How petty and small minded can you be?

I just have a hard time believing that people who are as hateful, spiteful and even racist (against mark for being a huemonkey while crying crocodile tears over his use of the word nigger) as his chronic detractors, could be legitimately bothered about some gore and telling some cunt to off himself (really just linking to a wikipedia page of how to do it properly).

I think that they wouldn't even blink about somebody they like doing the same stuff. I'm sure some of the cucks on that forum were legitimately disturbed but not the people who went aggressively after him long before and after those things happened. For them it was just more ammo in their hate campaign.


Except you cannot make nuts.wad on that game, what about that?


Wait, MarkIV is a br?


you know something's right when a mod that emulates NuDoom is more fun than NuDoom

I stand corrected then.

This will sound weird but… any sandbox-esque wads? I feel like playing something different. I would like a wad where I explore big levels where I'm generally free to chose whichever place I want to go first with lots of fun stuff to do besides just shooting shit.

Anything like that?

There's that island thing.

That would explain why they always get so hostile whenever somebody asks them why they hate BD so much. Only to do a complete 180 when MarkIV himself appears in the thread.

Oh fuck yes

What island thing?

I think it was this one.

The island thing made by this guy.

Thanks that looks interesting.


Am I going to have trouble with running it on gzdoom or is that not a problem with the current version?


Holy shit.

Just watch hentai.
It's basically the same thing in higher resolution.
Yes, I'm incredibly assblasted about the design changes in HDoom. I wanted female demons goddamn-it.

Jesus Christ.


Can anyone recommend some invasion type mods that work with zdoom? Something simple like Chillax or VGP would be preferable.

I'm limited to zdoom on my SJWpi3, so any Skulltag, Zandronum stuff is out

Pretty sure these are just midis. Tracker music are midis with bundled PCM samples.

DUMP 2 has tracker music and midis in the same file.

Currently making a level or perhaps a couple levels for Aracnocide. Here's a quick look at the start of it.

Pretty much everything for Skulltag and Zandronum works on ZDoom

Some levelsets like literally every invasion mod that requires skulltag actors and data does not work on modern zdoom because it wont load the required data (eg skulktag_actors.pk3 and skulltag_data.wad) due to compatibilty issues with the code (consolecommand support for a bunch of things is deprecated or outright banned in newer revisions due to abuse).

Also, Zandronum DOES have linux builds, i'm not sure why he can't use that + delta invasion or UTNTinv, which are great invasion mapsets.