
So can we all agree that this is the best Tekken game? Also who is your main?

If you could rank every Tekken game from best to worst, what would that look like?
Also, are any of the Tekken movies worth watching, or are they all shit?

It would look like this
Tekken TT > Tekken 5 > Tekken 3 > Tekken TT2 > Tekken 6 > Tekken 2 > Tekken 4 > Tekken > Tekken Advance
Regarding the movies, the first anime film was okay but nothing special, Blood Vengeance is shit.

I never touched Tekken before except at a few arcades, but I got this recent urge out of nowhere to play the fuck out of it. Should I just wait for 7, get Tag 2, or just emulate everything else?

Tag 2 has the biggest roaster out of the entire franchise and obviously the tag mechanics, if you ask me, start by emulating either 3 or 5 to get a good feel of the series and if you enjoyed any of them make the jump to tag 2.

My mains would be a tossup between Bryan and Hwoarang.
I really want to use Beak effectively but his low pokes are absolutely abysmal.

I have greatly enjoyed, and still enjoy Tekken 3, Tag, 6 and Tag 2.
I wholeheartedly recommend the Tag games, and highly recommend you try out 3, if only because it has a character that is literally half-height (although last to unlock iirc).
6 is pretty fun, but you either love or hate the single player, it's more of a beat em up than a fighting game at times, with gear you equip and weird shit. I had some fun with it.

I don't understand why 5 is so high in the ranking

It has a shit-ton of content and clearly a lot of love went into it.


I love tekken 4, I know balance is all over the place, but the OST, the graphics, and the stages (despite how fucking stupid they are) are on point

Also nice to know Tekken advance is more recognized than revolution lol

im growing impatient for Tekken 7. not much longer left. help me

Tekken 4 is the best.

Play TT2 until then.

I don't play fighters, just not my bag, however I don't mind tekken games, particularly the one that had a loot drop mechanism that you could equip shit and that was fun.


T4 is underrated. I need to emulate play it more now. Man I wish they brought them all back with online for PC. Tekken Force mode leader boards and all.

Anyone else excited for T7 *and inevitable lewd costumes on PC?)

Don't fucking remind me. The dread makes me feel sick.

Why are fighting games so shit? There has been ZERO evolution since forever.
Member when games like Power Stone and Fighting Force came and we tought this shitty ass genere was going to actually evolve?


Naked Tekken grills w/ wet effect

Kuma main for life.

Vanilla 5 is still the best Tekken game, but in a way Tag 1 is so much better than Tag 2.

Look into Tekken 6 to see if you'll like Tag 2. In a way Tag 2 is it's own beast with the mechanics.

Arcade version had controller ports you could plug a PS2 controller into, which made it easier for people who used pads. Honestly, it had the best everything (except the balance, but even Kuma players could do well in 5). If you were lucky to play it, you could also get a character card for $5.

It was honestly the last genuine Tekken game Harada made. 6 and 7 are really hit and miss, and Tag 2 is way too bloated for it's own good.

#NoBearNoBuy for me until I see Kuma in the arcade version. I won't even play the console version if he's a disc/data-locked character because Harada won't balance shit (It's not like 7's balance is any good).