Adventuring with your Nep Edition
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune vs Zombies released on Steam
SuperDimension Neptune Vs. Sega Hard Girls coming to the Vita October 18th (NA) & 21th (EU)
Re;Translation for the Vita version of Re;Birth 3 has been released
Actual version: 1.422
PC version:
MD5: 6AA1AA1C3822D649FA0750457993B77C
Actual version: 0.90
PC version:
MD5: 9CD6DB8EF7087B7FA57BCE2EB7B35660
Vita version:
Re;Birth mods: >>>/nep/822
Translated Nep media: >>>/nep/1589
Hello New World manga: >>>/nep/3153
CM3D2 with Neps: >>>/nep/3278
/nep/ Steam Group: >>>/nep/3211
/nep/ Monthly Bunker: >>>/nep/2756
/nep/ Discord: Invites given upon request
Stories from /nep/ and Holla Forums members:
Thread OP pastebin:
Start with Re;Birth 1. Then play Re;Birth 2, Re;Birth 3 and V-II. Make sure you play Re;Birth 2 and 3 with our Re;Translations.
Translation Statuses are:
HDN, HDN Mk2 and Victory: NISA cancer.
Re;Birth 1 and V-II: Translation is alright, no worries from these ones.
Re;Birth 2: Not obviously bad at the start, but gets much worse as it goes along: in particular Neptune and Ram were screwed hard during localization. However, there is a Re;Translation made on our very own board (see above links).
Re;Birth 3: Better than the original NISA translation in Victory but still quite a lot of cancer. Main game has been retranslated, translators still required to translate DLC content.
All of the spin-offs: Varying translation quality. These range from cancer to mediocre.
Ask the Volafile or Share threads.
Ask in thread or go to >>>/nep/835
Neptunia Thread
Nep Santa
Baka Nepu, it's spooky time, not santa time
I want to eat pudding with Neptune and play videogames with her as we laugh at dumb, unfunny memes into the late hours of the night
And do lewd things while adventuring together
I'd adventure with Noire. IF seems nice to adventure with too.
And with that, I am going to sleep
If you insist.
sleep tight nepper
Have a spooky Noire then.
neps r cute
post neps or no?
can anyone post the discord link
And as usual, I want to have children and raise them with Nepgear. And have fun during Halloween with them all.
do what you want
New 4GO email, this time from Rom.
hopefully this leads to some sort of reveal
Rough translation
VA of Rom, Ogura Yui here!
Rom will be appearing in the newest Neptunia series game too!
I'm very happy to be able to reprise the role of Rom after all this time.
Everyone please pamper her lots!
I look forward to working with you.
I want to go questing with Nepgear and do lewd things together when we get turned on by watching this user and Neptune doing lewd things when we accidentally run into them during our own adventure.
I'm liking how elaborate these are getting
Still waiting for the GOOD END to happen
Just have to wait for that one Nowanon person to post and see if he continues this lewd tale of Neps.
All in due time.
I want to tell Noire that I like her tits.
Oh, we will.
Well at least I've got a lot to play. Also daily reminder Iffy is fucking savage.
I don't blame her after what happened. And either they're just reusing backgrounds or that's the actual location of Iffy's childhood defilement.
It could be a joke for players, I don't think that IF and Plutia are the same ones from V/RB;3.
Its an alternate dimension
Hows rebirth 2 vitas translation patch coming along? Just got it for 9$ on the flashsale and was curious.
Absolutely no idea.
Ok. Thanks for the honesty.
No problem. But you should stay on board for a little moment, there are helpful people around here, so someone may drop the answer in a few minutes.
For the Purple Sister. May your life be full of happiness, even if she isn't getting the 11M.
And don't forget to SMIIIIIIIIILE
Impressive, very nice
As far as I know, the R;B2 Re;Translation is more or less 100% complete
Why doesn't she have an ass?
It's not Nepgear specific, a lot of the models seem to have this "problem". The devs can't into modelling ass.
cute butt > ass imo
the cutest
What is that difference between a cute butt and an ass?
>then you wake up
But they can model boobs.
I've been playing around with ffmpeg, so here's some HD MAGES. Hopefully it's not too horrible (maybe I should try recording at 30FPS next time)
It's not that bad. Why 25fps though?
I don't know, probably some European stupidity.
Everything about Nepgear is cute
Needs more Vert tbh fam.
No, needs more Rei.
But i like Vert too, so why not.
I wish I can help you brother, but I cannot as Rei does not exist in the fandom and most of her art I have access to is deviantart tier fetish shit.
You already posted the only Rei pic I had unfortunately.
there's quite a bit of Rei out there, I just wish I saved it while I had the chance
Anyone have these? Can't get baidu to work even when logged in
That so?
Take these.
And I somehow encountered none of it, not that I'm calling you a liar, its just I only get decent Rei pics from dumps in the thread.
Like so and I hope you and your Rei of choice have lots of offspring brother.
T-thanks, buddy.
Thats great to hear, but I was refering to the vita patch process, I checked /nep/, but no go there.
Posting rare rei for reianon
Sounds like we're on the path to the GOOD END
Is everyone ready for the spookiest time of the year coming up?
She looks real happy.
I can't handle this nightmare user.
Been playing some spoop games to get ready
The GOOD END is always nice. Though not really sure if I like the idea of a foursome. Just want to stay with Nepgear to be honest.
I'm looking forward to all the Halloween Neps this year.
What have you done?
I cant say I like the idea either, Would rather just stay with Neptune myself I suppose GOOD END will never come to fruition
Maybe. We just have to find more anons for each of the Neps in the dimension we end up in and make a new variant of GOOD END.
An user for each Nep in one dimension sounds like an ideal GOOD END
I'm sorry, i couldn't resist.
But what if one of those dimensions for one user end up being BAD END ?
That would be unfortunate. Then we wouldn't be able to get GOOD END cause that one user is dead
And then we have the possibilties of suffering neps in many dimensions and BAD ENDS that happen every second and we can't do anything about it.
Nep Meme
I'm okay with this because Christmas is a better holiday to spend with your Nep
By the way, what constitutes a GOOD END anyway? Other than the obvious user and nep of choice lives a happy life.
I have a DiagoNoire for you.
There was a story about it a few threads ago.
Well, he would die doing what he loved.
But I already posted that pic earlier it's still a nice picture
Whoops I'm fucking blind. Also I need to screencap more Nepapp.
Also why isn't everyone in this thread called Nepu~? Or Nep? I'm not jealous of Eggman taking over Holla Forums or anything
Cause Mark is The Eggman now
Even if its for a few posts I would be delighted to be a Nep shitposting on Holla Forums.
That probably won't ever happen, unless the kike really likes us and these threads
Thats true, well its not important anyway. What is important is when Anons start playing Iffy's game and detailing the blow by blow Nepu~
Trillion is out on Steam next Tuesday (25th), will be 40% off and have all the DLC from the Vita version included for free. There will also be a Deluxe Pack DLC which includes 7 digital novels, a digital art and rough sketches book, PC wallpapers and a digital OST ($9.99).
Well then
I forgot this was a thing
I hope the lewds will be there still
Very nice.
It just needs to have a few things done really.
Iffy's new outfit is absolute sex and it makes me want to molest her
Wait, does that mean IF with no coat is a thing in some game? Only wearing the black pieces!?
The best IF outfit
I want this to be a permanent thing for her
No, the coat is just shorter and the outfit reveals her tummy, it's a thing in SeHa
There is a coatless Iffy dimension out there but it is not the one we live in.
I should haveprobably spoilered the other ones
I want to lick Iffy
I have only seen one Iffy daki, you naughty nepper
I've been meaning to find out, who is this semen demon?
The one I'm getting isn't a lewd one, but it is one with her SeHa outfit
The file name says so it's IF, in her EX-form
Iffy went full chuuni
Oh there's another one? Got a pic of it?
It's not really a full blown daki, it's just a cool pillow case of Iffy in her SeHa outfit. Can't seem to find a pic of it. However I might be getting that other one you showed as well. Are there any good Neptune ones?
Crystal treatment?
The selection is pretty low when it cums to Nepnep
The first and the third are pretty appealing
Nepenp is quite appealing
This is true
Some arousing but not lewd Nepneps
When I got my daki I had only one choice to choose from.
I see what you did there
Vert's sisters confirmed for 4GO
I will find you user, I will burn you alive for messing up my feels.
Go ahead. I'm behind pic related.
That won't save you. Thats not even a Nep.
You're next.
I bet Blanc has the lewdest dakis
You lifted my hopes for a moment only to crush them into the dirt. Now I know how Vert feels.every waking minute.
twins too
I'm just stalling for Conquestgear to save me.
Here, have a grass starter.
I can't decide which I like more.
>Saving anyone
user pls
She at least saved herself
No amount of chibigear will save your feels user.
Obviously. I know I'll cry like a bitch during Conquest. But I want to believe that there's still hope for Conquestgear, and that she can still save both her soul and Gamindustri.
Are there Neptunia references in Genkai Tokki: Seven Pirates?
Wait a second, so I was stalking another thread and someone mentioned that CH/IF are comprised of former NIS employees. On top of that NI$ is just as corrupt as NI$A hence why the migration. No one posted a source so I'd though I'd ask here in hopes of finding one.
That has been indeed a thing, years ago a bunch of NIS workers migrated and joined up CH/IF, iirc Trillion is by original Disgaea's director
Huh, the more you know I guess.
I didn't get the original Disgaea, but the director for Trillion (Yamamoto Masahiro) is credited for being the director of Disgaea 2
Can't find a source (there was never any confirmation of mistreatment, was just rumors on 2ch) but the word is that NIS was creating and re-integrating subdivisions in a ploy to give their employees lower positions and pay, so some of them jumped ship to IF.
And people think the US division is bad…
Japan has their share of Jews as well
They took in jews during WW2, obviously the race mixing affected small amounts of people in Japan.
I want to say there was some proof in terms of coincidences like some projects getting scrapped or employees jumping ship, but there really isn't any proof besides that anonymous 2ch post.
I knew IF was trying to tell us something
Not Jew enough, also no relation to Neps but…
But Kei is a Nep
At least they're cute jews
I didn't post Kei though. Also Kei doesn't have a maximum Jew simulator spinoff game. Lastly I don't have any Kei pics.
But no, you did post Kei. She's pretty Jewish herself. Says Uni can go to whomever has a lot of money that would benefit Lastation (her) the most. So basically she sells people, even her friends.
Would you let your self get jewed if it was a Nep doing it?
I'd probably just ignore her if she was saying that to me and go ahead and marry my Nep. Well, probably wouldn't ask for permission. I think it's my Nep's decision, not someone else's, as to whether she wants to marry me or not.
Yet she does an about-face in conquest
That actually agitated me. I'd give Kei the Gehaburn to the face
Vert, NeVert and EVert already own me. By the way, did you update your device to Vert 10 yet? Its free and full of improvements and security features to keep you and your games up-to-date.
You want to force her to give you head?
What if your nep tries to jew you
You think MS would be doing good if they still used their Windows 10 mascot?
Nice try Vert, I like to have other Neps on my computer thank you very much. I swore I had a Vert edit of this one
I meant literally. I'd use the sword itself.
Now if I were a degenerate who enjoyed such things then you'd be right.
I thought the OS-tan girls were only in Japan. Regardless I wonder how popular W10 would be if Cortana wasn't a fucking SJW spybot and you could replace her with 2D waifus instead.
Well, the only way Gear would try to jew me is by either telling me to act like her onii-chan and be overly affectionate to her or buy her a bunch of computer components. I'd be fine with either since, in the case of the first, I would already want to do, and in the case of the second, I already like computers and robotics, so it would be something I could work on with her and get closer to her and hopefully evolve into case one.
Its like you don't know what Neps Verts are user. Look at all these Neps Verts you can get on Vert 10!
Technically they are, although I think the Internet Explorer one somehow managed to get sort of popular overseas. As for 2D waifus, that shit is an untapped market. If I were at MS I'd make an official program or game for W10 and make shekels for days.
What if they also jew you like their console/company counterparts, like through their equivalents of paid DLC/online?
In the case of DLC whoring, I'd probably have to… discipline her into changing her ways. Because that's unacceptable. Stop screwing up Total War, Sega.
I think you mis-interpreted the scene. She quite clearly was trying to cock block CFW Brave's ghost from defiling Uni (somehow, I don't know how that would work since he's fucking dead by that point and Brave v2.0 is a retarded sperg that v1.0 says needs to be iced). Any greedy instinct was actually her saying afterwards that Brave as a loyal agent of Lastation would benefit her significantly. But she determined that she would rather protect Uni from the advances of a known criminal instead.
inb4 ASIC apologists
Well, she got pissed that you killed her friends. Mina got the same way, even worse in fact. She sucks it up in the end because of the political situation at the end of that timeline; there is only Planeptune remaining after all, and not having a show of unity could stoke public unrest.
Was it ever brought up anywhere, officially, what Nepgear's government told the populace of the CPU's deaths? I think it was brought up in the conquest route that telling the public the truth of what happened would cause more problems than its worth but it was never mentioned just what they went with.
It was never officially mentioned, I guess it was just handwaved.
Probably along the lines, the battle has slain the CPUs and only Nepgear has survived, or the other CPUs sacrificed themselves and only Nepgear was the survivor.
I'll go with the former.
I wonder how much story could be expanded in the world of Conquest Gear.
They didn't exactly do a good job at keeping it private. Most of the fights were in proximity to urban environments, so some people were bound to know what happened. Of course, that doesn't mean they weren't collected by the Guild or some other gov't agency afterwards of course.
The former sounds about right. It's still a little depressing even if it is a lie to the public
Requesting the pic of Vert talking about looking at your cute face and keeping those Planeptunian whores away
thank you
Here's google's attempt in the temporary absence of moon experts…
It is woven summer Ishihara of lamb auditors.
Since this time of the ram-chan who was always the emergence of a different costume and
I was allowed to play with a fresh feeling!
In addition, since combat voice is also the first time the words come out a lot,
I think there are also different fun with the previous work.
Look I want a place in the ROM-chan and ram-chan
I want to see the place where two people.
Always and even in the situation it is different,
Two of the dialogue is of an alive and well was interesting personally.
Ask them by all means look at the two exchanges
I want to see the two people who have not changed to you.
Latest of Neptune the "four goddess online"
We are pleased to be able to deliver to you!
I think that reflected in the fresh for those who have who have played a lot of previous work.
Also for those who have thought that or let's the first time play,
Now enjoy work.
We're looking forward to that get to play in all means a lot of people.
Nice to meet you!
Well Conquest anything is never ever but I kinda had that thought too, it seems the most logical and a half-truth.
IIRC Blanc, Rom, Ram, and Vert's fights were pretty public. I'll assume plot convenience that no one heard/saw the fighting because even though the fights proper were in secluded areas in game I get the feeling that the aforementioned fights were in public space.
Upon entering Lowee's Capital Blanc stops the Nep Sisters in the middle of the street and in Leanbox I'm pretty sure Vert challenged the Nep Sisters in front of the Basillicom. Only Noire and Uni challenged them in a secluded and possibly abandoned factory.
That lastation factory is burned into my mind after playing through RB;1 - 3 along with that forest map
A lot of the Maps in the ReBirth games are copy/paste and even still I can't remember most of them.
Super Saiyen form If. Can't you tell from the spikey blond hair?
Jesus, imagine being in a crowded street and watching Blanc and the twins get murdered.
I think at that point most of the population has been evacuated to safe zones, probably underground, so any public fighting would've been undetected eitherway, and any sort of explosion or rumbling would just be assumed the fighting.
Imagine if it was your goddess, you would probably try to intervene. But no one did, I guess no people were around.
Like I said, plot convenience, because I don't remember them explicitly stating anyone has been evacuated in the conquest route, in the capital cities no less. I could be wrong.
Well I'm just nitpicking details that the writers clearly didn't intend for. I'd still like to get some closure for Conquestgear officially. For me personally its what Nepgear told the world what happened to the other CPUs and Chika's fate because she went hysterical after Vert's death.
If fans hadn't complained to CH so much about it when mk2 originally came out we might have gotten more post-conquest material. Instead all we got left with was a brief 4th wall breaking line in V referencing the fan outrage.
A conquest sequel would still be amazing though.
>They could not save themselves
>How could they save us?
>For all the blood you shed
>Our Lady failed us
>There's nothing you could do
>You had no choice
>Why do you cry for them?
>You are our savior
>You are our savior!
True. A shame IMO.
We are the dead
Fit neps.
I was not aware I wanted this.
Is Nepgear trying levitation outside of HDD form?
The CPUs better start doing some lifts, or the candidates are going to beat them.
you got the last two wrong ya fuckin sperg it's hero.
You are the dead.
I don't have anymore /fit/ Neps.
Anyone who does already knows what to do.
She's being held aloft by the power of lewdness.
The only other fit neps I have is deviantart-tier fetish porn.
But, hero = male, and heroine doesn't sound as well…
I put Savior in there in reference to the chapter name ==Apocalypse: Savior's Sorrow==
Made a quick preset for purple heart to go with the mod from >>>/nep/3571
I'd do the Vert-ical tango if you know what I mean
ah thanks
Bravo. Conquest would be one hell of an adventure if an user had to watch that as well. Also you don't get the holy sword cop out anons.
uni bum
Simply the best
My laptop has slight fps issues with Re;Birth 2 and 3 but none for stuff like Skyrim and DaS2
How graphic demanding is V-II? I'm not sure if I'll be able to run it…
What kind of fps issues? I know the guard break animation from RB2 is bugged and will cause fps drops regardless of hardware configuration. Anyway, if you can run Skyrim and DaS2, then you should be fine. I've seen people run V-II on some very old cards.
What are your specs? Here is the minimum and recommended requirements, but being a bit under them should still allow you to play the game at a lower resolution with everything set to low.
Its been said before that having underwhelming specs will still allow you to run the game at decent settings. Though I'm not sure just what laptop user is using.
>But I highly recommend upgrading to Windows 10 as to be able to fully appreciate my voluptuous spyware chest!
Don't you want Green Heart-sama to keep an eye on you while you play your games? She's only there to keep you safe after all.
I would only upgrade to W10 if it gave acess to Vert's exclusive camwhore site
Its perfect really, think about it…
What makes you think they are part of the site?
There's no need to resist, user. All of your dreams can come true if you just upgrade to Windows 10!
Vert has canonically dressed them in skimpy outfits for pubic viewing.
We also need a fusion-ha between Todd Howard and Vert
I'd rather burn my computer than upgrade to wangblows ten. Even if I lose out on a cute girl that abomination isn't worth it. I'll go but Neptune for love I guess
Off to Vert's rape dungeon I guess. I wonder if she wants children, I'm unsure our eye color's would match but out children would have blonde hair. What is her eye color anyways?
I'm blue eyed with brown hair actually. I just couldn't tell her eye color through that image, they looked purple to me. My eyesight is going on me okay?
They are clearly blue
Either your eyes are fucked or you just need to get a new monitor
My mother was a blonde, tons of members of my family are, my Dad is a brunette as am I, my sister was a blonde also. I'm more a mix of blue/green eyes actually but I got more blue.
Oh no my eyes are fucked. I'm barely able to read as of late.
Even if you both have blond hair, that doesn't necessarily mean your children will all have blond hair. It just means they are more likely to have blond hair.
I guess it also depends on how dominant the CPU genes are.
I know. I'm brown haired actually but all females if not most of them have blonde hair to them.
It's vaguely human, is a woman with a functioning vagina. Believe me I'm sure she'd mix fine.
I guess then they'll end up as miniature Verts no matter what
They aren't all that different from humans. They can just access a type of energy called Share energy which is what separates them from being human. Everything else is human though.
Blanc announced her NEXT form
She had a heart attack during the announcement
Poor poor Blanc.
More like she has nothing of interest to announce.
Begone flan, this is pudding country.
See my sisters? You can play as them.
I was thinking something like photoshop where Vert and todd switch faces or something. It would probably be nightmare fuel but it works.
Blanc because I can.
You are all the same as tumblr
I'm in a bad mood. Nepgear is a shitty character with no personality
Wait, so if the Switch is supposed to be the combination of Nintendo's handheld and home console departments, what happens to Rom and Ram?
Poor thing who will never enjoy the pleasure of enjoying neps. I pity you.
To each one's own. I tend to think that mk2 especially Conquest and V-II (from the reports about that one, my toaster can't run it) gave her some character development, though.
They switch
I think you're a shitty character with no personality.
I want to see that.
The three fight to the death, and the victor eats the others to take their powers.
Basically, a mini-Conquest at Lowee ?
i'm ok with that idea. and my benis
Nepgya's job is finally done.
Gya, put down that banana, you're drunk.
no. BL is forbidden here nepgya
That also doesnt explain what happens to the PS4 Pro and Scorpio too. I assume the Next forms were just made to represent Wii U/PS4/Xbone, so I guess we're having ultimate forms?
At that point we will have basically reached DBZ levels of transformation. Where would it end? Are there going to be goddess fusions now? Will the candidates get NEXT forms?
I doubt Candidates will get NEXT forms because handhelds are basically kill.
So the memes in Neptunia arent just unfunny alot of the time, they're magic? How do memes and Neps work?
And it's funny, because all of the power levels aren't really the fault of anyone at IF, the current state of the industry is really that stupid.
What we have seen so far is only the beginning.
are any of the dlc packs worth buying?
i'm still on the first game but have all four main games
Don't buy the ones that just give items or OP weapons, the character ones are fine if you think the girls they add are cute, but they will also be a bit OP so keep that in mind.
This guy would fit in here.
How is SeHa V Neptune anyway?
Refreshing and different enough for a Nep RPG title, which is funny considering a lot of the dungeons are technically recycled from V or mk2, but they actually put in the effort this time to make the layouts a lot different and more fleshed out. Plus the new ones are pretty large and have even more explorable layouts.
I thought Neptune doesn't wear a skirt, just an oversized jacket.
Well, it's really fun, but I do have some minor grievances. I'll say that it's probably the best spinoff so far.
However, I've done three dungeons so far and each one has been a reused dungeon from the Rebirth series.
They try adding some more features to the field like rope shimmying and crawling through holes, but they don't seem implemented too well. You can sprint through dungeons now and can high jump if you press the jump button while sprinting. It helps when you want to speed through a dungeon to get an item or something.
I haven't unlocked class changing yet, but apparently that's a thing in the game. But I don't think it does much than changing some stats. Your abilities are probably the same and everything, though I think having an old school FF class-based JRPG Neptunia game would be awesome.
I'm only an hour into the game, so there might be a lot of new stuff later on that I haven't gotten to yet.
In terms of the story so far, IF is a pretty good protagonist. Segami is a huge bitch, so not sure if I like her right now. I hope she changes later in the game.
I'm playing with the dub right now to see if they dubbed more than V-II. So far, the dub is more complete than V-II's was, so that confuses me since this is a spinoff and V-II was a mainline game. That said, had I been playing with the Japanese voices, I doubt pic related would've been as hilarious as it was.
Meh, we all get what he means. Besides, I'm not sure what that would be classified as anyway.
Way the class system works is that each class has its own levels that you progress through to increase stats and unlock skills. You start out with 3 slots to place skills in, these range from SP skills you can use in battle, to passives like gaining extra damage on attacks from particular directions or regenerating HP/SP, and some neat stuff like doubling item range. Each class also has its own unique skill that uses its own slot, such as hiding from enemy targeting for a couple turns or picking a character in your party and making them have the next turn immediately.
She doesn't. I thought she was hilarious myself though.
She's funny at times, but then she gets really annoying. I guess it's like Aqua from Konosuba. I don't hate her, but sometimes she just gets too annoying and childish.
That scene was pretty funny though.
Also, classes could be really cool then. Hope to get them soon.
I'm really happy to hear this. PC port when?
I think we actually need more bitchy characters though, the happy-go-lucky attitude of the main Nep cast needs some personality on the other side of the spectrum. I'm kinda glad segami doesn't get any "better" but as I haven't played the game I dunno if she falls into annoying cunt who never shuts up or an actual bitch.
More of the annoying cunt who never shuts up. At least as of right now. She has cute pantsu though. But Iffy is still the sexiest so far.
Think well-intended asshole. She wants to do the right things but is really blunt and impatient.
These new ways to transverse dungeons seems like an excuse to look at pantsu.
Possibly. I only have two party members right now. Going with the better one as my party leader for now. That may change later depending on who I unlock though.
Well I'll reserve judgement until I play it but Segami's character intrigues me.
Impressive, very nice. So I assume IF is more useful in combat than she was in previous games?
You can't set anyone other than IF or Segami as the leader, unfortunately.
Probably didn't want to make the new dungeon traversal animations for everyone which is pretty shitty.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped.
Way to go Iffy. How am I supposed to oogle pantsu now? Who am I kidding I'd still buy this game
IF is more useful than Segami so far. Segami deals more damage, but IF's AOE skills can wipe the field in one turn. Segami starts out with a healing skill. Only wish I could use it outside of battle. Battles are conducted a bit differently, though I still prefer the V-II system. It's not bad at all though. It's quite good. Just feels a bit clunky at times.
What!? That was a horrible decision! I thought only Tamsoft would do something that stupid.
Segami is pretty much the best party member in the game, but it takes her some time to get there.
A lot of the party members need a little bit of ramp-up time to reach their potential thanks to the class system, but the end results have everyone behaving more uniquely than in past games which is nice.
Oh no! I accidentally dropped some Nepgears!
Uh-oh! The Nepgear pile just got chaotic
Chaotic and lewd!
This is schadenfreude.
user that's a quad dub
It's worse than I thought. You poor bastards
I have no words for that.
But if I can make it right I would.
post neps for snuggling to sleep gently, taking cute baths with, letting sit on your lap as you play video games together, and not doing lewd but rather cute and pure things with.
not doing lewd things to uzume is like heresy tho
Try and stop me.
Rei shall know the joys of having sex and becoming a mother!
I'd totally do lewd things to Nepgear, but I wanted to post sleeping pictures and bathing ones that I had in my folder.
Though I still wouldn't do lewd things to Uzume since I feel like I would form some bond with her that was like that of Blood Brothers and we'd never actually be romantically interested in one another, but like each other more than just friends at the same time.
You are only allowed to lewd Rei if you get married first
Thanks for the shops, buddy.
Marry her first?
Nah, i shall lewd Rei, impregnate, then ask for her hand in marriage.
h-hey guys, can i hang with you for a while, from where i come being a noirefag is suffering
if you bring me lewds you can stay.
n-no Rei is CUTE and not for impropriety
Are you a rapefugee from /nepgen/
Rei can be cute on my penis I think.
As long as you don't constantly express your desire to sleep with one of the Gearanons here in every post then you're welcome.
From /a/ actually, its even worse for a noirefag than nepgen
I have none really, just cute and tsundere
What are you talking about user? The /a/ here talks about neps once in a blue moon.
Cute is okay but tsundere's are terrible. I'll take a kuudere if we're going there.
4/a/ or 8/a/?
Nowa is the exception
Who's Nowa?
You know the answer, i don't wanna go back there's, too much hate against nowa
Best girl
Don't go back then just don't start shitposting on us.
Well that game is terrible.
Well you're always welcome here, just don't be an ass
It's not like you necessarily need to ask just don't project too much, and try not to shitpost. Unlike the rest of the fucking board
just one of the many meme clothes the neps have been put in and have been forgotten
Is it? I haven't tried it, thought it looked kinda cool. Last I heard was that it was locked to 30FPS on PC, the dev studio shut down, and that was it.
Posting more nowa, laystation always wins
I'll meme those tits for sure.
She'll change her tune once i unleash my secret weapon.
I like Nowa too.
Guess me having no friends as well has something to do with it.
My penis?
So I hold hands while using my dick?
Does smooching, doting and being firm but kind to her help as well?
What is this from?
Pretty much what i had in mind as well.
It says Tsunako Museum on it. What you should be asking is can I get that Purple Sister pin? No?
I guess you feel like you can relate with her?
Some event in Japan, I dunno
But we both agree I'm superior?
I mean I'm 6'5 women really find that sort of thing attractive.
You? Superior?
You're nothing when you're dead, punk!
Yeah, i can sorta relate with her.
I'm gonna Koppa feel on your waifu and you can't stop me!
I know how to throw people don't make me do it!
So what's she saying?
A good question. Some user started making a webm with subs for it but he only posted a demo version of it. I think the translation exists, just not in video form.
It says Neptune knows about everyone in the thread.
so if rom and ram grows taller and than blanc it wiil be a problem
and also nepgear got an unicorn for the sake of walk along with oneechan
short version:
blanc was about to have walk, nepgear wanted to walk along with her but blan refused because is embarrassing to have a little sister that is taller than you, nepgear then bring different itens that would make blanc taller, one of them being a horse (that was actually an unicorn)
thats the gist of it
I just like the idea of a Nepgear that shares Blanc's anger gene. She's such a sweet and pure girl that I want to see how she is when angry.
She must have lots of anger and frustration bottled up.
Imagine if she snapped and let the rage out.
Rolling for ploot
Pic related
Rolling for bestest CPU
Rolling for Nepu
Trading for Nepu from Histy
Hooray I got Nepu
Close enough
uni rool
postan unis
Rolling for Gear, as usual.
i want to marry the nowa!
I want Histy as my computer as well
It needs to be done and expanded, since
I know it's based on RB3, but still.
Go go!
Cave and Orange Heart!
Noire a super cute
Welcome user, good taste.
Another Nowanon huh?
I'm almost obligated to make a Noire vid expressing the very best of Noire.
Vert's VA mail for 4GO
To all of you, do you consider hand holding as a extremely lewd action?
Guys help…!
this is what I get for talking about hand holding
Neptune let's have pudding together
…okay how about we play some video games together instead
I hope you have enough space.
Get well, young IF!
That's how I did it when I was your age!
It's the same song and dance every time, and I don't know how to feel anymore
There's a nepgear in every tsunako work
I had never seen these before, many thanks kind anons
And remember to give your nepfu lots of your shares
so she won't ever consider taking them from old men
This is borderline hentai at this point
official erotic nep VN when?
When CH is forced to disband due to lack of funds, the series creator keepsthe rights and recruits Tsunako to give the fans one last thing many of them wanted, a eroge VN where you get to date your favorite neps and make babies with them
its a shopped origami i got from a DaL thread
Is that…Noire?
Suddenly, i fear for my dick.
It's chaos Black Heart from that upcoming card game spin-off.
And now I can't find the teaser for chaos candidates, goddamn it
Oh, how nice.
Perhaps this is a good time to run away as far as possible.
It is your duty to purify and save them, user.
Even though she has chosen to become really trashy, she's still my waifu and I love her.
My mind and dick are conflicted.
Would the chaos neps like us simply because the original liked us too?
Or is it all just a ruse for us to get our guard down?
animu abomen corruption tattoos are my fetish
That could be said of all chaos form user
Good God that cover is fucking amazing
Nepgear, if I got you pregnant, will that also make Nepgya pregnant?
All of you are fucking degenerates.
So it doesn't work that way. At least I got a roommate.
the only reason I want a chaos nep is to purify her and live a happy life
Regardless of whether they like you or not, they're clearly not themselves anymore. You must save them from this insult of a form, and restore their free will.
That's some questionable taste.
Even if It's a ruse or true feelings the power of the dick will purefy them no matter what
She can be a pure nep in public and a chaos nep in the bedroom.
Noire Let's cook together
Shilling my unoriginal presets for CM3D2 >>>/nep/3600
oy vey! someone is shilling! but really noice
Ploot, can you make the next person to get dubs in this thread into a doll?
Same question, next thread!
rei wanna fug?
Nepgear, let's go get crepes together.
Aw yis
Nepgear what do you think of the stuff written about you
Guess I'll keep writing then, if it makes her smile like that.
I imagine she likes the love. She might not like the lewd, but the loving sentiment behind it.
Nepgear, how would you feel if Neptune loved
Man pudding-user seems to be on Nep Nep's shit list. Maybe she's bipolar?
Basically she (Rina Sato) says the name of the game is Four Goddesses Online, it's coming out to "consoles" (so probably PS4+PC releases like VII). And that this is sort of "Vert's game", and that the costumes are new.
I'm more or less ready