
So this is a thing. Let's talk about it.

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Average political cashgrab
I'm sure I've seen that game before though


Some levels actualy seems pretty funny wwe and Chinese clothes factory

But on the other hand whe would i pay for a simple physic playground game?

Not sure what was better, this happening or when the fly landed on Hillary three times.


Donald Poop Trump is a degenerate along with Hillary DooDoo Clinton
Degenerates for presidents. I hope America dies XD

I'm also pretty sure this was a game previously.

Obvious shitposting aside, not being burger I'm not really worried about who will win. But if I have to choose I'd say Trump so I can join the massive party after the results


The TTIP issue is all I need to wish for trump, really.

As a non burger I am still keeping my eye on the election because it will affect the entire world.

Whatever Trump's sins might be, he's a saint compared to Hillary.

Bought it immediately. Gotta help God Emperor Trump in any way I can.

I asked about this before and it looks kinda funny, at least for a game I'm gonna pirate.
Question is, where's the pirate link at? IGG?

I'm so glad Trump killed her in that debate last night. After his disastrous first debate I was a little nervous.

What's Trump standing in that topic? Never knew myself

I am too, though I have no real incentive to play favorites

I won't argue that, though I am skeptic about the possibility of nuclear war

So, they rehashed some shit freeware thing for a quick cash grab. Oh, jew.

This makes me want to make a Trump PW-styled fangame before the elections.

Aye, IGG has it on the fourth link.

You might also want to checkout Clockwork, the second link. I'm not too far into it but so far it seems really nice. here it is, looks like one of those flash games that would get boring after 10 minutes though.

Trump doesn't want Russia to eat Eastern Europe, but wants to actually hold hands and beat ISIS to dust together.

I'm giggling like a doofus right now and I can't stop

Its hard not to play favorites when one wants to start another world war and is responsible for countless of scandals and other dark shit.

Doesn't need to be nuclear, though it could easily slide into it depending what side is losing, and how badly, but even a minor confrontation between the two would wreck most of Europe.

Point is, you don't want Russia, or China for that matter, to go to war with the West.

This whole shitshow started because the king nigger decided to bomb Assad's troops to facilitate the takeover of a city by ISIS. Russia got pissed at such a blatant provocation.

Thanks both of yous, but the million dollar question; is the creator of this game Pro-Trump? The game's description on Steam makes me think otherwise.

You're the one taking a bullet for him so I suppose it is pro trump, whatever difference that makes to you.
I'm guessing that pro wrestling shit is a reference to Trump's WWE days.

There's no Clinton to defend with scathing remarks against her, so I think it's safe to assume.


the news station is called LIE news though

Gee Hillary, why don't your supporters make a game starring you?


Here's the original:
Youtube bait indie shit with lol physics. Same shit.

You can never be too sure with liberals. They like to make fun of their enemies like this rather then defending their own.

To my knowledge, Trump is indeed the most widely disliked candidate to run ever and Clinton is the most widely disliked Democrat candidate to run ever.

wtf i hate Trump now

You mean Lincoln.

How lewd. Well not living in Eastern Europe seems like a good thing now. Though how would he go on stopping the Russians from eating them without going to war I don't know

All politicians have degrees of corrupt. It's hard to see the claims of WW3 as anything other than doomposting (which I personally love) though, and even then my country would probably be out of the crossfire like in WW2

Fair enough, though it seems like a given anybody (even democrats) would realize. I can't help but think there's something we don't yet know

And we'd know because we ran a survey sampling 70 democrats and 30 republicans. Can you believe his disapproval rate is over 50%? What a disaster. He should totally drop out.


I think he might be neutral

I feel like Holla Forums has autism sometimes. Yes, the game is very obviously anti-trump. just read the description, it smacks of shitty, condescending liberal snarkiness.

That would be perfect


I hate to break this to you user, but I'm afraid you have the autism here. There was sarcasm dripping from his post.

What would the turnabout be about? The emails? Benghazi? Bill's fuck toys? There's too much to cover in just one trial.


I'd rather play as trump fighting Hillary.

I agree fellow age… user trump is horrible its best not to vote.

He is against the tpp while Clinton was for it until she got shit about it and tried to dodge how she was for it by saying "I was for it then it was finalized and I was against it" . Also, which one is the best girl?


You forgot to post her.

Ebola-chan of course

Hillary is also against borders, for a global economy, admitted she'd lie to get elected and actually asked if they could use a drone to kill Assage.

The woman is fucking insane.

There could be trial intermissions due to (((time constraints))) or something of the sort. We start with Benghazi, then Bill and finally the emails. Hell if email evidence comes through it could be used as a final punch

I meant out of the 5 posted numb nuts.

I want to fuck that frog

Why even bother and go out of your house when you can just shitpost on Holla Forums instead?

Everyone would just have killed themselves before they even reach the court room :^)

The best game would be an arcade style beat 'em up staring Trump.

12 hours in photoshop

You dont know how this works, do you?

I see, as long as the TPP doesn't get a pass I'm good. Also, I'd go for she-kek

It would be good indeed, though a game about beating Hillary in her own game is just fantastic

If one person feels that way then it does diddly. If a million people feel that way then it's a hell of a lot of diddly

Not difficult

best girl

Bird > frog > ebola > squid > octoling
They're all pretty good though,especially those top 3 are almost equally good.

I miss Ebola

Are there any actual good physic games? One's that are actually fun to mess around with and not shit tier humor like Goat Simulator?


wait, so is this pro-Trump or anti-Trump?

Gotta dress comfy for the desert climate when you bring your gift to Israel.

What's the source of the song?



does it really matter? the real question, is the game fun?

Let’s get some hard evidence for that.

Nigger dick

I know its an ace attorney song but which one?


Roast in hell.

Let’s get some hard evidence for that.

Obama's actually trying to avoid a war. The same can't be said about the rest of his administration though.

Disregard my retardation i found it

No, you must suffer.


Nigger dick


Let’s get some hard evidence for that.

Nigger Dick


Let’s get some hard evidence for that.

You're welcome to party with us when President Trump wins, either way.

Didn't even see that at first. I chuckled.

Let's get some hard nigger dick for that


I think it's made by a "we're screwed either way!" liber-tard fence sitter

no duh


I'm gonna love the salt of either side during these elections.


Sleepy negro part was pretty good






Can we just take a moment to appreciate that glorious stinger comment right there. Man, that was pure gold.

Did the painfully obvious political "humor" not tip you off? It's not actual humor crafted around a person in politics, it's "here's everything I don't like about him increased to absurd degrees so I can signal my politics to others." Obsession with money, wig jokes, bankruptcy, accusations of media bias, Confederate flags, and so on makes it glaringly obvious what the author's stance is. I don't mind a parody taking shots at Trump, but for fuck's sake MAKE IT FUNNY.

In addition, it's a low-effort physics "game" that's fun for five minutes. Not even a new one, either. Just a cheap cash in that people only talk about because current events.


Just finished the game, it couldn't be any more anti Trump.
It starts off a little funny, but soon the broken mechanics physics really start getting in your way.
But nevermind that, later in the game "Trump" explicitly makes out with Putin, tortures "innocent" terrorists, enslaves women, leads KKK meetings and eventually starts world war 3 and 4.
The ending is realising your mistakes and going back in time to shoot trump yourself with a sniper rifle while the you from the past tries to save him.
The last line from the game before it resets is "AMERICA IS ALREADY GREAT".

Can't trump the stump if only the webm encode was well made

It surprises me that someone even bought that pile of garbage so they can make a pirate torrent out of it you did pirate the game r-right?

nigger dick reporting in

It's in igg-games if you want to check it out yourself.
I can't even buy the games I want, you think I'd buy this joke game?


My man of patrician tastes

When do we Make Videogames Great Again?

Wew, this was actually an ok thread. Hotpockets strike again

Guess it's because there exists a duplicate.

But that one was made a day later

I don't know what to believe.
