Why does NISA still exist?
I heard they're struggling due to the fact that most companies localize inhouse and Disgaea 5 sold like shit.
Is it true?
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They're just a branch of NIS, so they'll probably never completely die, at worst/best they'll end up only doing work for NIS.
Normal fags don't know about this stuff and buy games blindly. Even if they die the replacement will be sjws just like pqube where they're owned by bigger companies. They just put a show how they're anti censor for money while still censoring and release their hills to defend them for free online.
But user, it's only censorship when the government does it.
Dangan V3 will help them get back.
He's mad they removed the ages from the girls' profiles in Valkyrie Drive, even though Xseed did it with Senran Kagura and nobody gave a shit then.
I do hope to see Dangan V3 in english in my lifetime, but with Spike Chunsoft going away more and more from western localization houses and publishing their own titles themselves to cut the middleman who knows what crazy shit will happen to get DanganRonpa in our way.
Because I don't feel like driving to the west coast.
BUT MUH PROMISES THO. It's really fucking autistic and shows how underage people are mentally.
Although I'm not entire comfortable with your mocking use of autism, it's true that the Japanophile Justice Warriors should be ignored.
NISA just doesn't give a fuck and does whatever they want, makes these assholes froth at the mouth constantly and yet they're still laughing all the way to the bank.
Never compromise, everything is censorship to the weaboos, so it's better to just ignore them.
Is it because you're a fucking autist or something?
Autism can be a pretty challenging mental condition, it's not really something to use as a joke.
When you're making jokes at the expense of certain groups try not to pick marginalized ones, pic related.
Even the ones who do know still buy games blindly, and even go so far as to defend the censorship.
Because weeaboos do.
And sale lost. I don't need some hipster cuckhold telling me what I'm okay with seeing and hearing. Though I'll pirate it if someone makes a patch to fix NISA's faggotry.
but he is right, conservatives are not funny
He's right. Leftist comedy stopped being funny about the same time it stopped being satire.
There is yet some hope.
I'm pretty sure that XSEED stated before the release of SK: Burst about the ages from the girls being removed from the profiles, while PQube said that the game would remain intact in every aspect even when people asked them from this.
Why do you say that, specifically?
Pqube have generally gotten things done in a timely manner with no major loss, from my experience.
Maybe back then, but nowadays all companies do localizations in house, and all NISA seems to do as of late is publish NIS games only.
The pqube thing shouldn't have happened but I can see it just being an honest mistake of them thinking people wouldn't consider it censorship. Now they know if they do it again then you can get on their ass. While I still think they should apologize they won't lose my sale if they don't
Anime licensing brings NISA more cash then their games do, sjw weebs aka; the people that want to like quirky japanese games but hate the lewd/rude parts will defend them to the death and finally the people that give them money when they just do physical releases for other companies or give them money for their "good" localizations.
Also Danganronpa fags are a big part of the cancer keeping them afloat.
Has SpikeChunsoft said anything about censorship? Or about NISA doing the next game?
No clue, I haven't followed any news regarding SpikeChunsoft since that really shitty poll they put up
Jesus. The PQube defense force is real. You people really are just fucking idiots, aren't you?
You people have your panties in a twist for literally nothing. Again, take your tinfoil off.
Outside of ages everything seems in tact.
Please stop using terms that you don't know the meaning of.
That doesn't mean they shouldn't apologize or like tweets of people insulting your costumers
Were they customers or people who said they won't buy the game because of what they did?
Is it seriously the age thing makes them SJWs? I'm actually surprised people care that much.
It was people just saying it was a shitty thing to do and it should have been addressed before hand, that's it. Nobody saying they wouldn't by the game, just a few people expressing their disappointment over a lie.
The person who made the original tweet was an actual customer. He showed screenshots he had taken.
Where are those tweets anyways?;
Is it the renji4404 tweets the one your talking about does he work at PQube or something?
Check the likes.
renji00, Zachary and all the other ones bitching about people calling attention to the small lie. Whoever manages PQube's decided to like all those tweets instead of just addressing a simple apology.
I can't check the likes since I don't have an account but I'll believe you. That is pretty shitty and it's definitely kicked me off of buying their games on principal. However if they still put out a game I wanna play that isn't butchered I'd still buy their game. I definitely would rather just have them apologize. Nothing major just like a tweet that says hey we didn't think people would care we'll make sure to make any changes in the future clear.
Seriously, that's all they had to do. Nobody bitched at xseed when they did it to senran kagura because they were upfront about it.
Here's the tweets for you.
it's impossible to say, eden from sweden could be a real person.
if all they censored were the ages i'm pretty happy about that, i also didn't know it was on pc.
Americucks who want to play JRPGs without the (in their eyes offensive) J stuff? I don't know man I fucking hate Nisa but they have their fans.
Like how people still think fondly of Working Design or Nintendo.
Luckily KTGust stopped their association with Nisa and translates in-house now. Small mercies.
worst kind of game for the lowest of the lowest losers
I agree that ages aren't a big deal. If the rest of the game is unchanged, finding something small like ages is pretty silly on the part of the original weeb.
But also fuck those idiots for just mocking him.
I remember exactly ONE faggot who gave a shit years ago, back in cuckchan criminal girl threads and he was just using it to slide the criminal girls thread.
Well Spikechunsoft gave one of their games to fucking Limited run games, so i don't think they really give a shit who handles their games.
NIS is probably being kept afloat thanks to PC ports and low budget vita releases they've been doing. I hear they invested everything into Disgaea 5 on PS4 and it bit them in the ass.
The 'people' who give NISA even a single cent of money are less than Human. They are soulless golems, without any hint of shame, conscience, or taste. They are to be pitied, and in a better world, disposed of.
And the reddit meme on top completes this revisionist bullshit. I'm not trying to defend NISA here, but you're a faggot.
You're right Working Design didn't censor they outright rewrote the games. Even Nisa isn't as low as the subhuman scum Ireland.
Don't see the problem here.
I honestly don't see a difference between replacing character dialogue with an Austin Powers reference and just cutting it out Fates style with ellipses. Either way, the western version is being altered to suit western sensibilities and with something that has nothing to do with the original, which just raises the question of why the fuck someone would want to play a Japanese game with everything Japanese taken out.
You should have learned moon, then you wouldn't be stuck playing with kosher and halal censors and you could shitpost on 2chan instead of on a Holla Forums board owned by the eternal Jew, Mark Cuckerberg like me ;_;.
XSeed didn't brag about game being fully uncensored in the advertisement material
This is Nu Male Sky shit right there. It might be petty but this is what it is. Being the counterculture of modern SJW society gets in the head of too many people and they need a bit of humility before they go full horseshoe
I'm one of the many that's pissed at PQube for the lies or at least I would be if I hadn't imported almost a year ago, but that's more than a bit of an exaggeration. For starters, VD delivered on its multiplayer promise with a bang. Super Smash Lesbians is great fun. I just wish multiplayer VD hadn't died by the time it launched. Second, VD's patches actually did fix the launch day issues and add content. Last, VD's problems weren't with Meteorite lying out it's ass and not delivering, so it's disingenuous to compare something a shitty localizer did to something a dev team did.
The moral of the story: learn Japanese and enjoy your games unculturalized.
I really really like that term.
Maybe shorten it slightly with "sjweebs".
Other than that, I actually enjoyed CG, though the pink farts-censoring did damper my enjoyement immensly.
I don't get how they can have the rather dark back stories of some of the girls in tact, but crotches are the ultimate evil.
I got curious and went to their forum to see if they ever fixed that bug and they didn't even bother
That's just how Burger culture is- violence is okay, but tits and ass are deplorable.
You know, other weeb games had a problem with that, and without surprises, it was related to one ex-NISA employee. What they did in answer was the obvious choice - Retranslating the changes and releasing it to the public, allowing anyone who bought the game to benefit from a correct translation.
I think giving money to NISA is deplorable and shouldn't be done, but that game is a nice one. So all I wish is for fans of this game to move out their asses, to pirate the game on its release and to work at once to restore the lost content.
If Neptunia fags managed to do it, why can't you ?
Even if it's a small thing, it's still censorship and it's not ok.
No one is going to bother patching NISA's fuck ups for free, it's assets that have been changed, not just script.
That's the thing, there was no violence in any of their pasts.
What they did leave in completely unchanged was the incest and child rape-backstories.
Maybe because it was represented as something "bad"?
I guess they think they can get away with having awful backstories if none of it is shown?
I'm not counting on the Jap version of the game to be released.
It's weird man. I as a weeb actually WANT the Japanese game translated accurately and precisely. But these new weebs… weeb traitors.
Good point.
That's at least something they have over NoA.
He wants a swizzle, not a reverse. He'd make a terrible programmer.
As a Autist, it's my duty to laugh at you.
I'm not going to pretend that the insults can't get ridiculous but if you are honestly buttflustered about the way it is being thrown around here then you need to grow thicker skin.
I'm officially convinced anyone "angry" about the age thing has to trolling at this point.
If there is anything to pissed off about the release is that Rice Digital ships limited editions in a fucking bag with no padding so you get a smashed CD and a broken game case for double the price of the regular game.
No, nigga. Do your own shit.