Characters openly mock you when you play on easy


Other urls found in this thread:

That's what you get for being a sissy.




Whut game?
I know postal 2 mocks savescumming, but that's not the same thing.


fucking abra





What game could that possibly be?



Animal Crossing?

I hear Ninja Gaiden Black does this. Not only do you have a purple ribbon on you for your playthrough on easy, characters as mentioned make fun of you.

its homefront

no, we don't talk shit about AC here, only amiibo festival


he probably meant all the nes classics you can play in AC, arguably better games than ac, especially if hardware limitations are taken into account. Bear in mind that's not to say ac is bad, just less great

> characters openly mock you when you play on console



Like I fucking care.

The devs are laughing at you, and they are right to do so.

metal gear solid 3?

I can whoop their skinnyfat asses one by one.



>>>Holla Forums





Just git gud.


Sounds like StarTropics


You best start believing in creepypastas, Chris

I deserved it.

Fucking niggers can't even fake shit right.


Here's another one

No, my name is Adrian

another one that pisses me off

Any game that purposely removes features due to it taking too long to translate.

what game?


God Hand does this.



Harvest Moon 64. I believe it was either a gameshow channel or a comedy channel. They straight up removed it. I have a feeling they also removed a ton of dialogue having to do with the recipes you can collect.

This is the same company who mis-spelt their own company name on the Intro screen.

Fucking Metro Last Light




Twink builds are always my favorite.


>Shiny Electrode uses Self-Destruct

how does that work

Aren't shinies way easier to catch now anyway?

I will never not be pissed off about this.



If you haven't spent your whole magazine and reload, you still have a round in the chamber ready to go since the slide stays in the open position when it fails to load a new round.


If it were in the open position it wouldn't be able to fire.
I think you mean to say that if you fire with a round chambered and no mag inserted it should fire?





So satisfying.




Bonetail had a hard life

METROID Fusion comes to mind, but I'm sure there's more.

Here's another one.


undertale, G.O.A.T



no thanks





Fucking Sega

Metal Wolf Chaos?






It's NiER isn't it?

wooo, what a game.


Wanted did this


the moment they find the cards the entire video becomes abotu the cards
I really like FF8 too and not just because of the cards



What games? Never noticed this.
Then again im not some human trash that doesnt play everything on the highest difficulty.



So did they actually play through the entirety of FF8 just so they could do this joke?


Jesus, that's no small undertaking. That's like a 40 hour game even without grinding for good cards.



that's neir right?

I'm gonna have to play it now

Drakengard 3

Yoko taro once remarked that he wanted to make a boss battle that purposely slowed down the better you did, & became lower & lower resolution the worse you do.

does it do that?

way worse. It's a rhythm boss battle lasing 8 minutes that automatically makes you lose if you miss a certain note.

A boss battle with beats off rhythm, that constantly zooms in & out more & more as it goes on so you can't time the visual cues.

It also has note you have to hit as dialogue is going on when you think you've already beaten it.

I went to find games that did so that I can't remember and I stumbled upon Neogaf bitching about games making fun of easy mode players.

in Infamous 2 the devs expected everyone to go evil end but according to data the vast majority chose the good end so they retconned all the super humans dying in the good end to make second son

does it have lan?

also what do you mean p2p?

I dont fucking shoot newspapers nerd, i shoot clips.

Check'd :3

I think you can do it in 20 if you skip a ton of shit thanks to level scaling

I hear some people say it's easier if you don't grind, but then you miss a ton of cool shit

I've personally never done it. I'm talking specifically about SEGA Saturn Netlink games. There's maybe 6 of them.

I played all these at once and it was everything I'd hoped it would be.

I think he means peer to peer not pay to play

What do you think, joke too blunt?


I NOPEd out when the dragon went off camera

cool shit tho

y not both
put a less upfront jab at them somewhere else and they'll angrily give your game a 0.1 score
would be worth it though

i really need to play this games
does drakengard works on a ps 2 emulator

I see, modding soon friend

I get that, I don't know about that with modem tho

I don't believe it emulates well, but you could try. Drakengard is a horrible game, but as an experience it's unforgetable. It's built to make you hate it, but you continue because it's so batshit insane.

Keep in mind, the original & 3 are fairly badly censored in many respects. Nier on the other hand isn't censored at all as far as I know.

Drakengard: Murder
Nier: Despair
Drakengard 3: "It’s like your mom’s home cooking. It may not be great, but it’s OK. You’re comfortable with it,”
Nier 2: "I'm afraid this game may end up being too perfect"

I was fine watching until then. What a fucking piece of shwho am I kidding I love it. it's ingenious. I want to try Drakengard and Nier now.

DoD1 on pcsx2 requires some tweaks, I forgot the specifics. With default settings you're getting missing textures and slowdown.

I doubt you understand Japanese, so you're kind of in a bind with DoD3. The translation didn't capture Zero's and Cent's personality well. Get the English release to understand what's going on, but pay the three bucks for the original voice over (yes, Squenix did go there).

Regarding Nier, you should understand that there are two versions, Gestalt and Replicant, the former featuring daddy Nier and the latter Oni-san Nier because the West can't handle siscons apparently. Main difference are the relationships between the protagonist and his daughter/sister Yonah (duh) and Kainé (you're better off not knowing), so it's kind of whatever.
Good news is that in Japan, Replicant was released for the PS3, so if you're really itching to see the difference, you can just import the title.
Translation is okay. Some stuff between characters isn't as obvious (as in, not spelled out as explicitly) but the important stuff is still there.
Also, read this after you've played Nier:

Regarding play order, start with DoD1. Nier connects to it in a very special way - you're going to love it. DoD3 has throwbacks to both (and DoD2 in Branch A or whatever, but who cares about that one), but is technically a prequel.

Also, if anybody has the name (or a link) to that drama CD, I'd be grateful if you could provide either. You know, that one.

I can't think of a single game with an MC with the same name of us Adrians besides Symphony of the Night which is a given since I'm Romanian.

Never mind, I found it.

Drakengard & Nier are both possibly the most insane game ever made. That's not an embellishment. You feel like you're slowly losing your mind the more you play. They purposely go out if their way to fuck with you as hard as is humanly possible.

Another quest requires you to grow flowers in real time weeks at a time for…you guessed it, worthless money!

Seriously, go play Nier or Drakengard right now. I don't care if you think it sucks. The main character of Drakengard KILLS DEATH. If that doesn't get your attention then nothing will.

difficulty is nice


I played that game as a punch wizard. I quit when I got to a bunch of fire ants I couldn't punch to death because they breath fire. Very badly designed game.

Was joker on the writing staff?

come on you cheeky cunt

did you mean to link the infamous post?

Nigga, isn't that a form of virtue signaling? "Oh, look how badass I am, I'm playing on the hardest difficulty. Ain't I cool? Ain't I one of the cool kids?"

Like, who the fuck gives a fuck what you do on your computer? But no, like a slut that craves attention you have to bring it up.


Yes, my bad.

That one.

Am I supposed to be impressed?

I stand by that statement. It's not my fault the game was marketed towards people who didn't want to play as a badass. The game gives you punch weapons, punching perks, & I'm to blame?

It's like they don't want people role playing anymore. Sad times these 2010s

Spotted the fag who plays on easy.

I played them so I know enough to say what happened

see the problem with how they expected it to go was that they put a real face on those un-superpowered normalfags, and that face was your best friend and he was not one to roll over either

in fact he evil end is fantastic becasue of him and despite everyone going for it the good end actually peters out despite doing the "Right" thing
"Right" in this case valuing the majority of people



they wanted you to roleplay as the courier not Beef McLargehuge

I play on whatever difficulty I feel like playing at the time. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's normal, sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's inferno.

Do you think your dissaproval means anything?

Do you not understand how roleplaying works?

I do

and you roleplayed as a guy that got his ass kicked by fie ants

I believe you live for my approval.

Should I have punched harder? Did I not believe in myself enough?

There's no reason you can't totally punch a fireant to death.
You just have to believe in yourself. And also level like hell. And wear good armor.

you used pen and paper logic in a computer game with fixed rules

but is also right, you cannot just believe, you ahve to be responsible

and for comparison here is the "Evil" path
notice how the only face representing this path is that selfish and annoying bitch Kuo where as Zeke and all of those regular jackoffs represent what you are fighting for

also the requirement to switch karma was a bad design choice since you had to grind hard for it


If I ever made a game, I'd just have difficulties that mock everyone along with footnotes.

I can't even aim and I shoot healthpacks
Too busy intelectually masturbating myself to be good
Your boyfriend keeps nagging you to play it
Because you're utterly unremarkable
Because you think you're special
Elitist prick
Warned you.

The joke about 'Impossible' is the first boss takes more than twice the ammo in the entire game to kill and you have to beat them to proceed. You can't even melee them or something, so it truly is impossible.

C'mon user you certainly can do better than this.

Honestly, I'm putting out there for better titles and names as much as anything. I'm sure anons together can make something less shit.


you can let zeke kill you

and play the mods for new vegas by someguy2000

Adrian Sheppard from Half Life Opposing Force

Trips of respect
Sheppard did nothing wrong

Drakengard fags, everyone.

Welcome to Drakengard



Dragon Quest Monster's Joker was pretty okay. I heard the sequel was shitty though.

I can't run it abouve 80% speed mang.

I would've been disappointed if he didn't insult you for picking easy. I trying hitting it after I beat the game on normal just to see if Gene insulted you. Especially since he goes "Now that's what I expected from you." when you pick normal.

That's what you get when companies are run by nepotism instead of meritocracy.


And I believe you live for my dick.

And this is the game? Really?
Holy fucking shit, what a waste.

I want a game where if you start just destroying the enemy they'll actually convert to your side in sheer awe or terror. That would be great.

That isnt two guys, its a rare sighting of a genuine double nigger.

Is this that game dev anime? Are they making ecchi games now because they can't earn any money to support the club and it's easier?


Kill me now, I can't even emulate the first game.

Like, who the fuck gives a fuck what you do on your computer? But no, like a slut that craves attention you have to bring it up.



Don't know why they didn't just make some alternate timeline game or something with the continuation of the 'evil' end. That ending was kind like Magneto's dream, a world without humans but instead, the superpowered (mutants) reign. Would have been doubly better if they continued with Cole rather than the faggot they created in second son.

Final Fantasy X?


I'm typically the type to shoot straight for "hard" these days since "hard" is really just the way normal used to be, but even I can't imagine being this cucked and/or autistic.


I like the early ways
Just adapt that to today's difficulties. gets it.

You are getting too hyped. You'll be disappointed.

So what's the cue to hitting it?



No, one of the playtesters found how to manipulate the camera angles in the game to see the panties, and two of the development heads were discussing what to do. The one pictured argued for keeping it.
It's a full-fledged game development company, and their third entry in their hugely-popular fantasy RPG series.


Katawa Shoujo is a fucking joke.

Katawa shoujo was ok

I swear I remember seeing that bitch from some doujin. Question is: is it worth trying to find it?

this kills the reviewer

apparently if you pick easy on godhand gene says "what, you want me to hold your hand or something?"

is right. Double niggers are an optical phenomenon. It only happens around the niggiest of niggers, who have an aura around them that light can reflect off of. Have you ever wondered why some look so similar? Did you know that half of the people in the picture posted are actually optical illusions?

turtle.Fish.Paint forget who the artist is but that's the group. Yes I recommend it.

Anyone have that picture of the Pixeljunk Shooter review where the devs openly called out the reviewer for playing on easy?

Rin's story is a mess anyways.

Your face is a joke.

Rin is autistic.


But those white flowers are full and heals and you can grow as many as you want after you get the seeds for the first. Having the max of ten means you basically can't die.

Past the first act, yea. Initially she was just completely blunt with her responses and said what she was thinking.

Her introduction and initial interactions with other characters had me laughing, but then the writer decided to make her go 100% autist and boring.

She was better as a side character in the best girl's route

Wait, so they're like [STANDS] then?

No. Stands are a manifestation of the user's psychic energy. DoubleNigga is more like a temporal phenomenon where an offshoot reality's nigga is superimposed on the existing nigga for a moment.

They also played through the entire storyline of one of the Blazblue games but they just talked over the cutscenes

Yup, that time she maintained that act 1 behavior that I liked.

Also Emi's artist did a better job drawing Rin than Rin's artist. The Rin one just gave everyone blobfaces


Lets not get ahead of ourselves here, Emi's artfag got pretty shit at times, too. Mainly things like drawing all the runners as having broken their necks before the race began.

silent hill shattered memories?


I still don't get why they made Second Son. They could've made all sorts of prequels starring any kind of Conduit but instead they retconned an excellent ending.

Why the fuck would you go Good, Jesus Christ.

Za Beasto did nothing wrong.

Looked it up. Apparently, it was a joke photo for the boyfriend of one of the girls who is black.

I just wish you could have played the pre-timeskip parts on your second playthrough, I want to know what was going on with the Jack of Hearts.

RIP Beepy.


I dont like time limits in 90% of the cases


I will never not find this funny.




I hope Nier Automata still has that weirdness. Like the game changes genre every now and again. That was fantastic in Nier.

So now who's gonna be the autist who attempts to summon Satan?

One of the best things in Sonic are shortcuts and hidden areas like those.


I never knew any of this shit.



Artist is Fishine, and I think Fishine is pretty much the only artist in the group. It is also said Fishine is an underage girl. She(?) definitely does have taste in characters and fetishes

All their doujins are fucking great. Search for them on sadpanda because Fakku bought some of them and they had to be removed from ehentai.

Sorta dragon quest 5



Shines normally are Bred via Masuda method, but it still takes a shitload of work. No, wild ones have the default capture rate and the same moves as any other of it's type in the same area.

panda has the artist tagged as Hirame.
According to danbooru Turtle.Fish.Paint consists of two members, Fishine and kingtime. Both are Taiwanese and also make up another circle, "Service Heaven", but searching with "Turtle.Fish.Paint" will yield the most results.

In the new wolfestain if you select easy the character is dressed like a toddler


That's not even the worst sin.
Most gamedevs put in a easy difficulty but fail at actually making it easy to play.
It's pretty hard to properly balance an easy game mode. It's very easy to create Nintendo-hard games.

git gud


at game development



I really wish more games would acknowledge just how badass the PC is for the sheer amount of murder they can accomplish over a short period of time.

FEAR did that, if I remember right.

I'd say it depends on the game, as some get better with increases in difficulty, or are only ever fun at highest setting. I certainly found the latter to be a fun case for games like Red Faction Guerrilla, and Alice: Madness Returns; there's really no point in playing at lower difficulty settings in those ones.

It is kind of annoying though when the only difference in difficulty is whether it takes 5 shots or 7 to take down a gunship, or if the AI cheats like a motherfucker and actually breaks down if set to the "normal" difficulty.
