Vita Thread

"Frosty Milk Jugs" Edition


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Whoops, forgot the games list again.

This year was really good for the Vita. Not only did we get a bunch of nice games but we also got piracy finally. I hope we get Dungeon Travelers 2-2 next year.

Shame the cute grill is going to freeze to death.

Hopefully it makes Dungeon Travelers 2 itself drop in price, shit's still going for about 6000.

Which atelier is the best to start with?

Full piracy when?

It's been here for months, user.

Anyone see this?

Makes you wonder why they didn't just tell everyone in the first place and why after this they don't just apologize for fucking up.

Good, I am getting a Vita from a friend in a few months, I want to play some stuff like Deception 4 and others, I hope I can hack it without trouble.

It isn't really a fuckup or that big a deal. If anything you should direct your anger towards your government for being retarded about cartoon character ages.
But nah, lets just get mad a publisher that did their best and get mad at the symptoms and not the real cause.

I sure hope your friend didn't update it

I can understand why they felt they needed to, but I do agree that they should have said that from the start, rather than saying that nothing would be changed. I was hoping we would finally see character's ages for once.

But I do agree with this too, I still don't get why cartoon characters need to be treated as real characters and have their own "rights". they aren't real people as much as some of us wish they were

I told him to stop updating it, not sure what firmware it has.

In the US they lumped 2D loli stuff under a law that fits into a grey area, "indecency" laws. The way it works is you have to get caught with 2D stuff, then a panel has to deem whether or not it is acceptable to society through a procedure known as the "miller test."
What this really does is it makes 2D stuff both legal and illegal, because it creates a "guilty until proven innocent" scenario that only works on a case by case basis. You literally have to get arrested for something that technically hasn't been deemed illegal at the time. This law is vague, ridiculous and unconstitutional as fuck, but we have it on the books so prosecutors can tack on extra sentences for pedos caught with the real stuff and some 2D in the mix. There isn't any reasonable way to enforce it, so you have to REALLY piss someone off for you loli stash to land you in trouble.
American courts are trashed by libshits that lowered the penalties for major crimes, so it is hard to get a sentence of more than 10 years for ANYTHING unless you pile on charges. Shitty laws like this happen because one half of society is sympathetic to scumbags, and the other half wants real justice for serious crimes.
This is just the case for the US, though only one person ever got fucked over for 2D here. Europe seems to be a lot worse because they have a love affair with building a nanny-state, but they also seem to have lackluster enforcement at best.
People are willing to give up free speech and artistic expression for "feel good" bullshit that still doesn't work out for anyone.
Polite sage for Holla Forums-tier ranting.

Not how it went. One more time, ask the man himself before giving what is obviously telephon'd information.

Nah, this is all legit shit, American law is fucked

I'd say Ayesha/Ayesha+, its the comfiest one since the time limit is more lenient than other Atelier games. It's got a nice story as well though.

And this is primarily EU laws in effect here, US laws are retarded like explains, but UK/Europe in general take this shit way too seriously. It's gonna be because of those European laws that they removed the ages.

artist is Mana Kakkowarai for those curious, he/she did the art for Valkyrie Drive.

From what I know of it, it depends on what sections of the series are of the most interest, as it's usually segmented into subseries or sorts. With what's available on the Vita in the west, you've got the Arland and Dusk games (there's also a PSP port of Mana Khemia, but as far as I know that PSP version was worse than the PS2 original), and they have a chronology to them. Rorona Plus would probably be where to start with the Arland games (I think I've heard that there's some post game content that spoils elements of Totori and Meruru, so maybe hold off on that extra content), while Ayesha Plus is the start of the Dusk series. Not real sure how Sophie fairs, but it seems to have been the start of its own new set of games.

Worth noting that the bulk of Gusts' Vita offerings (save Ar Nosurge Plus and Atelier Escha & Logy Plus, which both saw now out-of-print limited physical copies and are hocked by scalpers for a lot more than they originally went for) are digital only in the west, and TK doesn't have them go on sale all that much. The Arland games did finally get a digital bundled version where you can get all three for the price of two ($80 instead of $120, at $40 each regularly), but that's still a lot of money to drop if you're not real certain on the series. Also, considering the bundle got into last month's flash sale (in NA, anyhow), it could be a while before it gets a mark down again.

Would anyone kindly direct me to some really comfy easy going Vita games? I know the list is there, but I'd like to narrow the list down to really easy going games.

Somehow downed a level 38 boss with a party of level 30s. I feel reasonably confident in my party building skills now, but I still can't tell if spielers are useful or not

Spieler tree is useful. In two ways it can be a powerhouse offense and in another way a super-fast support. My experience on them is as follows

Mio (DLC character): Her unique skill makes her broken as a Joker or an offensive Papillion. She's actually the popular pick for party builds for that express reason.

Lize: HER unique can make her out to be a boon if you're fighting a boss using non-doll familiars. This even includes Maid-Sensei Mk II's bullshit satellite linker. Trick is, at least in my experience, it doesn't go off nearly as much as it should compared to other unique skill activation cycles. Her deadpan and boob envy is also charming. Also, dat Soul Summoner outfit.

Mefmera: Her unique means she can tank vs certain kinds of monsters. But having her as a Joker means you better damn-well pay attention to who she's facing in a fight, as she can get KO'd fast in the post game provided you aren't paying attention (Hint: Pretend only ever activates on physical short to mid-range attacks).

Lilian: Her unique is more or less useless the further you get in the game, but that's strictly because of the random generator factor. Now, if you just friggin' live for chaos, then hell—go for broke and get those random Spieler skills for a laugh (be sure to save often). They work even on bosses.

One strong bit of advice: Don't build a Joker around the Slaughtering Deva unless you absolutely want to. GFaqs crowd swears up and down about that knife and DEF-buffed Jokers. They're only half right. DEF buff'd Jokers can be powerhouses, but if you sank any skill points into the axe affinity, the Slaughtering Deva (a dagger drop from an evil god boss angra mainyu) is a waste of time. Especially when there are so many overpowered unique axes in the semi-late postgame.

Another Hint: The boss in pic related drops a fuck-powerful armor that you can more or less ride on a Spieler right into the postgame.

Finally, remember to tease your chuunis.


oh shit another hint that's actually important


To explain, there's a Lv 19 Quest request that comes in that needs 2 Nectar to get basically the best 1-handed katana in the game. I know for a fact you get two Nectars from chests in the game, but I can't remember where the second one was. There's definitely one in the final dungeon before postgame. Don't spend them. Do NOT spend them, otherwise you'll have to grind & mine Dark Dragons for them.

And believe me, grinding anything in the Tower of Bogomil (FINAL final dungeon) is an absolute bitch, even with drop rate buff accessories.

LittleBigPlanet, Tearaway, and Airship Q all come to mind.

None of them are particularly great games, but easygoing is the feel for these imo.

Also Terraria and Minecraft, depending on how you wanna play those. Minecraft can be comfy enough if you just wanna build shit all day. I don't know jack about the Vita ports tough. Regardless, both of these games are better played on PC anyway

controls on the vita port are painful in comparison to a controller in your hand or access to a mouse & keyboard. Other than that, it's just a downgrade to the PC version. Same game, otherwise.

Is it weird that I want to purchase a TVita, not just for exclusives, but also for physical indies or other smaller games I could easily play on my potato pc or Bloodbornestation?

nope.. vita tv is a cheap and comfy option for some vita games and emulation.

they're frosty because Yumi uses ice/snow stuff. If she was lactating, i would've put frothy.

Jesus the English VA in Trillion is awful.

Then change it to the jap voices ya dingus

I wanna have sex with that bitch.

I just want to smack her ass till she cries, honestly.

I want to bully Yumi with my dick

I wish the vita died a natural death instead of this e-celeb hacker scene bullshit that is turning into clique garbage because everybody who gives a fuck about the vita has the emotional maturity of a twelve year old. I can understand why Sony wants the vita to die, they hate this faggotry just as much.

How is Resident Evil: Revelations 2? I played the first one on my 3DS and thought it was alright.

Thank you senran kagura for showing Nan to the world.

I want to come up behind her and just shove it into her ass without a word, pumping away steadily as whimpers of protest turn into heated moans of desire and pleas for more

Do you understand that's how everything should go out? Piracy is not wrong when the parent company getting the most are slimeballs.

Ignore him, he's one of those Sony shills trying to pretend the Vita isn't the most successful thing Sony's got going at the moment.

The difference between Normal and Hard is ridiculous; Hard is decent until the bosses, but Normal is retardedly easy. Now I'm stuck trying to decide between grinding out the Hard boss or switching to Normal for just the boss battles.

I disagree, a console's lifespan should be ended by hacker drama, instead it should be ended when it's hardware is no longer relevant or a successor is created. I also didn't make any claim about piracy being right or wrong, I don't think piracy hurt the Vita even if Sony tries to claim it did. Seeing as they haven't actually supported the console I doubt they really care beyond what they are obligated to care about to continue selling game contracts.

I said nothing about the Vita's success or failure, only that I dislike the massive amount of cock gargling going on in the Vita homebrew community right now. The issue with every Sony console is that they wait to get their actual interesting shit at the middle/end of the generation rather than actually launch with a small hand full. I was actually contemplating buying a PS4 at the same time I was going to buy a Vita. Guess what didn't have games on it yet. Guess which I bought instead. Now tell me where I said the Vita was a failure.

Whoever designed the difficulties for this game didn't put much effort into it. It's the same game but 1000% more stats to grind over.

Amazon just told me my copy of VD shipped today. So that means it probably won't get here until the day after tomorrow, knowing them.



How do you get the stats to show up in the Libra Book?
It only shows the weaknesses in my playthrough and even that stat-displaying joint-skill only shows the stats during the fight it's been used.

Frozen Synapse Prime and Terraria

Considering XCOM if it goes for a good enough price, but don't know how well it plays on Vita. Want something in the same veins as it.

Nothing really right now.

You need an item that has the Reveal HP/Stats skill. In battle it's done with a group skill (Searching Eye). You won't get any items that do it naturally until the post game.

Once you get one, all you need do then is put that person in your party and you'll be able to see all stats in the Libra Book, including Therians and the humans you fought.

To keep frustration at bay, you get one IMMEDIATELY at the start of the post game, though. It becomes super useful, too, when you're getting beaten like a ragdoll in the otherworld dungeons (which will happen. A Lot. A Whole Lot).

Looking forward to it, I was kinda shocked that I was near the end of the game and haven't even gotten 40% of all the entries.
I read from other anons that the post-game is fucking huge.

This game started off so easily that it was somewhat boring. But it soon stacked up to become harder and harder with each dungeon. Now every time I enter a new area I have a struggle to explore which I really enjoy. They made sure any skill level of player could join in and not be overwhelmed at first. But didn't hold back on challenging the player. At the same time they throw more EXP/money boosting enemies at you.

Wait, how do you have multiple characters with you? Im on the second dungeon and it is still just Estra by herself.
And I agree on the difficulty jump. Everything just wrecks you on hard. I cant even fight the regular enemies in the second dungeon half the time. Between them getting multiple attacks and making duplicates I have no clue what else I should be doing.

The picture's just from some site online, I'm still in the second dungeon and only have Estra. I get the feeling the game was balanced around having a team and they just ignored early-game balance issues; getting one-shot isn't nearly as big a deal when you have three people in your party.

Right, I felt like if I have more characters in my party it would be fine. But this early grind is absurd.
Along with the second dungeon map. The first dungeon was super straight forward. But this one is like 4 times as big and a pain to map out.

Along with now, the game glitched and didnt show anything but the background in the dungeon. I needed to close out of the game fully to get everything to reapear.
I really wanted to like this game, but stuff like the absurd grind and glitches like this make it tough.

nice dubs
I've resigned myself to playing on Normal until I get at least one more party member. If things pick up from there I'll keep going, otherwise there are other games on the Vita less frustrating.

Yeah, I may just start up another vita game that I still have yet to open. Or go back to finishing up the trophy run for Gal Gun, but that also was super frustrating.

If my game crashes and I my save data get's corrupted, is it the fault of the dump or am I doing something wrong? I played cold steel 2 for about 10 hours, would occasionally need to restart to save, until it crashed while I was playing and corrupted the save.

IF/CH dungeon crawlers are going to be super disappointing if you expect something like Dungeon Travelers or Demon Gaze. MeiQ is a lot like Moe Chronicle, the game is very barebones in terms of a dungeon crawler, and any difficulty is centered around grinding to match up to enemy stats. Cranking the difficulty just means more grinding to deal with multiplied enemy stats. I don't hate them but they aren't amazing games by any stretch. I like these games because they're okay for killing time on my night shift, and the cute character designs spice it up. There are way better games in the genre though, no doubt.

So I'm getting a vita today, and I was wondering:

Should I get a vita memory card as well? They're expensive, and I heard someone was working on some sort of "workaround" for regular SD cards.

If you're getting a 2000 model, that has 1 GB memory on the system itself, but depending on what games you're going for that won't hold a lot at all (some games are well over 1 GB anyhow), and unfortunately, even when you do use a memory card, it doesn't stack (no turning a 16 GB card into a 17 GB one through the internal memory).

Get a 64gb card, goy.
Not even two years, and I already filled up my 32gb one, because I live in a yuropoor nation, and many games aren't released physically here.

Get a 64 if you have dosh and don't care about the increased failure rate. Get a 32 if you want to be able to take advantage of warranty in your country on the small off chance it fails. Bottom line is you need a memory card with lots of storage, even if you don't download any PSN games, since every fucking game has patches now, sometimes more than a gig in size.

Some Lego and >NISA games for sale this week!/en-us/weekly-deals/cid=STORE-MSF77008-WEEKLYDEALS

Still not worth it


just get a converter.

Aren't those 1k a pop?

You have to hope his TV actually accepts that signal. I could probably have bought a new small tv with the money I spent on adapters to get modern shit working on my late-90's CRT.
I finally found a remodulator that worked in this tiny electronics store which never threw out their stock once it got outdated.

Is 3.61 cracked yet?

No, and it probably won't for a long time if ever.

Dumb question, but does Gundam Extreme VS Force have space battles?

Fucking holidays slowing down the shipping

Not in the same way early Gundam Vs games did. Proper space stages haven't been seen since Gundam vs Zeta Gundam. Now, they're just the same as any other map, but with a starfield skybox.


It was supposed to release here today in the US and Amazon still hasn't shipped mine, despite already billing for it. Of course, even when ordering they said the anticipated arrival date wouldn't be until a week after release anyhow. Not sure what's up with that.

Maybe delays in supply, I got my copy today but the Amazon page is saying it could take 1-2 days to process new orders.

I ordered way back in August, I think, so it's not as if I put an order in a few days before shipping.

I ordered mine for Video Game Plus and it shipped last Thursday. Usually when I pre-order from them I get them on release or at least a day before, guess it just didn't work out this time because Canadian thanksgiving.

Still, one or two days off is a lot better than my experiences with

VD is fucking tiny, under 300MB including the patch. I can't help but feel like the game might reuse a lot of assets.

Did you install the HQ audio?

Nope. I clicked the button labeled "DLC" on the game's page but it redirects to no where .

Responding to myself here but even with the audio that only brings the game up to 1GB even though the PS Store says it needs 3.4GB

The PS store is mad fucked up when it comes to data sizes, a big portion of the PS3 and PSP games have wrong sizes

It's stuff like that that makes me wonder why extra audio wouldn't just be included on the cart from the get-go.

Really getting sick of getting whole strings of unreadable captchas before finally being given one in a legible font.

I'm probably wrong but it may have been something they got the license for after the carts were ordered and they were trying to figure out what to do. Possibly what caused the delay.

So is Valkyrie Drive any good? Looks fun, but I'd like to hear everyone's hot take here before plunging.

Don't know about the game from personal experience, but it looks generic as fuck. The anime also sucked ass.

It's okay. The combat is better than Estival Versus in some ways but worse at the same time. It has a third of the amount of characters that EV has but with the same amount of depth to them instead of an expanded moveset. Aerial combat is much better as well as the level design, but not by much. Clothing customization isn't nearly on the level of EV either. It feels as though this game should have came out a little after Shinovi Versus but got pushed hard. After playing EV I feel there is little reason to play this game.

From what I've played so far it's alright. The combat is fucking packed with options to do though chances are you'll most likely stick to a few of them. Also if you came off of EV you'll be very disappointed in the roster of characters since there's only 7 atm. Overall it's an alright game if you're looking for another titty beat-em-up game.


In terms of quality, it falls between Senran Kagura Shinovi and Estival. It has MUCH better aerial combat, and some cool levels and a better story than Estival imo, but it has way fewer characters Ranka a best and fewer clothing options, with some decent lingerie options.

Pretty decent anime tiddie game overall.



not cuckchan or /a/ so i expect people to actually have standards

I can tell by your demeanor you'd know a lot about those places.

speak for yourself friendo :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)

Go back to Reddit

So my refund came through, anything I ought to put it towards instead?

I would say wait for the newest Sword Art Online game. Doesn't look bad.

Pirated Dragon Quest Builders. The demo wasn't bad but it didn't get into how mining would work- I was wondering how the game would handle mining in third person. Thankfully it's been designed not to make it frustrating (the "look up/look down" L and R buttons help a lot). It also runs decently on the Vita, haven't noticed much slowdown.

I think it runs at 30fps, it got a bit better after I put the Vita to max speeds. I like it so far but I do with the camera was better.

Is that you?

Titty slapped atop a mediocre game is still better than indieshit because the designers are at least attempting some form of entertainment.

I've been wanting to order 1/2 Genie Hero, but I'm unsure of what the visual performance of the game will be like. I've tried emailing WF about it, but I still have yet to get a response from them.

Valkyrie Drive, Attack on Titan, Amnesia: Memories.

Berserk Musou, Genkai Toki Seven Pirates, MeiQ, Stella Glow and the DLC episodes for AoT.

Really tempted to finally pick up Natural Doctribe now that's on sale on the PSN but a guy I know is selling it physical full price. Should I get it now or be a retard and get physical because my memory card is full?

Then I might have to rethink my purchasing-plan.
The tiddies do look nicer in VD, but SK2:DC still has the best looking ones on a handheld right now.

well, if you want audio quality that doesn't suck ass, there's a 700MB free DLC for HQ audio, rounding it off at 1GB if you're on a physical cart.

If you can into moonrunes, then of course go for the Jap version, i would say. But if your mem card is even remotely close to full, it'd probably be best to settle for the NA/EU release. The only thing that was omitted was the girls' ages in the records. I refuse to let something so infinitesimally trivial ruin a game for me, personally. They changed literally nothing else. None of the outfits, underwear, or CGs have been altered or any shit like that.

What are some lewd games with male MCs? I can't play a game if I can't self insert

I feel like if Valkyrie Drive got a sequel and it got polished like how SKB to SK2 was it would end up being really good. Still enjoying the game tho.

Either buy it from the guy or pirate it. Don't give NISA money ever.

Can't stress this enough. Even if there is a sale, don't be fucking tempted. Learn nip and import the fucker if you absolutely have to.

NIS is just as scummy as NISA, their games should only be bought used or pirated full stop.

You should be doing this anyway

How so?

Dungeon Travelers 2. Fried is so fucking clueless though, either that or getting it on with nearly all the ladies and teasing the rest.

A-ah, I bought it on sale anyway. Just this time, I swear; I haven't even played or bought anything from them and the guy was selling it new so money goes to NISA anyway.

A fuck load of NIS' original employees left the company after NIS tried to fire/rehire them so they wouldn't have to give out raises and fuck over employee retirement plans; basically turning the people that built the company into new employees just to save money.

You are a disappointment and you're money is going towards endangering other games. For the safety of good games I hope you never give them money again.
So instead of just giving NISA money once, they get money twice. That's even worse

I wouldn't worry about the physical copy. I'm pretty much the only person in the area that buys vita games and the only one interested in Natural Doctrine.

I bought a used copy long time ago. At first the game was interesting but then I hate it cuz the fucking AI turns were fucking long.

Vita is so obscure here that used copies are kinda rare on themselves, even more ones of niche RPGs. Most used copies are of PES, Mortal Kombat and saw one of the MGS collection.

Jesus fuck, talk about your black companies. Sauce?

It's kind of funny. I know a few places where I live that you can actively find Vita games at, at least the ones that are still recent or sold relatively well, but I don't think I've seen a cased copy of something like Ys: Memories of Celceta at any of them in a long time (barring a Silver Anniversary pack that was $60), and as far as I'm aware that one didn't sell poorly, so it makes a bit of an odd case where it's not rare but local availability is low.

He's right, I remember seeing that somewhere as well but I can't remember where.
Might have been on nichegamer or techraptor but I'm not 100% sure.

I'm not doubting per se, since I know companies can be sleazy as fuck, but I'd still like a source (preferably in Japanese, since I don't trust other people's translations) before I go about spouting it off like fact myself.

It's the opposite here. You only find used copies or the games I mentiobed, anything else is pretty much a collectible because those who do get them don't resell them easily. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here with Valkirye Drive.

Yeah, I mean, it's certainly western made trash and the occasional Japanese game that sold really well (like Gravity Rush or Freedom Wars) you stand a chance of finding a copy of at the average store, but Fucking Gamestop still manages a half decent selection (comparatively), as do a few other stores. But they're the vast minority. I'm pretty sure that no Gamestop around here even has a cased copy of Ys: Memories of Celceta at this point, and beyond them, I haven't seen one in a long time.

It would also sell less, because people who buy these games don't expect any challenge and certainly not getting destroyed by the first boss in a titty-game.

Speak for yourself, the best titty games are the ones that kick your ass and force you to git gud

I didn't imply this was a bad thing, but in SK2 some people who played for lazy faps actually returned it, because they couldn't get past Yomi.
This sends a very wrong signal to Tamsoft, who might just dumb down subsequent games, even though they're on the right track.

Not in murrica so I have to trust on independent stores. I remember seeing a used Conception II but that's it.

So I'm seeing on the psn store that some games I've been eyeballing are on sale, those being operation abyss, stranger of sword city and maybe but not as much, natural doctrine. Are these generally good games? The only reference I have for me liking the games is enjoying demon gaze.
I also am wondering if the cadun games are worth getting both or if there is a recommended better of the 2.

At the non-Gamestop stores out here, the most common JRPGs I see have are probably Tales of Hearts R and Mind=Zero, for comparison. Some Muramasa Rebirths here and there if you count it too.


Bit hard to tell how something's turning out in being brought over when the company doing so isn't providing much in the way of examples (and even sites like Nichegamer and Techraptor don't seem to have reviews for it as of now; embargo maybe?). Was hoping by now they'd have more to show to better determine whether it's worth dropping money on or not (especially since I hear Aksys can be pretty hit or miss, depending on the game).

I still need to play that game, I picked it up because I saw it going for like 2000 at Joshin, but have yet to open it.

Whats the Memory Size of the game?
Don't know how you'll feel about the rambling but here's a look at the game

Page isn't loading for me for some retarded reason. What are the deals?

Idk if I should get GER

God Eater is tempting but I guess I can wait for the next time.

Hope the loss of auto attack doesn't slow down the battle any. There's a certain expectation when pressing an attack button that a game losing auto attack might not be able to fulfill.

Well, I hope it's going to have a physical option. I mean, I assume if they're finally dropping an image like that with a tweet that it's coming over.

I'd heard the combat framerate had a few issues in Japan. Would have been nice if it had been addressed some for the western release, but I'm guessing that's not the case, especially if Aksys hasn't said anything specific pertaining to it.



Thank you for opening me to a whole new world, user.
Why does this guy not upload higher resolution images?

Is MGS1 better on the Vita than on the pc? I know the best version is on ps3 but I don't have one

If you don't have a L2/R2 grip you're gonna have to use the rear touchpad for them, which is fucked. Dunno what your gamepad situation is on the PC but even a mediocre logitech controller would do when emulating or playing the pc version.

I have an 360 controller so I'm fine in that regard. Does the Vita version look nicer?

PC version is pretty fucked in terms of menus and just general hassle, but otherwise functions. Vita works fine if you set it up right and is comfy to play lying down and shit.

It's a PS1 game so it doesn't use the right stick. What I do is bind L2 to Right Stick Left, and R2 to Right Stick Right, so you don't need the rear pad at all.

Maybe they might not want to bog down their sites with huge renders of images (also factoring in on how many they plan to have, I suppose), or perhaps want to save high res versions for an eventual artbook/collection release or something? Just hazarding a few guesses.

I wouldn't think it will, hasn't from the gameplay videos i've seen, or at least didn't seem to. I hated the auto-attack anyway, made waiting for my SP gauge to fill up boring. Even if the battles do get slightly slower, it'll still be a bit more engaging instead of just dodging around or standing there doing nothing.

No problem! I love how soft the girls look; like peaches. Is it a dude? I thought the artist was a female. Either way, I love the style. As for that, no telling. There's always a drawback to something I suppose.

as good as guess as any.

Fuck nevermind. I thought MGS1 is part of the hd collection

So I have it narrowed down to either getting operation abyss or stranger of sword city. Which one is recommended to be a next step in getting into dungeon crawlers? I hear these are much more difficult compared to demon gaze, which I liked besides the art style.

I'll always suggest Dungeon Travelers 2 as the best DRPG on the Vita. If you've already played it, generally speaking people seem to like Stranger Danger City more than Op Abyss. For what it's worth I've enjoyed most of my time with Sword City, still haven't beaten it but will one day.

I actually got dungeon travelers a couple of weeks ago with the mini calender for 15 bucks if I remember correctly. Still in its case but if anything, I'll start on it before SoSC, just wondering which game to get. Thanks for the recommendation.

It must be great, considering it still merits about 6000 on Amazon I should look to see if anyone's ripped it yet

Always a tough call to know when to buy a Vita game. You can wait a week, a month, a year or two, and some could be sold out before you know it, now relying only on the eBay scalpers. The only purchases I've made that I regret were Trillion and Grand Kingdom, Trillion I could have gotten about fifteen bucks cheaper, Grand Kingdom is a shell of a game that I probably should never have bought; even 20 bucks I feel is too much. Every other game I own I believe I bought on time or for the right price.

This game is amusingly self-aware.

Question: I saw something a while back about using QCMA to bypass the firmware check in backing up Vita games and data to the computer. Trying that, it certainly seems to work out well enough, as the prompt to update doesn't show up when using it. Thing is, I've also heard about something where you can use QCMA to bypass the firmware check in transferring data from a PS3 to the Vita (something along the lines of opening the Vita's content manager while connected to QCMA, then unplugging the USB from the computer while still connected into the Vita, plugging it into the PS3, closing the error prompt, and continuing management there since it's past the point of trying to check). Does that actually work, and if so, does the PS3 need to be in offline like the Vita (the thing I read specifies it for the Vita, but makes no mention of whether or not it's the same on the PS3's end)? Been wanting to give it a try since I've got some content to transfer and would rather not update past 3.60 to do so, but I'd prefer to err on the safe side before giving it a go.

Please user. Shitran Kagayra will never be good.

Yep. I have my vita with 3.18fw (because TN-V) and I can transfer digital games from my ps3 using the method you mentioned.


Cool. Does the PS3 need to be offline for it like the Vita does as well? Hoping to not risk it still trying to prompt an update, or perhaps worse.

Stay salty Shitran guy
The spirit of eternal asspained lurking lives within you


the ps3 need to be online. not the vita . if the ps3 is not online you'll get a message like this




also holy shit is her spine broken or was she born with her thighs sideways?

Feed me more salt, the Eternal Lurker types are always the best mines

Are there any actual yuri couples in SK?

Even if it's just side characters irrelevant enough that otaku won't care.

What are you even talking about? I havent ever lurked a Vita thread. Do you know what "lurk" means, newfag?

Are you retarded?

Alright, I'll give it a go in a few. Thanks again.

Hey, if I order a euro copy of God Eater 2 in the future would anyone here be interest the digital code for resurrection?

Are you? That pose is impossible for humans to accomplish.

You are the Eternal Shitran Lurker, lurking Holla Forums for all time, from the Big Bang until the heat death of the universe, you are there. Endlessly scanning for mentions of Senran in any thread to be triggered by.

You're really fucking autistic holy shit. Are you Shitranfags the new ponyfags or undertalefags?


Well, it seems to be working fine. Forgot how slow it could be at times though (think it took a full minute or so to prep before it could even transfer it). Still, it's good to know that that's an option.

Hopefully TitS doesn't crash repeatedly on me this time since I'm retransferring them.

On that note, anyone know why it would be able to pick up on and transfer TitS FC but not SC? I had both downloaded to my PS3, but the only one it could locate was FC. I've had both games on the Vita before, so I'm not real sure what's up.

Another question, do you think SoSC is worth it to get the limited edition or just get the game as cheap as possible?

Morning bump for possible responses/solutions.

There are some games that you can't transfer to Vita, they use "incompatibility" as an excuse.
One of the PSP Silent Hill games won't transfer to Vita either, even though when it was put onto the PS store it would let you put it onto Vita via PS3. A few days after they put it onto the store its Vita compatibility was removed. I've no idea why.

I was just pondering if I should go buy the game today. Might go find it online and see how it plays.

Actually, after a brief search, I'm only finding the uncompressed version, which is useless because I can't get FTP to work on my fucked up network.

Anyone got a VPK?

Vitamin is what dumps games in vpk format and Vitamin is no longer supported.
Stop looking for vpk dumps. Stop supporting vpk dumps.
If you find a vpk for newer games it is most likely old and unworking or a mutilated dump that may or may not work properly. Try using a phone to FTP shit or something. If you can't do that you'll have to wait until decompression becomes a thing on the vita.

Well, ain't that some shit.

Does the piracy thread no longer exist? I was hoping someone could direct me to a dump of Natural Doctrine. I think one was posted a while back, but I couldn't get it at the time.

Thankfully, the piracy threads died quickly coinciding with the disappearance of Torfag, presumably because he wasn't keeping them going with his GIANT FUCKING BLOG POSTS, have resulted in less garbage in the vita gen threads because the faggots who only want muh free vidya went elsewhere. The only dump of Natural Doctrine I've seen after a quick search was a nonworking vpk. Maybe post to plebbit/halfchan and request it, they are extremely happy to gobble cock for a bit of recognition.

Nah, I don't really get much luck on 4chan. I don't have a reddit account, either. I guess I'll just wait until I can import it.

The version I got off pspiso uses MaiDumpTool. I don't use FTP, just do the following:

Works fine.

thanks m80. Going to give this a shot.

You've been a huge help user. I got everything installed and circumvented the FTP issue. Unfortunately, I'm getting the C2-12828-1 error now.

Do you have Henkaku actually running?

Messed with something and got it working!


hey, did that user from the piracy threads ever try to get his key re-activated?

By limited edition I'm going to assume you mean the actual LE and not the one coming out in nippon with additional classes and god knows what. I got the regular and I don't feel like I needed more, but those who like LE's say the LE for SoSC is one of the better ones, so it's a matter of price and preference.

This makes me happy. Vitagens becoming more comfy and less beggy piracy would be a dream.

Eternal sadness. I feel it too.

The reason I stopped coming to Vita threads for a while tbh

It came out in July. Came with a novel too, which I should probably read.

Alrighty. Like 99%+ of fullchan's pop I don't know japanese so I stopped paying attention to its release early. Also felt it didn't need an update, aside from making the goddamn water area less of a pain.

Yeah, once the threads became majority piracy talk, which brought out the dregs of the board since apparently there's a correlation between pirating everything and being an awful human being, I stopped coming. We always had our detractors: random Vitadead (1)'s, the shitran guy above, the "everyone should know japanese to play video games" guy who didn't seem to understand posting about a sale on PSN using the english language means not the jap PSN, but the piracy thing destroyed the threads for me up until about this point. Glad I came back though, things have calmed down a lot.

I think this is probably the first Vita thread I've been in for a while actually and yeah it's calmed down quite a bit. Thankfully. Though I've noticed the quality of posts has gone down on the board in general over the last week or two, what did I miss? Another migration?

Now now, just because you haven't made much progress in your studies doesn't mean you need to project that hard.

Aye aye, o captain my captain.

There was a migration recently but I forget why, possibly due to the current owner rolling out more paid bullshit or something.

Panic because Cuckchan's owner said cuckchan is dying/unprofitable and introduced a whole bunch of new perks for cuckchan pass owners; including a special board where only pass owners can post. It's all an excuse for him to just start datamining the site like he did with 2ch before getting the boot

And I thought the jews feared the samurai

The jews only fear one thing: not making money

I'd been wondering if maybe the fact TitS SC was two UMDs originally might have something to do with it. But it would be really, really odd if they removed the compatibility. Would be nice for some solid confirmation on it. I've already tried querying it online and all the results for "Trails in the Sky won't transfer from PS3 to Vita" just brings up results of people asking about transferring save data, not game data.

Worst comes to worst, I suppose I can always just find a dump of them and play them with my CFW PSP. Hell, for all I know, it might be more stable that way given the crashes I'd had initially.


On that note, I did find this on wololo.

I suppose it's not just me having issues with Second Chapter, with the OP speculating that firmware updates can possibly hide PS1 and PSP games from being detectable to the Vita to transfer. Odd thing though being that, again, I got FC to transfer from the PS3 just fine, and it's only SC giving me grief.

Yeah I remember that it was a firmware update that fucked the Silent Hill game. God knows why they'd put a game to the store for dead hardware and remove support for the current gen one.

If i wanted to pick up a vita for cheap, what would be the best way to go about it? pawnshops? or are there any shops cheaper than a hundred online.

Was anyone else a little disappointed with Project Diva X? I'm on my fifth cloud and the song list has been pretty underwhelming compared to f2nd

Has Sony ever given an official statement in regards to it, or do they just let various games fall through the cracks and not acknowledge it ever happened? I mean, for PSP games, the Vita was pretty nice in giving most of them (the ones that actually saw PSN versions; fucking Square seems to enjoy avoiding that for various PSP games they had) more opportunity to be played, but it makes it a pain for some to access them if they can't transfer from a PS3.

user plz

Ebay, or see if a reputable pawn-shop will buy it. Or sell it to some rando on craigslist/Let Go/VarageSale/etc.

Yeah, it's pretty underwhelming. The Medleys are a neat idea though. I really like the Medley for the first cloud, all the others were a bit meh.

The medleys are cool. I particularly like the one for the cute cloud. I don't like how the chance time events were totally replaced with outfit swaps. Watching Miku transform like Sailor Moon is cool the first few times but I prefer the bursts of fireworks and shit. It also doesn't work well with duets since only one of them gets the transformation and getting costumes for the second character is difficult since you can only get them in-game, one at a time. Some cool ideas but I think it needed a little more time in the oven.

Nigger, I really don't think any where near the majority here understands moon or even really plans on learning it and I'm kinda annoyed at you for pretending it all the time.
But considering that even the TORfag was of the impression only a minority here dislikes him I thought we could just do a little poll on how vita thread self-identifies their moon knowledge.

But she's like 20 going by the latest game.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, revealing ages is haram.

Well, so far I seem to be wrong on the general intend to learn Japanese. I'm off for now. When I'm back (around 8-12 hours) I'll evaluate the poll for actual skill and intend.

Nigger what

So, 33 people have voted. Let's pretend the poll is somewhat representative for a moment and have a look.

Obviously I was wrong. All in all 70% want to learn or feel they actually already understand Japanese.

Only 15% actually do feel they understand Japanese at this point of which only one person (3%) feels they have advanced knowledge.
That I pretty much expected, well, I thought it would be a bit lower to be honest.

If we give the people who feel they already made considerable progress the benefit of the doubt we are looking at 39% of the thread as potential future moon aficionados, which is not THAT far from 51%.

Results: I complement vita threads (at least potential) dedication or autism.

I thought somebody might get triggered by this.

I want to cum inside Manpukumaru

It's not a matter of "triggering," it just sounds fucking stupid, like if someone called a German a Frog.

Oh hey, I made that torfag poll.
I stopped lurking these threads because of her. While they're gone for now, they have a tendency to vanish for a few weeks and then come back, kinda like herpes.

I bought a slim, because my retard imouto drowned my OLED playing fucking Minecraft. Ergonomically, it feels so much comfier to hold. The buttons are slightly bigger and clickier, and the sticks have a bit more resistance, though that could just be because it's brand new.
The speakers are clearer and have more detail, and they get slightly louder.
The screen is glass, so it's easier to clean, feels nicer to swipe and is more scratch resistant. The actual display is a step down from the OLED. Colours aren't as super-saturated, blacks aren't deep and inky. However, by itself, it's a damn fine screen. Just not as legendary as the OLED was. Some reviewers said it has motion blur, but I can't detect it at all. An advantage is that it doesn't have the mura/linen texture issues the OLED did, so to me the screen actually seems clearer. There's also the fact it won't degrade over time and there's no worries about burn-in.

Sage for blogshit.

Pretty sure the batteries will stop being produced before the OLED screens actually degrade much

I dunno. I've got OLED phones that have visibly degraded in less than 5 years. Li-ions are good for around 10. Besides, the batteries are easy enough to replace, if you can find any.
My PSP's batteries are dead and I can't find any replacements that aren't from mystery eBay sellers. They made millions of these fucking things, why hasn't a company stepped in to make decent replacements?

They didn't. At least not as far as I'm aware.

I stand corrected, roughly around 10% of the board, give or take 5% knows nip well enough to play games natively, according to them. Good for them, and for me; it's not very often my own expectations for people are near 15% to the reality. Still overwhelmingly in the minority are those who understand moon runes.

After seeing that I want to as well.

You're making a solid case for my backup Vita to be an LCD model, not just for the sake of variety. On the opposite side of the coin I have a case with a comfy grip for the 1000 already, and it was not cheap, not that I'm likely to remove it unless the unit dies.

Come on IF. At least keep the lewdest vita games exclusive!

But to be honest, it's an important point: Is the game good? From what I saw on some videos it looks a bit more boring than the Senran games.

Does TK generally have a particular day of the week they tend to make actual announcements for games coming over on, or is it kind of just whenever they feel ready?

Yeah, I kind of thought not. Is it just an issue for people without fully up to date PS3s and Vitas in that some games can't transfer though, or possibly affecting Vitas with up to date firmware as well?

Isn't Ikaruga 18? And all the games happen before both her and Katsuragi graduate, which would happen in less than one year in series.
Imu and Miyabi though, those two broke twenty before they even showed up

Anyone try out Exist Archive yet? It looked pretty cool but I haven't heard anything about it. Any news on Aksys fucking the game over or not they don't have the best track record unfortunately.

If you would read the packaging on your hentai games you would know that all animes portrayed within are over 18

I think you aren't playing enough hentai games.

I'm interested too.

I'm waiting to hear back about this as well. It looks pretty neat, but like you said, Aksys has been pretty iffy as of late.

Minori was made for tender-loving

Anyone have any idea if Yomawari: Night Alone will be any good? Looks pretty damn cool.

Don't know whether to get the Vita or the PC version.

stole it and its pretty fun.
Shame that I cant understand it.
Id recommend getting it on the vita.

I'm gonna get the Vita version for maximum comfy personally. But maybe it'll be 60FPS on PC or something, who knows because I sure as hell don't.

If it's a slant-eyed little yellow person it's a gook, deal with it. Virtually nobody uses it exclusively for Koreans.

concept art looks good

So, I just got my Vita TV and one of my Vita Vitas moleculed. So…

I'm looking for a good place to get isos, specially Shinobido 2. didn't fucking ship my copy yet, when it does I'll give you guys a run down if Aksys fucked anything.

I pirated the jap version, it's short and piss easy. Something you shouldn't pay full price for. Either pirate the jap version or PC version, don't give NISA money. Or it's easy to find the jap version used for a fraction of the price of the localized version now, you can play it without even knowing moon like HTOL#NIQ

check PSPISO

what movie is this?

Yeah I hear you can clear it in like 2.5 hours if you just push through it. There's supposedly a lot of optional content though. I wonder how expensive the Vita version will be compared to the PC version.

Well, the digital Vita version is only $20, so I'd figure that would be the PC price as well, seeing how the physical Vita version has 2 games with it instead of just Yomawari by itself.

Not a movie. It's from a TV-series called Banshee.

I cleared it in an hour and 48 minutes. I really regret wasting the bandwidth on it.
PC version is 20 bucks, vita is 39 if you get physical or 25-18 if you get a used jap version.

can't ignore these digits, checked

Is there an downsides to using rinCheat to overclock the Vita, other than battery life?

Has nobody done it?

I'm pretty sure with the amount of people using rincheat to overclock the Vita, if something was to go wrong we would've known by now.

You know, when you put it that way

Is dungeon travelers 2 pirateable? I remember reading a while back that no one had had success, but it's been a bit of time since I last checked.

Demo2 out:!/ja-jp/ゲーム/レコラヴ-blue-ocean-体験版/cid=JP0117-PCSG90269_00-RECOLOVETRIAL000

3-4peeps*3-4 IPs from proxy,VPN,&dynamicIP=9-16
Still right: 15>>/blog/

tks 4chan, for inviting namefags

PC:you can cheatengine when done, and do tons of fun things. fav. is 3x overclock.

have your own board. why come shitpost?

whatchu going to do about it?

tfw, yanderedev can't even accomplish this!

Sure thing, TORfag

Also, you judging over cancer like namefagging and shitposting is fucking laughable. It's like a giant deadly braintumor already disturbing motor functions complaining about some melanoma on his host body.

Back into the filter you go.

VitaShell 1.31 out:

Delusional. Simply delusional.
Just filter yourself out, 2a6a26, you've contributed nothing to vita threads than spread your autistic ramblings filled with vitriol.

Who's the one telling all of us to create a blog because we disagree with people, with facts to back things up? Be upset or whatever, but it seems like you won't be happy until Vitagen is just you and "everyone here lives in japan" guy are the only ones left.

I used to think filtering people in this thread was a waste of time because the shitposters weren't consistent, aside from one. I guess when we caught our case of piracy we also kept an extra disease or two. Oh well.

So it's been two weeks since my Valkyrie Drive supposedly shipped, and I'm also in Canada. Is it time to worry?

US here, mine shipped out a day after the game came out and arrived two days after launch. Would have thought Amazon was supposed to ship out to arrive on launch day, not afterward.

You guys share releases dates with us, being in the same region right? I'd say to maybe inquire by now as to where it is. At least mine had tracking.

Is Steins;Gate 0 ever going to come out in the West? First it was listed everywhere for September, then October and now November. Everytime it's almost there it slips away. ;_;

Fuck Ye-

Because TK refuses to do regular retail releases, let alone open their own online storefront.

For all NISA's problems, their distribution side seems to be nowhere near as bad as their localization arm, especially in cases where they have no access to the game's script or code at all. Though whether you want to see them getting any money (I doubt they make all that much from these LEs; Assuming it's $55 like they've been in the past, TK probably takes the base $40 the game would normally cost and distributes to themselves, Actill, and Gust, with at least some of the remaining $15 NISA would have going towards having to pay off production costs of the extras and lowering their actual profits, as I'm not sure TK would pay for that when they otherwise wouldn't even do a retail release) from these is up to the person at hand.

On the note, where'd you get confirmation of that LE? Checked good but nothing coming up just yet. Or are you techraptor-user and got access to press images early or something?

Thanks. What's up with them going back to microfiber cloths though? Are those getting popular or something? Seems like they're doing that instead of a poster this time.
Just seems a bit odd that the poster's absent, but then again, ANS+ didn't have an artbook or soundtrack for some reason. Maybe it's just strange to me though.

On that note, if anyone here has an actual twitter account, can you ask them if it's going to be coming west with the patches Japan got? Saw a comment on the TR article about the teaser TK did last week that in Japan, the base release ran poorly, and was fixed with patch 1.03.

The contents of the LE probably change depending on the cost to make said items at the time. It's sorta like the McRib. Microfibers must be going through a cheap production phase.

Retarded question: i downloaded a game and it came in parts. I tried extracting it but it tells me the file is damaged, tried re-downloading and even changing the game, same result.
Do i have to put in my vita all the parts or i was doing right in extracting on my pc, then put the file in?

Would make sense, I suppose.

Might help to know what extracting program you're using.

Because TK are lazy cheap fucks that likes to pretend limited amazon/other online retail prints can't happen.

That's still too much money for me to give them. Any profit they make no matter the size lets them survive another day and shit all over a video games. Every penny they get opens a possibility for them making my eternal nightmare a reality by picking up a Falcom game or any other game I desperately want.

That didn't happen when Aksys announced they'd be handling Tokyo Xanadu here (instead of XSEED being Falcom's usual western distributor these days)? I suppose they're not as bad off as NISA, but they've got their issues.

Could also be that they've got some agreement with NISA in how they handle the extras. Maybe Amazon won't front the cost, or something. Still stupid they act as if they won't sell well at regular retail vendors.

With Aksys I at least get a decent chance of the localization turning out great like Muramasa. Plus they haven't done as nearly as much anti-consumer shit NISA has done yet, so I'd rather give them money periodically over give NISA money at all.

Considering a company as small as Natsume can do a limited online retail print of an even more niche series, have it sell out and have to replenish the stock even with nintendo's ridiculous publishing fees. Yeah, it's really fucking stupid.

The way I see it, it would be better if these companies would cut NISA out entirely both for localization or distribution (with TK opting for limited Amazon releases instead, or something; hell, I've heard before that LRG wanted to get in contact with TK about some games), or NISA just stopped localizing altogether and went entirely distribution (rather than muck with script/code) since they seem to do a much better job on that end of things, though the latter leaves an issue of where all those cancerous editors and such (who would likely be asspained about such a change) would go to.

It's certainly a predicament if you want a physical copy though. Either NISA takes X of the $55 the game goes for, or you hope to get lucky in a scalper riddled aftermarket for preowned ones.

I could see a lot of them becoming games "journalists"/"critics" easily based on how they act.
Pretty much now since vita piracy is a thing, I don't bother even waiting around for used english copies. I just pirate anything that NISA localizes that I want and then just import a physical version from jap. Saves me money to support good localization teams and Jap vita games can get extremely dirt cheap if you got the right connections in japan. I got HTOL#NIQ and Yomawari together for 18 syrup dollars (25 with shipping) because I befriended an ebay seller from japan, used games are ridiculously cheap if you get em from store in japan.

I'd think they'd first try to shit up other localization companies before jumping on the "professional" "gaming" "journalism" train.

In the case of Silent Hill, I recall both systems getting a fimware update around the same time. One of those small incremental +0.01 updates for "stability".
The Vitas was presumably to remove the ability to detect the game on the PS3s HDD. While the PS3 update was probably for people who neglected to update their Vitas because COMMUNICATION WITH OUT OF DATE SOFTWARE IST VERBOTEN.
Fuck knows why they did it, isn't the Vita hardware compatible with PSP software? If that's the case then they're emulating incompatibility, which must cost them more money surely.

So if I ever get my hands on a Vita memory card, can I use it interchangeably between a real Vita and a PSTV? Like if I install some digital games to it, I can play them on either system?

If they are using the same psn account and are on the same firmware, yes I think (but check if that game is white-listed)

It's supposed to be, at least, I'd assume that most if not all PSP games on the store would play natively on it (and once homebrew or whatever gets to a better point I'd assume it should be able to play any old PSP game, regardless of if released digitally), and if SC suddenly lost compatibility to be put on the system, that's really going to limit demand for the PSP version and XSEED ought to be annoyed.

The big question though (I assume that an up-to-date Vita can download SC just fine from the store directly, but can't check myself without updating the system), is whether or not this just affects trying to stick SC on an un-updated Vita from an up-to-date PS3, or can the PS3 just no longer transfer it (in which case, why let someone download it to the PS3 anymore)? And why only certain PSP games (FC transferred just fine)? I can't exactly check that myself and I assume anyone with both an up-to-date PS3 and Vita either already has a copy they wouldn't want to redownload (or risk not being able to get back on the system), or doesn't feel like dropping $30 or so on it if they weren't interested in the first place. And directly asking Sony might bring up some weird questions about why your Vita isn't updated in the first place.

Tried downloading some uploaded ISOs of the games from nicoblog for my CFW PSP since I'm not sure I'll be playing them on my Vita any time soon unless I update, and all three files showed as being corrupted upon sticking them on my PSP. I swear, it's like the game don't want me to play them.

Goddamnit, I'm obligated.

One of my psp games I want on vita is Motorstorm Arctic Edge. I know why I can't get it on there, but it pisses me off to this day I still can't get it.

I was also going through my download history and some psone classics that I have downloaded and played before can't be downloaded again.Even some of the ones I already have on my vita. Now I don't want to delete them!

Actually kind of neat to see all the protagonists of the trilogy on the same box cover. I have to wonder if they would have done similar for at least one of the Arland Plus games (Meruru Plus, I'd assume?), had they even been willing to do a physical release of them.

I'm guessing you can still transfer them to and from whatever device you use to backup to your computer? But yeah, that forum post I found and linked somewhere above mentions it as a specific issue for PS1 and PSP games, but somehow not Vita ones (where you might think they'd crack down harder on people perhaps trying to access them with a non up-to-date system).

Both systems have to be on firmware that's compatible with each other as far as I know. If either system has out of date firmware then they just refuse to communicate with each other. That's as far as I know. Then again like I said it could be that they forced incompatibility for SC with the Vita. My Vita is up to date so I'll take a look on the store and see if it's there, though different reigons do have some different games available to them, it might not be available for the UK. I'll take a look though.
Because you can still transfer the games from the PS3 to the PSP. I think that was what either Sony or Konami said when Vita compatibility for SH was removed "play it on PSP".
No idea. I have no clue why, when they have a new system that's fully compatible with their old software, they then proceed to remove compatibility of certain games.
The only thing I can think of is that they might have to put the games to ratings boards to get them re-rated for digital sale on the Vita. Or maybe, the developers licence to software used to make the games has run out and they can't be arsed renewing, though that is unlikely as the games are still available to download for PSP.
Actually now that I've given it a bit of thought, it could have something to do with piracy. You know how uptight Sony are about it after what happened with the PSP.

The core problem over all else is that NISA is not an upfront business. When you peel away all the anger and dissent and trendy hatred, that is what the real situation is. They've not upfront. They aren't truthful.

They cut corners developing product that isn't theirs. They overwrite scripts that don't belong to them. They spin words to put responsibility on the shoulders of other entities—the fans, the ESRB, their parent company. Hell, their parent company is as dishonest, willing to cut the backs of the people that work so hard for them that is caused an outright schism in their ranks.

NIS & NISA are a dishonest business. That is their core problem. In a realm where it's hard to maintain any remote presence of integrity when dealing with real world contracts, takeovers, competition, ego, and cutthroat business intent, they don't even make the show of trying. Short or long-term, the moves from NIS/NISA just do not display an intent of "I can trust my money here".

That's what makes this the most irritating. Because cash is colorless, and Gust fans (myself included) are going to want in on this limited edition, even if it's NISA doing the physical printing. They'll get the dollars and continue to exist as a dishonest entity in the small games market.

They can't be trusted, and if you want this release, you have no choice, and no matter how you may feel, you're directly sustaining their existence by paying for this release. Overdramatic, but it's the truth.

Actually, that did happen as Aksys has revealed themselves as a company not to be trusted. Further, you'd be stupid to buy the port with Tokyo Xanadu eX around the corner, if it's not already released.

The Vita emulates the PSP, it doesn't have hardware compatibility. Sony probably have to test and tweak the emulator on a per-game basis, which is probably why publishers just haven't dumped their entire back catalogues onto PSN - they have to pay to get each game tested and verified working, not to mention all the licensing bullshit.

That said, a couple of years ago there was a glitch on US PSN, where previously incompatible PSOne classics were able to be downloaded and run on Vitas with little problem, which pretty much confirms that the incompatibility is artifical. I imagine like with all things that doesn't make sense in life, it's a legal thing.

Here's another thing: the PS3 has a fully functional PSP emulator baked into the firmware, yet Sony only uses it to run Minis. It can even render games at true 1080p. Hell, the PS3 even has fully working PS4 style remote play for all games, but it's locked and only around 10 games can use it.

Oh, duh. I suppose that's a work around for shutting down the native PSP store?

That happened to Nintendo for years on end in regards to the VC rerelease of DKC1-3. Took like two years for them to become available again.

True, but do they just think that the only reason people would download PS1 and PSP games at this point is to dump them for pirating or something?

I suppose one person isn't going to make that big a difference to a company, but have you at least tried writing to TK saying that them doing this leaves you in a predicament where you'd love to have Gust's Vita games physically, but don't want to support NISA at all, and are thus stuck with an aftermarket where stuff like Ar Nosurge Plus averages $180 or more (and that while that means you don't support NISA, you can't support TK and Gust by buying used either? If there's other people that have done similar over time it might add up to them no longer using them and finding another company to use for distribution.

Seriously though, if a game like VD can at least see an Amazon release (and I assume do well enough), I'd wager the Plus versions of Gust's games would do fine as well up on Amazon or Fucking Gamestop.

Huh, is eX just an updated release or something (compare, say, Soul Sacrifice to SSD, where there's not much reason to get the original anymore), or a much better sequel? Not real familiar with the Xanadu series.
Pic related is from cuckchan /vg/ archive

can i update a pirated game? what would happen if i try?

Might be wrong, but wouldn't you need an update to be dumped for use with piracy, rather than try to update with the official PSN?

If OP is still alive I hope he uses pic related for next bread.

i thought i downloaded the latest version but apparently it wasn't.
Also for curiosity: can i play pirated games online in multiplayer? i doubt they made it retarderly easy like the 3ds, but still curious.

I always thought it was done via hardware. Makes it a bit more understandable I guess, but no less irritating.
I remember that, it happened last year didn't it?
I did not know that, though I did use remote play on both PSP and Vita connecting to PS3. It worked quite well from what I remember.

That's probably likely, though surprising they haven't done so already.
More likely that they think those games can be used to get access to the system software.
I think might have been how hackers got access to the PSP software.

About updates, if you update a decrypted game via PSN, you will break it. Encrypted updates and unencrypted games don't mix.

You can sign in and play online with the latest HENkaku which does a PSN spoof. BUT just like the PS3, Sony can see what you are doing and may ban you. Use caution.

Also an article from Nichegamer about it if whoever makes it wants to put a link with it.

Nope. It's the Game Of the Year Edition with a few extra bells to it. And given that TX has a fuckton of dlc…Aksys did a stupid thing, in my opinion. Unless they've got rights to eX.

And we're at bump limit, so new thread