Windows 10

Windows 10

You had a good run goys but it's time to come back to reality. You're going to "upgrade". Thinking about doing it myself for some M$ games. Surely there must be a cancer free method?

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Best windows


I pretty much accepted windows 10 was going to get huge from the moment it released so it doesn't bother me that much.

I still won't be upgrading though, dx12 has nothing I want to play and has been proven a catastrophe performance-wise. Also I haven't played a new release since Dark Souls

If you want to play gaems you have to drink the poison. Also, the games contain poison.

I only switched away from, XP about half a year ago.



Install gentoo already you scrublord

And I'm sure you know full well that the reason why this is the case is a combination of forced installation on old systems and new prebuilts after its introduction automatically coming with it.

Not when over 50% of their Windows users still aren't on it. I heard the exact same thing during the Vista or 8 era.

Have fun with Quantum Break or generic sequel # 4/5. W10 sounds like a perfect fit for you.

I am considering switching back to XP honestly, probably will have it on a shit laptop. Not really happy with the later windows OS's, and Linux while having a comfy interface had way too many regression too little compatibility. Maybe in another 10 years

Your point, nigger?

I'll use windows 7 until it's impossible to use anymore, then I'll switch to linux. Plus games get shittier and shittier so there is less incentives to upgrade.

When the fuck did this happen? Why do people care this little about their privacy?

Face it, any developer making a game worth anything will be sure to provide it with compatibility all the way down to XP.

Dude, facebook exists

I'll spell it out for you dumb cunts.
Surveys tell you a lot about the kind of people who participate in surveys.
Out of all Windows users, take the part that uses Steam.
Out of those, take the part that actually opts in to their remote HDD scan survey.
And even out of those, less than 50% use Windows 10, automatic and OEM installs included.

OP is a faggot.

At best, Windows 10 is a worse Windows 7.
It took so much time to strip the fat off Windows 10, to not make the start menu look like dick.

But the whole fuckin' thing is just too god damn buggy. Nothing just fucking werks on W10.
PS Vita content manager doesn't fuckin' work, file manager problems, my fucking motherboard utliities/drivers weren't available on W10.

It's just fucking awful. There's not even any upsides to Windows 10.

I get major FPS improvements in games with DX12, too bad there's no good DX12 games.

I went back to Windows 7 after a month.

When MS fucked W7 via updates to be as evil as W10. There was no reason to stay on W7 at that point.

It finally has an expose clone and multiple desktops, and supports SED drives.

I searched that phrase and found this.

To be fair, new users who buy computers nowadays come with Windows 10 built into them, and they come in pretty decent video card and all that good stuff to play current PC games. This may be a reason why you see a higher percentage of this OS in use by consumers.

Sure, you can downgrade, but a lot of people are pretty lazy, and probably find the current OS aesthetically appealing. Now I'm not here to defend Windows 10, I'm just trying to point out why this is happening.

Don't forget! All your custom settings have a chance to be reset after a major update!
Oh boy, I sure can't wait to have Candy Crush shoved in my facehole again!

I am jealous of the deer my probblems really never will go away. Feels bad.:(

They were definitely made for chans.

Don't tell me what I will and won't do, faggot.
There are no dx12 games worth my time and likely won't ever be.
What retards choose to do is of no concern to me.

Also I'll be very soon making my own games and supporting linux with them, so I especially don't need to give a fuck.

Good point


>use 8.1 without metro bullshit
The only people I know who didn't have a problem are acquaintances who are sjw shills and a buddy of mine who uses it as partition for Forza.

Ah~ Windows-chan, you can spy on me all you want~

Still not enough to justify any of the bullshit that comes with win10, even with such sick trips.

next time i format im going back to 8.1

i only installed it because of dx12 games but now the cat is out of the bag and nobody will accept games that only run on windows 10

8.1 with telemetry updates blocked, not movin.

I never took a hardware survey and never will, I bet there are tons of users who think the same.

I still use 7.

I'm going to stick with 7 for as long as I can.
Windows 10 really doesn't have much for me and when 7 is no longer viable I will more than likely run a dual boot system with linux again like I used to do in the college days.

I'll probably also go back to playing consoles more.
Its weird, either you get an Xbone or you get windows 10. Why did microsoft do this shit with their games?
Literally cut themselves out of a market share for no fucking reason.


Are these the new goalposts to deny reality? I was told this all wouldn't happen at one point. The rate is probably higher among average consumers.

windows 10 is great guys

wut a qt

on the same note, since the last survey
windows 7 usage is up
win 10 usage is down

Are you fucking retarded? I can guarantee you that half of those win 10s are prebuilts with 10 installed already installed and that most of the fucking retards that took the survey are fucking normalfags who want to know if their gaming computers can even run the latest high demanding unoptimize early access survival game. Face it, only these types even other to take the survey and I'm sure the linux users do it in hopes that maybe someone will recognize how of them use it to have more games ported in linux.

Windows 10 is actually decently fast if you know how to trick it into thinking it’s working the way Microsoft wants it to work. If you actually have it working the way Microsoft wants it to work, it’s shittier than Vista.



Muh dick

I can't keep up.


Nice try user but
You will upgrade eventually too

At the end of the day, even if you think you've subverted an OS built from the ground up quite literally designed specifically to spy on you, you're still left with a shitty OS that's inferior to Windows 7 in almost every conceivable way. What's worse, the scant few features 10 touts that 7 doesn't have out of the box are available through free third party programs that do them better anyway.

Its over guys i will meet you on the other side. I will upgrade and enable all spy options.


No one plays the built-in games other than secretaries.

That's how desperate Microshit is to force people onto their shitty spyware OS. You have to completely gut Windows Update, not just disable it.

... will get rid of and hide all those shit updates

are you calling me a secretary?

If you get service pack 1 you don't have to update ever again. Some programmes have compatibility issues without sp1 but (i'm pretty sure) it doesn't have any of the spyware shit in it.

Local group policies, computer configuration, windows settings, security settings, software restriction policies, additional rules.

What if I don't want them to know what I'm jacking it to and how often?

Thanks for Correcting The Record.


KB2902907 MS Security Essentials/Windows Defender related update [no description/information available]
KB2952664 Compatibility update for upgrading Windows 7 more info
KB2976978 Compatibility update for Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 more info
KB2990214 Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 7 to a later version of Windows more info
KB3021917 Update to Windows 7 SP1 for performance improvements more info
KB3022345 Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry more info
KB3035583 Update installs Get Windows 10 app in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1 more info
KB3044374 Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to a later version of Windows more info
KB3046480 Update helps to determine whether to migrate the .NET Framework 1.1 when you upgrade Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 more info
KB3050265 Windows Update Client for Windows 7: June 2015 more info
KB3050267 Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1: June 2015 more info
KB3065987 Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: July 2015 more info
KB3065988 Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2: July 2015 more info
KB3068708 Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry more info
KB3075249 Update that adds telemetry points to consent.exe in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 more info
KB3075851 Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: August 2015 more info
KB3075853 Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2: August 2015 more info
KB3080149 Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry more info
KB3083324 Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: September 2015 more info
KB3083325 Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2: September 2015 more info
KB3083710 Windows Update Client for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2: October 2015 more info
KB3083711 Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2: October 2015 more info
KB3112336 Windows Update Client for Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2: December 2015 more info


I didn't think Steam really needed anything to take a "hardware survey"

Seems like it should be able to collect that basic information about your system on its own.

what a surprise.

They need to keep appearances. This way they're setting a boolean var in their DB table(s) to TRUE for those who "took the survey" to indicate that they can admit to collecting data from those hosts.



Also, why the fuck did I bump a shitty Holla Forums-wannabe thread twice. I need some sleep.

now three times

You are right OP it's time to upgrade to gnu/linux.



"Aquire" windows 10 enterprise LTSB.

All the win10 without shitty apps, cortana, store or telemetry.

Microsoft doesn't sell it so you'll have to pirate it.

but it's still windows 10

Win7 support ends some day so you'll have to bite the bullet eventually. And who knows someone might make a good directx 12 game some day?

I bet the terms and conditions say they are allowed to somewhere.

I wish I had known about that before I made this new computer
I'm stuck with this version which has cortana now, just fuck my whole life up

Ok, it ends so what then? Everyone running windows 7 gets a giga virus fucking them over?

Hehe..yes doesn't have any of that hehe..

Ha, no! The industry is gonna go all Vulkan, after the 20 extra FPS thing in Doom, it's gonna quickly become the go-to for AAA. Especially on consoles so they can further justify that cheap, tablet grade hardware they're selling for $399

Yeah. Maybe when the games that require Win10 actually become decent to make upgrading an attractive option. So never, because games are only going to get worse from here.


windows 10 does have a better user experience than 7 or 8.1. The spying has been happening since windows xp, and has always been an irrelevant point


Is that Kusanagi?



LTSB and especially LTSB N are full of bugs because those Win10 features are not properly removed but ripped out so it can end up trying to search for Store which is non-existent or have "Xbox game overlay" show up when you run games for some reason. Also, after the one released in August, it's not gonna get feature updates until 2019 apparently so it's not supported.
LTSB N can have issues with cutscenes because of no media codecs, even after installing the codec pack
Just use regular Enterprise if you really want W10

No, it's a FAMAS.


goddamnit strelok


Become a saint in the church of emacs.

No it doesn't. MS is an American company. They don't want to be sued. The EULA of window10 LTSB is different from the other win10 versions and it was meant for the corporate environment.

Set telemetry to secure, switch of Defender and disable some other shit in gpedit and Bob's your uncle.

Dude, that's Reddit. I went through the pcgaming subreddit a week after Windows 10 launched to see how normalfags would reject all the spyware and they were all praising it saying that DX12 is gonna rock and trying to justify the apps and spying "not that bad"

They enjoy the taste of shit, that's why they're Bernouts and HillMissiles

If I do, it will be to Loonix and the accursed 10 on the virtual machine. Until then, it's 7 for as long as possible.

I remember that my computer was set to update to Windows 10 one night and the only options it gave me were to postpone it for a couple of hours. I eventually figured out a way to stop it from updating to 10, but it was tedious and difficult enough to prevent most people from figuring it out. Every normalfag I know who has Windows 10 on their computer has had it unwillingly installed and would go back to Windows 7 or 8 if they could.

I wanted to use windows 10 because of the holocaust

Why not proposition them to reinstall windows 7 or 8 for them for a fee?

So windows 7 support ends eventually, does it mean I instantly get viruses even when browsing internet?

Read the patch notes of win10 updates and name one good feature they've introduced.

LTSB gets security updates and bug fixes.

Everything MS has done in the last few years is Cortana, Edge, the Store and UWP. Basically shit.

no you'll just stop receiving many updates

Speak for yourself little puto. I'm staying on 7, no reason to "upgrade"

I'm not that Jewish. Even so, people are surprisingly particular about their computers and don't trust others to mess with them. To most, Windows is like a foreign language they'll never understand and doesn't have a lot of limitations and safety nets like with OSX.

""OY VEY""

Sorry to dissapoint you, but I didn't find anything about collecting hardware information in the terms and condition. It does say it collects the info you put in your cloud storage though

well color me surprised


oh, so fans of the botnet use other botnets?
i'm shocked


Play some mechwarrior 3 for me.

It's been a thing since always.

Windowsfags everyone, I reinstall my binbows 7 VM all the time and it takes like 20 minutes because I'm not retarded.

Speaking of GitS I just saw a pre screening of the western adaption if anyone's curious as to how mediocre it was. I can't speak as someone who really knows anything about GitS so you'll have to phrase questions with that in mind.

Friendly reminder, only 8% of steam users actually authenticate public usage of their hardware surveys and details for them are hilariously undersampled.


I really don't like Windows 10, but the developers of Winter Heist Simulator have already said that future updates will limit the game to directx12, so I don't have much of a choice.

Where can I pirate a good, clean copy of Win7 these days?

Fuck MS games!
I switched to console. Might get rid of PC entirely as imageboards work fine on Android/iOS.
Really there is less and less for what I need Windows for and it gets much cheaper along the way, once you take out the Microsoft tax.

Yeah… I ditched windows and switched to Linux. But then I got the itch to play that game once again - Winter Heist Simulator, a great heist simulation with great atmosphere.
I had to return to windows 10 just to play this masterpiece again, couldn't run it in the WINE compatibility layer.


I can't switch over to Linux until I can use some proprietary software. Otherwise, I would.

How? A game I want to play won't work for anything but Windows 10. Is this what shitposting is? You have to go back >>>>>>>>cuckchan

I feel you there. I just got done with the Arms Heist and I got a shitton of guns. My health was pretty low by the end, 35.
There were auto-docs practically everywhere since it's a military base on the border of syria. Easy shit. I even got the rare white guns. p.s. fuck faggots who use the minigun in co-op

read the privacy policy


Your a funny guy OP

Like I give a fuck what other people on Steam are doing.

Fuck! I wish I could play Winter Heist Simulator on Linux!!!!!!!!!!!! such a great game!!!! ==AH==

You dumb fucking nigger. There's no reason NOT to be on W7, unless you give yourself reasons. Which you clearly have done.

How does it feel being an apologist for Microsoft and their shitty behavior?
You dumb fucking nigg

If you don't value your time, sure.

Yyou know you can just listen to someone that has already done that task and already knows what upgrades are windows 10 shit.

Spending 30 seconds to read sure is difficult.

What part of KB3035583 do you not understand, you mongoloid?

Either you are:

I'm willing to bet all of these. I can't fathom anyone actually, willfully being this fucking retarded by actively advocating against their own well-being.

Because you can't play games on any other version of Windows, on Linux, or on consoles.

I dualboot Linux with Windows 7 and it works out pretty well. Ignore anything Holla Forums says about which distro to use and start with Ubuntu or Debian.

Can you try to lower your faggotry down a notch for at least 30 seconds? It's not difficult.

I'm not mad, user. I'm just sorely disappointed.

nothing to hide nothing to fear, maybe you should stop fapping to little girls and make antisemitic remarks on the internet if your so worried people are watching your computer.

Windows 10 was pushed into all windows machine via forced automatic update many times. Also people are retarded and love having new shiny things

I have a copy of Windows 10 Enterprise given to me by a buddy from IT. I've yet to upgrade as I see no point.

I've installed in on a laptop and do not like anything about the interface.

Guess what? I bought a brand-new Skylake laptop with Windows 7 Pro preinstalled in late 2016.

But why? I like Win 7. No reason to change now.

At the point Win 7 support ends, I go full ganoo/linus. I'm tired of this shit.

The future is now.

You do realize that 51.45% of pc are not w10 system right? You still have more chance to sell you app to non w10 system and this after a year of forced upgrade and giving it for fucking free; Still not the most used OS, think about that.
Suck it microsoft, suck it and swallow.

Maybe the NX will have more games besides Zelda and will offer a unique gaming experience I can't get on PC.
Maybe the controller won't be some dumb tablet again.
Maybe I'm sick of all the console quality crossplats each more derivative than the next I buy every steam sale.
Maybe in 2 or 3 years Microsoft will stop being retarded and release Windows 11 and it won't be the dumb AOL layout abomination thing that 10 is.

Maybe I'll buy an entirely separate computer to play games on.


You do, you're just too much of a baby to make a decision that does not include instant gratification.

Why wouldnt they?

Your full of shit OP

we actually made the bloodied face one, I think it was on Holla Forums

got the shaking gif one that swaps back and forth?

Global market share vs market share among steam users are two different things.

The steam pool is biased to people who use steam. I'm not one of them.

I haven't done one of these surveys in a while. Does it just count my old input in or does it read my OS and just use that as data?

classic shell?

so you just copy paste it from your backup drive

Wait a second user.

The hardware survey for Steam isn't automatic, only counts the people who opt-in.
Without knowing what percentage of Steam users actually gave data, the results are practically meaningless.
At least with NetMarketShare, they explain the methodology and give some rough figures to put everything in context.


fucking THIS
mozilla is currently ranting how "WOW FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER HTTPS IS USED ABOVE 50%!!! "
meanwhile the people who dont opt in to telemetry are likely using https 100% of the time.
if you are security minded you dont take surveys and you dont use win10.


What DX12 games do you want, user? And are they worth handing away what privacy you can retain?

KI, Halo 5 forge, and future Halo stuff since they've said moving foward Halo will be on both platforms.

Probably not, but they are worth setting up a dual boot where I mainly use 7 or a linuix OS and then I can just use 10 whenever I wanna play a game that requires it.

The point is that it's not supported. Nvidia already stated they're not gonna make drivers for old LTSB versions because what's the point? LTSB is not designed for desktop usage but as MS put it "for submarines"

Why the fuck would you bother to use W10 at all though, LTSB or not, if not for the exclusive games?

Just stick with 7 at that point

Of course it is the most popular, most people that "upgraded" had it forced on their system by Microsoft whether they pressed the shitty icon at the bottom or not.

I decided to give 8.1 a try and works somewhat smoother than 7 (OS/explorer stuff).

Telemetry bullshit was pushed to 7 as well so 7/8.1 is a matter of preference at this point.

Whenever 7/8.1 support dies, I'll jump ship to loonix and set up a GPU pass through in a VM. Minimal performance hit and should be easier than ever to set up by then.

Because I like win10, it's the latest OS with all the security patches and in the future the only one that is supported. Besides stealing is fun.

LTSB is just normal win10 without all the bullshit. Everything that works in win10 home works in LTSB.

Microsoft is just pushing Edge, Cortana, apps and the Store. Frankly you can remove all that stuff from normal win10 too if you want. None of it is even remotely critical.

I got 8 with the laptop and it upgraded to 8.1, I like it as much as 7 for gaming, no issues. But I'm not hardcore user so maybe it is shit in many ways.

Fucking retarded, and most new reviews are people surprised most video games are half fucking broken on 10. They should just not allowed to install Steam.

All my life, I want to believe people arent just sheep, being led to slaughter or penned in and controlled, but more and more and more I see people always taking the shit option, when being outright warned about the ramifications of the option. I can't help but wonder what our ancestors would think of us, with how many people are using an O/S blatantly allowing themselves to be spied on and told what they can and cannot do.

This is the correct answer.

I swear to Christ all the W10 cancer is Goddamn staggering. I expected better from Holla Forums.


Your stunning insight is appreciated, faggot

our ancestors wouldn't think much of it.
Remember, they're the ones who created systems of government that allowed for tyrannical rule.

Honestly, you put too much stock into the ancestry of human kind. Privacy and personal freedom for the common man is a rather recent invention in terms of human history and even since then its sort of followed the same path of the only way you can achieve such things is if you are personally wealthy and thus above most of society as fame brokers no privacy and the wealth from it is because of other people.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand;
Why is any of this such a big deal? Just shove windows 10 in its own partition and use it for games only. If not, go to Linux and then become more heavily invested in console playing.

You guys are making a big deal out of what is essentially nothing AND an easy fucking problem to fix.

I refuse to believe so many people on Holla Forums are legitimately that retarded, and instead choose to believe it's just guerilla marketing from microsoft trying to force us into a defeatist attitude.

Yeah, people did that, and the anniversary update of windows 10 wiped their partition tables, rendering everything but windows incapable of booting.

Wait, really, this is the first i've heard of that

If true, that's worthy of a class-action lawsuit.

It's not like GNU/Linux and the BSDs have had this for the better part of two decades or anything. Hell, even OSX has had this for a long time.

or even less likely:

No I'm not

Its easier than you think when it comes to shit like that.

A company, above all else, does not want to look bad. You bring in a class action lawsuit claiming Windows 10 ruined your computer systems and they'll bend over backwards to pay you off or make some public show of fixing the problem.

Look it up on startpage:
windows 10 anniversary update wipes partition
You'll get plenty of results, hell that's not all.
asus PCs bricked by windows 7 update
windows 10 update bricks computer

Search any of those.

This logic truly does not hold water with Microsoft. They literally are too big to fail, regardless of public opinion.

Now that is sweet.

Even the French are tired of M$'s shit.


was it good?

Do you ever just see a comment and think "This looks like it was written by a literal addbot" but then stop youself, because AI isn't that advanced yet?

Well you got me… now I'm going to check out your damn game you damn shill.

Microsoft's ties to the government are too strong to ever get something done legally.

You will never become enlightened.

fuck you mark

It's only popular because normalfags only buy pre-builts and laptops and you're FORCED to buy that shit with Win10 on it. You can't escape it without making a self built.

it's cancer, you're not even in control of your privacy or updates so if they fuck up with an update you'll have to wait. i doubt any game devs will catch on to making windows 10 exclusives considering it alienates half of their customers.


new games are so shitty, I've lost all my desires

I know that feel man. The only game I'm looking forward to right now is Space Hulk Deathwing and I might just say fuck everything and set up Slackware on my main HDD again.

Why is she so perfect?

France is waking up to a lot of BS lately.

Certain parts of it were pretty good like the scene where they interrogate this dude whose brain was hacked by Hideo and he was unable to differentiate between his fantasies and reality, or some of the art direction and music like the robo geishas or Disasterpeace temp music. But it suffered heavily from the protagonist being absolutely terrible in almost every way. She was terrible at acting and put no effort into it, her visual design was strange (in a bad way), and all of her lines were incredibly boring, redundant, and straightforward. There was also apparently a lot of "blackwashing," I don't know all of the races of the original section 9 but now only one of them is Japanese, two are black dudes, one is a half Arab half British woman, and one is a half Chinese half British man. Apparently the Major's body was always an American one but she still spoke Japanese, but in the movie she couldn't pronounce Japanese names if her life depended on it so they fucked that up too.

tl;dr it was an okay 5/10 cyberpunk movie but if you already like GitS you'll probably absolutely despise it.

90% of steam users are normalfags who bought a game in a shop for their new laptop and it forced steam DRM on them. It's easy to game percentages when the majority is so large. If this survey was done in 2006, you'd get 15% vista users at the max.

hm.. haven't heard of this before (I don't follow any news nowadays), looks breddy gud, and I've played the tabletop version little, not a huge fan but call me maybe


It's by the EYE devs (EYE is in my top 10 but I can understand the people that don't care for it,) and EYE was totally not Space Marines x Blade Runner.

Go figure.


this survey
HTC Vive

vr sure is popular

wtf I hate GNU/Linux now!

I guess I'm a #MicroShitter now!

call me when there are any win 10 exclusives that are acutaly worth playing.
apart from that im just going to wait and ohpefully be able to swich to linux at some point.

I'm there with you.

how is it that every thread that puts its topic in redtext like this always ends up being cancerous? Does anyone else notice this? I saw a fuckton of it during the exodus a few weeks ago.

Seriously, who the fuck does this?

right handed people who want to use the mouse at the same time and not make their mouse smell like dick

theres no cancer free methods when dealing with microsoft

Debian-tan best OS-tan
Linux-tans best OS-tans


wow so many of you playing at once!

Fucking disgusting
sudo apt-get remove yourself

nVidia is not going to make drivers for LTSB.
What do you not understand about that?


wew lad

guess I better make some OC then but I don't have the slightest idea of what she should look like.


a colored person

I was thinking an albino nog with blue hair since that's the default color scheme but that just sounds weird.

Really is the distro for niggers.

Ubuntu or Kubuntu?

Nah. Anything worth playing still works with Windows 7, and it will for years, because the AAA shill devs that make games exclusively for DX12 make shitty games anyways.

I still have XP for my porn computer. I was thinking into switching to Linux, but I don't know about compatibility.

Windows 8.1 Terminally Ill Race reporting in

best way to stay on 7 is to use GWX

We've called Ubuntu nigger Linux for years so it's funny seeing it pop up.

We all know the tried and true distro is Slackware.

I still got XP as a backup OS on my school laptop.

it sounds sound like an african word

Linux is compatible with porn, yes.

It is an african word.

Windows 10 Enterprise still has the same driver and software compatibility problems as regular Windows 10 though. Even if there's less data collection, I don't trust that it's completely disabled.
I tried Linux for the first time after the Windows 10 reveal and found it perfect for myself, but I'll admit it's not for everyone. If Linux doesn't do what you need, just stick with Windows 7.

For general web browsing Linux is on par with Windows. If you use Tor or disk/file encryption for your porn, Linux is far superior in that regard.

Even then, it's getting harder and harder to find copies of Windows that don't involve sailing the high seas.

Seriously though, I only upgraded to 10 because Job required it and my Windows 7 repair disk was fucked while having issues with certain core files. This all comes down as Microshit pretty much closes all ability to fix this shit with free repair image DLs.

I probably wouldn't mind 10 so much if it wasn't for all the bullshit Microsoft thinks is needed for this OS when all they had to fucking do was make a faster version of 7 with support for more stuff.

Not at all.
Fonts look like shit.
DPI scaling is a clusterfuck.
Touch support is a joke.
No hardware acceleration whatsoever, CPU has to do everything including video decoding.
Much less browser options available (no Opera 12.18)
Flash player stuck at 11.2
Battery runtime generally lower.

Says who? I have enough games that run on up to and including win7 that it will last me many years. By that time, win10 will die just like vista did. And if not, I still have a load of games.

Skyrim 2 will be the best game ever and we even added spears this time, the cost of that is we need to use DX 12 but I know you goys guys will upgrade.

would a person who is too paranoid to install win10 take a survey collecting his data? think about it

Why did you blank your name but leave it next to your community tab, Megaman con Bigote?

And you're using Linux to solve this? Come on Windows has more hardware and software support than Linux.

I installed win10 on a 5 year old laptop and it detected hardware and installed the latest drivers seamlessly. People shit on Windows but it does work.

LTSB is still windows 10.

I just updated my Nvidia drivers in win10 Enterprise LTSB and had no issues.

Hate to break it to you user but a fresh OS with continuous security patches is less secure then the old OS because that means there is more zero day exploits and they're patching those holes up. The old OS with cutoff support won't have newly discovered exploits patched however at the same time there is less zero day exploits so you only have to worry about what does exist and the usual way to infect an OS will never really be fully prevented.

The Linux kernel actually has way more driver support out of the box, than any version of Windows.

That's because Windows 10 uses the same basis as 7. So no surprises there nigger.

I installed Linux on a 15 year old machine, runs faster than most Windows machines I've seen.


Fonts look fine in Gnome (and any other DE based on Gnome) and Plasma 5 if you just take the time to set them up.

DPI scaling is pretty good in Gnome now

Maybe you should try installing a touch friendly interface, user

Mostly depends on your hardware and the drivers you use(Nvidia+blob works fine for video editing).

Wew, you got us there…

Flash is up to date in Chrome (but the sooner you faggots just let it die, the better)

This is true to an extent, but you can use powertop to mitigate this issue.

Hey, we use 7 64bits.

The way I tend to see it is that Linux is more of a work environment than a general use sort of thing.
Because of its customizability, its scalability, its deployability to all sorts of platforms. It is truly a work-horse OS.
You can make it more friendly with all sorts of GUI and desktop things but I feel at its core it is far more useful if you have work to get done.
To be clear, I'm not talking about doing shit like writing up a report or something but I mean actual computer work. Networking, web stuff, server running, coding, etc etc.

If Windows is your living room then Linux is your garage.


Fuck it. All of it.

That Binbows 10 forced update fucked a lot of retarded people I know. My mom and sister didn't know how to cancel it and they didn't know it could be reverted, but the month window for the revert was over by the time I had visited them after this so now they're stuck with it until they get fed up enough and allow me to reinstall the operating system.

I only know a single person that actually wanted W10 on his computer and that's just because he's a massive casual that wants to play the current W10 exclusive games like Quantum Break and Gears 4.

What Linux distro is best?
I installed Mint but it fails to boot properly sometimes.

She loves you so much that she got rid of all those other girls that you don't need to see anymore now that you have her. You'll be together forever and ever, just the two of you, and she'll keep a close eye on you to make sure there are no problems.

For any retards who claim shills don't exist, just take a look at this thread.
Die, OP.

steam is infested with plebs.

Most probably accepted w10 upgrade without even knowing what was going on.

Also notice there is much more w7 than w8, so it points that the knowledgeable ppl didn't upgrade, while the pleb who was already on 8 upgraded (knowingly or unknowingly)

Yes, people not knowing their windows has been upgraded by micro$oft exist, I meet them everyday while helping out neighbors with computer problems.

Yes this please.

Linux distro of choice ? I want to vga passthrough also.


is win10 worse than vista?


I switched to my left for that reason. Now using my right feels weird.

That only lets you get rid of slightly more, it doesn't get rid of it entirely.

Kubuntu is about as easy to use as mint and looks nicer while doing it, but I've never heard of mint failing to boot in the context of it being mint's fault so maybe you're just retarded and fucked it up.

Does Vista have telemetry built into the operating system, show advertisements on the start menu, and look like it was made for tablets?

I suppose this is why Pixar makes their own Linux exclusive animation software, I had to render something over the course of a week once and I would have been as angry as this motherfucker if Winblows pulled this shit on me.

It's this fucking easy to disable telemetry and anything else you don't want on w7.

Spybot Anti-Beacon is a good start

I'd say yes. At least a fully updated Vista SP2 machine is almost on-par with Windows 7.
+no-telemetry or other blatant spyware updates
+no possible chance of a forced OS upgrade
+no ads in an OS you (are expected to) pay for
-some newer programs may block installation on Vista if they "require" 7 or later
-no idea how drivers are, but I'm assuming it's improved since it first came out
Might be some other problems, but if I need to boot into Windows I'd rather stick with 7 anyway (after blocking Win10 updates).

I know a few people who upgraded to 10, but most let me block the updates.
My friend who upgraded is now sick of Windows and is considering switching to a Mac even though he doesn't like Apple. (He didn't intend to upgrade from 8, but he didn't mind 10 after trying it out.) I can't decide if Win10 or Mac is worse, so I've given no opinion since he doesn't seem interested in letting me install 7. (My cousin says when their family Mac has a major upgrade it fucks compatibility with some of their programs. Does this happen to a lot of Mac software?)
The second one I installed 7 for him on a fresh computer and told him explicitly why I was doing 7 and not 10. (He paid me to set up his new gaming computer for him.) Within a week he upgraded saying he wanted his computer to be up-to-date and more secure despite telling him everything wrong with 10 that I knew of. (Uninstalling programs, driver issues, worse security, sketchy background processes, etc.) I was a little pissed, but moreso confused that he paid me for services then just ignored my advice.
The third person has aspergers. Very picky about the software he uses mostly for familiarity or ease of use. (Security and features usually take a backseat.) His home network and server are very insecure despite claiming to care about security. (He uses regular FTP on the standard port with no encryption for connections. This is part of the Windows server, so that means some of the accounts are admin accounts on said server, connecting in plaintext.) I sent him at least a dozen articles about issues regarding usability, and the worse privacy/security in Windows 10, but he still recommends it as an upgrade from 8. He thinks I'm exaggerating the problems because "Microsoft is a big company. There's no way they could get away with that with so many eyes on them." I also told him to enable some form of encryption on his FTP server, but he claims he's not big enough of a target to justify the extra security. He also told me he gets tens of thousands of attacks per month from people trying to hack his server. He's very knowledgeable in some areas, but he doesn't seem to give a shit about security for some odd reason.
My "computer-knowledgeable" friends think I'm weird for using Linux because everyone else uses Windows or Mac, but the biggest reason I even tried it was because of how terrifying I thought the Windows 10 reveal was.

As someone who deals with casuals using both just tell him to use mac. OSX is actually a pretty decent operating system and I don't think it's quite at W10 levels of telemetry, and it has the advantage of being unix based so if he ever wants to become competent he will find the terminal environment on OSX to be pretty comparable to ganoo slash Linux. It's also decisively better than W10 in technical aspects like performance, multi monitor support, virtual memory, and not pommeling your ass into submission with updates.

Though my recommendation will change next year when Jewgle merges Android and ChromeOS because Android is just a pretty heavily modified Linux distro and already is really easy for casual retards to use. Sure it spies on you far more than the alternatives, but since it's open source people can just fork that shit out without compromising on accessibility like using normal linux distros. It also isn't tied to massively overpriced hardware which is another plus if he doesn't want to build his own computer to make a hackintosh.

As for the updates fucking up your software I haven't seen that happen but I'm not exactly an expert on apple stuff since I only ever use it for a totally 100% legit "legally acquired" copy of Logic Pro.

But anyways this will all be much easier when I can just tell people to use Android on their desktops like I do with phones. Again I get that the telemetry is worse than anything else, but surveillance isn't something retards are going to care about until their country is run by a dictator. Fortunately the vast majority of this people believe that one of the two candidates is such a potential evil dictator, whether they think it's Trump or Shillary is irrelevant here, so I've found people to be more receptive towards the idea of open source software not because it doesn't spy on them but because it can be made to not spy on them by users should the time come where that would be absolutely necessary.

by far and long yes

Remember to not cry.

Making Windows look/work like a tablet is like putting motorcycle handlebars instead of a steering wheel in a car because motorcycles are popular.

don't tell me what to do

I miss XP-chan

You're fully aware that you can turn off all the kike spyware that's on Windows 10 correct? I use Bindows 7 on my gaming rig for obvious reasons since 7 was clearly the next step from vista, and XP is too archaic for modern games and the like.

Though I do have a rig with XP that I use for older shit as well as a back up system for older games that are too numerous for me to always keep reinstalling and cum. But anyways, Windows 10 is certainly better than the heap of shit that Windows 8 was, or 9/8.CUM or whatever the fuck it was called. Once you grow up and understand how to actually control what information goes out and what comes into your OS via programs, svchost bullshit and other little hidden spyware malware cumware that follows, you actually start to understand what can be done to circumvent the kikery that Bindows has, and you start to see how better Microshaft was before Bill Grates left and that disgusting autsitic Indian-Paki piece of shit took over and started trying to suck Apple's cock in terms of trying to meme Windows into a shit Mac OS clone because Indians know nothing about tech, let alone what's actually good.

But then again, Indians are just a bunch of fucking posers who smell like SHIT.


Nigga please, it could be scanning your hard disk constantly whenever you have it open. If you're meaning the list of installed programs it doesn't collect that anymore. Again if you think it does why would it not send it without your permission?


Holla Forums memes

Well there's why. The sort of dipshit retarded enough to use steam is retarded enough to use windows 10.

And? That won't stop them from paying people to fuck off.

Joke's on you OP I don't play video games there's no reason to ever upgrade.


Let me tell you, same here, but Realtek decided their servers should be in Haiti or wherever and only connectable via ip address. That was fun trying to even navigate their site for drivers to work in W10. Hell even the ones for W10 don't fix the audio i/o issues. Plus the OS can't decide if it wants to be a desktop or tablet OS, half the ui is one or the other and at that point I just quit bothering when I knew I'd have to manually edit the registry to switch ui parts to the W7 version and then cross my fingers that microdicks wouldn't clear them in forced updates. The whole OS is just an insult to anybody who likes to tweak.

While I haven't had any issues with W10 on my private PC, we've got nothing but trouble with it at work. Especially the constant retarded updates that break shit for no reason - Drivers, Office macros, you name it.

Should have stuck with W7 and just turned off updates completely.

install gentoo

go away mirosoft

Yeah well you'll never be able to air gap your PC if you want to get online. I don't have anything on my PC that I'm ashamed of or get me in trouble. I live in a pretty cool country.
Besides MS can't deliver updates without at least some degree of telemetry, can they?
If you want to be paranoid you'll never get anything done. Every program/app is sending data containing who knows what to who knows where.

While this thread is about Windows, I thought I'd ask a question about the store.

If I want to buy a game on the Windows store, I need a Microsoft account and an Xbox Live account in order to tie the game to the account and download it, and play online. If I create an account, can I change the username/profile name in the future like Steam, or is it permanent/$10 to change? I ask because I currently have an Xbox Live account from 5+ years ago with a username I am not happy with keeping. I don't care about starting fresh with a new account/stats/etc.

Pirate it.

This has been said many times over but still:
It is literally a webshop and "botnet" made to look like a windows system.
It will steal your passwords to your computer and others that use the same local. And will send all data to ms, if you want or not. Just don't use it. Find a win7copy and turn off the updates.

Windows 10 is just what most computers come with now and most people aren't going to be damned to change it.

It's as simple as that.

still not "upgrading"

You know what is even funnier? There is a Enterprice version on W10. It is not openly sold, and you can probably bet on what the difference to "normal" version is. No botnet, no forced ads and no aggressive datamining. So does your version seem like a scam now? It should.

I don't use windows 10. I have heard about that version though.

This. For how hard 10 is being pushed, between the sneaky "ugrade" they tried to push on people, and comign on everything new, and their shilling, 47% is pretty shit. For months it would upgrade you to it automatically if you didn't shut updates off…but half the people taking this hardware survey STILL didn't upgrade to it.

Yeah nothing new, but the "Enterprice version" was the last nail on the coffin for many. Since it was basically just "not being constantly raped" version. And obviously many people would want that.

Nice try Chaim but no dice. I'll rather switch to Linux if Win 7 ever stops being usable for some reason.

Somehow I dont know if the advertisements or the spying is worse. They made the O/S not feel like home. I mean, when thinking about it, just comparing 7 to 10 desktop wise. The desktop is where you organize shit, where you fiddle around, move windows, and everything else. Imagine how much less it feels like your main hub and your own when there are fucking advertisements popping up from the desktop itself. As I see it you don't really own windows10 and they make that abundantly clear.

I will get rid entirely of PCs, when that happens.

Ubuntu is a nigger…

No games I want are exclusive to 10, add to that bloat and spyware and thanks but no thanks

How fucking dumb can people get? I mean, it was an entire OS for FREE! Did people think that M$ was doing that at a loss?

But user, Kubuntu already has a mascot!
Kubuntu is the best distro for anyone is isn't an autist looking to waste their time
only exception is an autist who actually knows what they are doing, then it's Gentoo if it fits their use case

Who does this?

People who look through multiple images/videos over the course of their fapping

just take your hand off your dick for a few seconds at a time, do you even edge?


To be fair. The reason that it does this is because Windows users are retarded and never install security patches unless its forced.

what's the difference between kubuntu and mint KDE?



and i wish you could redtext, you faggot