Post nothing but COMFY games in this thread

Post nothing but COMFY games in this thread.


what its it about building games that is so comfy?


Comfiest games I have ever snuggled up to with hot cocoa after work.

Barring a few levels, anyhow (I find all three PS1 entries pretty comfy, but some of the optional missions in Ripto's Rage and Year of the Dragon are really anger inducing). The music certainly helps.

Reminds me that I still need to get around to that soon.




Is there something like OpenTTD but for zoo tycoon?



is the Vita version any good? Kinda torn between which version to get.

You'd be surprised, a few winters ago I had a blast with this.

For me it's the freedom and ambience

not that I know of



At least you can still find the old OST on youtube.

I think I've heard all three versions are good, but maybe ask in the Vita thread how it compares to the other releases.

I actually have a question about this. I just started playing roller coaster tycoon 1, and was wondering how 2 is different.

ToS can be pretty comfy

it added buildings and walls instead of having to paint raised ground. more shops and stalls. theaming for rides and stations. some extra coasters I think. Sandbox mode. better (ish) guest pathing. more music to add to rides.



Really? So the first one doesn't have a sandbox, I need to pirate 2 right away. So RCT one doesn't have it? I was wondering why I couldn't find it. Thanks user, have a comfy pepe for christmas

Maybe it's a family outing?

I have the vita version and it's pretty great. It looks and plays well so it's a solid choice if you want it portable.

To be fair the barkeeper has a unique face.

Old School:
Below the Root
Where in the USA is Carmen San Diego
Murder on the Mississippi

Tropico 3, 4 & 5

Tropico 4 was actually surprisingly great, 5 fell totally flat though

man i remember playing this in middle school, loved it.

Does it have a super big patch like some games do? My memory card is a little over half full so i'm trying to conserve the space I got.

That's the opposite of comfy for me. Bad art and a static environment. And like the other guy said they all have the same face which is extremely off-putting.

What do you not like about 5?


So comfy.

Kirby's Epic Yarn is ultimate comfy

All you had to say was Kirby.

Its new. and its comfy af.

Forgot to add music from the game, my bad

That particular Kirby game holds a special place in my heart, so that's why I mentioned it specifically.
Kirby in general is pretty comfy though honestly.

This is the most comfy game for fall. i dont care if the creator is a faggot cuckold, i dont think he had anything to do with the development because the game is redpilled as fuck, and about taking suburbia back from the hands of the jews and the untermensch they invaded suburbia with

Four is best, and /comfy/-est, I agree.


Any guide to the various Atelier games?

I've only played Atelier Iris 1-3. Loved Atelier Iris 1 for the cool alchemy system and distinct characters, but felt 2 was way too generic RPG like, and 3 was okay but felt kinda easy and unfocused.


There's a pair of images some user made, but they have a number of issues that were never fixed up. I've thought of revamping them (starting with taking the text on them into a text editor and fixing it for errors, typos, and misinformation), but it would probably be better for someone more familiar with the series on the whole to handle the content and additions at the very least (though I'd still be happy to handle the layout).

I'd love to give that a go, but for some reason FC keeps bugging out on my Vita before I can even reach an opportunity to make a save file. Not sure what's up with that.

Redownload it?

Suburbia is a concentration camp for white people.

I've thought of that (I'm honestly don't sure what the issue has been, but the game's crashed multiple times after that intro scene of Joshua being brought home), but since my Vita's still on 1.6 and has the opportunity to use Henkaku (mainly waiting to see where all it goes or if they release one that works with 1.61 down the line), I'd have to update the firmware because for some reason Sony's made it so you can't so much as transfer games, even older ones from the PS1 or PSP, to the system from a PS3 (how I generally prefer to download stuff; connection's more stable in my experiences) without the firmware being up to date. Same with additional content

There's a trick to transferring games from PS3 if you've got QCMA. Connect to QCMA on your computer over USB, then disconnect the usb from the computer end and immediately plug it into the the PS3.

How fast is "immediately" meant to be for this? Wondering what sort of leeway there is (if it's even a case of "reconnect in X seconds" or whatever). And would that work for not just game transfers, but also DLC?

It's pretty lenient, and yeah it works for DLC.

…I also wouldn't wait for Henkaku to be backported. Chances are it won't, and if it does it's not happening any time soon. You might as well download the 3.60 update files and use QCMA to update yourself.

My bad, it's actually at 3.60. I don't know why I kept thinking I was at 1.6. Anyhow, I'll look into it, thanks. Just been a bit annoyed that some games that I'd grabbed extra content for when it was free couldn't be placed on the Vita without the skittle for the game being present, and now that I have the games and their node, I can't put them on without updating.