What are some decent Holla Forums youtube channels?
I know of a few but I am bored and want some more to watch.
Also yes you can shill your channel to me if it's decent
What are some decent Holla Forums youtube channels?
what are your tastes
Related looks great
Comedy, analysis, anything really as long as it's Holla Forums related.
Vid related also goes to Holla Forums.
I used to like Ross. After finishing Freeman's Mind I didn't watch anything from him, don't know how he's nowadays. Though I think he was working on a movie or something. I also used to like AVGN but that was years ago, I heard it got pretty shitty.
For Let's Plays I used to watch Freelance Astronauts, they were pretty fun but they also stopped making videos like 4 years ago
Saint, watch him now.
Ross is still pretty solid. I havn't watched his update vids though so who knows.
Ross's new videos are far better than his Freeman's mind stuff.
Post something of him then. You make a bad shill.
He is my favorite
Posting smaller Holla Forums channels that I enjoy because they need more love.
i am the greatest
Joseph Anderson
There's probably more, but those are the fags I like to watch.
That's pretty good m8. Thanks
kys tbh fam
Being mean is against the rules
Crowbcat is okay. Previously Recorded is also okay if you avoid all of their streamed shit and stick to their mainline reviews.
How about I hold you down and tickle you, faggot?
I like EmptyHero but I find his fake stories pretty boring and unfunny.
What are some good trolling channels like DanielFromSL, please dont say Manlet.
Britbongreturns of course
Random Madness, the guy who does Gore Reviews. He's the most excellent youtube video game design theorist. Multiple devs, including Verdun's devs, took some advice from him.
not on my Holla Forumsatch fag
You sure showed me user.
Slipping up Holla Forums.
Why the fuck did you delete my posts?
I'm going to try to repost the links the pocket deleted for some reason.
The reason most people came to this site is so we don't have to deal with commie mods.
That's pretty rare.
I HAVE to make the movie guys!
I love Ross. He is the single and only guy who I actually can't wait to see content from, all other video game commentators are shit.
Well, it could be worse.