Are beast races really that unpopular or are devs just lazy?
Are beast races really that unpopular or are devs just lazy?
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in MMOs humanoid characters tend to be way more popular tho there are exceptions: obvious furbait races tend to be popular enaugh.
Non humanoid looking animal races tend not to be popular (compare Guild wars Char with Elder SCrolls Khajiit, youll see the former arent played alot the second quite a bit)
there are some exceptions to that of course too. From my expirience Lizardmen tend to be more popular with non furries than lets say Cat people, see iksar becoming the de facto iconic race of Everquest or Argonians beeing fairly popular in TES.
Wolf or Dog people on the other hand ten dto be 100% furry territory.
If you get too creative with races it can be a gamble. If they are too alien nobody will play them, if they are just alien enaugh they might just get hugeley popular (such as draenei, even if they are only popular on /d/)
Degenerates and furries basically. Moral of the story is to leave the bait well enough alone if you want to keep these people out of your community.
Beast races require different rigging, reskinned humans are thus easier. You'll get beast races as enemies because enemies by far and large use generic animations but player characters require custom and detailed ones, and generic is always easier than custom and detailed. The devs are just lazy.
It's part that and part
A lot of folk jump the gun and cry furry. But it is also a rather large pain to make different than your human types, as they tend to need whole new models and animations and shit.
Unless you go the Skyrim route, and just make them humans with human digits. But that's shit.
You know, there's a criminal lack of birdpeople in video games.
I won't mind beast races if not for the fact the designs are boring as fuck, they're always humanoid and they basically play the same way as the other races.
What if I want to play as something like a giant spider for once? Have it play differently from the humans, give it abilities like being able to walk on walls, or regain health from eating enemies.
Add downsides not not being able to cast magic or hold weapons. Have armour for specifically for them.
Doing an Elder Scrolls-style approach to this is so fucking lazy.
I have a beast race, I've attached a picture in my Email so you can see it.
It's shit, but it does let you spider up in things.
That said, though, I would love a Redwall-style game.
Honestly, we need more slug like races.
The idea that some jello like creature developed into something that is intelligent makes me begin to question its history. How his culture devoloped, why did this creature thrive, and how did his living conditions force his behaviour.
With beast races, how a creature started out plays such an interesting role on how they are, that devs should use it to jump into new territory of character interaction.
There's a few out there, most fantasy mmo's have them, but they're never major factions and questing never takes place near them, or they're relegated to generic enemy.
How fucking dare you, you entitled little shit.
Bit of a shame. They have a lot of potential. And, unlike cat or dog people, they don't really have much of a 'furry' reputation tacked to them.
Plus, feathers > fur
I was wondering how long it would take before someone'd post some Guoh.
You kind of need arms if you want to be as good a tool user, the humanoid part is either fetishism, relatability, or not wanting to do custom work required for it.
Playing an animal would require a specific type of game to cater to it.
A problem with that is it would require a huge amount of effort; something modern devs dislike.
It's far easier to just take a human and slap fur onto it than to create an entire new form of gameplay.
Not really beast races related but i'm super sad Bloody Roar is dead
It was one of only a very few amount of good 3d fighters, and it did an amazing job of making it's antho characters feel like actual fucking feral animals or monsters
But konami owns it and if it came back it'd probably be made to appeal to furries so maybe it should stay dead
Cause its a pain in the ass. By the looks of this thread, anyways.
If you want to do a good beast race(aka not a human re-color) then you've got problems. You need to abandon tools and weapons and all that stuff you probably spent years on, then you have to make it so the monster natural abilities have the same power as someone using items.
If someone has a different idea on how to do a beast race then speak fucking up. Maybe tying them to human characters and having them use "beast weapons/tools"? but that's another pile of spiriting and modeling that nobody wants to do.
Shit, man, you're seven posts late.
There's a few odd solutions to that. Best way is probably adding an odd hand manipulator instead of legs on one set, as far as spiders go.
Fuck, I didn't recognize it from the thumbnail so I didn't even bother to check.
You don't have to abandon tools and weapons, mate.
Just give them a hand.
You know exactly what's going to happen to this thread.
No you don't. You can have beast races needing weapons. The only thing you'd need to change is likely gloves and shoes.
Maybe do a system where leveling up isn't done by grinding, but by completeing feets. Any monster can kill regular monsters, but if he can kill a unique monster, himself would be made pretty strong and stand out. After going through this trial, hes made tougher, new design(maybe more scars or he grows new shit), and he has learned a bunch of new moves at the get go.
I think we have the option to do new things, we just have to take the risk.
Bloody Roar pachinko soon.
It's almost always the latter part of that, user. You don't need a "specific type of game" to implement his idea, you just need a lot of effort.
Easily the biggest problem would be that you'd going on uncharted territory. There's been thousands of games where you play as a human and act like one, but not very many where you play as human-sized spiders (or most other creatures).
There wouldn't really be anything to take from, you'd have to be coming up with entirely mechanics and gameplay elements on your own, which could either lead to something truly groundbreaking or it could be a disaster. Nobody really wants to take that risk, partially why video games (and many other mediums) have stagnated so much.
If a bug with exoskeleton gets shot, would his body be able to grow back the shell. I assume that the shell is from over time hardening ofthe skin, so if a hole appears in it, it probably wont get fixed unless the bug removes its old skin for a new shell or replaces the old piece back inside.
Just curious thats all
You know what we really need? Setting with beatpeople being dominant species, but they're neither cartoony kidbait nor anime human proportions with tails, muzzles, ears and thick layer of fur tackled on.
And trousers.
As some have said in the /tg/ thread, it's important to make them ugly.
Man, i'd even be okay with that
at least it's SOMETHING
You'd have to ask someone knowledgeable on bug physiology, mate.
I'd assume it'd be the same as if any regular bug got a puncture wound, though.
Eh, "ugly" isn't exactly the right term.
The trick is to make them different, really.
You don't want to go full /furry/ where they're literally just humans with different colored skin and a funky head, but that's it. You want them to have their own little characteristics and such, properly look distinguishable from your regular human types.
They can definitely be "pretty", they just can't be humans, more or less. They have to actually be different.
/tg/ thread on the lot was pretty good, though. But I feel you got the wrong message.
Obligatory extra kobolds
Man, I hate how there were only a twenty-five real years of experimentation in vidya before there became deeply-embedded "norms" and standards.
Movies got a long time to experiment before things starting locking in place and even then I think that medium prematurely "grew-up", so-to-speak. Vidya got even less time, and there's so much more you could do with vidya than with movies.
Every game that comes out is so homogenized it hurts, they're all the same few ideas rearranged and reskinned. Games like Skyrim and Call of Duty share many of the same mechanics, just with scale differences and variations.
it depends on the bug, spiders move their limbs kinda like hydraulics, so if they get a damaged limb they're more then likely loosing the whole thing
Thing is, we're somewhat experiencing an acceleration of development of things, where previously it would take decades now years are enough to explore things as much. One of reasons I'm sceptical for VR, everyone keeps talking about how much potential there is yet thanks to fear of nausea there's little ground to cover.
Most insects do not survive internal injury, or any injury at all, as they cannot heal fast enough.
In rare cases that they do, what happens depends on the stage of life they're at:
-If it's young enough/still growing, the damaged shell will eventually be replaced with a new one.
-If it's fully grown/matured, it will only recover the internal damage, provided it has a mechanism to prevent any further damage.
It's even worse, practically any injury is eventually going to immobilize the spider, since the aforementioned 'hydraulics' will lose pressure, and cease to function.
poor spiders…
Spiders regrow limbs, as far as I know.
Man, makes me feel bad for bugs.
I guess it is a tradeoff for the armor, but still, that's a mite shit.
They do, could be cool if when hurt you had to rip off your limbs but you grow them back if you're playing as a spider.
This is hot.
This is not.
Know the difference. It could save you from being called a fucking casual.
Why even bother.You might as well just stick with a human.
Its mainly laziness. TES, just as an example, has many variants of Khajit and Argonian but Bethesda just settle with furry humanoid or scaly humanoid.
you guys dont like dryders?
that wasn't a dryder, that was a animu girl in a costume
Not really. Never was a fan of them, mermaids, centaurs, or any half-critters really.
That was supposed to be a dryder?
Beast races are for furries.
Go yiff in hell.
middle has no tits yet looks female, i don't get it
it's the eyes
That's how Guoh draws all female kobolds, because he's a weird who believes lizards can't have breasts.
God I hate this meme.
Every world must have its imperfections, user.
He does draw with breasts occasionally. Nobreasts is still better. Anyone who says otherwise is a queer who doesn't understand glorious egg laying hips.
There's not much of any sensible reason for a critter what lays eggs to have breasts.
It don't need them. Nice and simple. Keep mammalian qualities out of my reptiles.
Recoloring the same bipedal model seems to work great.
If you're shit, yeah.
Also, giving them any sort of deep character that isn't a fucking joke seems to be impossible. TES skipped over the animation issues but fell hard on this front.
The beast races in morrowind cant wear boots
Well it worked for mass effect and SW:ToR.
Yeah I know they are shit games. But any lazy dev could do it and people don't bash them for it.
I bash Mass Effect for their shit-tier aliens. Star Wars always had them, so at least is consistent.
I've spoken to all 3 types. They don't care about alium designs at all. And there are a ton of star wars fags.
Yeah. Because they're all fucking faggots, user.
Stop talking to faggots.
Proper xenophiles hate that gay shit.
It's a shame frogmen never appear in anything. I don't know how they'd talk, because the largest frog, the Goliath Frog, is almost completely silent.
The next EDF will have frogmen but they will just be a enemy type that doesnt speak I guess
Shilling for lizardtits in a mobile gaem:
furries pls get out
I meant in general, it doesn't work like that for the other TES games.
Aside from tits being awesome.
Well, Trek had to deal with a lot of budget stuff in the original that really skewed the universe. Though they actually did put in a cannon explanation for it. Even then they at least tried things like giant lizard man race. One of the reasons I hate Abrams movies so much is having modern effects and blockbuster budget and the best alien he can do is poor cg tails on girls in less makeup than cosplay girls.
ME didn't have to horrible of an alien roster… but I'm only saying that because the bar is below ground level at this point, and they wasted or ignored just about every interesting aspect about them in favor of… whatever the fuck was going on.
I'll pass. Mobile games hardly qualify for games in my opinion. Even if I can get lizard tits in it, it isn't worth my time.
there's even a pepe wizard though!
give it a whirl but don't' expect much that and i'm playing monster super league currently.
Why aren't beast races depicted like apes who have been taught language?
What the hell do I care?
Welp, there goes my good mood.
is that the game spider for PS1?
Dwarf Fortress has every beast race you never new existed. It's also extremely easy to mod in your own races. You can change the Dwarves you play as to pretty much anything if you wanted.
Flustered there, boyo?
when is this game suppose to be out
That's what the pre-register is for: to notified by email when it's coming out. Don't see any dates on the japanese site nor their official twitter.
It doesn't look like the Fantasica I played when I originally got a tablet(a tower defense), but if it's monetized in any way similarly to it(it is by the same devs) then it's not worth the wait regardless.
bad caim
only best angelefu and worst adopted daughterfu 4 u
Aw shit it's the furbait thread.
The only good beast races in a vidyer game are from roguelikes unfortunately.
I loved the Birdmen from Shining Force.
Birds would make for a lot of different, cool races in different settings. Just taking into account things like having hollow bones and basically being as light weight as possible could lead to a whole lot of interesting armor and clothing considerations, weapons and fighting styles.
You have frogmen in Titan Quest: Immortal Throne
The third image is fucking cool. I love that tribal wearing of skulls look.
It's tumblr level furshit.
Can they wear full helmets there? I recall they can't.
That might be true too, I never really bothered playing beast races because of the armor restrictions so I must have forgot.
Think about it this way, as mediums emerge, they tend to require more and more resources to create, games require more than movies, movies require more than books, books more than paintings, and so on. This means they will find something that is comfy and cheap faster out of necessity, and likewise be dragged out of that pit slower.
As if anybody would care.
Making vidya has never been easier than now
Well you either are competing with AAA, which is very difficult graphically, or you use RPG maker or some premade, which is 9/10 shit, or you actually learn and make everything yourself and put a lot of man hours and money into it, which is difficult.
What's stopping you?
They are popular, just not popular enough to justify the additional work by the cookie cutter Devs of today when considering the have the ris of the WRONG kind of popularity because Furries.
Remember how well WRAITH PORN shut down shills due "brand contamination"? Now imagine that with the whole weight of the Furry Fandom behind it.
Additional cost for a higher risk at no discernible gain.
they're lazy, give me some actual beasts to romance
I recognize that horse
he's the cutest bicorn boy i ever done did see
Nigga that's a fucking goat.
i can never remember what this comic is called.
i could swore i had downloaded it, but i dont have it
nah m8, it's got one hoof, goats have split ones.
mare holic vol.2
I want to fuck a Turian. no homo
This asshole is the reason devs don't try. Why bother putting in effort when degenerates will ruin it for everyone else.
Good choice. I hope you mean bottoming for
Pic somewhat related
That reminds me of those faggots who haven't even started coding but already have issues regarding their potential fanbases. You know, the
It can work. Too much effort though, easier to just make everything a blue or green human and call it a day.
It doesn't matter what I like, only that I enjoy myself. I wish the same for you.
i would cum all over that cute white things face
What if someone enjoys murder?
Beast races are thrown in at the last second in an attempt to make their franchise stand out from being just another Tolkien clone. (Which every fantasy series has borrowed from in one form or another)
You are never going to see TES Black Marsh or Elsweyr. Scalies or Furries do not add to the lore anywhere, ever. Nobody cares about them. Khajiits in skyrim only exist for stupid memes. "Khajiit not steal sweet role!" ect. ect.
This isn't a philosophical debate, jerk off to what you like, gosh
Then they'll fap to murder. Guro is not exactly hard to find.
You're baiting us, right?
And you will never help the Drakken gain freedom from the Endless programming
Indeed. With humans and elves nobody ever creates degenerate serial depictions of those characters. I mean if they did it would instantly ruin those characters for everyone.
let them "save" the world
Can i sniff his ass?
pls go
I think beast races are popular enough, it's just that they aren't very creative. It's always the same shit with Reptile/Dog/Cat-people and nothing else. I'd love it if we got more Arthropod-people that had to adapt to being fragile like outlined or heavy but from a marine environment like a crab or lobster.
The reason we don't get these sort of things is mostly due to laziness though.
There's a pretty good reason for that.
Then perhaps that is the way they should be. A race that rarely speaks but communicates in body language and pheromones, recently adopting written language to communicate better with the vocal races.
Cute kemono girls are nice, especially kemololi.
Degenerate. Kemoshota is where it's at.
Just kidding user, kemololi is good too
Cute kemoshota is nice. Better if feminine too.
I would think arthropods wouldn't damage easily, just that they wouldn't hell from their damage. If they were still small, sure, but a human-sized arthropod should have a really thick exoskeleton/shell.
yes please.
Humans: naturally high endurance but sucks at running in bursts, rather focuses on traveling, and ability to recover from near fatal injuries or even broken bones (a horse's leg breaks, no more walking let alone racing and that shit), that could translate as being best suited to Paladins or Healer mages, heavy walls with healing abilities they can pass to others.
Wolves: the lone wolf is actually rather rare, and wolves live in packs and organize to a degree, so they'd be suited to a Commander type class, where they bark orders to increase stats.
Eagles, birds etc: Light figures with hollow bones suited to flying, they'd be suited to a basic Ninja class that dodges attacks, or suited to an Archer or Sniper class given they can change sniping spots using their wings
Spiders or bugs: Lots of species have weird and crazy ass gimmicks compared to other life forms (spider webs are obvious, but some species of termite have heads that explode out glue at enemies), and spiders themselves have a variety of methods to catch prey and escape (webs, trapdoor spiders, poison) So they'd be suited as Mages, not to mention some insects are so mechanically sound they can lift 100's of times their own body weight, survive a fall and have no terminal velocity, etc, and most of these bastards fight without concern for their own well being, so Berserker class as well.
I could go on and on, but you could have a character based RPG based around the races and animals of Earth and it would be fucking amazing how much variety you can find. martial artists in china looked to animals for inspiration on techniques, maybe we should as well, even if we aren't making monster characters.
I'd never play a beast race.
you can't post something like that with no sauce, user. please gibe
Just as I expected
yeah, but that was inevitable. It at least lasted a long time before that happened. And there's only a few posts of porn, not really dump territory yet.
this thread has turned to shit, would have liked to see more kemo but whatever floats your boat man
lazy subpar work sells so devs don't innovate anymore
beast races always end up either being generic primal animal instinct meatheads or some kind of exposition for a human culture.
Gays get out.
why must you play me like this?
Don't pretend you don't like it
Not really, it's exoskeleton would be a mix of chitin and keratin and both requires moulting to accommodate growth and it only needs to support the internal structure and protect the internal structure. A really thick shell that's more then half a centimeter thick is really hard to believe. For healing it would simply periodic moulting is specifically meant to deal with this.
We're probably talking something thicker though than half a centimeter.
It would have to act as a viable means of supporting an upright stance to get that delicious anthropomorphism going, and even if the thicker parts were only strategically placed ribbing, half a centimeter of chitin is still a pretty formidable outer layer(and it would likely have more, since it'd be ridiculous for something human sized to shed all it's skin/skeleton periodically).
Think armadillo, but harder, and without the need to curl up for protective coverage.
I think OP wanted a legit thread and not all this fucking furfaggotry.
fine user, two can play this game
If it needs to be thicker it only needs to be thicker at the bottom and thinner at everywhere else excluding joints, the reason for this is because the musculature will be anchored to the exoskeleton from inside and at the joints instead of what crabs are like or even insects and hydraulics. By the way I'm already taking into account internal anatomy you don't just upscale a crab and increase it's shell then presto.
Realistically it'd only be millimeters thick, do you even know how thick half a centimeter is? Go look at a ruler dude.
That was your last mistake.
In addition to this depending on what you're going for a third or even half of it's insides will be completely hollow or filled with some sponge like substance glued to the inner lining of the shell, or just some shock absorbent gel because the most dangerous things a humanoid crustacean has to be worried about would be blunt trauma followed by strategic puncture wounds with poison or liquifying spit (humanoid Robber Flies). It's shell would also be shaped for blunt trauma and preventing grappling, for crab people there is of course the dual nature of land and water to consider, and in fact the legs would be pretty much like Ostrich legs for insects. For hair it'd be fuzzy all over an insect shell because small sensitive sensory hairs will always beat out fuck huge sensory hair.
Insect eyes would either be like two Zaku styled Mono Eyes or like a Cellphone camera. Of course crab and bug people will have full working lungs (gill/lung hybrid for crab people) because the circulatory system of a normal insect is unnecessary and a regular circulatory system is required.
he is from a american VN
The worst offenders are beast races with human faces. They might as well not create one at all.
I'll return the favor
Probably better than you do.
5 millimeters is about double of what a plate in a medieval suit of armor had on average(2-3mm), and depending on the exact chemical composition of the plates(flexibility vs durability), they'd behave approximately like motorcycle armor(5mm hard plastic + padding), which is more than enough to stop something like a slashing knife or animal claws.
A human sized anthropomorphic insect would probably have all sorts of evolutionary adaptations to support it's anatomy, but even ignoring those it would still be more resistant to damage than a human is.
The only exception to the above is having it's limbs pulled out of their sockets.
You probably want it because you think it's about traps.
This looks pretty good, I appreciate the new fap material!
I'm talking purely of supporting it's own frame with that question. The entire shell being that thick is too much, it's legs would be like an ostrich in which case most of it's legs would be the shell but the rest of it's upper body would have varying thickness of only milometers. The other problem is where the spots for the shell to grow would be but I'd just assume it starts centralized then where the shell grows slowly moves to growing from a centralized point to the joints with overlapping plates.
stonetear pls go
There are also sorts of problem making a realistic insect "big", for the same reason that we don't actually see large insects in real life.
Insects don't really recover from injury unless they are going to molt or pupate. A bullet wound might be able to seal off and stop from getting worse, but it will never get better unless it undegoes a drastic change.
Insects don't have lungs, they breath through their skin. They can get away with this because they have a large amount of surface area compared to their volume. You basically need to give them lungs, or multiple distributed lunglike organs under some kind of evolved spiracle (though that would make any bodies of water very dangerous to them)
Additionally, insects are cold blooded and lack an immune system like ours. They use chemicals to inhibit disease. Again, they can get away with this because they are small letting just enough of them to avoid dying long enough to fuck and spew out hundreds or thousands of kids, most of whom won't make it.
What I'm saying is, it's easy to give a human insect like traits, than to take an insect and try to make it human. A large insect would have to end up more like a large reptile than anything truly insectoid.
At which point you have to make a decision: do you try to make a realistic sensible organism, or do you choose rule of cool and have it be obviously retarded.
Well one of the big things for sensible design is replacing chitin since that's the biggest problem while people don't care much about the insides and how they work as long as it looks like a bug.
It's a joke anons, just a joke.
don't even have to replace chitin,just make it look good + interesting racial traits
I thought I did from the thumbnail, but then I noticed it was just a normal horse with weird ears, instead of a unicorn.
I want it because it is about man(who is probably feminine) dressed as girl and sucking cocks.
Captch: GoG War
Fine you double fag.
also good lore once you get established lorefags
Better than a double nigger.
Since sauce was posted might as well add one of the best into the pool.
10 stories by various artist including sindoll
Even better
About making it believable, I like to think of insects as if they were organic robots.
For example, if you were to make sections of the insect-person detachable, and replaceable(effectively a separate organism), it would make a lot more sense for it to be human sized, as they could cooperate by contributing to a whole-greater-than-sum, rather than by expendable numbers.
As far as going full retard: pic related.
you're trash
you forget this?
end your life nigger
No, grandma glasses are shit.
I wanna fuck that Ent
you're shit
oh shit you're right, how embarrassing.
Have another good one
dammit i need sleep
this is already included in what's been posted.
He's one that isn't
also I just noticed that this one isn't translated
Fuck it. I'll handle this shit in the morning.
Unrelated, but I want to know, so i'll ask anyway. I don't know much about the site, but is it true that you actually have to be an active forum poster to keep account on the site?
Now we're talking, not some shitty glasses.
no, I have never made a post on any forum, and I've had my account be a-ok.
Starbound is one exception there with the bird race being major. But unfortunately, it's Starbound.
nah you sign up and you follow some steps to get access to the site and then you're golden.
Thanks lads! Cheers.
Acquired my material for this weeks faps, thanks fellas
The Monotremes and Therapsids would like a few words with you.
You do realize that most lizards have incredibly small teeth right?
You do realize Crocodilians and their like are an extreme minority right?
I was really fond of the toad people from WKC and their silly aussie accents.
It's a shame that the games was so rushed and unfinished that playable beast races where completely out of the question.
Not even the literal nekogirl race was made playable.
They still lack lips user.
Or they could be used as lures.
Angler fish use shiny bait to attract stupid bait; monster girls use big tiddies to attract stupid humans.
*stupid fish.
Because I am also a stupid human.
Let's face it, devs are just fucking lazy.
you know, I don't think I have ever in my life seen any kind of beast race with tail armor, even in non vidya mediums, I need that in my life.
I'm feeling stupid, can someone walk me through passing the panda in Palemoon?
I used to know how to do this, I knew how to find my cookies and delete anything pertaining to g.e-, but I can't figure out how to do it anymore.
I don't think the second one even works.
I last did it on palemoon through my phone but You sign in on the forums and you go to exhentai and if it doesn't work clear all cookies and try again. Thats what I did and It worked for me
but imagine if it was a fantasy setting, imagine what kind of weakness an exposed tail leaves in hand to hand combat. You could even but spikes on it and use it as defense if you can whip it around.
There is a disgusting lack of tail armor in anything.
Can't much think of any.
If only they weren't.
What's udderly disgusting is the lack of thicc demon grill tails.
Eh. Demons never did it for me.
Still, they ought have the nice tails.
I always hated how the gooks just love sticking shithair on things.
Yeah, that's still not working for me. I've tried using Exhentai Easy on firefox, but every time it gives me Error: Login Failure. Which isn't the same as a wrong password, I tried that, it just means fuck you, your login doesn't work.
see if this helps you at all. I remember I formated my computer once and used a guide to get back in
I'm not picky about it as long as it looks cute/cool. But I do wish they do it more often.
Am I missing something?
I can't wait to see a monster girl based off a penis snake. somehow
Kek, another poor soul rused by the panda.
Exhentai requires some kind of shitty authentication before you can see the site. There's some tutorial somewhere, but special secret clubs are gay tbh.
Frankly, exhentai links should be an autoban.
Tbqh kill yourself.
See this
Problem solved, shit it works
I really wish furfags would fuck off and keep their degeneracy to themselves. You are turds in the pool, both on the internet and in real life. You ruin everything, and I hope you die.
You stupid niggers just need to learn how to get in.
Get ready to have the sorest dick ever
Catfolk are OK if they're done a la Thundercats style (human face, big cat physical features and body hair). What I'd really love to see is Kobolds and ostrich-like Birdfolk as playable beastmen races. Hell, monkey people and Snail-folk as playable races as well.
Me too brah.
Except Sindoll of course.
seems like a scummy move, brah.
would you rather I flood the thread and post the whole thing?
newfag pls go
If you at least post the intro page when you DO post the ex-hentai link, people can actually look at it elsewhere and not on a cucked site that literally hides porn because a company wants numbers.
Seriously, fuck your elitest attitude. Why the hell do you think they hide that shit behind a wall of any sort, do you understand why? You literally gave a shady ass site your information.
Normalfags get out reeee
It's a fair enough trade-off for the stuff they offer. They've got bestiality and lolicon and guro shit behind the wall, all the stuff that gets the feds on your ass; if you just want vanilla stuff, they've got a face website for you at g.e-hentai. And at least they're not Fakku.
I remember the first week after I discovered exhentai.
Fapped myself into some kind of poorly documented dick-bumps that only went away after a few weeks of less intense faps(read you're supposed to stop altogether, but fuck that).
I wish video games were "behind a wall".
exhentai's gonna build a wall, and it just got 10 feet higher
Fakku can go fak_ itself.
I've had dickburn. It's like sunburn, but on your dick. the skin doesn't rip, but it PEELS OFF
arthropods with nervous cords on their back side is heresy, it should run on the front
Not that I disagree, but the point was rather that the author made people(skin and skeleton) that look like bugs, rather than bugs that look like people.
I do disagree BTW. The nervous system should go where it's safe, which would be the back on a human shaped/sized insect.
The nervous system is not "where it's safe"
There's nothing specially safe in having your nerve cord where you can't defend it.
Ironically, it might be safer if we had dorsal armour, like a fucking arhtropod.
Our nerve cord is where our evolutionary history dictates that it is because our ancestors literally flipped their head:
additionally: the video doesn't mention it, but that's why our nerves are crossed and our left nerves go to our right brain etc.
Correction: incredibly small and incredibly sharp teeth, user.
pic 2
what kind of lizard can bite your whole hand off
lizard wizards
Very aggressive ones.
Get these people checked for Ehlers–Danlos syndrome then come back and talk to me.
checkin that newfag lel
My twin sister died of EDS, I'm dying of it now (my guts have basically fallen apart). I guess not ll EDS is severe but I think the kind of pain you're in every day you'd probably know you had it.
For all its faults, the spine is a pretty safe and sturdy structure, and if I had a choice on the matter, I'd still put the majority of my nervous system at the back, which is facing away from anything I might want to defend myself from.
Evolution didn't just put it there randomly, and it probably wasn't at the bottom initially for no reason either.
We don't know the exact reason, but 'not being torn out of your body first' is a good explanation why that specific configuration didn't get eliminated during evolution.
Pics unrelated.
An Iguana could if they got a good latch and rolled. I mean they'll smash through a wood door trying to attack you. I've been involved in reptile rescue and rehoming as well as working with wild herp rehab. Even done some work behind the scenes with Komodo dragon habitats in zoos.
Monitors in large sizes could probably take off your hand. I mean Nile Monitors get enormous.
And even typically vegetarian lizards will do the crocodile-style death roll, in particular Iguanas.
Most lizards go for food about the size of the width of their head, or they bite the whole prey and shake it into pieces. (in captivity we use the rule of the width between the eyes to be on the safe side).
The shake may not remove the item from the mouth, often it just breaks the shell/bones and they kind of gag it down like a bird in bites.
The shake is similar to the Terrier Shake in dogs. That terrier shake is one reason why even though Pitbulls bite far less than most breeds they cause way more fatal bites than other dogs. The terrier shake is a bite-and-hold type of bite.
If you compare a bite-and-release(no roll, no shake) bite from an average lizard versus an average mammal the lizard would lose. But
lizards combine the bite-and-hold shake with the death roll, that literally twists apart chunks of the prey's body, and that adds up to being great killing machines even though a lizard mouth isn't very impressive.
So biting off a hand isn't really something lizard is built to do in a single snap, but if the lizard bites and holds and rolls/shakes they can shred your hand to a bloody mess.
While I dig them hips, those are some goblin-faced kobolds.
Kill yourself furfaggot.
Is there any more of that? Is there vore?
Life is full of disappointment.
Artist is Guoh, but I don't think he did any more.
Also, fucking kill yourself you disgusting degenerate.
How about a game where you play as a raptor with beat em' up fighting skills?
Oh wait
It's that guy that made the kobolds, pat skeles and sir knight comics
Delicious, thank you
There was that one furry fighter game that wanted to get Arin to be the VA for a raptor character
I wanna be the beetle dude
I've wanted to be the beetle dude ever since DQVIII
TESIV has a mod for that.
Do you also register to porn sites, retards?
How do you even use the internet?
This thread's derailed on a hard left.
I thought it derailed to hard porn?
Did that ages ago, you faggot.
Pay attention.
Isn't traditional gender roles a hard right thing?
There was one old aeria games factory mmo where you could switch jobs and could play as frogpeople.
The beast races of TES are pretty good examples of how beast races can be done. In the lore anyway.
The argonians have hardly got any lore, but that makes sense seeing as how they have reptilian personalities and their civilisation is primitive and isolated.
The Hist has some interesting metaphysical aspects that ahven't been fully explored yet, but I think that bethesda circa 2002 could do something interesting with it
How about the Echmer? They're close enough to canon - they're island bats accidentally Uplifted by Dwemer creatia.
What the hell am I doing wrong here? Its not an incorrect login, it's just that nothing is happening when I log in.
Snailguy seems ok, but catgirls a shit.
Earth Eternal?
If only she didn't quit drawthreads and basically shut herself off in a tumblr denying all criticism.
She still draws and takes requests though, but only for her designated OCs (tm) and with lots of restrictions.
Refuses to draw midgets or DFC
Was she a /monster/ drawfag?
That's half correct. Spiders extend their limbs via hydraulics but they retract them via muscles.
Actually it's more of a trade off for a quick lifecycle. The adult stage of insects is the shortest. It's basically the fuck-and-die stage. Most insects spend the majority of their life as juveniles. A few of them stay juveniles for years or even a decade.
Presumably any insect race would be more long lived and would function more like crustaceans or possibly like trilobite beetles that can revert to a sub-adult at will.
It's definitely possible for arthropods to be long lived and human sized.
that's interesting
I think that mostly applies to holometabolic insects (though cicadas also do this). Some of those also dont even have mouths as adults and rely on their stored reserves, particularly butterflies.
yeah, livelong moltin and negligible senescense can make it work in fiction
old 4ch Holla Forums
But mostly drew monster girls.
I like the sound of this.
The bane of my god damned existence. The amount of good monstergirl art that could be out there is thoroughly replaced by "absurdly generic animu girl with some random monster parts thrown in, but ultimately looks nothing like a monster."
post good monstergirl art
the little girl IS the costume.
I hope she's okay.
I don't think it's her blood…
The god-tier stuff is hard to find, but decent stuff isn't bad. The waters are just ridiculously muddied with animu garbge and shitty anthromorphizations that defy all reason.
Okay now that's just an insect embedded in her back. That can't be good.
Praise Endless. ok.
One could argue that all of these are monsters, rather than monstergirls. I doubt they'd fly very long in /monster/.
/monster/ is fragile eggshells
tread on them like a Panzerkampfwagen VII
Any more porn before this thread dies?
Depends, what do you want?
TFW we will never get a game where you can fuck the natives
Why not both?