It's been a while since the last thread. Can we discuss LISA?

It's been a while since the last thread. Can we discuss LISA?


What's there to discuss?

So what instrument do you play?

Rando did nothing wrong,
Brad did his best.

your mom

I ship the Ugly Fuck with Smiles from Undertale.
Smiles is the sub and gets fucked in the pelvis. Should I write more??



Wrong, thanks for not playing along, retard.

I don't know, *can* you?

Buddy is shit and did everything wrong.

Fuck off, Tumblrtale.

Pretty good bait.
Also, Lisa is a great game, but there's nothing more to discuss.

Fuck off, English teacher.

We don't need to discuss it, no. Everything's been said.

Did anyone figure out the White Flash?

i can't do grim depressing surreal games.
am i a grabbable?

In the end, mankind is fucked, and he became a gondola.

Yeah. In Dingaling's simple approach to the whole game, he ended up creating some fairly realistic characters. They weren't all entirely good or bad, they were just a bunch of fuckups trying to do their best.

What about the sequel? (or third instalment if we count the one with actual lisa in it)

Dingaling said there's information about it in the Joyful, but I sure as fuck didn't find any aside from "lol Yado did it."

It was kinda shit, one of the best parts of the Painful was it's variable gameplay and character styles. Joyful forces you to play the same way for the entire game, with zero synergies.