Starjew Valley

Watcha growing Holla Forums?

what is it for.

i have been waiting for a sale on this game for ever but you know what fuck it ill just pirate it


GoG 1.11 work for you?

Is this game worth the time kill i'm going to be using it for.
I was thinking about trying to get back into Aurora 4x. then this thread remind me this game exists.

thanks man saved me the trouble of searching

It's only neighborly to lend a helping hand

I don't know user, I'm a guy… I don't get it…
FUCK, any grill anons here? TELL US WHAT ITS FOR.

Women use it as an ingredient in a potion to steal their husbands land and property, it's called a turn signal.

I just want harvest moon. this game would be good if the controls werent BALLS.