Going to have to wait a little more, at least they're making DLC that is free.
Still, what's with all theses japanese games getting delayed?
Going to have to wait a little more, at least they're making DLC that is free.
Still, what's with all theses japanese games getting delayed?
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At least it wont have to go up against FFXV. As for all these delays, I wonder if developing for the PS4/Xbone is harder in terms of the amount of resources you need. Maybe they found some serious bugs or something
I wonder if they're making something about the game for thje PS4 Pro to pretend that thing is actually worth it.
I think you mean what's with all games getting delayed? Everything's getting delayed these days and the answer is that video games can no longer be made in the current corporate structure, they're taking forever to come out and at a lesser quality.
This is basically the death rattles of current game development, there's going to be a new structure to games development in businesses soon. Or it's all going to fall apart.
They're bringing DLC. They're bringing preorders. They're early access. And some, I assume, are good devs.
They need more time to localize it "properly".
this actually really really really fucking annoys me and pisses me off
It makes me want to put a fucking hole in my wall to be honest
The actual official reason for delaying the game was to get out of being in between FFXV and The Last Guardian.
Smart move.
It was going to get killed going up against The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy XV. Those games are both juggernauts that people have been anticipating for over a decade.
Regardless of the quality of these titles, it's certain that Gravity Rush 2 would've been swamped against those games. There's just way too much hype and anticipation for those two games among the crowd that GR2 would most appeal to that there's no way anything could compete.
She's so cute.
Most of you fags only care for the porn anyway
I don't even want to think about fucking existing in 2017. Nier being "early 2017" is bad enough. Now I have to wait for Gravity Rush as well, literally one of the whole TWO games I am actually excited for, just because the ICO successor game that has been delayed more than a fucking decade and the absolute garbage that is and will be FF15 is dropping.
I really doubt that the sales will be impacted that greatly by this decision. Normalfags don't give a shit about Gravity Rush 2.
That works better for me, since I need to get a job and get some money for my vidya.
I'm fine with this. Honestly, Gravity Rush was pretty good, so I'm surprised it's getting a sequel at all. And if pushing off the release date will help it compete against Final Faggots XV and Shadow of the Vaporware, then so be it. I've got a fuck-huge backlog of games to work through in the meantime anyhow.
If Sony were smart, they'd give away Gravity Rush Remastered on PSN in November to help drum up hype.
In my own anecdotal experience people who know about Gravity Rush 2 know about it already. People that are hyped for titles like FF15 have heard of it and already care or more often don't care or haven't heard of it and don't care to. Last Guardian probably has more overlap in potential fanbases given the nature of the previous titles as niche but not as much as you would think because a large portion of that hype is fairly hollow (literally just PS4 normalfags jumping on the hype train) or just carrying over from normalfags who happened to play Shadow of the Colossus when this is clearly more of a cerebral and sentimental ICO-esque puzzle experience, which is going to be majorly disappointing in comparison to what was essentially a boss rush in its format.
I want the best for Gravity Rush as a franchise but really if devs are so concerned about Gravity Rush 2 doing well maybe they should pressure Sony to stop shortchanging the fucking title and actually push it in their marketing.
Its all good. I got a cute girl game on the way to hold me over until then.
I am actually glad, the reason is sound and free DLC is nice. XV, REZ, TLG, Silver Case, Nier, Resi7, GR2 and I have no idea how I'll get them all with a small paycheck.
Kat still best waifu.
How old is Kat?
No idea. Probably hundreds of years old since Japan.
Oh shit, does that come out this month?
I'm fine with a delay. I'd really rather the games get the best treatment than turn out to be a buggy mess at launch.
NOOO!!! I was looking forward to playing this and ignoring my family during the holiday.
there isn't that many, i've seen all the existing images
At first I thought this was a wojak edit