Is this the greatest Wario Land game of all time?

Is this the greatest Wario Land game of all time?

Also WAH Thread.

Every time i try to do a Luigi impression, Wario comes out instead.
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.

That title would go for 4 matey :^)
or as an alternative your favourite wario land game woah


Wario Land 2

Your body was built for WAH and understands its superiority.

One of my top games of all time still

No, this is.

Why would you ever want to do a Luigi impression when you can do a Wario one? I can't imagine a single scenario where that would make sense.


1 was a decent 2D sidescroller.
2 had the multiple branches going for it.
4 was the most polished of them all and had a lot of replayability.

3 seemed to lack something, but it's been so long I can't remember what it was. It was the only one I never bothered to 100%.

3 is pretty fucking bad, honestly. The level design is just bad, the levels are fairly large but you can only ever actually do anything meaningful in one or two paths through the level at once so you end up wandering around uselessly way too often. The upgrade system sucks. It's just a pain to play unlike 2 and the other WL games.

Both are fine contenders though VBWL is more of a general platformer like WL1 was and WL3 refines WL2's exploration.

If WL4 wasn't pretty easy, had a soundtest and let you fight bosses more than once a playthrough it'd be my favorite hands down.

4 was pretty good, though the whole "gotta go fast" once you flip the switch was kinda lame. I just wanna explore and beat niggas up at my own pace.

I feel like 2, and 3 especially captured the essence of WAH the best. VBWL is also great, but way too short and the secrets are all too easy to obtain.

How's the Wii one? The one that is all hand drawn and used gimmicky motion controls?

Fun for what it is, not the greatest but not bad by any measure.

wario land 1 is still the best


No, Wario Land 2 was. :^)

You'll never play it on the 3ds

Nintendo is sitting on a pile of cash there.

I would rather let Wario Land die like the great franchise unlike Fuck Emblems.

I was gonna shitpost about Master of Disguise being the best one, but I can't; that shit is irredeemable.

Feels bad man.



I had a VB as a kid and rented this game once. I remember beating it in one day – took


You are forgettable