Where The Series Should Have Ended

What other series should have ended earlier than they did but were milked dry and ruined?
Hard Mode: No Halo

All basically for the same reason, everything that came after was worse.

You just watch the new trailer too, OP?

Didn't know there was one, now I'm sad

It came out about ten minutes ago.

aside from the sadness it brings, what track from OST is used at 1:00 ?


More like master piece of shit mirirte?

I almost just want Kojima to make trailers for things as he is a fuckton better at it than whoever made this.

Another series that should have ended was Battlefield I'd say. I'd rather it had died at 2142 then be what it is today.

Considering the new expansion and possibly new game coming from Beamdog, this series should have really ended years ago

Beamdog ever picking this franchise up was a fucking mistake right next to making it RTwP and not turn based

MGSV was a mistake.

Soul brother.

I wouldn't have minded more MGS games as long as they focused on Big Boss and were actually finished and just never placed anything after MGS 2.
Maybe remake Metal Gear 1 and 2 in the style of the later games

What the fuck man? III and V are pretty good, IV and Tactics areā€¦ meh, but definitely not franchise ruining. If anything, Suikoden died before its time. Though, considering how Konami is today, maybe that is a good thing.

The rest of your list is accurate tho.

pic related for all of these.

Hotline Miami 2 was shit. I don't want to see another game series ruined by clueless but lucky Swedecucks. We all know what happened to Battlefield after DICE kept making the wrong predictions of what made BC2 good.



No starfox was ever good
Stop lying to yourself

If you think Gen 2 is the peak of Pokemon you haven't ever played Pokemon seriously. It's broken garbage and you're just as bad as one of those "games are art" fags.

i swear to fuck
if it turns out mission 51 is playable
i will not be happy
at all

You realise it's literally only a small cult of autists that think pokemon balance is remotely important, "competetive pokemon" is the most laughably neckbeard thing in gaming. The game is marketed towards 5-10 year olds, that's its majority market. Gamefreak and Nintendo doesn't give a flying monkey's fuck about you or your balance, they only care about the kids. If anything they, like everyone else, thinks you're creepy.

Nah, sorry, I don't care what excuses you use or how you try to verbally shame competitive pokemon players, gameplay still matters more than your fee fees and nostalgia

No that title will always belong to the battered wives that make up the Street Fighter fanbase.

Assassin's Creed should have ended at 3 with 4 being a new pirate based IP and done.



I'm not the guy you were even replying to, I've never fucking played pokemon, but you people are fucking hat tippers supreme. You're the disgusting, creepy, fat nerd that even the other nerds don't want to be around, that's what competitive pokemon players are. You're the type of sperg faced fagboy that collects yugioh and masturbates to sonic the hedgehog.

Whatever you need to tell yourself tryhard.

webm very related

Where do I think I am?
A place that isn't cuckchan, that's where.

I can tell you're new here and trying really hard to fit in. It's okay. Protip: pretending to a toughguy just makes you look salty.

Are you the same asspained faggot who comes into fighting game threads without any provocation to bitch about how shit "xturd" is?

Go back to >>>/furry/ you homo, you're on par with bronies and numales for scum that needs to be removed from the gene pool.

Pic related, it's what you sound like.

Welcome Holla Forums cuck, we have id's here.

Xturd is shit though.

Nice reddit spacing bro. You're clearly a seasoned Holla Forums poster.


Reddit spacing is between every line you absolute fucking retard.

Whatever you need to tell yourself resident salty tough guy. I bet you've been here since the first exodus for sure ;^)

To be honest, I like Emerald, it's just that from gen 3 onward, it started gamefreaks tradition of removing game mechanics and then bringing them back two generations later as a selling point. Gen 3 removes the day/night system.

What the fuck do you think a paragraph is?

You're a fate, greasy autist who doesn't deny masturbating to sonic the hedgehog, doesn't deny being a furry, doesn't deny being gay, doesn't deny collecting yu-gi-oh and probably still lives with your mother who probably wishes you were anyone else.

You're an admitted degenerate who should really have your skull pushed into your brain, you were probably bullied in highschool and you probably deserved it. Nobody's coming to your defense because everybody thinks competitive pokemon players are greasy manchildren.

Knew it


nice one redditbro, you sure showed this disgusting nerd his place, now screencap it and post on r/Holla Forums for this sweet karma, maybe you're gonna even get gilded

Did competitive pokemon players rape your mother or something?

Could you please just fuck off
we all have had enough

fresh pasta

Uhh, user, there is nothing in either of those posts about reddit spacing. The other user called him reddit, and I called him butt hurt. I did point out his reddit spacing earlier, maybe you meant to link to that?

You literally couldn't make this shit up.


Wait, you mean people aren't playing OVERWATCH or Cawadooty fuck me sound the alarms

Retards will destroy their own arguments.

no wonder they can't properly link posts, I mean reddit has a completely different system



It was just the last posts you did
Who cares if you didn't mention it in that post

Ah, now I get why you're so butthurt about the reddit spacing thing.

That's debatable, on one hand TM3 and 4 where complete ass compared to 1 and 2, but Head on was pretty nice may be even up there with TM2. However TM Head On for the PS2 had a hidden message that said "Twisted Metal is coming to PS3" when it released it killed the series.
I wonder how TM black 2 would have turned out if they didn't can it because of a dev dying in a plane crash.

Also Small Brawl was neat too.

The people that complain about reddit spacing are always shit tier users

You came in the thread bitching about me and someone else on totally unrelated posts to what you were bitching about, and even roped in someone who hadn't said anything about reddit spacing in to it. If that isn't butt hurt I don't know what is user. All (4) of your posts in this thread are you basically getting assblasted at me for daring to point out reddit spacing. Quality posts though, I'll give you that :^)

And you have 12 posts of which one is about the thread
Great job user

Small Brawl>Everything in the series.

At least I have the excuse of defending myself. All you're defending is reddit spacing.

(Also although MGS4 and 5 are shit MGS123 are masterpieces so I don't blame Kojiima too much)

Play games for fun. Don't care about achievements.


Online was a mistake.

from what?
From someone that calls you out for being a sperg for complaining about formatting?

Quick update: You deserve it

I like you.

You posted the wrong SO game. But then again, I did kinda like SO3's PSO1 like aesthetic. If only the character models didn't look like they had downs

Prince of persia should have ended with sands of time, Halo with 1, splinter cell with chaos theory, tony hawk with underground and ninja gaiden with 2 for the xbox360

I don't know, Two Thrones was great and Forgotten Sands was decent but Warrior Within and 2008 were mediocre/shit, as long as we don't see another game I think we're safe from a truly awful game (Assassin's Creed: Persia).


0/10; reported.


The truth is much darker, user: sequels should not exist, except for the rare occurrence when the author wanted to tell a story in multiple episodes. A game starts and ends, the same way a man is born and dies: franchises to keep the game alive, are curses that condemn it in living death, well after its life energy ran out.

I guess I'm just retarded, but I've been playing MGSV for a week, and I just began Chapter 2 and out of the blue I've deleted the game, and I guess the saves with it.
Should I reinstall it and finish it / watch the chapter 2 on youtube, or just let it go cause it's just a game?

Let it go. You don't need this disappointment by going through what the rest of us have. You will forever have a hole in your heart if you do. If you wish to continue stop after you exile this fucker. After that there is no reason to continue with the story.

I don't really give a fuck about the gameplay, the only think I regret is not playing with the bandana.
I think I'm still going to read what happens or youtube.

People like playing melee casually too, as is I prefer it since momentum is kept well in jumps. And that's important if you want to smack kongs around as Bowser.

But then we wouldn't have an amazing pirate adventure!


I completely agree except for on crystal because then we wouldn't get the gen 2 remakes

Gen 2 wasn't the peak, gen 4 was for having a godly roster the time and the best remakes Pokemon will ever have.