I am a Star Citizen

CitizenCon is around the corner and new leaks are incoming, while Shillitzens create self-degradation videos for a competition to participate in the event.

Enjoy your CitizenCon stream, Anons! Shills, how much are you in?

Other urls found in this thread:


what's that? The Dogfight-section they cut out from the main game?

It's Chris Roberts new movie similar to imdb.com/title/tt0131646 disguised as a video game featuring his tickle porn star wife as the most prominent NPC. For her the coop feature got scrapped.

I thought it was the FPS?

When I wrote that first blog back in July 2015, I knew what I was in for. But what I didn't plan for, was i) to be 100% right ii) croberts would help prove me to be 100% right iii) that this whole thing would blow as it has

What's lost in translation through all this is that my original claim of them being unable to build the game as pitched, has already been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Heck, even croberts own MVP statements from April 18th, helped that narrative along. Not to mention the fact that the "game" remains a freaking mess, and SQ42 is still MIA.

I remain 100% confident, and in sound mind and body, that this whole thing is on track for a spectacular collapse.

The biggest liability they have now, is the staged GamesCom 3.0 demo, as well as the promised 3.0 build by year end. As to the demo, as I've learned - no less than 11 people was complicit in putting it together with the sole purpose of deceiving backers when in fact they knew that it wasn't indicative of the game state, nor tagged as R&D. And true to form, croberts went off script with the promises.

And what's distressing is that, for the first time, I have clear evidence of how they did it, who is involved, and what their role was in doing it. There's scam, and then there's outright fraud. There is a difference; but that's for the authorities to sort through.

Hope they'll stream this, need another cringeworthy moment like singing "Happy Birthday Star Citizen" from the last Shitizencon.

im all in, its going to be GOTY

How much?

got a second job just to keep on increasing my pledge, my wife gave me permission.

If serious, top fucking kek man

I'm guessing 3.0/SQ42/Release Edition will involve all the current content of the PU with maybe 1-2 more places added. Nothing from another system or whatever, only things that don't require new traveling mechanics. Probably just an Idris or some big ship gets added in like a space station and you can dock with it (not actually it just does a loading screen after you request docking ) and on there will be all the cut scenes. Like some Gary Oldman that just sits at a desk all the time and gives speeches.

Like none of the NPCs will be moving and be sitting or working on a ship in a canned animation. Anyhow you talk to people and trigger like a 30 minute cut scene rendered in game, with your movement locked. They'll talk about really loving derivative scifi war poo poo with just absolutely laughable writing. After that they'll get some objectives here and there and fly off and land on another station and talk to someone and he tells you to fly to point three points in space on "Combat Air Patrol" and surprise there's 4 pirates there!!!!!!!!!! Every other checkpoint has a bunch of Sandi "Pusher" Gardiner flying as your wingman with REALLY lovely combat AI who is set to invincible. She'll talk your EAR off about poo poo while sitting at an empty checkpoint, and you won't be able to jump to the next area until it lets you. You do and repeat.

Your learn about her sad background and how she overcame adversity and now she's just a stone cold bitch but maybe kinda flirty with you???

You'll do variations on this poo poo for like 4 hours worth of gameplay, literally just small variations on that (HINT: think wing commander (all of them), strike commander) and then there will be the big Oldman speech, a cut scene of a vanduul something coming out of hyperspace type poo poo, and it fades to black and says TO BE CONTINUED IN SQUADRON 42 Prologue 1.5



Jesus fuck, I can't even watch a second of that without going into cringe overload.

Do most video game companies guilt trip their employees into staying?

If you are salaried, it's fully legal.

How will they top this, can't wait for the Star Cult meeting.

I have made a mistake. I see that now.

Collecting SC cringe has become a hobby.

Is Star Citizen up there as one of the most cult like fandumbs?

The thing will blow up like SWTOR and the fallout will be bigger than NMS.

When you've paid anywhere from 45 to 15000 dollars for an unfinished game, while possibly also spending 10 to 20 dollars a month on a subscription that doesn't really get you anything, of course they are.


Where's my slowpoke images when I need them.

Also, anyone feel that the name of CitizenCon is a delicious irony?

W-what? Roberts spend millions of Dollars to hire Hollywood actos for motioncapture and voiceacting but when it came to actual acting he instead hired his Wife?
How can he even justify that inside his own mind let alone to people?

coz she's cheap.

I can't even be mad anymore. I just want to get in on the gravy train. I need to come up with my own Kikestarter scam.

Fukken saved


Just like the last three threads.

And they'll be just as unsourced as the previous ones :^)

How much?
Now enjoying the glorious collapse without a single penny at risk.

Come on, user.

As opposed to reports that everything is fine, sourced from the company itself? Its all hearsay on both sides.

true all we really know we are 5 years on with nothing but scripted scenes, tech demos and ppl leaving this sinking ship.

Also CIG representatives throwing massive public fits about criticism.

My bet is on we are about to watch a very large and very public flame out.

I really am curious on how Star Citizen turns out. If No Mans Sky had even most of its fans turn on it, who knows what will happen

probably suicides, and lives ruined even more.

Starting first with this guy.

Tito dick dick man baby!

I'm betting that they'll release an underwhelming product and promise to finish it later. That seems to be the trend these days.


Wouldn't he commit suicide if it succeeded?

Like an user so aptly said, they're celebrating the time they haven't released a video game they promised.


the thing with this is that there still isn't anything coherent enough to release.

croberts is such a horrible micromanaging delusional dreamer he keeps scuttling all the progress.

Wait a second what?

Squadron 42 will have no co-op.

I haven't heard how the greatest business woman in the universe ties into that.

I am surprised they aren't burning down CIG offices for that. Wasn't that one of their heavily advertised features from Kekstarter?


Didn't (84) commit suicide?

I need more anime girls with question marks above their heads.

That's a good question.

No fuck you, you get question mark next to the head

This works too.

Tickleporn is just rape without penetration.

Reports of my death, and my actions, are greatly exaggerated.

Nice try but I am 84

And what backer package did you get?


To be fair the game is already entertaining me with all the drama. For free.

Honestly Star Citizen is nothing special in the industry, lots of fucked up projects that you never hear from.

There's just one little problem: everything was directly funded by gamers. Nobody cares if EA loses 50 million on a scrapped game. But Star Citizen is proof that Kickstarter doesn't work for projects like this.

How so?

Anecdotal evidence. Nobody has tried to fund big games on Kickstarter since Star Citizen.

Personally I think that if you can't find professional investors to fund your project it's probably for a good reason. Gamers want to play angel investors. Easy marks.

The kickstarter wasn't even that much money, user. The overwhelming majority of the game's funding came after the game left Kickstarter and began accepting funding on their own site.

Also, I'd say MN9 was going to be a "big game", but thanks to a multitude of factors it was a complete flop upon release.

Investors want to make money. They want to make that money within a certain time frame. Roberts wants to make a good game. He felt that he couldn't do that under the constraints of investors and a big publisher.

Just think of all the games people here have complained about for being unfinished and rushed. Hell, MGSV was a huge letdown because the higher ups forced the creator to publish the game before it was complete, simply slicing away half of the story because the investors didn't want to wait longer for their money. Without the pressure that comes with publishers, the success or failure of Star Citizen will be based purely on the ability of the developers to make a good game.

That's just my view on it all.

And my view is that having a budget and time limit can actually IMPROVE a game. Just look at Daikatana or the Hobbit movie.

has anyone got that webm of the star citizen totally not a cult pledge where they do some weird chant?

sq42 is the campaign-based single-player version of star citizen
it's what was originally pitched in the kikestarter all those centuries ago, and it's the only part of the game that i'm actually mildly interested in checking out when it releases, provided it can be pirated

They should just get a studio in Japan so they can legally force their employees to live in the office until the game is completed.

What about (151)? What's he get if (84) got the bingo card?


To a point, yes. However, it seems like too many publishers are setting their time limits too short after having the game pitched to the public. Devs say "here's what we're going to do", but publishers only give them time to do some of those things, or do a bad job at trying to implement all of it. Again, I point to MGSV, which I'd say was Holla Forums's biggest recent disappointment. Roberts just eliminated the possibility of having his game failing to meet its goals because a publisher told him to start selling.

I see you ask this in every Star Citizen thread, I think you need to learn how to save a fucking webm, user.

I just inherit (151)'s reputation, along with whatever antics backers online get up to. So, no bingo card for that guy.


I've done it, I've created something through shitposting.


MGSV could have used more time, but it was already sharply over its very generous budget.
From the standpoint of "vidya for vidya's sake" I'd have loved Konami to give Kojima all the time and money he needed to perfect it.
From the standpoint of "you gotta draw the line somewhere", they made the right call pulling the plug on the project and shipping out a half-finished mess.

I'm glad I got a coupon foir it to get the basic package.
Now I just sit back and watch it all crumble away.

The difference between NMS and SC is the transparency of development. They have weekly progress reports in cringe-inducing youtube format, as well as weekly twitch Q&A sessions and monthly financial reports. Any backer can also chat with or directly message practically any member of the dev team to ask them what they're up to.

They've already cut a number of features, and delayed others, and nobody's turned on them yet even though Chris keeps running out on stage and promising more completely impossible bullshit every time he opens his mouth - the latest being SWG-style player built homesteads and settlements.

If the fanbase is going to go full nuclear on SC, then CIG needs to drop a bombshell that they didn't see coming. From what I've looked through, it all seems on the up-and-up - no scams or lies, just a bunch of people toiling under the impossible demands of a man who doesn't know what limits are.
The game won't release as promised, not even close, but all of the backers seem to accept this as obvious.

I wouldn't put it past CR to be hiding something horrible, though. We'll see as time goes forward. I'm not going to make one of those boogeyman doom-clock predictions that people make every month like it's the eve of Y2K, I'm just going to sit back and watch what unfolds.

That over half their budget on NON PLAYABLE STUFF.

Gotta have that movie quality cinematic experience, or Chris will through a fit.

It is a cult.

thanks, this is what i was looking for

That's a great way of catching a bullet to the head in a night firefight.

Yeah, no shit its a cult. Derek Smart has fucked with these guys for a really long time now. I wonder when his new prediction of this is going to crash and burn, and when it will come.

We all know the only ones at suicide watch are the whales that gave allot of money so Chris could buy an expensive mocha machine.

Also that fnaf dance/song mixed with that video would be creepy.

Anyone got that interview with Chris Roberts? You fags know the one I mean! :^)

Fuck off back to reddit

I can see the salt already flowing.

Take your cancer with you.

How butthurt are you user?

The furry interview video still haunts me, and I have the fear it forever will.

Is that the one with the annoying furry that communicates through squeaking? God, that was annoying, especially the end.

I admire your willpower and pity your insanity if you watched the whole video.

Nigger you're insane, the best thing I have ever watched was watching CR slowly die.

where do I find full episodes?

It's nothing. You need more willpower.

I saw the light in his eyes fade away the moment he hears the first squeak. That was the look of a man that knew what filthy, degenerate things he had to do to get all the money he now had.

I want a refund/sell my ship for a profit but I'm too apathetic to.

It's the furries man. They legit fill me with genocidal rage. But I guess it might be worth it to see Croberts in mental pain. Do you think he really had to suffer through the furfag shit though, or did someone just extract the questions and present them to him?

You can tell by his face, either he smoked some grade A dank that started hitting halfway through or his soul is being torn out of his chest with every squeak.

What is it about this non-existent money laundering scheme of a "game" that spawn such a devout cult behind it?
I'm just waiting for someone at their annual cult meetup to wheel out a bowl of kool-aid.

I wouldn't even let niggers or Jews suffer through furries. Some things are just too fucked up and inhumane, even for subhumans.

Someone had to suffer through it, and that's already justification enough to set every last furry on fire while they are wearing their fursuit.

It boggles my mind why they couldn't just have acted like normal humans at least once in their miserable, disgusting lives.

That's so cute, user-kun.
There is no doubt about it, when you watch the video there is a little screen on his end and you can see the fursuited fuckwits on it.

it didn't make me laugh often but I just love seeing the absurd shit he gets away with
I'm guessing that webm was supposed to be portraying how women think that men think that women are nothing but objects and not real people

You know the squeaking and furry shit was added after that interview was done, they didn't do the interview in a fursuit or with the squeaking…

Keep telling yourself that.
CR looks so fucking taken aback and broken.

People dream of a perfect, impossible, space vidya that "Space Everything Sim", CR comes out and promises exactly that. That's all it takes. When someone comes out and starts preaching everything you want to hear, many people will just turn off the critical part of their brain and fall to their knees.
He's taking advantage of human nature, like every other good salesman. He bit off more than he can chew with his promises, but I'm not sure if he himself realizes it yet, or if he's still a true believer in his own impossible dream. He's Molyneux x1000.

All that aside, the game in its present state is actually really fun to fuck around in for a couple of hours. It's not worth money, I don't know if it ever will be, but they do free-play weekends every now and then. It's fun to log in, steal some ships and run kamikaze attacks until the game glitches and launches you into another galaxy before crashing.

That would make sense, user. That would make a lot of sense.
Do you know who doesn't make sense? Furfags. Sense isn't a concept they're compatible with.

I would post the evidence to back up my claim but this was 2 years ago when this first came out so I can't remember where to look for it. I think it was posted on reddit by the furry, and reddit thought it was autistic, he then posted how the interview wasn't in his fur suit or with squeaking.

Found the thread but looks like he deleted his account and posts, so I can't prove it.


30 plus year olds who have saved money because they have jobs. They're nostalgic for Wingcommander and Tie fighter.

I don't expect anyone on Holla Forums to have played spacesims in the 90s.

People are delusional though: the industry has turned to shit and games are casual/normalfag tier now.

If someone tomorrow held a Kickstarter for Xenogears, Suikoden or Command&Conquer I wouldn't pledge a single cent. Those days are gone.


Why wouldn't you? There's quite a few of us.

I like TIE Fighter, but you won't see me spend money on this shit. It sucks that games like that are rare these days, but wasting your money on something that isn't even tangible is stupid. People need real hobbies so they don't spend their money on pictures of ships.

Played them, but as much as I want a new space sim that would take current technology to the limit, Star Shitizen, Chris Roberts, the fucking cult, and the furries disgusts me, especially the 50K jpegs.

The original idea was providing a coop campaign where a second player character is your wingman and controlled by AI when you play alone.
That plan got changed to Chris Roberts wife and wannabe actress Tickle-Sandi being the player's wing exclusively and therefore coop got scrapped.

user there are people who pay 2000 dollars to watch niggers play basketball. Everyone needs a hobby.

Then I apologise. I see threads here that would shame a 7 year old. But Holla Forums is not one person.

Actually there was already a resurgence of spacesims in the early 2000s with Starlancer and Freespace but it died again. Videogames is like fashion: trends always come back.


I hope you have a gun ready.

Freespace 2 tanked hard (sold only 30k copies) in 1999.
Starlancer was a turd (made by Chris Roberts)
Spacesims were dead already by that time.

Suicide is painless…

I would like to publicly thank Mechwarrior Online for destroying my innocence and faith in crowdfunding, and showing me that these projects never deliver. I had several friends and family members pay in to this shit, some of them in the hundreds of $ range, and ignored me when I told them they would never see a finished product.

What drugs are you on?
Starlancer was great. 10X better then wing commander. It had an actually cool setting and good mission variety.

Roberts was always a insane space autists. He LOVES space sims. He really loves them. The amount of thought and detail he puts into it is insane (have you even seen the repair mechanics?)
But he needs to have someone controlling him because he lives in his own little world and therefore makes poor development /managment choices.

You are completely wrong on both accounts user. Starlancer was actually pretty damn good and was made by his brother Erin Roberts. Chris actually had very little to do with it and it showed, Starlancer played very well and was heads and shoulders above that turd Freelancer

Problem is that he loves movies more.

Sounds like Holla Forums just can't into crowdfunding, to be honest. Your mistake was crowdfunding video games and not board games.

You're right, I confused it with Freelancer.
To much lancers there. :^)

star citizen sounds like some new age spirituality forum to be quite honest family

Ever since the beginning, it was planned that you would have to play through the Squadron 42 campaign before jumping into Star Citizen's multiplayer universe. It's supposed to show you the ropes and give you practice before you get into PVP shit. This is not new information, except I assume Squadron 42 is optional now.

His wife is a legit pornstar? kek


He, she is. It's not unusual for movie directors to marry their pornstars.

so where her videos?


It's "tickle porn". Don't get your hopes up unless that's what you get off to.

Sample can be seen here in:

i think i hear your mom calling me gotta go

I can get off to anything.

come on chris there no need be salty

who is chris i dont know any chris uhh who the hell wants to see that 3dpd crap anyways

For a moment I almost forgot where I was.

Even with the budget they had they couldn't outdo a turd like Elite Dangerous. Let's just watch the trainwreck in slow motion.

Some people are really invested in this, there will be suicides over SC's failing.

I'm kind of hoping for murder suicides. An autistic jihad would be a sight to behold.

I'm ready for this.

Not going to happen. Whales will even throw money at Chris Roberts, when he is already serving jail time in federal prison for the biggest crowdfunding scam in history.



I have no idea why he thought thought squeaky noises was a good idea, but then again I shouldn't try to understand the reasoning of a furfag

This is actually one of the warning signs:

The last game CR did was Freelancer. The guy didn't make a really good game since the nineties.

Remember when they were going to sue The Escapist? That bluff got shot the fuck down real fast.

It amazes me how much if you go back to 2003 most people on the internet acknowledge Freelancer for the turd it was. Present day it's praised as fuck by people with what must be very powerful rose tinted glasses.

You reminded me that I never released this mash-up ages ago because I couldn't quite fit the quality standard I was aiming for into 8MB.

Now we have 12MB to work with, time to release. We should be at 16MB by now but Codemonkey is behind schedule. Oh well.

they've had a lot of shit thrown at them by blogs and news and they haven't acted on any of it.

Quite telling.

Jesus wept.

why is this fraud of a game still being discussed every fucking none scripted demo the game crashes in the middle of playing every single one


The holocaust needs to be a real thing.

There's still time, user

It pretty much is a full blown cult. The game itself represents some alternate life that the cultists will achieve through hard work and believing.

You know what though, I would rather play Freelancer than 90% of AAA titles since. It was disappointing compared to what they promised and obviously rushed to completion, but it's not shit. Given the absolute fucking desert of good space games and flight sims in recent years, I would be happy with another Freelancer-tier game. Which is a shame, because the industry should be capable of better, but it is what it is.

What the fuck is this

A cult.

Played them. Some were really good, but no game is worth even 1/100th of what they're charging for those jpegs.

Tbh, I wouldnt mind getting drunk with a furry in a suit. Seems like a once in a lifetime occurance.


around furfags
never relax

Sometimes the void stares back.

If I get dubs Star Citizen will be a great game.

If I get trips it will be so great that Derek Smart will have a very public meltdown before throwing himself off a tall building.


How do we speed up the cultish mass suicide once this scam implodes?


Check'd on yours btw.







Wew, this salt mine is going to be huge

The new $750 JPEG Polaris cannot be purchased with store credit and requires cash:


Truly a scam/cult. That is all.

Looks like Chris has stepped up his Jew game

Uh uh

Around furfags
Prepare to gag

I just want a proper sequel to this Holla Forums

Every year it seems progressively less likely we'll get a true successor to Privateer that isn't just a multiplayer mmo game disguised as a singleplayer game.


Even on salary you earn overtime. Your salary is for a 40 hour work week. You can still earn overtime, but most people don't know their rights and presume the company can work you 80 hours a week since you're on salary.



I can't wait for SC to bomb. The salt, the drama, the attempted murders, the suicides, it will make all this wait worth it.

Money laundering much?

Jesus fucking christ that ship list.

My friend just linked me to this
I've seen cults that takes less money that this.

That's just their disposable income :^)

Besides, they're not even buying anything. They're giving away money and receiving an unsolicited thank you in the form of JPEGs and crap.

Is there even anything to do in SC yet? I was under the impression it was basically at No Man's Sky's level, where you fly around and that's the whole game.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that employees can actually exercise their rights to overtime and breaks. You're "guaranteed" by "law" to get a lunch break every day, and be paid for overtime, but if your boss requires you to work unpaid during them, and you demand to take your break and get paid extra as per the law, you'll just have your ass fired and replaced in a heartbeat.

You could try to sue, but unless you're backed by more capital than your former company possesses, you don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting anything but a costly, drawn-out court drama that will ultimately be thrown out.

In the unsalvageably broken murrikan justice system, the only thing that matters for victory is court is how much money you have. It doesn't matter what the truth is, or what the law is, or how much evidence there is - if you have less money you lose, period.

What do you think is going to go through that guy's head when he turns 40 and looks back on the smoldering wreck that he threw his money away on?

"I could have started a business."
"I could have paid off my mortgage by now."
"I could have visited a dozen different countries."
"I could have ensured a good education for my wife's child."

But user, at least we have the smug sense of superiority living in a multicultural utopia gives us!

Who cares if Pajeet and Pedro will work for a shit wage, who cares you are getting replaced by Tina the Cunt or Tyrone, that both lack your experience and qualifications? Who cares your paycheck is dwindling year in, year out, or that you're destined to work into your 70s and likely die because Ahmed, Carlos and your parents have sucked the system dry and there is no more healthcare unless you are rich?

At least you're not racist!

This is hilarious.

Hopefully he'll have swallowed a gun by then. The only thing that makes me more disgusted with the human race than people that bought into SC are the subhumans that buy weapon skins for CS.

Not when you realize the mutated freak is giving your tax dollars to Roberts so he can feed his heroin addiction.

Oh, you.

There is space combat and some rudimentary racing, plus a couple quests in a mini-solar system. The latter part of the game doesn't actually work for 99% of players so it's really mostly space combat. You can also walk around a couple locations and the not actually working part has some first person combat in it too. It does have more gameplay than NMS, either way.

On some level, I understand Minecon, since it's so fucking widespread, but at least that became a thing while being a playable game even when not "finished".

Compare to this, people paying out the ass for something that may never come out or have any of the promised elements. Fucking crazies. Is it just an American thing or something else.

Considering that a large number of backers are Germans, it's probably not just an American thing, but you're strongly implying that autism blocks has something resembling substance in it and isn't only popular because of memes and mods. Minecon is also a larger event, although given how quickly they run out of tickets for shitizencon, they could probably shoot for similar numbers if they tried.

What "memes" are there about Mincecraft? Never heard of any. It was a good 60+ hours of nothing, though.

Decent level of cringe though.

You can watch some popular Youtube let's plays or venture to the forums to fill yourself in

More like celebrating the birthday of a miscarriage.

It hasn't been shat out yet, at least not completely.

Yes, CR's wife used to be a tickle porn actress

Is there any actual link or webm of the video? It's bullshit that I believe but I would like more definite proof that I can use in conversations outside of chans?

Just a heads up
The livestream of the cult meeting starts at 22:00 UTC
(about 3 hours from now)

So it's $45 just to get started, and it has a subscription fee, for a pre-alpha game?
Yeah I can see a player economy alright, a swirling toilet into the dev's coffers.

To get most out of the Pre-Alpha client, you need to spend $15,000 for all JPEGs. With $45 you're pedestrian basically - in space.
Or be a "game journalist" or YouTube e-celeb and get a "press account".

pretty sure there is no suscription fee.

The subscription costs $20 per month and without it you won't get access to the newest builds.

I have bought the bloody thing years ago for 40bucks. I have the newest build and dont pay a suscription fee.

It doesn't have a subscription fee though. The subscription is mostly for jewing special snowflakes. is right on that you only get to play with the shittiest ships, though you can rent better ships with in-game earned cash iirc. Of course, in the actual game you will be able to buy them, but for now it's just renting, because they want to jew everyone hard.

Thank you fellow redditor and SA brother

There actually is a Privateer 2

Some Jew is about to spend $100,000 on give aways for Star Citizen. Can you even get a tax break on that? Why?


I am genuinely terrified I share the same planet as reddit users.

You are stuck with 2.5. The subscribers already test the new flight model.
You can buy clothes with in-game cash. Ships only go for real money.

oh you mean the test builds. they are even more bugged than the shit that is on the main branch right now, so it doesnt overly bother me.

He's the ultimate goyim

I said rent, not buy. I know you can at the very least rent equipment, they also talked about renting ships but I have no clue if they actually implemented it.

There is on pornhub, but it's labeled with some letter/number designation. TC something iirc

Yet the scammer sold exclusive access to test builds during the Kickstarter.

There is no renting of ships or equipment since half a year. For the fact, that you sank money into that trainwreck, you don't seem to follow it very closely.

Electronic Access is up and running with no sign of the system not working and Google doesn't turn up anything on the subject. Going by articles and forums it seems to be working just fine, so then why do you say that it's not working?

Live stream is in an hour, is anyone going to make a new thread for it?

just do it


what a boring fucker

i got this fam

Well meme'd

Thanks for including me in the screencap, respectable user, with your virtues

Makes me think of the TORtanic tattoos, although this is probably worse. Guy bought into a cult, is going to have his dreams delusions crushed and has probably paid a significant amount of money for non-existent ships.

Do it fagit, also checked


New (110% more cancer)

that's not a real tattoo right?

The tortanic ones were worse as they were on people in the industry who will now have to hide them at every job interview.

No, really, I appreciate the attention you put into puushing a bunch of random shit and sewing together like some small time seamstress

I'm flattered as fuck

You care so much about me

Everything that's happening here has happened before with Freelancer. I remember it being announced in maybe 97 only for them to show shit tech demos for four years straight. Freelancer only managed to actually happen when Microsoft bought out the developer and kicked out Roberts for wasting time and money. They cut out all of the ambitious shit that was never going to work anyway.

This time there will be no savior because Roberts set this shit up in such a way that he'll never have to answer to anyone and no one wants to acquire them at this late day in "development." Working for him must be a fucking nightmare.

Also, for some additional fun: look up any vaguely negative SC articles and check out the comments. If you think Roberts is delusional about his ability to deliver the games, then the fanboys will make you question the nature of delusion.

Your welcome

We look forward to your next contribution.

Post that without an anime avatar and I'll believe you senpai


The first picture is admittedly a bunch of random junk. The second is the only one that made any sense to post.


When did the furfags infiltrate so far into space sims? I've played Elite for awhile and never noticed.

it's a temporary tattoo they give out at conventions

There is no escape.

You're in my swamp now.


Damn, show me that direct line you have to Patto, SA forums




t i c k 1 e seemed to work. They're probably filtering for that word.

You know the drill.

inb4 nudes of a fat guy.

Read through the guys post history and holy shit, you can tell he's fucked in the head.

Literally all he wants is people to respect and adore him and the moment anyone even mildly criticizes him he flips out and goes for the ol' "I MAKE SOOOOOO MUCH MORE MONEY THAN YOU, I DON'T EVEN CARE WHAT YOU THINK, THAT'S WHY I'M FURIOUSLY RESPONDING TO EVERYTHING YOU SAY" spiel.

It fucking hilarious when you find a normalfag who's ended up with infinitely more money than they can handle, because they just start to fucking break down when it becomes apparent that all the money in the world won't fix their personal, internal issues and isn't making them any happier - and boy, do they flip the fuck out when you point that out to them.

Oh, also, apparently he's on a "first name basis" with Chris and has regular conversations with him, in fact he's on such good terms with Chris that he's even been given a "special" ordering system to allow for him to easily make bulk orders of high quality jpegs.

This man is such a fucking good goy. I can only imagine that every time he talks, all Chris can hear coming from the guy's mouth is the sound of a cash register opening.

I'm gonna stop here for now, since I've already wasted enough of my life on this guy, but I found him far too interesting to not at least perform a cursory search to see what I could find.

He used to run a shitty "gamer bar" that closed after 3 years due to gross incompetence.

His oh-so amazing, multi-million dollar computer business's web presence consist of a single Facebook group.

He apparently needs to supplement the mountains of wealth he's drawing in with his PC building company by working as a car technician and driver.

His billion dollar mansion is a glorified shack.

This is the kind of person that's drawn to Star Citizen.

Fuck me dead I'm never gonna own a house.

That's hilarious. I had a feeling he wasn't as well off as he was letting on. My family is pretty well off, went to private school my whole life. He acted like the kids who could only attended because they got a financial scholarship but didn't want the other kids to find out.


You read some the articles that quote croberts and you can see that he never takes responsibility for his fuckups. He will always dump on someone else.

He's a delusional micromanaging fuckup who is used to bullying teams of about 10 into his vision but that simply does not fucking scale.

Holy fuck that screams self built disaster.



They'll be in enormously deep shit if there is no actual game at the end of the ride, and they know it. Even if it's very half-assed, they'll ship a product.

show us them milk duds, boyo

It all makes sense now…

This game is just an attempt to bring Hollywood laundering into gamedev.

going by how little they had to show at the con, shipping anything might be overly optimistic

Well, I guess it's best to change the name from Star Citizen to Star Fur-citizen

H-haha…haha…h-haha r-right guys?


I should spank you for that.

I'm all yours daddy.

Assume the position.


I thought I was pretty autistic, had no life and take videogames way too seriously.

Then I learned about Star Citizen. I'm not even in the same league as these lunatic cultists.

People have short memories. Gamers even less.

I have to wonder how much the average person even knows about the games Roberts made.

But Star Citizen is going for that MMO crowd that will spend their lives in the game.

Have you met the Freelancer community at all user? That's all that needs to be said to be honest.


Freelancer community especially the RP community is perhaps the biggest cancer to ever grace gaming. And that's saying something.


It's the exact same kind of person that's drawn to religion.
>desperately wants to believe there's more to it, that there's a purpose for them

CR really capitalized on some of the biggest weaknesses of human nature.

I-i just don't understand how life works

you also pay taxes for the "thank you"

You only get what you either forcibly take, or are given by pure random happenstance. There's no real way to earn or deserve success - you can do all of the steps and work really hard at mastering any craft, but still end up living alone barely subsiding paycheck-to-paycheck at best, while some NEET who never lifted a finger his whole life gets undeserved windfalls and women dropped in his lap on a yearly basis.

That's how life works. One hair shy of absolute chaos.

you have a very strange view on religion, user. I never felt anything you describe, nor does any religious person I know of

Belief in fictional things is the core of it.
Religions believe in deities and concepts like "redemption" and "altruism", which are fictional.
Shekel Shillizens believe in Star Citizen, which is also fictional.

Not even religious but I think I will tip my fedora to you fellow user
Just because some religions revolve around those concepts it doesn't mean they don't hold a significance for all of us

Why do SC backers remind me of this?

what the story of this picture?

Jontron's long-lost twin brother who was raised by the Manson Family while Hunter S. Thompson had joint custody!

You're just a low energy faggot.

I think your argument would be better if you referred to religious extremism
Inb4 its all extremism

did they show gameplay after the scripted mission that fucked up at the end?

We're through about 6 looking glasses at this point.

Well most people don't even CHOOSE religion. They're indoctrinated into it since they were born.

Religion not only gives people hope and the belief that life has meaning it also provides a social life.

I'm an atheist and dislike people and don't want to be part of a community but if you're not mentally ill I can see the appeal.

Here's your game, yiffballs!

Fucking furfags hanging round shinrarta and adding strangers

so roberts announced that squadron 42 isn't even close to being done and is on hold indefinitely.

Derek Smart is going nuclear on twitter. Not sure why, the SC alpha is more game than he's ever delivered.

Oh well, back to not paying attention to SC for another couple years.

Just a little bit, they were showing off the editor mostly


Derek Smart got fired or something from that MMO that was a literal WoW clone, to the point of 'how the hell is Blizz not suing?1', and he got so triggered that he beat up a coke machine.

Nigga i like Trump, but he's not a good example. How many people here can get a million dollars to start their own company? On top of that come from top notch schooling to boot?

It's about the time that a normal dev studio/publisher would announce "we're working on this new game!" followed by it releasing in a year or two, anyways.

Works for me anyways, the high-end computer hardware of today will just be cheaper when it comes out in 20 years

When is the first suicide going to be?

Spent 150 euros on this shit.While i am pretty sure it won't be shit,it will neither be the game of the decade either

The issue is that there are no good alternatives and the bastard knows it.Read up the older posts,he touches every nerve possible citing Demon's souls,Counterstrike and many other decent games that have a lasting legacy

Pretty stupid no?

There will never again be a Xenogears or Baldur's Gate. Nostalgia blinds people to the fact that the industry has turned to shit.

I got fooled once with this game.Then again I purchased angels fall first on EA,which is even in a worse state for something that should do the simple task of a bf2142/battlefront mix.

Yesterday I talked with a friend who backed Divinity OS2.I can't bring myself to trust KS or EA anymore

Shame on me,really

ok buddy.

Where are the webms of Sandi getting tickled in bondage?



To be fair, most of the cultists back then were actually murdered, not committing suicide.
Can't see how they are gonna emulate that.

The double doctor is youtube:



When I saw them doing the commercial for ship packages and grabbing for more cash at citizencon I could only think of this

Thoughts on this?
