Dragon Quest: Builders

Did you try the demo?
For someone who has never even tried Minecraft, I felt it was pretty comfy.

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Nice reddit buzzword, neo/v/

I doubt this title will be discussed on Holla Forums in any shape or form.

Chinese jews delayed my order two weeks

Well you're pointless then. Minecraft is the major frame-of-reference for it.

Try harder to fit in.

Is it fun? Does the RPG stuff give you something to aim for alongside Minecraft's creative aspects?

Might pirate the vita version next month if I hear good things about it.

can you be a loli? can you go underground?

Is it on PC? Otherwise, fuck off.

Well yeah, you provide and build shit for NPCs and there are quests and shit.

As far as I know yeah.

Is it TV compatible? Looks like a cozy timesink.

Does any one know the quality of the localisation on this? Is it another fucked up 8-4 job? I wouldn't mind grabbing this as it looks like a fun time waster but 8-4 localised DQ games are painful to play.

Meh, I hope you guys finally get a good game though

Pretty sure the game's been out for months

so, the next Minecraft Killer?

What happened to that LEGO one, the one with the screaming skeletons?

Not really a Minecraft Killer: the game is less about building for the hell of it and more about building towards an end goal. For example, if you take three straw blocks you can make "straw flooring" that will convert a 5x5 patch of earth into straw blocks. This lets you create unlimited blocks of straw (rip out three straw blocks, turn into flooring, repeat). Similar options exist for brick blocks, stone blocks, etc. The point is to minimize hunting for resources and maximize building stuff out of those resources instead, since the goal of the game is to create cities with villagers that will grow and resist invasions.

Basic game flow is completing quests, constructing certain building types (bedrooms, smithies, etc.), and bringing wanderers into your cities to make them grow. Killing shit for materials and to defend your town is a given, but you don't level up, only make better armor and weapons for yourself. Overall it's more like a game using the Minecraft building system than a strict Minecraft clone.

PS3 release cancelled for the west, so fuck it to hell.

So how do I play it on PC? Preferably for free.

you already know how

Is there a good Vita emulator?

Why would you ever play a DQ in English to begin with? They have god awful foreignizations

4/v/ seems to really like it.

It can't be all that bad then.

Don't let those faggots influence your decision, just pirate the Vita version or play the demo before spending any money. Halfway through the first chapter right now. It's not bad so far, don't know if it's good enough to buy yet

I only play the fan translated ones.

I tried the demo after hearing nothing but good things and aside from a bit of an iffy combat style i really enjoyed it as a nostalgic reminder of Dragon Warrior on the GBC. Probably wont buy it at full price but i really enjoyed what was there in the demo and wanted more.

You know pc users are a declining minority on Holla Forums right?

You know you can get the death penalty for lying, right?

I presume he meant people who consider the PC as a primary gaming platform, as opposed to people who use it to access the site or for general purposes. The PC's a good emulation platform, but other than the occasional indie title like Scarlet Symphony or Cave Story, it's not exactly as lively as it was a couple decades ago, pretty much everything is on 3DS and Vita this gen.

Fun game

Why would I play it in Jap? The English translation for Builders isn't bad at all.

I found one instance of "Cor" so far, but other than that the usual accent bullshit is absent. Even the Cor guy spoke normal English afterwards.

That's an actual mannerism, though. It's silly, but it exists. The only other person I've seen speak in old timey words was in a flashback and he used actual thous and thines.

Is there an Eng torrent out for this yet? I'm having a hard time finding a new torrent site since KAT was taken down.

Off yourself. People use comfy on Holla Forums a lot.

I saw a Gook play it months and months ago and it looked really fun. I wish I could play it but no PSVita or money for one so woop.

fuck off

The Vita is dead as fuck, what the hell are you on?

How can you talk with confidence about PC gaming, and yet have absolutely zero knowledge of it whatsoever?

What's it like to go through life with such unfounded belief in your own non-existant knowledge?

Does it make you happier?

comfy threads have been around since 2006, they basically mean "Hey man, take a break from that game is kicking your ass and play some Dragon Quest". But you wouldnt know that cause you are too busy playing Crapcunts and Assfaggots with you steamdrone faggot "friends"


Didn't this sell 30,000 more on the vita than PS4 in japan opening?

Speaking of buzzwords, it's impressive how most of the words in your post are exactly that.
Kill yourself ASAP

That's a good sign, I hope the shit like with VII 3DS fucking stops soon.

That's because the Japs understand how good the Vita is but it's mostly they enjoy mobile and handheld gaming more than console gaming at this point.

Dragon Quest tho.

I feel like failing this hard at trying not to look like a newfag should be a bannable offense.

I find that exceedingly hard to believe.

The Vita is the second most successful platform period, only the 3DS is beating it.

i feel like taking a first reply (1)'n'done shitpost seriously should be met with a spanking

it has a 3d dot game heroes vibe to it, i'll give it that

yeah I was totally going to play a 50+ hour RPG in nipponese not understanding anything the whole time, it was only orchestral music that changed my mind.

how is it being 'removed' if it wasn't there in the first place?

Really want to play it, not willing to get it without a physical copy, but physical copy will take months at least. So I'm waiting for a while. Maybe a sale will happen soon, but probably not. Cyber Sluts still hasn't had one.

Do you even like video games?

The 3DS version added it, as well as voice acting.

I thought I bought a physical version of Cyber Sluts during a sale, then again it was the PS4 version.

Cyber Sluts had a physical copy on Vita in Asia. Dragon Quest Builders is getting one as well, but I bought the Japanese release because I assumed that it wouldn't release in the west period and imported that one.

I like the accents.

Dragon quest would be boring generic fantasy grindy tripe without them.

Is it really generic if the whole reason it's "generic" is because it set the fucking standard for "generic" in the fucking first place?

Yes it really is generic if nothing has changed 9 games deep.

Dragon quest 1-3 are the only games that have an excuse being generic fantasy tripe. Consequently they are the only ones i've played fan translated.

Besides the class system? Besides monster raising? Besides multiplayer?

It has changed every game, slightly. However, there is nothing wrong with keeping a lot of it the same just with a different cast of characters, a different world, and what-not. That's part of the series charm.

You mean tedious grinding
You mean tedious grinding (except for the 8 minigame, I enjoyed the colliseum)
Didnt play through 9 with friends.
Slightly isnt enough to keep me interested. Especially in the only series that hasnt innovated its tedious battle system in 20+ years.

I like the wacky charm that the English localizations have. The fan translations are all pretty srs business and I think that is at odds with the art style.

nothing wrong with it, but plenty of games imitate it. so i see enough dragon quest outside of dragon quest.

Builders actually doesn't have the accents the localization actually seems kind of okay so far.

If you didn't even notice big changes within the first three you're crazy. DQ has managed a remarkable balance of changing things up from game to game while maintaining it's identity.

But there isn't any charm.

I love localizations too. The changes they make for games is for the better.

Did you push the beds together. Did you get comfy with Pippa, or did you want a Mr. Satan?

I did but then that asshole came and stole my bed watching him now sleeping next to Pippa. I wanted a cute yuri friendship. Can I just build this guy back into a pyramid where I found him?

Does anyone have a vpk of the English version? I can only find them for the Japanese release.

You know what you have to do now user.

Nyaa has one but it doesn't say if it's the original or foreign release. Only 250 MB so probably at least worth a shot.

Black-cats has one with all the DLC if you can wait for me to download it then upload it to mega I'll grab it for ya.

That's very nice of you, user. Thanks.

here ya go it's a maidump not a vpk though

Thanks a bunch, man.

Yeah fallas, Vita only. Not going to go down the PS4 road anytime soon. Maybe when it hits $100 or less. Waiting on price drops for DQB and Cyber Sluts. Too pricey for my Canadian wallet.

It's fucked that I bought it at launch here in Canada and only spent an extra 20$ if I bought it now.

reddit meme. you don't deserve those double dubs

I know ASSFAGGOTS is shit like Dota and Lol, but what the fuck is a crapcunts?

a class based shooter, but lets not get in to that in this thread okay?

Forced meme for 'cartoon shooters' like tf2, overwatch etc etc

Fair enough, just hadn't heard the term before, presumably because I don't play Doomclones.

These guys are nicer than expected. As a side note, it's funny how the English version still changes the gravestones to tridents instead of crosses.




After watching a good deal of gameplay, it seems this is designed for maximum comfy, but good gods is it a pain to watch, outside of seeing how people have laid out their towns, and the occasional quest, so in that sense it's a lot like minecraft. Unlike minecraft, there are goals in the game, which changes things up considerably.

Though, if you can't find it cheaper than that you're doing it wrong, even Amazon has new copies of the Vita version going for 3375, with used starting at 1780 right now.

I just started playing the Dragon Quest games, I've only finished DQ1 & 2 so far. I also hated minecraft but I'm liking builders a lot.

Anyone gonna post some cities/castles they've made? I like the visual design of this game better than minecraft by leaps and bounds and would like to see some of Holla Forums's creations.

What's the difference between the platform versions anyway?

Or are there even any at all, besides the graphical side?

Just graphical I think

Vita version probably also runs at 30 instead of 60.


Likely will eventually will be if they bothered letting Heroes end up on Steam. Only question is will it be tied to their site like I've heard the FF ports are.

So it was confirmed that DQ7 3DS was 8-4s work?

Is there a fan translation for the Yangus game yet?

I'm gonna die laughing if they make it slow down by changing it to midi.

Big money on them making a NISA grade brick if they go so far as to switching it back to midi and text.

Why do I keep hearing that DQ is grindy, I've never had to grind in any of the games I've played. I'd give you post game but that's pretty much every RPG.

Wizardry/DnD/Ultima set the standard for generic fantasy.

Surprising that Japan actually made yuri art for this game.

The localization community worships Poseidon?

I don't think there's enough enemies that can be attracted in this type of game to have them lowering the numbers so likely nothing beyond graphics.

Do this play like Minecraft with a DQ skin or do it feel like a DQ game with some building?

From what I've seen, it plays like a Minecraft that took all the good parts from Terraria and shoved a story on top but leaving out the ability to swim or at least in the Ocean.

From what I played of the demo, it's either sub-30 that sometimes shoots up, or 30 in normal play that starts running around 50+ fps if you manage to force the camera to look upward. Kind of surprised at the lack of a framerate cap, makes the technical limitations a lot more glaring.

The only reason I'm not too sure is that I don't often play games on my vita. Hell, I can't even remember if there are vita games that run at 60 at all.

Why didn't I think of building that. Seems pretty convenient.

I didn't think it possible to not know of sky bridges after the Minecraft and Terraria craziness.

Anyone agree that Pippa is the best builders waifu?

What's a Pippa? All I can see are ants.



All you can see IS ants. C'mon, man.

He said Builders not Dragon Quest in it's entirety.

oh, well, shit. i guess i'm an the asshole then, fam

Isn't there a dancer NPC in Builders?

I dunno I'm not very far but I was fairly certain there wasn't going to be a Jester one.

They sure as hell knew, in the cinematic opening of the game they have the player character model build a nerd-pole/noob-pole or whatever they're called straight up through the clouds.

Can't see Toriyama and Horii not having a bunny girl in any DQ.

Stairway to the skybridge. That being said, it's not surprising anyone who only saw that would think to try to make a long structure with no support though from the looks of it, it's less annoying to pull off than Minecraft.

Let me guess, you alternate between minecraft and some garbage like CS:GOy

Fucking plebeian.

3d terraria. It's comfy. I am only on Chapter 1 and the lack of space to build your village is the only thing truly killing this game for me.

If leveling up your village increased the size of your villages real estate, and the game allowed you to assign classes and jobs to your villagers and let you take them along with you on adventures it would be almost perfect. I enjoy the combat. Reminds me a 2d zelda kind of. With the charge attacks and such.

I would love a PC version with mods.

How long is the main story line.

Thank God. This is the absolutely worst part of Minecraft and while it's better in Terraria resource gathering is still annoying.


Its dumb but that sort of things way too subjective to enforce without leading to random people getting caught in the fray.

Now, I really like the look of this game but I'm kind of unsure about it. Its good to hear that people are saying its solid though from the demo may have to give a pirate.

Ordered my Vita copy yesterday. Won't get it until next year. Thanks china and canada.

Does anyone have any clue at to where you can get palm trees in the second world? I've been all over the entire island and I cant find any.

Pretty sure they're in the first teleporter island. You'll have to get by without a coffer until then.

In chapter 3 you actually can take some of the villagers with you when you leave town.

How do you progress with the quests to get the first teleporter, since you need palm wood for the hospital?

I want to be able to take Pippa with me.

You don't need wood for either the sickroom or the infirmary. Picture related shows you the requirements for both, everything wooden can be built with broken branches.


Well fuck.
I guess I wandered all over corruption island for nothing. Rescued two guys in the time of it so I guess I'm good to go for a later quest. Looks like I should have checked those recipes more carefully.

Its not what is said but the fact that you're bothered by it that matters.



I've always loved DQ's cartoony art.

I said fuck it and bought a used PS4.

Of course, "fuck it" is the usual deciding factor for anything more expensive than eating, in my case.

tell me more. does it have multiplayer?
One thing that pisses me off in terraria that my comfy as shit town is never actually in any danger other than my NPCs dying that respawn shortly anyway

Singleplayer only.

That said I'm surprised the Vita version got a foreign release, Sony usually does SOMETHING to ensure that only PS4 versions get foreignizations.

Does the dragon ever take more than one point damage?

Steel broadsword hits it for like 10 or so per swing, IIRC. Never tried to use the bombs against them, but they reportedly work well, too.

I see, thank you.

Are there any materials that are bomb proof?