Dream game thread?

Dream game thread?

I have a dream game but i'm waiting to get a better PC and start working on it on my own even if it takes me a lifetime to finish it.

Writing on the level of Planescape Torment, the combat of ToEE, and the setting, openness, and autism-friendly options that Arcanum sort of had.


So many awesome idea guys here trying to keep up with me.

Start to make those games people!

If not I will copy all of these.

Don't even try, you're just gonna get a bunch of shitposters saying "You'll never steal my ideas, kike!"

The best things are the things that take a lifetime to finish. Look at Tolkien and his works, he spent decades working on them and most would either consider them masterpieces or at worst, give credit where credit is due.

Threadly reminder that your dream game will never happen, and even if it did the industry as it is now will surely ruin it.

Do you think SMNC could be revived since its genre is coming back a bit?

Doubt it. Uber really screwed the pooch on that one

One of my dream games is tailored to the current direction the industry is going in.

user, the only things that should go down a toilet are shit, piss, or vomit.

pls no bully

Casual oriented

You'll never steal my ideas, kike!


user, why did you repeat what i said?

I don't think this makes any sense.

Not going to bother with the template, because I am a lazy fucker who hasn't installed GIMP on his new computer, and we have multi-image posting.

I want a Sword of the Stars Xcom-type game where you're in charge of a squad of commandos, like in Republic Commando, all while looking like SOTS II because that shit is fucking gorgeous.

heist-based open-world FPS with brutal bullet mechanics set in the backdrop of the mid-to-late 1980's criminal underworld w/ gratuitous synthwave music


I basically just want a big ass dungeon crawler with fighting game styled combat and jojolike aesthetics

Action/adventure RPG where you start as a child in say, 16th century Japan, where depending on what you discover and focus on in the early parts of the game, determines which of the major story branches you would follow.

Practice martial arts? Become the strongest sword, and stop the invading army that intends to turn Japan into a series of trading ports under foreign rule.
Spy on monsters and tengu to learn their secrets? Become a mighty sorcerer/summoner who saves the country from a great demon that has been crafting a master spell to steal the souls of all of the people, in an attempt to attain godhood at the behest of a suspicious and malevolent being from beyond the stars, across a gulf so distant that even death may die along the journey.
Spy on assassins looking to kill a local lord so that their employer can take over the area in the name of security? Become a spy/ninja/assassin and turn the tables, and discover an even greater conspiracy in the works, and save Japan from a terrible fate.

Or take any of the three, and take the reigns of the evil plots, with you being the boss.



I'm lucky. My dream game already exists.

This is exactly why templates are cancer. Nothing but reposts and zero effort from all parties.

Pajeet, the mashed potatoes are not the ==designated shitting street==.

feels ideas man

I just don't like how hardly anyone actually elaborates on the picture they post.
A dream game is something you can't just cram into a single collage, it needs commentary.

I wish, but it's not going to happen.

Not guaranteeing you'll like it but check out Abyss Odyssey.

I want an medieval exploration heavy semi-sandbox RPG game with great combat, nasty gore, gloomy aesthetics, and christian themes. Elder Scrolls have bad combat and too much fantasy, Gothic II has worse combat, and IMO Witcher 3 is just absolutely shit in every single regard.

Whatchu think fam?

The sheer absurdity and huge variety of things provided by the universe that's been created around ss13 would lend itself incredibly well to a metroid-prime style game set after everything's gone horribly wrong for Nanotrasen and you play as a silent protagonist (who naturally doesn't react at all to the strange shit they see) who explores the horrible mess left behind,trying to figure out what exactly what went wrong,and end up having to fight Nar-Sie at the end or something.
Possible levels:

How do you feel about King's Field combat?
Also, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic might scratch your itch for great combat, though it's got at least as much fantasy as TES.

I'd play that shit and I don't even play SS13

It's pretty much shit. The hitbox is fucked up, the controls are shit, and you move your camera sluggishly for no reason. I just like the idea of dungeon crawling and sword brawl.

Kicking simulator is too "gamey" for me. I'm looking for something more realistic.

Dark Souls set in space but with card battles instead of combat and the final boss is R63 of yourself

Check out Ehrgeiz's Dungeon Mode, or what it's based on Tobal No. 1. They're both fighting games with a dungeon crawler side game.

I forgot the most important part:
>ALL the music is eurobeat or synthwave


Looks like gay and play like shit.


gd shitty crop

That was the old BF3
Rip in peace best starwars game.
Republic Commando 2 never ever