MAME sucks. Arcade games are for hipsters. Fuck off of Holla Forums.
True, modern games are the future of the medium anyway
Here's your (1), now fuck off.
I'd kill for one of these two arcades.
The smug self-superiority over such stupid bullshit is killing me.
You can make one yourself, though the second one is a retrofitted Sega cabinet.
So this guy just shits on other people's cool home MAME cabinets like he's an even unfunnier version of the unfunny Maddox? Impressively bad.
Welcome to reddit's niche of the internet
I still regret it.
It's just a computer/console, old shitty tv and a fightpad strapped together.
What's the big deal? Nostalgia?
yes, for those of us old enough to remember arcade cabinets.
I remember them. I always hated how I can't play cool games at home without queues and needing to pay and stupid limitation systems and all that.
Home consoles/computers fixed everything wrong with Arcades. There is good reason they almost ceased to exist.
You must be new here
Now this is advanced autism.
some people like to play in arcade cabinets, nothing beats playing against your local strangers in a tournament-esque competition, but you wouldn't know about that because you have social autism and no friends
Arcades were supposed to grow into something greater, not die out.
We should have full scale virtual reality cafes where people have 36 vs 36 battles online against other vr cafes across the globe.
Instead we get nothing. Something is wrong with this timeline. We have to fix it.
but user I can't watch VR anime titties in a cafe, it's weird
There is nothing wrong with this "timeline", faggot, more like a problem with this country. They have arcades like that in glorious Nippon.
Private booths. Imagine full sized arcades but in place of machines, they had VR PC setups. Some private, some not.
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you user, they're dying in grorious nippon as well.
do I get to bring friends?
I'll believe it when I see it. Last I checked they're doing fine, though maybe you're confusing them with video game cafes which are indeed on the way out due to regulation.