BF1 drops next week? Your predictions? Are we gonna have a salt party?

BF1 drops next week? Your predictions? Are we gonna have a salt party?





Time flies fast. Didn't know it was already next week.

It'll be the usual broken buggy piece of shit until a few patches in, then it'll be forgotten except for a small community of autists who have nothing better to play.

Just like the last couple of BF games.

It's gonna suck. I could totally ignore the inclusion of dindus if it at least played like WW1 and not modern combat with superficial WW1 looks.

Nice roman numerals friend-o.

Shame we cant spoil the ending then again todays education standards is so bad that some people will believe it if we say Germans won

We're going to have a google party.

You really have to wonder who they're trying to appeal to.

Historyfags won't touch this POS for obvious reasons.
CODfags don't care about BF.
BFags want to be operators, not footsloggers.

Nothing that made WW1 important and memorable (Trench warfare, poison gas, rolling artillery barrages) is even in the game.

Try Verdun, which does play like WW1.

Yes, it has some issues like hitboxes sometimes being weird. Yes, it's gotten a lot better over time. Yes, it's still less buggy and broken than BF1 will be.

They did win the eastern front, which'd come as a surprise to most people in the west who never learn about that. Then again, you'd need a game set on the eastern front for that, which'll never happen because nobody cares about the eastern front.

Wasnt more of the issue being that Russia couldnt bear the cost of the war anymore and commies took to the Winter Palace?

With the improved graphics and stagnant gameplay I'd have to go with the ultra-realismfags.

How much Kebab did the Serbs Remove in WW1?

Not only that but they were way behind industrially.

Germany had completely thrashed Russia's armies and the Russians signed peace because the Germans were advancing through Russia with no hint of slowing down. Russian army was in full desertion mode by the end. Germany probably invested too many troops to the east, but that's only really knowable in hindsight.

None, serbroach got removed by based croats and austrians.

The Austrian-Hungarian commander in charge of the Serbian front was a complete idiot. He was next to Franz Ferdinand when he was shot, and so he wanted to attack the Serbs, even if the high command only wanted him to defend the southern borders from a possible Serbian offensive. So he attacked without sufficient forces, wasted lots of lives for nothing. Then later on a combined German-Austrohun-Bulgarian offensive did put Serbia out of the war. Their armies had to retreat through Albania and evacuated by the Entente fleets.

I'll agree with you austria-hungary's military leadership was pretty fucking incompetent, but the serbs still got wrecked, as is the historical way of things for serbroaches.

Yes, I really don't understand this whole fetishism about them. Really, they were just as happy to slaughter Croatians, Hungarians and Germans during their history. So they aren't really kebab removers, just nigger-tier goatfuckers.

I think it's pretty much just some maymay videos on Youtube about their catfight with the bosniaks. People hear about that and go oh, based serbs remover of kebab and forget that serbia spent centuries taking ottoman dick up their ass.

But what about Vlad wasnt he removing Kebabs even after his death`?

Vlad is from Wallachia, a completely different country. And he wasn't even that important, just led some quasi-guerrillas for a few years. He only got famous because of that Irishman liking his name. Funny thing is, Stoker actually made his character a Sekler (a group of Hungarians living in Transylvania). And the real Vlad's distant ancestors were quite likely Cumans, who were Eurasian nomads.

Im almost afraid to ask user , but are you some kind of a slav?

No, although I might have some Slav blood. Bu you should also not forget that Slav isn't an ethnicity, but a group of related ethnicities, like Germanics. So treating all Slavs as one group is the same as saying that the English, the Germans, the Swedes and the Danes are one people.

Thats why I said some kind of slav. There was a helpful weebum that helped to identify different kind slavs. West east and south I believe.

Sorry, I'm not that fond of Slavs in general, save for a few kinds of them, but even I can't stand when someone assumes that all of them are just Russian gopniks.

8-12 of the same thread in the first few days, mostly unironically linking to some cancerous Youtube personalities for reference because no one is going to play the actual game. Some stupid droning about salt, despite there being limited enjoyment to gain from the buyer's remorse of consumers with tragically poor taste. Like most high profile launches it will make Holla Forums a little more annoying to browse for a week or two, and while sales will probably be lower than previous installments it will likely be a financial success anyway thanks to marketing. Every major AAA launch plays out the same.

Are you sure we wont have resident generals like we do for overcuck? People promised we wouldnt have those. People promised that its all just Blizzdrone shills and the game will die in a week but look where we are at now. We have overcuck nearly every goddamn fucking day.

bf4 still has tons of players though

It's gonna be shit

And worst of all, now I'd actually like to try out a ww1 tank simulator. hat part looked kind of good, expect for how unrealistic the Germans were. Seriously, they were standing on the open like if it was still 1914.

There's anons constantly bitching about this in tank threads.

That's really annoying. Those Russia webms people post titled "Slavland a magical place" are filled with things I have never seen happen here in real life or in the news. Russia looks like shit.

Here comes the shill train, choo choo
I can't wait to be told how shit both CoD and BF1 are over the course of 3 daily threads for the better part of a month.

Technically is there under the forms of grenades and gas masks but it's so fucking useless the only times I had any fun with it was taking a shit on all the reviewers who couldn't aim if their life dependent on it.

Thats a strange thing to be excited for user.

I am slavic, not Russian, though, but weird shit like that happens over here too. Kids from different neighborhoods beat the shit out of each other with steel pipes and brass knuckles and shit, for no reason in particular. Stuff like that. And, basically living in the Balkans meant that every piece of mass media, as movies, music etc. you got was 20 years behind the rest of the world. So, in 2005, our TV stations played Steven Seagal and Chuck Norris movies. It might seem like shit, but if you were born here, that's just normal, although, best part is, we barely have any niggers or goatfuckers in the country.

It sounds like having niggers or goatfuckers there wouldn’t make a lick of difference.

It's not like slavs are actually human.

The difference is, these kids do this shit for fun, and from my experience, they don't beat the shit out of people that don't want to get involved. It's really a fight club kind of thing, instead of just niggers just stabbing old women on the street and stealing their shit.

It wasn't like that in the city I lived in. We just had junkies and those people just stole shit from their own family, but even that was on the decline at the time.

That's a šiptar thing.

The steel pipes thing is something we only had with visiting football fans. I've moved to the country in 2004, so I don't know much about Split after that.

I dont think there will be much of a salt party, the fags who bought battlefield 3,4 and hardline will buy this one and that will be it unless they added in a single player campaign full of SJW garbage

It's a semi footbal/semi kvart thing. Fans of the same club from different neighborhoods will beat the shit out of each other in arranged fights and shit to prove who's the biggest fans.

Only the Arabia campaing can be considered SJW due to MUH STRONG BEDUIN WOMYN, the rest is somewhat decent all things considered - at least as far as Battlefield is concerned.

Depends, are the french still DLC ?

More importantly, are they still black?

Ayup. They don't have their own campaing either, they are only going to get it once the DLC is released. So far there's :

- Prologue (Harlem Hellfighters vs Germans, 1 Episode)
- British Tank Campaing (4 Episodes of a single tank running rampage through the French Country-side)
- British Aeroplane Campaing (4 Episodes of some cheeky fuck impersonating a British RAF Officer and taking over his fighter plane, ends up defending London against a German Raid)
- Galipolli (Aussies vs Ottomans, 3 Episodes)
- Arabia (STRONK BEDUIN WOMYN vs Ottomans, 3 Episodes, absolute worst of the lot where Lawrence of Arabia is relegated to a supporting character you see for a total of 5 minutes)

Oh and I forgot the most boring of them all, the Italian Campaing. Two Episodes of fighting the Austro-Hungarians through the Alps and MUH BROOOOOTHER shit with a decent male VA and horrible female VA for the narration.

Yeah so there will be frenchfags salt, guaranteed. I saw quite a lot even at the normalfagest of websites when it was announced.


so all that fucking black pushing is just for 1 episode???

Boy I cant wait for the "sweden yes!" webms.


There are tonnes of dindus in MP. Brits are 75% blacked. Germans are 25% blacked while Turkroached are Aryan. The fucking irony.

I assume French and Americans are gonna be Blacked too. The only whites are probably gonna be Italians Austrians and Slavs but they will find away to put a woman or a trans-nigger in there somewhow

That should have been the prologue, with all this "you die at a scripted point and jump to an other soldier to die again" shit. Fucking Italians only had to fight in that one front, and on average had twice the troops than the Austro-Hungarians. Yet they also amassed twice the causalities, despite the other side often starting their own offensives. It was really a pathetic display of martial ability on their part.

One episode that lasts a total of some 10 minutes, yes. The sad part is that it's not even that bad really, it has some interesting bits about it mostly because every time you died you got placed into another soldiers POV. Before they changed shit up to make it a lot easier because all of our playtersters were fucking retards that couldn't figure out you weren't supposed to "win", you would die incredibly easy if you weren't careful. The prologue is arguably the most memorable part of the entire campaing.

The Campaing is the only decent bit about the game, MP is utterly cancerous because these fucks refused to make a proper WW1 game and instead reskinned BF4 while nerfing C4 to the ground.

Ayup. Not to mention Ruskie salt. I'm not sure if they decided on whether or not they want to play it out from the Whites or the Reds perspective yet but there will be bullshit abound.

That woulda been a good idea though, we can't have that in Sweden. The Italian campaign can basically be resumed to one faggot destroying the entire Austro-Hungarian defensive in late 1918 to search for his brother behind enemy lines.

I would really like to see Whites allied Legions miracle in this but I doubt it still killing commies would be nice

Do those origin games and dlcs even get cracked?

We implemented Denuvo so it's going to take a while, but yes.

Can you stop with the *Ayup* thing its really fucking disturbing I keep reading your posts in BigMac'svoice

Stop being a degenerate horse-fucker then

It's campaign you retard.

Stop inflaming my latent horse-phuckery

Is he some Italian gigolo, or a soldier from a different country who served in that front?

Italian Gigolo with a surprisingly honey-coated voice reminiscing about the war and his lost brother with his daughter - who sounds like the most bored out of her mind English porn-star, I swear to God it gives me cancer whenever I have to work on that certain Episode.

No hablo englais Senior.

You monster frisbee!


Holy shit, I'm already disgusted. At least give me some burger or something, not somebody from the most incompetent army of the 20th century.
You do know that you have to tell us more now.

What did he mean by this?

Just ask what you want to know nerd.

What company are you working for, and what is your job exactly? Although, if I had to guess, it sounds like you are a beta tester.

I'm the DICEFag that talked about Mirrors Edge a few months ago and cried alongside the other user from the USA that had to test that steaming pile of shit. I still feel bad for him honestly.

You forget the fact that the Italians had to fight through the Alps, on a front where the Austrians had actually fortified competently, and had the advantage of terrain.

Basically a tragedy all around.

Wait what? So your are a DICE employee?

I wasn't in those threads.

They were basically no actual forces in the area at the beginning, and as I've said, they often launched their own offensives to take back what little ground the Italians gained. So it wasn't exactly a static war where the Italians just charged again and again, while the Austrians just mowed them down.

Worked on Mirrors Edge, cried myself to sleep every night, cried tears of joy once I got moved onto BF1 and the majority of the ME team was sacked for gross incompetence, cry myself to sleep again every night over how shit the MP is and how retards are going to buy it in droves.

Also the narcissism. I swear I thought it was only a ME thing but these faggots working on BF1 are equally - if not more so - narcissistic than their peers when it comes to thinking their releasing God's gift to earth.

You have to be a really insecure and sad person to try to derive pleasure from a game being bad. Especially when the game isn't bad and you are just trying to convince people that they are wrong for having fun you don't condone for whatever arbitrary set of circumstances.

Is it true how blacked the armies are?

You post makes it sound like bullshit LARPing but your dubs say its the truth

pic related

Haha, take a look at this faggot

Ayup. To this day I can't tell if its because their intentionally trying to be retards or if they are just that historically illiterate - but whenever I tried to prod them they just linked me fucking Wikipedia articles regarding colonial forces so it's most likely the later. Britain and America are the most BLACKED armies with Germany following in toe - for some reason I still can't put my finger on - while the Italians, Austro-Hungarians, and Turks are pretty Aryan. I'm pretty sure I saw a few snippets of code regarding them being BLACKED as well but it wasn't properly implemented last time I checked and I ain't touching that shit just for how hilarious it is.

All they had to do was give us customizable characters, and then everyone could be happy.


So, what is your position exactly?

He's posting here, isn't that already clear?

Power bottom I reckon
*snark snark*

I know that he is a shitposter, but I'm interested in what his job consist of.

I honestly don't care what he does or if he's even a DICE employee as long as he confirms my pre-disposed viewpoints.

Slaughtering chickens probably.

Russia did make gains on the Eastern Front before their inner turmoil. They had the most successful offensive of the entire war against Germany, and they were deep into Ottoman territory.




Too much work, we even had to take out the Customize Soldier part out from the Menu UI because it was bugged as shit.

That it's fucking retarded, doubly so since I love History, but they sign my paychecks so fuck 'em - let them burn themselves down.

Mostly taking care of the SP portion of things. Persistence, AI, spawn points, Save/Load, etc. MP is left to others but I take part in a few internal playtests and let me tell ya', I try to duck out of it whenever I can. Fucking TNT being useless ruins all my fun with BF since that's the only thing I enjoyed from the series.

:t. somebody who knows nothing about history

like literally XDD I still miss the energy from those days

Look, you can play this thing with the French, how their 20th century fuckups don't count because of stuff they did a lot earlier, but it doesn't work with the Italians. Or do I have to bring up ww2 too?

I guess being able to opt out of being blacked is too much to ask for. If something like that is "too much work" I'd place the blame on whoever is directing the workflow for being uncooperative. Also, if you're getting hatemail and actually work in DICE I'd try my hardest to make sure that mail gets to where its supposed to be.

Ah, my bad, misunderstood that bit. You could never un-BLACKED yourself, only weapons and shit like in all previous titles. The easiest way I found to get rid of being a nigger involves constantly changing Squads or classes until you get a white character but that only persists until Death, upon where you got a shot at being BLACKED again.

At least it ain't the Rust model so there's that.

I sure the hatemail gets sent directly to the trash chute while requests for more BBC are pilling into sizable forts

Italians altrought being not industrialized nation managed to defeat austro Hungary in 1ww, ottoman empire in 1912, brits in afrika in ww2 until brits brought backup, they also were winning in the Mediterranean sea until 1942-1943

That's simply not true. They needed the help of the whole Entente, even though they only had to fight in one front.
The Ottoman Empire was shit since the 17th century, and before that war the peoples of the Balkans handed their shit so hard that they regained their independence.
You mean the exploits of Genralissimo Romello, the famous Italian commander?

I've never been so halfway on anything.
On one hand it had bitching world-building, but mostly flat and insufferable characters.
Chapels Darwin a wicked weird biomancer, but they made Tesla a joke.

Just so split.

user, whatever you're smoking, I want it.

But I need to elaborate on this

You did realise Richard O'Connor basically fucked them in the ass until the Brits had to recall most of their army because the Frenchies just surrendered and they needed all the men they can get for the defense of the Greece. (which the Italians also got fucked by fucking Greeks.)

What book I had that poster on my harddrive for ages now, I've never really bothered to look for the source. I thought it was concept art for some indie game or something

The best Italian war machine was that 2 man sub 'the pig' that wrecked the British Navy.

You're being gay trying to make a comparison between Nation states/Empires and Italy– a loose collection of city-states that barely cared for another.

The fact that they kept all their own territory through 20th century, had the lowest casualty rates, ended up on the winning side every time etc is all you need to know.
But yeah, as a war state, it's nothing to write home about.

He's the one claiming that Italians wrecked the Brits in Africa, among other bullshit. They might be good at diplomacy, but as you yourself said, war itself isn't their strong point.

It's about WWI alternate history where half of Europe uses massive biological engines while the others took to many mechanical engineering courses.
It has it's moments.

What in the hell is that ungodly abomination. That looks like some shit out silenthill bodyhorror shit. Goddman

This doesn't make sense for shit. Wasn't the German Empire commonly characterised as the "unprogressive" and "barbaric" one, in comparison to the highly advanced landship-riding British Empire?

for what purpose

I take you aren't familiar with Warhammer 40k's art if this much body horror is already shocking for you.

I know warhammer. More or less. I know they have ordo mechanicus or whatever that staple gear to their ass but this leaviathan shit is a step too far.

Not much salt I'd wager. It will be a standard BF release and most fans will be happy with that.

Well you know 25,000 vs. 5,000 is hardly fair, and still the italians had higher casualties lol

I heartily recommend you read up on the kind of shit the Mechanicus gets up to on a good day, and then look up the Daemonculaba, which is what happens when there's nobody threatening to put a bolter round through a Magos' head.

It will be Battlefield all over again. A buggy shitfest lacking in any meaningful content that plays like a watered down Call of Duty.

You know why most of the characters are black?
Because they just reused the interchangeable heads from Battlefront onto new body models and called it a day. They probably didn't have enough white heads, so they just sprinkled nigger heads everywhere because they were too lazy to model new ones.

What can you spoil? Everyone knows what happened in WW1, and the protaganist is the nig on the allied side right? All you can do is pirate it amd see how shit is and/or show how shit it is to others and make them not buy crap constantly.

Nigs are only the protagonist for one episode that lasts about 10 minutes, every other Campaign has its own protagonist. Disregarding the Mary Sue from Arabia, the other four are Aryans.

took me a minute

EA can go fuck themselves. Hopefully everyone working there gets dragged to the gas chambers.

That's not on EA, that's on Sweden being Sweden. You can blame the fact Rented Servers only allow Conquest on 64 players on EA tho'.

I can just imagine the board of directors jumping like chimps from joy when the Swedish cuck presented them with the idea of making their WW1 about niggers.

Slightly better then, but like they have the blacks front and center. You would think half of Europe was black by the amount of nigs in the army here.

Sight, user. Aesthetic. Nothing compares.


Looks like one of those goregrind or slam death album covers

Commies took advantage of soldiers under the Tzar being pissed off at the government because officers would send them on suicide missions and open fire if they decided to do anything other than get mowed down by enemy fire. So really it wasn't a matter of the Commies being cunts but rather that the military decided that they never really liked the Tzar anyway.

Yeah, I prefer the works of Blanche when it comes to disturbing. They just put surreal to a new level for me.

And don't forget that the revolution wasn't even started by the commies, they just successfully took power as they dealt with other revolutionary groups. The average soldier was really just pissed off and had enough of the war, he wasn't interested in Marxism.


I don't get it.

I actually read through Fallout Equestria after the god damned "search for your favorite game on this crossover fandom site" thread.
It's pretty meh, sounds much more like someone tried too hard to worldbuild and forgot that all their characters were Mary Sues.
But every fucking time I read "Ayup" now, I imagine some fucked up retarded cartoon horse.
What has happened to my life? It all used to have purpose…

It is better this way

It's a reference to "operation google"
I think the idea is that google made some effort to stop the ebil raycis, so now some people fr4om Holla Forums refer to niggers as googles

Someone should take one for the team and get it to protocol all the shit that happens in the game like we had with Cisquisition.
Hopefully we can a few shits and giggles out of that since it's pretty much confirmed that Bioware and Dice are competing who can ram the most dicks in their mouth



Does anybody even care about the campaign for this shit?

Nobody from Holla Forums is doing that, anybody who does is called a self-censoring faggot.


I know where that pic is from


It's a 4/pol/ meme. Enough said.

Updated for battlefield 1

If you're going to do it it needs to be in public spaces like twitter. If you use it as a slur here you're just censoring yourself, as you said.

I'm guessing you aren't wrong when you say the characterization is shit, so there's no chance I'm going to read this, but is there any other fun fucked up designs?

If I had to guess, sonar and food source. As retarded as the first one sounds. It could also just be where bats gather.

Noice OC friend. Keeping it

Whenever I see that picture all I can think about is how much of a tool the person who posted it is.

Not as much as the person saging a thread he clearly doesnt like. Dont like something dont post in it, it will die quicker. Its as simple as that.


No because only an autistic thinks that not bumping a thread does anything. People are still going ti reply to you and bump the thread.

Its the moral equivalent of tring to boycott a store by filling a whole basket and then leaving it at the cashiers.
You went into the store you dummy. dont like something leave it be dont piss in the pool if you cant swim

Wrong. Sage is used when making a reply that isn't directly related to the thread topic and/or isn't seen as relevant by the poster (otherwise known as shitposting).

Thats an extremely autistic and narrow use of sage more often than not its used to bumplock a thread without bumping it.
