

Other urls found in this thread:


That's pretty cool but check these you cunt

Funny, I'm not laughing

Who are you quoting?


go away

If dubs, OP goes back to Cuckchan

There's really no need for fucking permanent LOL threads, especially when 75% of them are reposts.

Autists are sagebombing a LOL thread for what reason, exactly?

Niggers aren't welcome here.

Delete This.

Nice. But you can't beat these.

For not being video games, as should happen to any thread that does meet the vidya quota. 2009 called, it wants you guys back.

Their posts are related to this thread as much as this thread is related to this board


The dubs have spoken


Impressive, very nice.


This isn't 4chan.

Nice try faggot….here have a comic


Go back to tumblr. The internet hate machine is no place for you.

Even in death there is no escape.

Go away.


Worthless buzzword invented by shitposters in 2012 to justify their unmodereted shitposting that had been going on the board for years. May I remind you halfchan Holla Forums had no moderation for over 4 years? Not lax moderation, completely no moderation at all. Back then anybody could they any stupid shit (e.g. Baklava, Pizza Guy) spam it ad infinitum, and eventually some other retards would join in, eventually "facilitating" it as part of "Holla Forums culture".


You must go back.

Would you like cream with that coffee sir or should I send it to your trailer park?

He said niggers not asians.

hail satan

I want lol threads to stay

This thread is proof that faggots from halfchan will try to flood threads with "back to 4chan" so they could act like they were here the whole time

No they weren't. People have been complaining about them since the beginning of this board

No. Fuck off. They've always been cancer. Mark just said "I like them so they're never going away" like the giant fucking faggot kike that he is. Nobody likes LOL threads, but they're kept here simply so Mark doesn't have to go to Holla Forums.

True but certainly not at this scale, usually there would be around five to seven (1) posts by the time the thread reaches page 15 saying that LOL threads are either not vidya or cancer from halfchan. Now we have this incredibly convenient rise right as cuckchan actually DOES start coming here.

sage goes inthe video games field

So whats the original like?

This comic gave me quite a hearty chuckle tbh XD But maybe I'm just a sadist, but aren't we all? We're more angrier than cuckchan cause we're the new internet hate machine lol :) You guys ever seen it before? :D i like the part where the baby dies lol

We need a quarantine, and fast.

What's so funny about it?

Which is funny, because that's how the cancer actually sticks because the newfags acquiesce to the average sum of negativity.

LOL can still fuck off though. I wish we'd have good shit every time instead of just reposts. There's certainly no lack of a market.

Cause he looks so sad XD now I feel bad ;_;

that is the original


Okay then…

delete this
kek has spoken


we Holla Forums now

But I have to say, nice LOL thread. Maybe we can get these shit stains off of the board soon.

I actually enjoy the threads since we get to make fun of lowcow Holla Forumss. I don't really browse Holla Forums and I haven't browsed /pig/ in a while so this is fun.


You're what's wrong with Holla Forums. Get out.

Hey, you guys remember how people losing their shit on 4chan and being extremely paranoid about everything being reddit helped the quality of the site and discouraged shitposting?

Just ignore the shit posts and have fun in the LOL thread.


I think it's time to retire LOL threads until people get material that aren't just reposts.


I would argue that making them will improve the will to make OC… the end, if we never have LOL threads we never actually care of making new OC
Is like filename or webm threads


I suppose that's one way to look at things, user. Then again, I somehow think it's equally likely that we'll see stagnation, considering how I've seen some in the webm and filename threads.


This is true. LOL threads are always such a great source of inspiration.

That's whats always happen. Lot of stagnation but sometimes you get that OC gem, and was a blessing

A good balance would it be like once a week or similar, I like lol threads, most of the times they get a lot of SJW cringe and tranny shit, some good nerdoid or C&H dump, new weird ass porn on that sadpanda link :^} and shit tons of repost of loss….




I hate niggers


your whats wrong with V get out


His father looks Iranian.

What if I don't want to?

Does it even exist a RPG like this?

The Witcher? You can stay neutral and just watch everything burn though.

I wish more games had the balls to let me side with the fascists.

In Gothic 1 you have:

Gothic 2 also has factions with both positive and negative traits, but they are overall less assholes than the ones in G1.

Honestly, most of ours are pretty good about that.
Stuff posted aroundabouts are relatively fresh, most the time.

Go back to halfchan, you rulecuck faggot.

I've been noticing that libtard artists have been getting so bad that they've looped back around and now they are creating strawmen that undermine their own point of view.

Like the cognitive dissonance has fragmented their mind so badly that they don't even realize when they're making an argument that actually backs the people they are trying to denigrate.


The author surely is referencing to the Witcher, but he is implying that most rpgs nowdays have this kind of approach to the story when in reality only the witcher does this. Maybe there is an exception but most of them still have boring "good guys that defeats bad guys" plots

Is this a retarded hashtag or is it actually a very clever choice.
Imagine : It is supposed to be read "sharp criticism" but safe spaces such as twitter changed its meaning to "hashtag" just like those very safe spaces change the perception of those critics from means to improve into hate messages.

Maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

Can I just get the Centipeedle without the blue lady?

I assume it is mocking Skyrim. Though, I don't really remember any slavery.

Best course is always "kill them all, god will sort it out"

It's a parody of some really long winded rubbish libfag comic whining about #hate.
I don't have it. That cancer would corrupt my harddrive.

It's pretty damn long too, around 8 pages I think


So nobody's swallowing it, fuckin a.



Fucking hilarious

Don't worry user, they won't have to because their kids will.

The Jewish IQ thing is a myth. Jewish Israelis have average IQs of 94.

you can make what you want whit numbers, nobody bothers to look if they are right

Eh, it doesn't really specify israeli. Plus Israeli have a heap of other issues that make them barely better than mudslimes.


Dr. Duke would be ashamed.

I'll just copy and paste for you fags.

I want this guy to die.

It isn't an edit. It's a parody.
Fucking learn English you eurofag cunt.

I'd like to add - the grandma's criticism is valid, someone can have a thin and unconvincing performance. Her criticism didn't really include many personal attacks like the other ones and actually was pretty helpful because she explained specifically what was wrong with the performance.

Ashkenazi jews have an above average IQ m8, and Israel is about 10% ashkenazi jews and the rest is sandniggers.

t. ashkenazi jew

Verifiably untrue, shekel nigger.

Clinton is one of the most widely disliked candidates to run for office. She had no chance of winning unless someone like Trump or Cruz came along. Trump is even more hated in not only nationally, but on a global scale.

If I recall correctly, Israel has an average IQ of 115.

According to latest pools and opinions, Trump has a MUCH more favorable opinion globally than Clinton does in pretty much every country in the world with the exceptions of Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and surprisingly enough Denmark.

No, fuck you

I like how they got that quote of Roosevelt out of context

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Dodgy methodology. That average takes into account non-Askenazi jews and Russians with only partial Ashkenazi blood.


Someone got so massively butthurt that they actually drew that embarrassing bullshit. It's amazing, it really is.

I believe there was also an edit somewhere, where the robot being shittily designed by a bunch of random ideas people ended up falling apart.
Was also good.
I am reminded of a quote I read in space engineers a while back: “A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few ideas as possible"
Their shit robot would crash and burn because shit robots don't work [albiet, tragically].

Hey, at least you've got one thing in common with the illiterate goatfuckers. Guess you can start working on the second.

Are we getting an influx of new users or something?


I don't know about the actual opinion of the populace, but one of France's biggest newspaper is doomsaying about Trump's campaign so violently and regularly it's become pretty hilarious. Reading them you'd swear he was desperate and alone, 30 points behind in the polls.

Here. It's been a few weeks since I last checked this thing but it seems a few countries changed hands as of late. I kinda doubt the validity of certain Clinton states simply because Hungary, Romania, and Austria belong to that camp despite Hungary being Hungary, Austria being pissed as fuck due to getting robbed as well last time by the EU, and me living in Romania.

Lithuania being the federalist cucks they are isn't that surprising, neither is Ukraine, but I'm rather surprised France is blue. Meanwhile at based Indochina.

I mean, aren't your biggest newspapers also sucking Sudanese dicks 24/7 and pretending it's High Syrian Cuisine? I wouldn't put virtual-signalling above 'em

You are the first user in years who complained about my english, you have probably read tons of my replies in other threads yet you get triggered by one sentence and dont even bother to point out what was wrong with it.

It's similar over here, because the retards get their info from CNN and just reprint the whole thing in their own words.

I wonder how easy it would be to proxyvote on that website.

Not the Clinton foundation seemingly did that for Russia.

Yes. It's called nepotism.

I will never say a bad word about Dilbert ever again.

Whatever lets you better sleep at night, stormnigger.

They do have a higher IQ. it does, however, come with a tradeoff. Jews carry with them a ton of neurological disorders. Which could explain why they act like a bunch of faggots who who eventually invite a brutal reaction from the host culture.


Pretty easy I'd say but considering both /r/TheDonald and CTR are doing it I'd say it does a decent job at equaling each other out with a small margin for error.


Eighty years of parasitism don't make you "run" anything. As usual, the Jews can only gain power in dying structures.

jesus christ how far that guy's fallen

The most popular newspaper in Italy also have daily articles against Trump, today it was two entire pages about the video in which Trump said "i'll grab their pussies!". Months ago there also was an article which basically said "Look how many whites there are in his rally! The cameraman is struggling to find any diversity in there lol!So many whites!"

Italy is the BLM of Europe, ain't nobody surprised there.

Maddox has always been a huge faggot.


Keep in mind that America has a population of over 1/8 actual Black African niggers, yet the US average IQ is still higher than Israel's and in line with the world average.

yeah but he used to take the piss out of everyone stupid, especially liberals. common core is such an easy fucking target and legitimate threat to society's average intelligence it makes me wonder just how many dindu cocks he's had shoved down his throat to adopt such a mentality.

hard for niggers to affect the nationwide intelligence measurements when they don't even show up to school

not an argument


The entire concept of sex and intimacy as interpreted by normalfags is so fucked up

If you have good chemistry with someone, you shouldn't have to explicitly walk on eggshells around them, holy fuck

its not the normalfags, its the neurotic feminazis


Asking permission like that is a surefire way to get a womans pussy to dry up in record time. What more proof do you need that feminists don't actually have sex?

This isn't an official Marvel comic is it?

I don't get it, what is this comic trying to say?



Biased biadasism.

So you fight critizism and shit wroks by putting real effort into something and making a worthwhile piece of art?

Whoever made this needs special help


This is real artistry at work

She's probably actually obese or has terrible genetics like piggy harper




2D wins again.

Was meant to reply to

It is as official as official can be

Remember, you killed this board yourselves.

Well now I have to open my clang folder


anyways it doesnt specify the type of test where the IQ scores came from, also consider that IQ tests are designed to mix crystalized intelligence whit fluid intelligence.

You need to go back.

why are the fags so focused on his hands?

3D is death

small hands meme the liberals are forcing because they can't come up with any legitimate complaints against trump

Think that most people consider this image from the ministry of health racist, it says "The good habits to promote, the bad company to abandon",and people are upset that the good friends are all white while the bad ones have 2 black people in there(along with white guys).
"Minorities shouldn't be represented in a bad light!"
They are so into american culture that don't realize they are the ones judging people for the color of their skin



Because it's 2016

This thread is so gay i think it gave me AIDS just from reading it.


Even they can't make him look not like a weakling.


I don't understand why she would say this when apparently there are monster girls in the setting.

Is the first one a hyperbolic joke about Swedes being total pussies?


There isn't a joke. It's just a special snowflake fucktard bragging about how oppressed they are even when nothing of note is happening to them.

Sweden does that quite nicely on its own.


You mean it's not pound criticism?

Agreed, you should be comfortable enough with each other bu that point where you're not afraid to go there, it's easy

What lazy art on the backgrounds



He's quite literally pro-cuckolding. From what we know from people around him, this is probably because he considers every woman he knows to be "his", so whenever somebody fucks one of them he considers it cuckolding. So obviously rather than realize he's fucking autistic, the answer is to try and justify cuckolding.


Comes right from his former podcast cohost. The one he ended a long friendship and very profitable partnership with. All because the guy fucked his ex.

Reminder that someone was hired and paid to do those

That achievement one is pretty clever

This world is the true hell.

Stupid tumblrites, THESE are monstergirls

Absolutely disgusting.

I used to draw comics and in fucking 8th grade I tried "photoshop filter on a photograph" for backgrounds and realized it looked like shit. Who are these subhumans?

What a fucking shit zuz thread. I'll buy it for 3000 rupees.

As far as I know, he is pretty fit. It is just that his face is that of a fifteen year-old, which is quite fitting to his intelligence.

At least these threads used to be vydia related. Even if it was just arin porn

For old time's sake

Low life hacks who are on constant high dose drip feeds of liquid blue pill, and are only hired because of connections to others who enjoy the same habit

Why are they cheering?

Googled that Ericson cuck, and on his Instagram, i didn't see him with a single non-white person.

He was also born in 1994.

who's the redhead in the last pic supposed to be?
also, post more Erin porn.

Eltonel is a blessing.

I dont know I dont keep up with the shitty webcomic lore. Shame on me, I jsut like the porn

Oh wait it's called a fleshlight, nevermind

Kill all faggots.


No, kikes do not have above average intelligence.

fukken nice.

Nigger, you're a fuckign retard. That was debunked decades ago.

Reported for intl.

Even if the rest of the sentence is capitalized cause the sperglord is having another autistic fit, they couldn't get the one important letter to be right
Also what the hell is r/4chan, do they just repost screencaps all day for karma or what?


The pic is fake but it is something you can expect from reddit

Count the number of imgur links

Just because it was posted in several filename threads, it doesn't mean that it is true well maybe for the console wars

What do you think they would do? Have an intelligent discussion?


Decided to check the Holla Forums one to see what was different

Has this Stefan Molyneux shit caught on or something?

These Holla Forums fucks are still going? Wew lad

My how the mighty have fallen.

It's an edit.

The agender one is halfway to being mentally healthy. The problem is that she still wants to define herself based on her mental "gender" rather than accepting that all definitions are to be based on physical sex.

Gender simply doesn't exist. You are you, and if you have a penis you are a guy but that (alone) doesn't mean you can't wear a dress if that's what you want to do. Instead of separating the terms we should be realizing that there is and always has been ONLY sex.

It basically ends with them writing the word ART on the moon.


She has functional ovaries apparently. That or she was making things up.

It's not art, it's stock photos with shitty drawings layered on top.


gaaaaaaaaaaaay what a bunch of fags holy shit.
yeah well she's a faggot too.

It's a woman pretending to be a man, not the other way around.

Does that poem cause a panic attack for japanese people?


No idea, why would a chinese poem do that to japs?

And that's what makes is shitty.

し (shi) is used to pronounce 死 (death), so a Chinese poem of nothing but varied し sounds is a bit of a nightmare

Because it makes them 死t their pants from fear.

I don't get it

They're smart, those jews, that doesn't mean they're good.

Fucking (((Redditors)))

is that pic related?

he's still a weakling

didn't you see the two doom 4 threads from earlier? the level of trolling has dropped significantly.

Got some shweet jessica u edits



As far as I know, japanese doesn't have inflections like that so it would be immediately apparent to any japanese speaker that this is chinese and thus that they don't know what the fuck's being said. Besides, why would they care about a PART of the word death that is also a part of the word sushi, a type of mushroom, and a ton of names? That's like a jew being afraid of a poem containing alliteration with the letter H, when that letter's the first letter of holocaust.

Should've said しt their pants, the it'd be funny.

Ashkenhazis don't have super high IQ, m8. Obviously they would like to claim it so they would have an excuse to proclaim themselves to be God's chosen people but it is obviously inflated. For example Jews were at one point shilled to be super buff and strong because in the US at the start of the 20th century the majority of boxing champions were Jewish.

If any of this gender identity garbage had a lick of science behind it, I wouldn't have a problem. But when post-op trannies are 20 times more likely to commit suicide than those who don't (and when so many transsexuals who DON'T get surgery or hormone treatments end up changing their minds, including that Die Cis Scum black lipstick… thing), I think that we need to stop giving legitimacy to them.

Why is it so hard to accept that you can do things and like things that you're not biologically tailored for WITHOUT mutilating yourself? If a girl likes sports, that doesn't magically make her "mentally male" or some shit.

I eagerly await the day that Jessica U and the rest of the tranny SJWs finally kill themselves.

um not lol


If I had the time I'd edit the first pic I've posted right here (the one about baby boomers) into something where the mom is saying "oh god, what happened to my little boy?" and "every single night I dream about killing you in hundreds of different ways. Why would I dream that?"

The second one I don't even know what I meant when I made it. Was I defending phil fish or not? I made it a while ago.


I kind of agree with this idea that you should celebrate the work and not the artist.
Although with most devs that's kind of impossible to do one and not the other.

fuck, for that last one, I should've edited it for the mother to say "my time", not "a minute"

It sounded like I was kinda supporting jessica for a second.

Well, she isn't wrong. The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.


So I've been trying to figure something out about these comics: why is the tranny always a redhead? What did redheads do to get lumped in with mentally ill men? Why can't they have rainbow shit hair like the rest of the tumblrite crowd?


Maybe it has something to do with redheads being one of the most acceptable mutations. I doubt trannies even think that far though, maybe its subconscious

if you're going to do a clever edit you should make it right. An easy counter-"argument" would be the new people she meets haven't actually seen the son and thus she could simply lie and refer to him as she because she doesn't need to explain the gender/sex dissonance

I love how they chose a disgusting creature to represent the fetish.

Here's some general edits/parodies of shit I've made over the years.
A lot of this stuff I don't remember what the source was from.

You'd think that the thing giving this 'lesson' being a disgusting little gremlin would be a red flag. Anyways here's my usual contribution to these threads, AKA "UTIs and You: Why drinking piss is apparently A-OK!"

I hope not: a subconscious choice means there's a common trend for them to all latch onto and that's just awful.

That's assuming the mother is talking to new people and not her old friends. It's implied via "when I'm not around" as in the mother is still staying in her local group of friends.


well okay, does make sense


Here's a much better version of that comic

It's Guy, from Two Guys and a Guy.

No, it's dead as fuck. I've been there a few times and the post rate is really slow.

Reddit's not actually that bad if you want something extremely specific.

for example if you wanted a good pair of headphones and didn't have a good resource on where to find them, you could go to the subreddit, which is filled with incredibly autistic audiophiles who will show you the best set you can get for your money. Or if you want tech support, there's a good sub for that. The problem with reddit is that these communities are either isolated from one another [good] or connected to each other and sharing a bunch of users [cancerous]. The latter is what most people think of when they think of 'reddit'.

actual OC

Whoever took this looks like a 12 year old






I can only imagine how bad the puns are in China.

That was one of the first things discussed in an introductory lesson to chinese, which made it pretty obvious to me that I never want to learn chinese. Now I'm older and wiser and know even mo- oh nevermind already posted it, just read that.


That was intentional.

That was something that was literally said to me by my enginefluid gendersex friend.
She was quite the kook.

what a prime slut



3rd one is so fucking ironic in that her own representation is at odds with reality. Except for the last panel, she'd probably never look even half as good as that drawing of herself

oh god

Who the fuck even makes these threads?


That's not a guy dressed as a woman, it's a woman that usually dresses like a guy wearing wigs to dress like a woman.

What a shitty comic. People don't need to like things. It's been that way forever. Even before the internet people hated things.

I always knew that guy was a huge faggot.

I'm not reading all that crap. Just write a fucking paper if you want to make a point.

It's only a matter of time. Do trannies think they're the only people that feel bad? Most people on this fucking image board is a depressed mess. Life is shit, deal with it trannies.

Because you're not allowed to be happy with yourself and you need to change who you are to be happy. You can be a guy and just admit you want to dress like a girl. It's called being a faggot. You don't need to cut your cock off for it.

You got them back when you invaded us though. we'll get them back don't worry. we already are doing so.


Ooh, maybe this time I'm gonna get some dubs, if I'm just quick enough.

One more?

Shameful display.



Not to spoonfeed, but you should sage the thread if you're trying to bury it.




There's not really any reason to do that when it's so close to (and now even past) 300 posts already.

More salt?

lost it. Im done.

modern women everyone.
With the internet we can't ostracize them from the village and make them live alone in the mountain anymore.


Well I guess her life's the same but with her being ugly.


autosage doujinshi dump






it was meant to be but thanks to you it's not






Why the fuck do japs do this?

to trigger footfags like you

because feet are really easy to fuck up.




fug i mean

I wouldn't expect anything less from Zed Pencils. Does anyone have the Lee Harvey Oswald one, where Jesus is listed as someone who was assassinated and the artist had no clue how to draw a sniper rifle?


It's only through all out ideological war that you learn who your friends really are. Maddox was never a good person. Those who rail on all sides eventually pick sides when the chips are down.

Don't attach yourself to people who are quick to abandon you, instead focus on the ones who do stick by you.

And even then, if you go against those people's opinions that you happen to share, you'll further weed out people who are parasites.

Look for reactions.

Those aren't normalfags. They're nu-males and feminazies and I guaruntee that they will never be the norm.

has no style


That's becasue now, no one wants to fuck Erin user….have you seen her lately?

but why

That's my fetish, thanks user

Why most anons here end up going to 2D women.

The funny part is that his father is German.

You already decimated them, you dumb faggot.

I've always thought that shit was a parody.
Then I saw the logos at the end.
Jesus fucking christ just nuke my shit up.

Turkey isn't far from Iran.

I've actually heard some varied Mexican opinions on Trump, even from the bona fide "YOU HAVE TO GO BACK" crowd. I've seen people at the flea market selling Trump pinatas and hanging up sings saying he's a racist devil. Recently though, I was at Home Depot and there were a few Pacos out front (99% sure they were for hire) discussing politics. I overheard one saying he had to vote for Trump otherwise we'd have a woman as a president. Not even the first time I'd heard that either.

This is the kind of idiocy that can only be bred through higher learning

It also conveniently ignores the assassinations and assassination attempts against people like Hitler, Franz Ferdinand, Castro and Caesar who weren't popularly known for spreading "peace and love" messages.

Rabid fan, not an assassination

Well it does include Malcolm X

one of the biggest retards out there
Yeah, made by a Carlin fan, alright

did somebody advocate for violence?

medium effort memes

shit, fixed the r