What are you mounting? What are you blading?

Other urls found in this thread:,305602.0.html,72279.0.html,105928.0.html,101731.0.html,325102.0.html

Are you pic related?

Still doing my first play through. I'm getting really annoyed because I'm trying to finish off the Khergis, who only have two small fiefdoms left, but on opposite sides of the map. I can't stamp one out with the other expanding, and meanwhile we're at war with some other fucks. I hate the king for refusing to have less than 2 wars going on at once.

you can use long axes on horseback
if you hit x and switch to two handed mode.

you could have advised him that the two of you could take the castle and he should attack now, witch even as a mercenary with no renown/persuade skill manage to do regularly.

anyone got any good advice on companions? i usually just try and grab them all level up int after getting them power strike 3-4,but now that i actual looked into how the level scales they are not worth the party slots. so builds for companions anyone?

I got Medieval Conquests and want to try it out. I'll be playing as a byzantine vassal.

Bows. Powerdraw gorillion with good equipment and proficiency in the 300s makes for some really effective killers. 1h hammer/mace and a good shield also work wonders.

Of course depends on the mod in question.

The only polearm you can swing from horseback is the "Hafted Blade",

Also after completing PoP I cant even.

1257 is pretty generic and has horrible performance on the world map
Gekokujo takes a mirrion years to conquer
Nova Aetas is unstable as all fuck and doesnt know what it wants to do
what mod is comparable to PoP depth-wise?

Persino :^)

Threadly reminder Khergits a shit. Vaegirs 4 lyfe.

i like vanilla but i usually just use them as support units for the training/surgery/tracking…..

Why must the last romans suffer even in vidya?
Is there anything i can do to fix the mod?


Don't play Prophecy of Pendor due to the devs having no sense of balancing, and they always jump on the lore train when you call out something OP.

Let me give you a hint you're one weak ass motherfucker


sounds like maybe something in your inventory or something causing a crash try going into battle naked

I always play on permadeath, I haven't gotten very far but it makes the game fun. Just delete your save every time you get killed

I'm sure you're having lots and lots of fun everytime nords/rhodoks/vaegirs block out the sun with projectiles :^)

If you´re getting your shit pushed in you´re to weak to start a kingdom.
Usually people only start a kingdom after the 1000 day mark.

b-but user
i already passed that


and an obligatory

It's not difficult in terms of strategy, it's just that you have to fight units with retardedly high stats like the Noldor, resulting in way more grinding. In fact, if anything, in terms of strategy the game becomes way easier because all you have to do in order to beat someone tougher than you is to bait them into the forest.

The cockroaches have spoken on cuckchan.

If by difficult you mean it's a grindfest.

Source then if its legit

It was on the /mbg/. Be my guest and wade through that roiling sea of shit if you want sources.

Here's the fucking thread you filthy kike.

I hope your whole family gets raped to death by niggers. Fuck you.

you literally dont at any point in the game, have to fight the Noldor, you CAN fight them for EZ money tho
why would you even want to do that

yall niggas refuse to adapt to a new meta and then whine about how the game doesnt play exactly like vanilla

I said LIKE Noldor because they aren't the only unit in the entire game with retardedly high stats
That was an example of a crutch that the game makes available from the very start of the game
Feel free to list all of the new shit to the game that isn't simply having really high stats for yourself/your units and a different map.

Tfw your waifu becomes your gf

I never understood this meme.

Noldor and Demons are the only units with bullshit stats you cant obtain normally
any other unit you can obtain during normal play
if you cant engage a berserker on even terms, you shouldnt
how about you read the fucking changelog yourself nigger

you cannot make as much of a difference by yourself in PoP than in vanilla, if your army composition is shit you gon die
quality > quantity in any situation that isnt garrisoning
you are supposed to use mercernaries in the early game exclusively and not even bother with common units
you´re supposed to REBELL into your own kingdom after having some 3-4 castles and at least one town
you absolutely MUST butter up some lords before rebelling, in the best case scenario a single noble family

also if you´re not upping the XP rate and lowering escape rate to 0% in every mod before even starting it the first time you´re a fucking retard and deserve everything you get



Mate, the mod isn't any harder than your typical Asian MMO, it just wants you to autistically grind your way to the top. It requires little to no skill other than your willingness to slog through hours of unbalanced gameplay.

I've been playing a lot of Viking Conquest recently. Other than the shit sieges it's mostly better than what I remember

what grind nigga
xp grind? up the rates
renown grind? stop fighting 3 to 1 and start fighting 1 to 3
relation grind? fight more in wars and only butter up the lords you want to have as a vassal later
honor grind? same as above

My only complaint of the game is the lack of mass troop transfer. Transferring prisoners or garrisons to party are a fucking pain.

It just doesn't stop, beat back one siege and another stack of 2500+ comes knocking at my door.

blitz them
AI sees defending and retaking as a priority, so you could theoretically take half of their castles, and while they´re busy with those castles you take the rest

Can't do it, My garrison is only like 300, taking too many and my only town left falls. Even if I take enough there's always 1 minor lord set to accompany who catches up if I try to leave and the doomstack doesn't seem to defend against a 20 man siege. The siege has run the store dry of all food and the dwindling numbers fucks up the battle advantage that I can't hold the ladders alone.
I eventually broke the siege by teleporting around the map to resupply, recruit and raise a new army pls no bully

It's simple but effective.


All you need is 20 good men

Well shit, this will make 9/11 look like nothing.

anybody else?

ruining my immersion here Onion - please learn the language of the Quran and pander to me as an araboo

You can always take a lance, not exactly the most entertaining but incredibly overpowered

Thy wife

Thy vassals

All thine butter is henceforth in my larder, thou knave that fornicates with equine.




Peace, ye fat guts. A weasel hath not such a deal of spleen as you are toss'd with. Thou leathern-jerkin, crysrtal-button, knot-pated, agatering, puke-stocking, caddis-garter, smooth-tongue, faggot pouch.

Away, you three inch fool.

i tried 1257 and the textures and are just fucking disgusting i couldn't stand it

is it a good mod or not though? i'm looking for something to play

It's really, really not. Those few cool ideas and decent art assets aside and it's just a slog of shit balance and general nonsense. Also one of the devs wants to bang a local forum transfreak so muh feminism+

Is that why he removed the ability to marry princesses? Because it was misogynist!


that depends
wold he lube me up with butter?

Greetings imbeciles,

My Christian name is Tlbalt de Bolbec, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are corpulent, simple, peasants who spend every second all morn and eve gazing upon poor woodcuts of ill repute. You are everything heretical in Europa. Honestly, have any of you wed a maiden? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun and merriment at the expense of Godde, but you all are like Saracen. This is even worse than holding false faith in the Saracen Allah.

Don’t be a stranger. Approach me. I’m with Godde and am his strong hand. I was a captain of the Knights Templar, and at the Siege of The Holy City. What wars have you marched to, other than “Lay with sheep in Ireland just as the locals”? I also know my scripture, and have a fair maiden (She just threw me a rosary of flowers; a FINE act). You are all sodomites who should just die of Plague. Thanks for reading my letter.

Tapestry related: It’s me and my lady.

Loud ye are, but an animal always screeches loudly when afraid.

Ser Faggot of Cuckloadery, I have already had the pleasure of entertaining thy wife in my chambers. Thy words are not but noise, thine threats as hollow as thine soul.

If thou hast the courage and stomach to fight for what little scraps of honor thou hast, I shall merrily see thee on the dueling grounds.

Perhaps when my sword removes the tiny sacks between thy legs, thy physique may match thine mind more closely.


Anyone tried looking and playing obscure mods?

Thou art a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy worsted-stocking knave; a lily-liver'd, action-taking, whoreson, glass-gazing, superserviceable, finical rogue; one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a bawd in way of good service, and art nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pandar, and the son and heir of a mungril bitch.

Was the Russian Civil War mod good?

Khergits should all be gassed.


I'd rather impale them and put them on display outside my castle walls, but gassing is fine too.

be rushing the game to unlock last few achievements "help your faction conquer…." go nords because sieges. game rng's to large nord family's. one of these family's starts to go traitor one by one. so far deirum, thir, werchag have been taken by the kigerits walo wallo wallo style. king Regnar is to big of a pussy to put a stop to this. we wiped the Veigers off the map but now we lost half of the nord lords to this bullshit. all being replaced by all the fucking loaner deserter lords with no honor or family.


Should I get this game and sadly pay for it or I can just wait for the new one to po out?

Yes. TaleWorlds seems pretty based so far, so I'd pay for it. Unlike, say, Battlefield 1 or something.

I wonder what new memes Butterlord will spew forth

Bonerload was supposed to have a story, no?
I really, really want a Harlaus reference/easter egg, perhaps a hidden "Butter Sword", maybe with a tad-cheesy description: "It cuts through things like butter!".

How can it have a Harlaus reference when it's a prequel?
I guess you could have a companion who eats constantly and who has royal blood. And the hint that he starts Harlaus's line.

Easter eggs can be 4th-wall breaking you know.
This is also something I was thinking of. The butter and him mentioning himself as a blue-blood should be enough.

Git gud.

I remembered playing Phantasy mod and thought of returning it again, but its moddb page says its last update was about 2 years ago, is the mod dead?

I think it is.

Has anyone tried this one?


why is it always "Mountain Blade"?
the game is Mount & Blade

For all intensive purposes, it's the same thing

Why is it always "lurk more"?
The reality is that you should Fuck & Off

lrk moar faget

this is the first of your problems


we can always hope they'll port napoleon wars over

if devs don't do it, mods certainly will

Napoleonic Wars is full of kids and Holla Forumstards though.

Aren't those two interchangeable?

nah m8

a kid is pretty much anyone on the internet, especially newfags.

a Holla Forumstard is one who has been on the internet for so long that their view of reality has become warped, and they believe that they are facing the truth.

Dude in the napoleonic wars RP server you really can't tell pols from kids.

Pol's say niggers and jews a lot, and kids think it's funny and copy their behaviour.

Basically the only thing separating the two is that pols actually try to follow lines while kids try and find cover or cower behind other players.


Wew, I was expecting hate.
How many other boards besides Holla Forums and /christian/ dislike Holla Forums now (or at least have a fair population of folks dissatisfied with Holla Forums)?

Holla Forums is meant to stay in Holla Forums, that's the problem. we have a whole new generation of channers who believe it to be a containment board and expect mods to be on top of spills.

Well, congratulations! You got yourself caught! Now what's the next step in your master plan? ib4 crashing this board with no survivors

Could be worse. The butterking is at least always at war with someone and there's usually several vassals he pissed off, plus Swadia is great for a claimant run.

I spend the majority of my time teaching myself things, and will occasionally stop by here and /christian/. I quite caring so much about the state of Holla Forums as well as the world since this summer.Fag.:^)

Nigger please. Holla Forums is a meme.

You and your opinions don't belong here

kid, eat a bag of dicks. channers have been saying the word channer since before Holla Forums existed, fuck right the fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from.

So has LOL :^)

I still haven't found a GOG release torrent.

Such is life with no kickass or piratebay.

The jews are turning us against each other! This must be a jewish conspiracy!

Quick! Back to the bunker and preserve our pure genes for the next generation!


Gee, must be the latest fashion.

Like totally for real, smh tbh fam.


Swaybacked saddle horse.

Rate my gear:

One handed Sword

Have fun walking at snails-pace everywhere when off-horse.

Superior gear:

Swap the lance for a blunt tourney lance and possibly the sword for something short and fast. Poleaxe into polehammer/mallet is also a good idea.

Gimme a fucking co-op campaign where other players are part of your party, make the map smaller and make armies take more time to recompose so the game doesn't last forever. Then the conquest game will actually be fun.

How hard is M&B:W to mod? I'm an amateur 3d guy, I think it'd be fun to play with my own models

The game doesn't have modkit that I know of so you'll have to tinker with scripts and stuff.
It's not that hard to do but getting things right (like setting up face-slides and hair and stuff) takes some skill.

Good luck with it though!

my troop composition is heavier on ranged guys so I don't worry about using that stuff myself (also why I chose rhodok crossbowmen rather than sarrinid archers because of their strong melee skills and large shield). I'm either always on a horse or in a siege where moving fast is either worthless or impossible so weight doesn't matter too much to me either. Light lance is there instead of a stronger, heavier one because it resets the couch and recovers faster for my hit and run sweeps once the enemy troops are in range of the xbowmen. It allows me to keep them occupied in the killzone for longer and have less time to turn their shields or bows back towards my main force.

Maybe I should get a maul so I can capture more prisoners

Piss easy to moderately difficult depending on what you plan on doing. You can refer to,305602.0.html or one of the few dozen other blockhead guides to modfagging.

Don't underestimate a crushing weapon in sieges or even regular clusterfucks. Especially one that hits like a truck, ignores a bunch of armour and is short enough so it doesn't get stuck on shit.

It's stupidly easy to mod.

For model and texture edits and swaps, grab OpenBRF here:,72279.0.html
Quick changes to troops and items can be done easily with Morgh's tools:,105928.0.html
TweakMB can add a bunch of changes to the game with no coding on your part:,101731.0.html
And then if you want to go all out and mod everything that can be modded, you'll need to download python and WRECK

Happy modding

This. I have no idea how there are so many unfinished mods.

Lack of dedication. Difficulty of producing quality assets. Being too retarded to code. Plain old laziness. Pointless drama between team members. Discovering that their brilliant mod idea is actually pretty shit and having no idea how to make it not shit. In short, nothing that has any relevance to how hard the game makes it and everything to do with human nature.

There is one exception that can be blamed on Warband itself. The vast majority of mods for, let's say, Skyrim, are small little tweaks; things like a change of model, a new player house somewhere, and stale memes. Warband is designed in such a way that having multiple mods at once is pretty much impossible for end users, and difficult for modders (and that's assuming all the mods you're trying to merge are open-source). Thus, you don't see many of these small mods. Instead, mods are distributed in huge packs, with no picking and choosing of little things. As such modmakers have an urge to make their mods far more grandiose than they should, far more grandiose than they're prepared to make it, and never bother finishing.

You'd think they'd at least have the courtesy of releasing what little they've made open-source so that if it's any good actual modders will use it.


I'll bet a sizable amount that they'll work on a 1066 DLC, since the weapons and armor in Butterlord should be similar, it being 1060 and all.
