Shadow Justice Warrior 2 released

How shit is it going to be?

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope its good, one of the few games this year that I think will be

I'll probably pirate it, although I was struggling to get a decent framerate on my PC with the first game on lower settings.

They made it like Borderlands 2. If you're a fan of Anthony Burch you'll love it, but who is?

I'll pirate it and try it out. Them turning it into a borderlands like game is worrying to me. Might be fun.

Pretty stupid to accuse something of being socjus while posting a screenshot with gigantic demon tiddies.

SJW hypocrisy knows no bounds.

I couldn’t think of a better title.

Has the term 'sjw' now transcended all meaning and moved up there with classics like 'shill' and 'cuck' to just mean 'something I don't like'?

Pineapple on pizza is totally sjw. My car got rear ended yesterday by some shill, and there's only cuck on TV these days.

Well that's not exactly untrue. The amount of racemixing propaganda and degeneracy on tv nowadays is breathtaking.

Wat game is this?

Cry me a river, faggot.

It's up on igg. 16 parts, so 15+ gigs?

I've been watching some of the videos and news about it but I can't say I really "get" what the game is. Has loads of different weapons but like borderlands they all seem to be the same generic DPS wand mechanics wise. Just circlestrafe/dodge and hold M1. I didn't like the first SW remake either.

"Whose this 'we', White Man?"

It's infected.

Whats the context?

Who cares? It's pozzed. Stop trying to defend social justice garbage

what part of the game shows it's social justice garbage Its not SJW at all and I havent seen any SJW shit from the devs either.

Back to SA you fucking goon

It's that fags need justification to hate stuff so they're not accused of not even playing videogames.

it's gud

The comments by the fucking PR guy are pretty fucking cringe/rage induncing though.


Is it really im considering getting it
The first one was really fun and i don't mean the original although that was fun too

Post webms, jewtube or even images
And then the magnet

We have IDs here goon

Great, now you've invited faggots who assume it's a shit game because they've associated it with social justice.

Psst magnet:?xt=urn:btih:YKKYEI2IUQN5FKKLNZKGNGUW2IX7MSMK&dn=codex-shadow.warrior.2&


Try harder you retard.


here's some review

i got GOG version from MYCOUNTRYONLY tracker, so i'm sorry


although, maybe you'll be able to get it


Waiting to see the how the optimization is gonna be, then maybe I'll pirate.

I can't play it until the Linux port is released anyways because Wine's DirectX 11 support isn't finished yet.


well the original shadow warrior had shit writing but almost ok gameplay
therefore the sequel will have ultra-shit writing and bad gameplay

wine can't even into net framework 4.5 properly man, and you want dx11

can't argue with those numbers.
what are you talking about ?

fuck i mean uh
the one that came before this one

From what I'very played so far, you'really half right. Writing is pure garbage, but gameplay is still okay. Better in some aspects and worse in others.

Aye, thanks
Ill give give it ye old pirate
Is there a demo though?
Dont want to wait all day

Nice, got something to do while I download the files.

Talking about this cunt

What the fug.

I expect it to be one of those FPS games that are actually worth the time, tbh.

does it have anime tities?

Likely an easter egg

Does the pirated GoG version work with the online component?

Dont most GOG releases do?

You never know, dev might add some third party shit like a key to make an account for the MP component.

or it might need gog galaxy

Yeah, I was about to state that

well if it's genuinely good, then i'll buy it on sale i guess?
didn't really get into the first game tho

I just played DooM4, it will be a while before i get interested in this

Europa Universalis


It's still the same ol' bitches, just as low res but even blurrier than the previous one. God fucking damnit.

>People pirating a possibly good game

I'm gonna pick it up when I get home. If it turns out to be shit I'll just refund it as I have no need to pirate games that let me do this. Given how shit this year has been it's nearly guaranteed that either this, Deathwing, or Rabi Ribi will end up as GOTY (unless I've forgotten something).

How much does the game slow you down with exposition? How much downtime?

There's nothing wrong with pirating games that look like they're really good just so you can be extra sure that they are good before you hand over your shekels. In the case of GOG games I don't think there's much point to it since you can just refund them within 30 days if they turn out to be shit.

Doesn't work so well for $team though since you only get 2 hours.

Quite a lot actually. Hopefully it lessens once it set up the story.
However, you can just skip the cutscenes.

You literally just said that so you'd thought you'd fit in you faggot, didn't you?

Gun store is better. It's full of nuggets and would make /k/ proud

>Gun store is better. It's full of nuggets and would make /k/ proud
Anything else nice in the game? I'm really starting to like it and it's devs.


How's the optimization and gwafix?

Also I'm curious about their strange Burchlands loot system. It's not really something that I mind, I'm just wondering if everyone is going to have a distinct loadout of a couple weapons or does everyone have the same weapons and you just get better versions of them?

Also what's the deal with the protagonist? Do you choose to play as Lo Wang or another character (the faceless mooks) or is it like in your game you always play as Wang and see other players as mooks? I ask because I'd like to not play as Lo Wang and be a blank protagonist

What are ya a racist? user watch that porn.

It runs really well without any crashes so far for me with a mix of high and low settings. File isn't that big, so it isn't too heavy on the system, but you probably won't be able to run it on a toaster. Doesn't look too much better than the previous game.

And from what I've played so far, the loot system is kinda borderlands-y but dialed back a bit. You'll find weapon mods pretty easily, but new weapons are a bit rarer, typically rewards for missions or as a drop from harder enemies that drop once I think. Haven't had any repeat weapon drops, but some weapons seem to have the same functions, so its not much better. Its BL-lite.

No framedrops so far, no screen tearing or slowdowns eithers, so far no crashes. The graphics are actually pretty nice, I really like the city enviroment (don't have any screenshots apart from the two I posted). It isn't hyperreal or anything though, it's decent for the current year. I haven't maxed out everything so far, I'm easing up to it since my pc is starting to get at an age.

Burchland looting system gets on my nerves with all the upgrades and shit making you pick and choose. It's a whole MMO schtick outfit to minmax. However, if you do put a minimal of effort it can makes things nicer. (which is necessary for the weak ass shotgun and the airsoft uzi). The revolver is great though. It's powerfull enough as a starter weapon and it's pretty. Unlike the monstrocities from the previous game.
There's some guns you loot, and probably buy, you can carry like 8 or 10 or so.
So far I haven't found a dual wield skill. You can also loot skills, for which you need to level skillpoints. Most seem worthless.
It's good that you can turn off the stupid ass numbers. Little shits die in two hits, big shits die in multiple hits, but there's enough feedback from them that I don't get booty bothered.

You just play as Wang. I don't know if you can choose when you play multiplayer, I'm averse to multiplayer games in general.

Oh, and there's some stupid bitch in his head, because story.

The question was less about the loot and more about "builds"

Does each person in a coop instance have a role? Like one dude specializes in close range melee combat, one dude is the sniper, one dude brings explosives. It doesn't have to be explicit classes (I hope it isn't), I just want to know what purpose this loot system serves.

Seems to me everyone is their own Wang. And your role is Wang. No healers, tank and range kinda stuff.

Can you seppuku with that?

You pre-ordered it you absolute madman.

CODEX release comes with cracked dlc

This game is hard as shit on insane and takes real twitch shooter skill, I fuckin love it so far, only about 3 hours in.
Really feels like what nudoom should have been, especially how fast you are and how good it feels to rip and tear with the chainsword and chainsaw

I'm playing on Hard and I'm finding it to be not really that hard unless I'm clusterfucked. Is it a big gulf in difference?

I knew it would at least be better than NuDoom because the gore wasnt scripted shit an there are actually melee mechanics besides the shooting.

Does anyone know if the console versions have splitscreen co-op? Was hoping they do so I could play with a friend at his place.

Oh nevermind, just noticed the console release date is next year.

It doesnt

Glad they didn't use deblowvo.
Not because I wouldn't be able to pirate it, but because when it's cracked I don't want it on my comp.

Fuck, I want to play co-op stuff but I'm not buying a fucking Xbone or PS4.

Plenty of games like Shmups, EDF, Serious Sam, Left 4 Dead, Crawl, Helldivers, Alien Swarm do that user.

Consoles nowadays are even worse than PCs when it comes to splitscreen.


Should I do a melee/megick only run?

The thing about "random generating" game types has often been that it's low budget and sprite shit, so it's understandable.

But I just don't get it with this one. If you have the budget and crew to make a A GAME that someone can master, why the fuck do this "you'll never have the same experience" shit when it's obvious it only works for a limited time.

what the hell there's a gog version

Do it fag

Yeah, hows that shit working?
They never dwelved to deep into that map mechanic.

I really want a good shooter to play, preferably with a multiplayer.

UT4 is dead as fuck.

Hey, if it starts downloading, does that mean it works? I don't want to download a whole 14 GB and have it not work.

It always has a few servers to join

quake live/quakeworld
fortress forever dead

That's true though. If you still watch TV you are a tremendous faggot.

Does pre-order weapon do any good other than cosmetic?

Heh. Not that it makes the game amazing or anything, but it is surprisngly gud.

Apparently it's set pieces mixed in with RNG levels. Mindboggling.

Pretty sure they did. Said it was large map segments connected together and smaller things like blocked paths, not 100% randomized.

i'm sorry, i haven't been following this game at all
whats this about them being SJW? i keep looking through the thread but i don't see any screenshots or archives. i'm not denying it, if its an indie company then theres a 90% chance its SJW

Trust me I played it a few days ago, there were maybe 3 active lobbies.

I ended up playing games with the exact same people over and over.

Is it active ?

OP was a faggot as usual.
See , he was baiting for the attention.

They're actually one of the most anti-SJW devs you could find. OP just had pun with the title.


Well played, Carlos. Well played.

An early trailer showed off a whiny asian chick who's stuck inside your head as a co-pilot like Haji from the last game and because she acted like a typical whiny stuck up asian chick shitposters started whining about the game being SJWed up.

its slightly more active than UT

i hope you were playing on weekends

OP you're about to get a spanking.

thats bullshit

My biggest problem with the last game was on the higher difficulties everything but the crossbow sword and Rocketlancher was useless.

I'm playing 2 on the 2nd hardest difficulty, I'v gotten 8 weapons and each pack a good punch. All the loot upgrades i'm picking up are hardly necessary so far.

also I really dig the double jump and air dash.

Game has so far been fun. Runs smooth and fast. I fucking hate how your boss has a fucking american accent.

Turn off quest notifications and damage markers.


It may be dead as fuck but "3 active lobbies" in my region is the best I've seen since Quake Live died. At least the bots are pretty nice, I can't even take on the two highest difficulty tiers myself.

Fuckin A, I was worried I would have to be bothered to mess with the .ini file or even remove the whole HUD.
Quest markers can be ok if done right but Id rather not have them, hitmarkers however are full blown cancer and they should be ashamed for adding them in the first place, especially on a non PvP game thats focused on the singleplayer.

Its the worse fucking crutch and it only made sense in games like Refractor Battlefield due to the fact that there were no blood splurts or decent enough character hit animations to show if you hit the target.
In some older games shit like explosives didnt even activate said hitmarkers, which is doing it right.

Nowadays these fucking things are locked to the fucking game and sometimes cover your view, it pisses me off to no end

For all it looks like this game was made by people who know their shit. FOV goes up to 100, you can skip every single cutscene, hardest difficulty is unlocked from the start, no regenerating health, motion blur and shit has been turned off from the get go and I get smooth 60fps on high settings on a GTX 960.

Actually the casual racism is apt in an Asian setting, if I was in China I would expect to be called Quai-Lo often.

who's your monster waifu Holla Forums?

The context is he says that to a black guy.

Yeah, when I saw a list of features on the Steam page, I though to myself "these fucks browse Holla Forums and made a check list of (everything that triggers Holla Forums) and then made sure to fix all of that".
Even the Denuvo deal, when so many devs opt to use it these days. I'm gonna buy it (maybe even a copy for a friend, really wanna see the co-op) and I'd love the game to be a smash hit, just so they could release sales charts and go "See? you don't need Denuvo or any anti-piracy measure! Just release a good game and you'll be supported by everyone!"

We really need someone to spear-head the "quality = sales" idea, I really hope they make a ton of cash out of this so other devs try the same in hopes it gives them good sales too.

How the fuck did that even make it's way here? How is that even in any mainstream digital outlet at all? AAA in [current year] with such blatant sexualization of female characters?
Shit, if this sells well, it's gonna be monster tiddies for every game from now on!

You can tell they actually played their game too, unlike most devs that have no clue how to balance their game for fun.

The melee special moves have decent range and are useful throughout.
Movement is nice and fast, no fall damage, the only thing lacking is a wall jump.
Gunplay is fun, in fact its pretty unforgiving in terms of trying to get headshots when things get hectic. You do get a huge headshot bonuses (feels like 3x for bows, 5x for revolvers) so there's incentive to try at least.

Spells are incredibly underwhelming for skill point investment. Your mp feels better spent on healing 90% of the time.
Ammo is really scarce and elite mobs are huge bullet sponges, but I suspect that's on purpose to encourage melee play. You can fix this with skills, but it takes a lot of points to go pure guns.
Upgrade system for armor, spells and amulets aren't obvious if you don't experiment and try things, so I can see complaints about that.

40$ is steep for a PC game. How long are we looking to finish this game?

eh, they are just easter eggs, wish they added 2016 anime tities

How fast is it?
Is it faster than the new DOOM?
This will determine if I buy it.

Its dead Jim, its dead

Looks like a lot of care was put into the game, but people would just rather eat shit

You can tell the makers cared about the genre.


Nexuiz had enough players, but I think nobody knows about Xonotic.

Is this one of those games that pretends to be a throwback but is really just Serious Sam style arena combat shit? The looting shit and randomly put together levels are already putting me off by a lot, moving from arena to arena would be the death-knell.


I know about the OG Shadow warrior, just not the newer ones.

How old is your fucking computer?

As for someone like me who hasn't actually touched the Shadow Warrior series yet, is the original reboot from a few years back worth playing as well, or just this one?

Might look into the original games as well one day when I can be assed.

Pretty impressive.

Also is there a reason to get the CODEX version over the GOG version? Otherwise I'll just grab the GOG one.

It's got doublejump+dash with conservation of momentum as your main movement, plus some upgradathings that increase speed, time will tell if you can really blast with it. Default movement speed is prolly the same as nudoom, but there's omnidirectional dashes that tie into the melee system and verticality that doesn't suck dick.

First one was, this time they went full borderlands.

I'd say play Shadow Warrior 2013 first, the new one pretty much expects you to already have played the first one and know what you're doing so it can overwhelm you with all of it's added shit. And unless there's an intro I missed, the storytelling makes no attempt to explain what the fuck is going on to newcomers.

Also pirate the GoG version, forgot to add that to my post.

Yeah, I think it's safe to say that DOOM is still the best shooter to come out this year by far.

My ass is a better shooter than the nu doom, plus I could sit on the keyboard and write better bait.

I guess that would explain why you gave such a detailed review of DOOM. Face it, Shadow Warrior 2 is a shit game and it's certainly a shit shooter. None of the stuff I mentioned belongs anywhere near an FPS.

So are the guns still weaker than the sword or still as underwhelming here or did they fix that

Is that cunt straight lying?

What's impressive about filling the review section with shills?

I'm not expecting much, but then again I never expect much when a developer is commanded with bringing out an old liscence and just hoping that people will glom on to it that loved a previous game in the franchise. Regardless, wanted or not, here we are we've got a sequel to a game that to me? Didn't really need one. Hopefully they keep it focused around design philopshies of fun and not just being a modern shooter. I'll give it a try and see, but I sure won't be paying for the damned thing.

None of the things you listed detract from how good it feels to guide every slice and dynamically carve a big demon up with a chainsaw, or blow a hole through one at point blank with a shotgun. Doom's canned animations fail at being satisfying unless you're a braindead stoner. You don't know what good gameplay is, nudooms is a stale joke.

You're ass is probably more fun to shoot in than Nu Doom but I don't think you replied to bait, and good job on coming out this year.

What a cop out, especially since DOOM's feedback and gunplay is 10x better (not saying much) oh, and it doesn't need shitty RPG elements or procedural generation to do so. Turns out you can have good gunplay and things like good level design both AT THE SAME TIME. Shadow Warrior 2/10 is shit. DEAL WITH IT.

nice bait

yeah, touche

Good thing I didn't expect much anyway.

I've seen you using these exact same reaction images with shitty b8 before, you're as stale as nudoom lul

I'd say it's more of a hybrid between SW 2013's Painkiller/Serious Sam design and Borderlands 1 style loot em ups. The weapons are still individually crafted and well modeled, there's a focus on gunplay that doesn't suck and a full 1-9 set of weapons you'll want to switch between and use in every firefight. But weapons have slots in which you can mix and match upgrades, and there's special enemies and loot drops and upgrade tiers and all that sort of stuff, plus a skill tree. From the few hours I've played it works well enough and seems fairly balanced between weapon stats and player skill, but I don't know how it'll turn out over time. Doesn't seem like something where you have to grind. Needless to say, if you review it in terms of how it mechanically compares to a full on old-school shooter like Doom or the original Shadow Warrior, it'll fare poorly. Also, the writing isn't complete and total dogshit like Borderlands.

What did Borderlands even play like? I remember wanting to try out all the classes and quitting because it had the mass effect 2 issue of having you sit through a six year long cutscene every time you start the game.
Like outside of "10000 billion* guns" what was it like

Fetch quest and deserts with boring guns until you grab an hellfire or defiler

Some modern games would do good to have toggled hitmarkers. I know I would've saved myself a lot of grief in my early days of Chivalry if I had any idea if my axe was doing shit to the Agatha Knight scum that proceeded to fuck me up three seconds later.

On-topic, is this gonna get any release outside Steam? I'd rather dust off a console to play this than give the fat bastard a cent. Or, y'know, GoG would work.


Disregard my previous post, I saw the post mentioning a GoG version.

I've always loved hitmarkers/sounds, especially when they go for every single hit in an attack. There's a lot of things they don't belong in, but I like not having to guess whether I'm connecting.

I pirated Borderlands 2 and experienced 50 minutes of pure tedium before uninstalling. But from the little I've played of both, Shad War's RPG/loot system seems a lot better. No pressing e to grab a million tiny scraps of cash, no obsessively checking meaningless stats of ugly weapons, instead you pop to the menu to check whatever upgrade you picked up and choose which of the 9 weapons you can have ready to put it in. Enemies are bulletssponge relative to F.E.A.R. or Doom, but on Hard it doesn't feel sluggish. There's enough management that I was occasionally like ehh, and I totally understand if people don't like it and are turned off.

nigga what

I have been using the starting revolver with piercing ammunition and the pump action shotgun with charged shot mostly.
(Charged shotgun shell = Ultimate trash removal tool)

Can handle most of what the game throws at me so far during my 3 hours of play.

How is it possible for someone to be this retarded?

So they were just lying when they put the stuff about not-XP and procedural generation on the store page?

Game is fun. Might have the most satisfying chainsaw I've ever used in a video game.

To clarify all of the bored lands shit, weapons in the game aren't random. There's a set number of them and each one's unique. What IS random is the strength/type of enemies and the sorts of loot you get.

Also there's a tranny joke in the game at one point, which was sort of funny.

There's about 70 weapons according to the devs, they all have set stats and you just use the upgrade stone shit as modifiers (like putting an element, giving it better fire rate, etc)

Please tell me she's not going to be with me through the whole game

she is, and they will make you like like her

welcome to sjw brainwash simulator 2016

Prooced to kill yourselves

Hes either an SJW they contrated to PR whos in denial or hes doing PR talk to try to attract SJWs.
Maybe both


Cool, there's little easter eggs and psuedo-nude monsters. Now how the fuck do I turn off the annoying cunt they force you to carry around?

is there really no ingame chat whatsoever?

I tried replaying the first nu-shadow warrior. It was far worse than I remembered so there's very little hope for this one to be honest.

I just hope the pacing isn't as shit as it was in the first game.



You either finish the game or dont play it unfortunately
Shes probably bitchy for the character ath thye start for development.
They did the same thing in the first game

I want that shit on Mount and Blade Gekokujo


Obvious nuDOOM shills(in denial) are in full force in these threads shitiin on a game for no reason not even having ANYTHING to nitpick really.
I guess Bethcucks fellin insecure with this release. Which is cheaper and like billion times better, we need shut it down, goyim.
Plan is simple while v/goyim didn't really have time to form a hivemind opinion we need to make sheepe join our kosher hatin bandwagon!

So the same generic character we've seen dozens of times already. They knocked it out of the park with this game

if anons are that dumb that they dont recognize shadow warrior and see the thread title as a joke then they can go fuck themselves

I only played Hard Reset and it was okay, will I also like this?

Yes and no
The gameplay is close to it since its the same dev, but the game mechanics differ greatly.

depends on how you feel about wang

oh you silly OP! ;)

It's very average. Shit writing, pretty visuals, swords are fun, enemies like to get stuck trying to walk through railings, damage numbers and enemy info take up far more screen space than they should. You can turn them off but then it's hard to tell if you're doing any damage. There's also tons of dank pop culture references

Sorry I'm not kneeling down to suck off a mediocre game

How much they pay you for 1 post?


Are the powers activated by hotkeys and not combinations like in the first reebot?
That can be enough for me to drop the game?
Thats lazy as shit design

Jump dash jump is the correct way to keep going fast.

He's not the nuDoom guy.

They're all hotkeys now and they're all rebindable.

Yeah, and? That happens regardless of how much damage you're doing.

Such bullshit, I might drop it
Are the melee combinations still in it though?

Thats even worse, kill yourself you casual shitter

In a game where enemies can have random resistances and wildly varying health pools, it's kind of important to know if the sword you're using is useless against them or not. Maybe if they didn't take inspiration from Borderlands this wouldn't be the case but they did so it is.


Just found some fag opening up the control menu on jewtuve
At least theres some depth to them considering they have extended cast and one of them can be cast on the air.
Still pretty dissapointing to see it dumbed down like this.
Nothing stopping them from sticking with LMB +WASD for Melee attacks and RMB+WASD for powers.

I dont need to take that from a fag that loves hitmarkers.

Then add the damage numbers, remove the enemies health and use different weapons to see what does more damage you fucking casual.
How is this hard?

haha retard

Oh, don't mind me, please try to avoid any blood in your games

All you're doing is proposing solutions to something that shouldn't have been a problem to begin with. Maybe Borderlands isn't something Shadow Warrior should be trying to emulate

I agree with you on that
Enemies should have visual queues as to what their resistances are.


Some do, but only because they also have an aura effect on them.

What a shame

Look guys, shills have even learned to use Thor to hide their ID

hi shill

wtf happened to this thread

anyway, played the first level last night and enjoyed it. It's really well optimised and the sword play and guns feel punchier and more fun to use, especially because enemies have a weight and meat to them that makes cutting them up into pieces satisfying.

My only big complaint in the like 1/2 hour I played it is that as pretty and colourful as the environments are, things tend to start blending into each other and it can get tough to tell what's jumping at you because the enemies have the same colour scheme as the flowers and rocks.

way fucking better than the abortion that is nuDooT though, jesus christ what a piece of shit



They actually do like RMB+WASD or something like that
W+RMB is a sting attack
A+RMB is a spin I think

What do the difficulty settings effect?

It says right next to it when you select them user. More health for enemies, less health for you, penalties for dying etc.

I don't own the game, and, judging by the information I've gathered from this thread, I never will.

meant for
Fuck, I need a nap.

I played for about an hour yesterday (GOG version) and after I finished the tutorial level I was having some really annoying framedrops at the start of the second area and I'm just running it on high, not even max settings. It sucks because I should be able to run this perfectly, my machine: i5 6600k, 16gb ram, gtx970, win7.

First game ran amazing, could get 200+ fps on Ultra.
This game doesn't look much better and I get 40 fps in big open areas and 60 fps in closed areas on high and also get lots of random fps drops.

I havent seen any of that but for what it's worth the original ran poorly for me so who knows what's going on. I'm using AMD so it's hit and miss at the best of times

Notice how you only refered to the RMB
First game used combinations on both both 1 and 2.

LMB were sword attacks, RMB were Ki powers, yeah.

Razorback or Warsaw?


you can turn it off

hello tumblr


whose brilliant idea was it to make a fucking Borderlands clone ?

It's a conundrum

Assuming something is shit is always preferable to unnecessary hype.

I feel it.

I just finished it in about 12 hours on the highest difficulty, doing all side missions. I find the core gameplay better than in the first remake, since that weapons are more varied and there are more options for specialization. I suppose the enemies are a bit more interesting too. Also, you might even be able to get through the game using guns without wanting to kill yourself. Story-wise it's weaker, and it consists of an even greater amount of nonsensical twists and turns compared to the predecessor. Sometimes it barely even feels like a coherent plot. The humor is pretty much the same though, but the main side character stuck in your head isn't nearly as entertaining as Hoji was.

All in all I'd say that if you liked the remake then you'll probably like this one if you're partial to the loot and Rocket-Propelled Grenade mechanics. It's serviceable, but nothing great.

Hoji was amazing, I don't think any character could top how perfectly he juxtaposed Wang's narcissism. He played things just straight enough to blend into the style of the game. This dumb bitch in the second game just pisses me off.

you're a faggot

I wish I could tell her that I was the one that killed her faggot father

Yes! DOOM is a great game! I pre-ordered the Limited Edition and have been playing it non-stop. The Shadow Warrior remakes are absolutely inferior in every possible way.

I'm pirating it. Guess I'll find out.
The repack with 5 DLC is like 9GB.

There's 3 melee combinations:
One for W
One for A and D
One for S

Though one of your powers later on can be used mid-air to cause an AoE shockwave instead of a cone in front of you

which magnet are you using?

Sounds like it's pretty much exactly what I expected it to be.

I'm probably still going to get it though since there just aren't that many games like it anymore.

Doom actually is the better game. Holla Forums's decided to hate Doom because of critical salt buildup from months of not being able to pirate it and now because it got popular with people they don't like. It's like how Holla Forums decided to hate Minecraft and Undertale despite initially loving them. It's a very Tsun community and easily feels spurned.



nah doom is garbage.

Stop spewing your bullshit here.
The people that hated nuDoom hated it because it was advertised as a Doom sequel, with mechanics and level design similar to the original Doom and Doom 2. What we got in the end was just another corridor shooter into monster arena with sub-par level design and retarded mechanics catering to the retarded Brutal Doom kids with none of the things that made the original Doom great.

You're right, but shadow warrior 2 is worse.

Not really no

You do know you can avoid those mechanics, right? And I don't even mean it like "tie one hand behind your back lol it's fine", if you look at the people who beat ultra nightmare they avoided glory kills because they give you almost nothing on nightmare and they're a significant risk as the monsters don't pause while you do it. It's an anti-feature and a skilled player ignores them. You're getting mad because other people "brutal doom kids" like a feature that wasn't meant for you. Just like I said. Faggot.

But the hardest difficulties in modern games are virtually "tie one hand behind your back".

Yes, that's why emergency health pick-ups drop whenever I kill an enemy when I'm on low health


I had a feeling there would be a shill war.

boy what's the reddit rate in this board nowadays? 60, 70%?

Not in nuDood. "Nightmare" = '90s normal. All other difficulty settings are for the modern gaymer.

Again, don't play on a difficulty below nightmare. The health restored by a critical health glory kill isn't enough to survive a direct hit from an imp fireball. If you still think it's too easy, ask why almost no one has beat ultra nightmare.

It really is though

Holla Forums stared claiming Halo was good several years ago, so probably fairly high.

But in old games normal was only for learning how to be a scrub, once you got even the haziest idea how game works it would become too easy to be fun.

I don't need to do Tyson or Pacifist runs on Doom to make it fun or better, I don't need to cripple myself to make Doom better, Doom is just good. And you're deliberately ignoring the rest of my argument, you're ignoring the level design, the RPG mechanics just because, and the fact it was being shilled as a game akin to the original Doom games.
And I'm not mad at nuDoom, I'm mad at you for spreading misinfo and trying to do a blatant consensus shift. Holla Forums hates nuDoom because it's a bad game, not because Holla Forums is tsun, you lying piece of shit.

>But in old games normal was only for learning how to not be a scrub
Rephrasing sentences mid-write is a dumb thing.

You can hate DooM as much as you like, you can even say its like Halo and just prove that you didnt even touch the game.

But if you turn around and say that this game is better you are fucking retarded and just folloowing another bandwagon.

I explained how it's not crippling but is actually necessary to not get killed and you called it crippling again. Most trolly.

Either hes trying to bait us, or he is trying to fit in

I'm still waiting for you to justify the level design, the RPG mechanics, and the shilling.

I guess I'm some sort of anomaly then, because I find D44M to be fairly easy if you don't intentionally handicap yourself by not using the chainsaw, BFG or certain weapon mods

You're not interested in having an honest discourse and I have failed by replying to an avatarfag.

You are, if you didn't cheat by backing up your save. It's a pretty rare achievement.

I don't really have much faith in difficulties which only scale damage dealt and damage taken as they get higher
Perhaps that's not the case here (I really don't want to re-download and re-install 70GB to find out). Games really should have a 'canon' difficulty like UV in OG Doom and Heroic in Halo where anything above that is just difficulty for the sake of difficulty, but I;m not in the mood for bulletspongier enemies with higher accuracy/projectile speed just for the sake of difficulty
There are more factors involved in DOOM which make the game rather easy, and a good game would actively punish you for acting like a scrub or resorting to cheap methods for clearing challenges, like through score and less fun. If I don't have a reason to not abuse cheap tactics, then that's the designers' fault for not directing players to become better

lurk moar fag

NuDoom was fantastic, you must be another butthurt piratefag who couldn't steal it.

Back on cuckchan Halo 3 threads where quite common during its release so its patently obvious there's a subset of people that enjoyed it here.

Halo came out in 2001, there's bound to be anons who enjoy it, get the fuck over it you pathetic child.

It's surprising good
game plays really fast, guns while still not having a ton of kick are way better than the remake, decent enemy variety meaning you can't really sword everything in the game

As far as bad stuff goes, some enemies/bosses are just absurd bullet sponges and the damage numbers, but you can turn those off

You know it was cracked, right ?
It even gave us some great salt.

Also, while the maps get reused a ton, the design is way better than the arena crap that had in the remake

I didn't notice it making demons sponges, it felt like the only changes were to massively increase their damage dealt and massively reduce health/armor available to the player (shards are 5x less armor). Basically, it's don't-get-hit mode. Supposedly the spawns later in the game are of harder demon types but I didn't play that far on normal.

They all look the same to me, weeb.

Did you just call Nightmare in DOOM a gimmick? user, that statement is incorrect. The difficulty changes gameplay. Not in some radical fashion, but still. And in DOOM II you just add Arc-Viles to the mix and things get real interesting.

Again, you need to lurk more.

I don't feel like playing this anymore, Borderlands 1 feels somehow more solid and fun than SW2, at least there

It's basically the same shit with a smaller margin of error then? No changes in AI like enemies being able to track your movement and force you to stop circlestrafing all the time? No enemies ambushing you behind corners? No enemies dodging more actively? No enemies shooting additional and faster projectiles? Because I just described Insane difficulty of Descent II there, and that game from 1996 manages to do AI improving with difficulty modes better than nearly every game released after that. Is Nightmare more of a 'play like a little bitch to survive' difficulty or a 'play like an aggressive madman to survive' difficulty?

I was able to play it aggressively with a few deaths. On ultra nightmare you'd have to play like a bitch as much as possible.

what about SW2 then?

Almost completely agree.

Let's not get carried away now.

Good list, I like Wang being a tryhard douche though. I have done a couple of story and side missions but im not that far in, right now i'd give the game a 7/10

it's pretty fun

what a real nigga

I was talking about the original DOOM.

I only now remembered the immense boredom that came with playing Borderlands 1
At least you could find some cool weapons every now and then, I found a shotgun once that regenerated ammo

Oh, my mistake

actually you dont need chi
you dont need weapons
you dont need elemental crap unless its physical immune ayy lmao
you can avoid elemental dots by being invincible to it
you dont even need fancy things like dashing
you dont need to worry about explosives or what the enemies look like

you only need

a sword you get in story right before you beat the big boss
a ton of % crit chance and damage on the sword
get some armor % life drain along with melee damage
extra bonus if you upgrade your shadow fury
you can also try killing yourself to deal five times more damage

then beat the final boss in 2 minutes

Daily reminder the devs embraced socjus and shat all over the original game. From an interview:

Yesterday they showed up to shill their game and I shit you not, their defense was that "Hitler was a SJW too".

Doom WOULD BE pretty good, if 1. enemies were met in the levels and not only in arenas (save rare exceptions) and if 2. fatalities didn't break the action so badly.

Read the damn thread

Caps or it didnt happen

You meet enemies in the levels
You got to kill all 3 of them or else theyll follow you

That thread is still up.

Man, what a clusterfuck.

you call the nigger smith a white man fairly early into the game, dunno how racist that is
I'm fairly sure it's a reference to something though



It refers to a joke from the lone ranger.

everyone knows socjus are moral relativist and they only want to outlaw white male sexuality, all other forms of degeneracy are admissible. All you need to do is cut your cock off faggot!

No it's not.

Also the game's pretty damn good and a straight upgrade from the original if you don't mind tacked-on loot. The guns themselves are WAY more satisfying than the first one, I actually found myself using every weapon type all throughout the game. The loot was a retarded choice, yes, but it didn't even come close to ruining the game.

All right so I played it for quite a while and my verdict is it's terrible. Mechanically uninteresting and more a slog to actually play.
See I had it on the hardest difficulty and it merely made enemies take longer to kill not more challenging or fun to fight like a good game would do, it just makes me weak and does nothing intuitive. RPG mechanics are shit, guns are floaty and ammo is limited for no good reason. The level up feature only does really bare essential simple crap like 10+ to hitpoints and shouldn't even be there. This game has consoletardization out the ass a map display centric with map markers, points and so forth you can turn them off but Wang gives no confirmation about anything if you've completed you mission. Enemies dodge left and right and move around haphazardly doesn't make fights interesting just a pain in the ass they move like that because console players can't keep up I assume whereas it's so easy with a mouse it just makes it a nuisance when one enemy wont stop hopping around.
Bosses are copy pasted shit as are most enemies. Look don't buy this game, in fact if you did get a refund it isn't worth your time. It's utterly mediocre and not mechanically sound plus many aspects will grate on you quickly.

are you fuckin retarded
why did you start on the highest difficulty

The higher difficulties suggest you play through the game normally first, also:
Yes, it is shit and shadow warrior 2 has many flaws but what the fuck man

How do you even know it was them?

The only retard here is you buddy


All it did was make me take some more damage if I got hit and enemies were fucking spongey. I could spend a minute filling a Toror full of lead and each shot making the mark because fuck logic right?

Why the flying fuck would I play on normal first I actually figured an action FPS would be interesting but current year doesn't phase me I want a good fucking game and if they can't make me one and ask for my money they can fuck themselves. I don't care what anyone thinks anymore this is bullshit. Make the game challenging by making enemies quicker, more responsive aggressive and have new attacks and whatnot not make them spongey, and you suffer more damage and have less drops. I kept running out of ammo and all my levels were spent on increasing my ammo.
Enemies are still too fucking easy to deal with even if they take a while to kill.

Doom also plays like shit on the highest difficulty, doesn't stop it from being good.

Man I don't even think I can go back to it after that let down.


I… don't understand your path of thinking. They pointed not all of the humor is racist or misogynist, but that would still mean they purposefully wrote many jokes and lines of dialogue to be like that because they enjoyed it. I think they were just stating out to the more triggered crowd with "this game isn't totally what you think it is"

The game is alright overall, the most obvious flaw is that the plot is uninteresting and nu-wang and his cohorts aren't particularly funny. Besides that some enemies are a bit spongy, but if you target elemental weaknesses and use charged melee attacks even larger stuff gets turned into chutney at a reasonable pace. Similarly to the previous game most of the guns don't feel that satisfying to use, in particular there's a sawed-off double barrel which I expected to be cool but it was such a disappointment that I stopped using it even though it dealt fairly good damage. The A.I is also iffy at times, if you back out of their patrol area after initiating a fight they sometimes just get confused and meander around not really doing anything. If you were really determined to cheese it you could pick them off freely when this happens, it doesn't happen all the time but it's kinda jarring when it does because enemies are usually quite aggressive, you generally need to keep backing up to avoid getting swarmed in larger fights. Lo Wang is pretty fast, although you tend to end up mashing the dash button alot since his base movespeed isn't anything remarkable. Melee combat is fairly satisfying, although you are quite reliant on the special attacks in larger fights as attempting to use normal attacks will just have you get swamped. The half-random maps were pulled off quite well, though they don't really add a whole lot to the game I think, some well set out fixed maps would have been just as acceptable or possibly better.

Overall I'd give it a 7.5/10 so far but I've only put about 10 or 12 hours in.

You respawn at checkpoints, and if you actually were on the harder difficulties enemies regain all their HP when you die.

Because if you like any game less than 10 years old on Holla Forums you are a shill. There's no denying it, clearly I'm a shill because I find SW2 kinda fun, you must be too since you questioned the validity of someone's accusation of shilling

There is literally nothing Socjus in the game you fagboat, it's full of juvenile humour that would annoy SJWs, you can even hack female Yakuza and weaponized sex robots to bits, fuck off already.

Kill yourselves, Bethesda shills.

NuDoom has a max of 12 enemies at once actually.

How much are Shill Warriors being paid?

Feels good to not be c78c31.

How did NuDoom come to be discussed on a thread about shadow warrior anyway?

The media had a hand in this. Review sites keep bringing up doom in sw reviews.

Well then I may give it another go, if you're correct.

I had high hopes for this game - should have known better.

Opening level was a shitfest, followed by story cutscenes galore, another shitty, mostly empty level, more idiotic cutscenes, empty space, cutscenes, bitchy SJW stuck in Wang's head, cutscenes. I can't speak for what came next because I quit. SW reboot wasn't this awful.

You're the one who's shilling something, cuckold.

Actually, I did a boss fight a short while ago and when i died it only gained 20% of its health or so, so turns out you were right at least about bosses. Although I'm pretty sure regular enemies get all their health back. It's a bit of a bummer anyway.
