like B** or C*
very nice meme
Poetic Justice
Sometimes I wonder how many people know Monty for RWBY before they remember him for anything else he made?
I was thinking about calling him a pussy, but I thought it would be in poor taste.
Are the dutch on another planet, since they can see earth when looking up?
How can you even live with yourself being allergic to pets?
I would nail my family to a cross if they served junk sugar water on a fine holiday dinner
He didn't.
What do you drink on a fine holiday dinner? If your answer isn't milk you're a gay
Cucked in life, and also cucked in death, daily reminder the bitch fucked some other guy after being so lonely and in need of comfort after 6 months of burying him and letting him off life-support with no input from his family and the cucks at rt let her rampage all over his work to get monetary support.
i don't get it.
and im not memeing here, i truly don't get it. what was even RWBY? i keep hearing it around here.
Is that the guy whos GF basically murdered him by getting cats knowing he was allergic to them?
oh, well, that explains a lot
The show isn't important, it's absolute shit.
What matters is that the cuck in charge got killed by a semen demon.
It stands for Rhodesia Will Break You
It saddens me a bit when people conflate intelligence with knowledge.
A machinima that steals assets to make shitty stories.
cock milk
Allergy shots taken to let his bitch gold digging wife have a cat around him, it put him into a coma, not less than 24 hours, she decided to cut him off life support without input from his family or his so-called friends in roosterteeth, now everyone who called her out or even rt about this got either banned for disturbing his memory or some shit, he's literally got cucked at the end of his life and afterwards.
In short, kek on his pathetic choice of a wife, lost his laifu because of his waifu.
everytime someone calls another person who reads random novel books "intelligent" i die a little.
Monty Oum was a high school dropout who did 3D animation as a hobby. He got hired by Roosterteeth initially to do animated scenes for Red VS Blue. After a few years of working there Monty began on his own show with several other guys in the studio. That show was RWBY, and it was basically "Generic Action Fantasy Anime: Bad CG Edition." Then at the beginning of 2015, his psycho gf brought him a stray cat despite being fully aware of his allergies, and died of allergic shock in a hospital a few months later. By that time Oum had a massive following so his death resulted in dozens of tributes and memorials, but since the majority of that following consists of retarded RT fans his girlfriend got off scott-free.
Ironically, this scenario was brought up in RvB several seasons earlier, where there's this mercenary bitch who offed her brother so she could steal his combat tech. They make explicitly clear that she didn't kill him, just put him in a position to be killed. And that's exactly what happened to Oum.
what a fucking story
Alright, I chuckled
Isn't that what you just did?
can you post the gym one with the cameo undertale characters?
I am unable to understand the second one.
Would fug the bun.
That's not the whole story. He was in a coma in hospital for like 9 days and then she pulled the plug on him after crowdfunding tens of thousands of dollars for his medical care. His family never even got a say in it and they didn't even know he was married.
Think about that, she pulled the plug on him after less than two weeks
Male feminists are always self loathing.
It's an edit.
oh that makes more sense, have the original?
Being allergic is one thing, but you can only be scratched so much if you actively mess with the cat. That dumbass did nothing to prevent his own death. Don't try to fish for sympathy ever again.
sorry, no.
well, at least nothing of value was lost. I guess take this in the mean time. the music and animation quality isn't that bad, for as gay and normalfag as it is.
the second one is just shit
It was made to mock the fact that there were so many tumblrtale generals, and the general quality of Holla Forums last year.
Shit they found out
kek or shake your head. Fucking hell.
I think the joke is that white men are always the problem no matter what they do.
Wouldn't you say there's someone else behind the bankers? Like some evangelion shit.
Grim as hell.
all race-mixers deserve to die
the (((bankers))) are the evangelion shit user.
I feel like gyms are something propagated by retarded cityfags.
Meanwhile, in sensible lands, if you want to get fit you just build a new shed, put up a storm wall, make some new chairs, or otherwise spend your time and energy doing productive shit.
I'm alergic to cats and not dogs. Quite frankly most cat owners experience some form reaction to the bloody thing pissing everywhere.
You have to be a woman to get a cat anyway. It's absolutely useless outside of looking cute.
Shit tier.
Birds are admittedly better, though
Makes sense you diabolical faggot.
You'd be better off keeping pet roaches.
I wish roaches could have the same level of interaction with humans as usual household pets like cats and dogs. The same size, too.
Roaches are pretty neat, actually. And very clean bugs, all in all.
I'd have to keep them in some kind of fishtank type deal, though. They'd skitter around too much, and eventually get stepped on.
I like cats because i don't have to take it out to shit or pretend that i want to play with it unlike dogs.
You might as well get a mail order bride. They might be more expensive, but you don't have to clean up their shit and you get to have sex with them.
I don't know why anyone would want a pet that they barely interact with, have to clean up it's shit, has parasitic piss, and acts like an annoying asshole on occasion. I'm going to assume doormats like cats.
But you enjoy it when that cat fucker starts clawing your hands for fun eh ?
That only happens when you don't know how to handle or train the cat, though.
#notallcats do that
I don't think owning a cat is that much better. Especially since you an do a prenup anyway.
He is too busy being a snarky fuck towards people who like pets he doesn't like. He wouldn't care regardless, probably the kind of person that would kill an animal for fun.
There's any place to find this comics?
I get the feeling you just get shit cats.
Smack them around on occasion, don't give them too much attention, only pet them when you want the tactile feedback, and keep them outdoors when not in use.
All you should ever have to worry about is food and water.
It's Kaguya from 2hu as drawn by Space Jin
Speech makers are truly a cancer on society
These are the people who forced "le gitgud xdd"
Skillshills, when will you learn?
Get good homo
All of you shut the fuck up, my science teacher in high school had a fishtank full of Madagascar hissers, and those things were fucking TERRIFYING
I literally ran out of the room like a bitch when he pulled them out to show us one day, FUCK ROACHES HOLY SHIT
I mean, in spite of the obvious SJW slant, that's not bad advice. I'm all for drawing things correctly.
Just fall on it.
Did I trigger you, skillshill? Does it make you angry when I beat games without improvement?
Oh, I know what will really ruin your day. I'm gonna turn this guy's skin white unless you admit you're a dicklet.
No, I never had shit cats. I don't hate cats either. I've been around plenty of cats before as well as owned them. I think they are cute, but that's it. Their appeal extremely limited. As far I know everyone who owns a cat(s) is either a twink, an insane woman, or has kids.
Nice try kike, I ain't clicking that!
Anyone who says "POC" unironically will die alone.
Prenups are worthless since the judge can nullify it if he feels either participant 'felt threatened'.
It's an adorable little animal.
Super cute. Click it. Your day will be better.
So, are you a 'twink' then?
Silly Rabbi, clicks are for nigs!
So all cat owners I know don't know how to train their cat then.
Close, I was married. I see where I fucked up, but I stand by my statement.
That's good to know.
Do it
Do you think that is how insults work ?
You're missing out, man. Adorable baby animals in that picture. Totally worth it.
Here's another hot tip: Get your written agreements represented by an attorney to reduce the chance of them being invalidated for bullshit reasons.
What fucking appeal are pets supposed to have? Mow your lawn? Sing you a lullaby? I have both a cat and a dog, the ugly shitters just sit around and bite me.
FYI: Owning it won't make it easier, my dear SJW in training. Also god am I glad your kind is emotional, or else I'd have to put in effort
You're retarded, skillshilll. You're not actually good because get this:
A video game made you change.
I rest my case. Any further replies you make are emotionally-invested.
I think we mixed up the order
I have an adorable baby oven for you.
That's a good question. Companionship and therapy are the only answers I know. I had dogs growing up and I played with them all the time. Dogs also deter intruders, so there's that.
I'm not too big on owning pets myself. The only pets I owned as an adult were the result of women.
If you don't click that shit, I'm going to turn him back black.
That's good to know. Though, I think it would just be easier to not get married (unless you're trying to get benefits). I will certainly keep it in mind encase it comes up. Thanks pal.
Same mate, pets are just cute to stare at or in movies. Horses seem kinda cool if you are able to afford and keep one. At least they have some use.
Git gud old nigga lifter.
The only way he could have looked anymore stupid is if he was covered in noodles.
I was once hospitalized after a workout. Someone goated me into doing squat challenge cards (video related) but with half a deck. I thought I was fine but an hour latter I couldn't walk and started pissing blood. Apparently exercise over a prolonged period of time causes the gut wall to change, allowing the naturally present bacteria, known as endotoxins, in the gut to leak into the bloodstream. I was in the hospital for two day's and I took a weak before I could walk free of pain.
I don't know who to side with, honestly. Everyone's a retard here.
Did I strike a nerve, faggot? Keep changing, maybe your trips will help you come to terms with being a submissive fruit.
Horses are alright, I worked for a guy who had them. I cleaned the stables, fed them, rode them, all that good shit. No not good shit, I don't know how I didn't kill myself from the smell The only weird parts are when mares are in heat and decide to kind of sort of basically force themselves on you.
The smell being the stables. In case it wasn't obvious part of the job was shoveling shit. I envy the balls on my younger self.
Do you really
need to
post three times before thinking?
If your cat or dog is being aggressive, you're doing something wrong. Animals aren't as stupid as people think. They don't just lash out at random. You're doing something they don't like, and they think biting is the only way they'll get you to stop. This is a huge problem with cats because people generally have a basic knowledge of dog body language, mistakenly think it applies to cats, and find out with tributes of blood that it doesn't.
I don't get what's so wrong with that.
Eh. I'd the frog.
Bro who the fuck cares god damn like seriously nigga just walk away holy fuck
You have only yourself to blame.
Cats are mostly useful for pest control.
So unless you live on a farm or a some infested shithole area, you probably won't get much out of owning a cat.
Either that or you live high up and enjoy getting free bats every now and then.
At my parents', the cat would sometimes come into my room when I had the windows open at night to wait for bats, and wait in the window until a bat came. Actually caught one once or twice.
I people use to keep cheetahs and caracals for hunting.
I knew a guy what had a crocodile he kept in a barn for "pest control".
But he was insane.
Also, it was still fairly young, and therefor about the size of a smaller dog.
Bullshit. I've had typical outdoor cats, and all of them always came in at night for food, shelter, and to sleep next to me. They make perfectly good companions as long as you're okay with a pet that will want attention on their schedule, not yours.
Wh-where's the rest ?..
Shit, forgot to take my flag off, my bad
So do bed bugs, but I'm not too happy to have them in my house.
1 2
2 1.5
wonder if SIR saw this
If you mean cats bringing in insects, there's medications that you just dab on their back once a month, and it makes their blood toxic to anything that drinks its blood. My cats haven't brought in anything like that in well over a decade.
I was 'avin a giggle m8.
Is this the undertale one?
who the fuck is making these /fit/ shitposting images
Absolutely savage.
fuck If I know
I dont get it
read the thread
A feminist defence of neckbeards? That's got to be the strangest thing I've seen all week.
I'm not as horrified as I expected.
I admit defeat, Goldberg. Mark my words, there will be blood and gas next time.
what ?
Wheres page 3
What ???? how can you fuck a car in the first place ?
and how is fucking a solid object is the same as a human relationship ?
This guy is retread as fuck
This is a stupid analogy both in themes and implications
You're actually right, it's not the same but worse.
Cars are objects, and can't be against someone fucking them, won't get med resistant aids or they don't have reproductive organs that keep a record of whoever comes in and produces offspring with genetic traces of previous mates.
You're the one that needed somebody else to explain the comic in the first place.
What is this? Some wannabe project mayhem nu-males?
Because that's pretty weak.
You should be comparing either fucking a solid object and fucking a human, or having a relationship with a solid object and having a relationship with a human.
The solid object wins in both cases.
Well to be accurate, dead niggers left in the sun crack their skin and their lowest skin layers are greyish white like in the first example.
t. Kongo Müller in association with Peter Krumme on how to make niggers white.
What do any of these comics have to do with Vidya games?
What do you have to do with video games?
This shit again. That study was for FRUIT FLIES and unless your dick is particularly small then I think we don't have to worry about this whatsoever.
This one comic gets me every time
What the hell is wonder bread?
I don't get it. What is the message?
It's starting to make sense.
slight fix
It's only one of the most common brands of bread on the planet. How the fuck do you not know what Wonder Bread is?
The message is asians had their minority license revoked because they went and got jobs instead of rioting.
I wonder if she tried to punch something with her keys yet.
The study was of fruit flies, and it went on to warn about further testing, such as human trials being severely problematic and non-kosher, despite that testing it with ANY mammals, doesn't breach any kind of moral codes but the (((academia)))'s ones.
Yes, there's nothing to worry about, goy.
Thank you for Correcting The Record™©
They obviously don't sell it in my country, retard.
That's never not bad
If $(((they))) didn't want us to know then they wouldn't have published the report whatsoever and even given us the idea that such a thing could even occur in any species to begin with. Does everything have to be a conspiracy these days?
Nigger please, move away from the COINTELPRO handbook for a second.
If they censored the study instead of simply sanitizing it, it would have gotten way more attention.
And do tell why they would bother with any of this to begin with, how does this fall into their master plan? Do explain what processes of the human body store their partners' DNA as well, I'm genuinely curious.
Oh shit. I think the corpse just burst into flames.
If female fruit flies store DNA from previous mates, do females of other species have the same mechanism? Why is further testing discouraged? Outruling human testing for being problematic without consideration for further testing on all mammals means there's nothing to worry about.
Thank you for Correcting The Record.
Great job, you dodged the question just like a true G*d's chosen. You can't explain how the process occurs or why they would want to hide info regarding it but you choose to believe anyway. I take it you also believe in Santa Claus.
Could you explain any biological process with precision yourself?
Like evolution. If you can't explain it, then it's not real.
Yes actually.
Holy fuck my sides, I was waiting for that webm to get to the point
well then, you want to see this
Does anyone have the image with this chick getting pounded by a Holla Forumsirgin?
Aside from how absurd that video is, I'd drive the car just to cuck him.
Every time I look at one of these, I see something new, and I've been on /fit/ when they're first posted. This shit is art.
oh oh oh they just value the group more user….
A cat's overall attitude depends entirely on the owner. It's like parents with shitty kids IRL. Good people make good animals. If you've ever watched that cat whisperer show where the guy fixes fucked up aggressive cats, it's always the owners' fault for teaching it bad habits.
Since his wife was a piece of shit and it was his wife's cat, I would definitely believe that cat was the four-legged earthly incarnation of satan and would attack people for no reason. I've seen that kind of shit in real life and the cat was always owned by an idiot or asshole.
Somebody's fucking butthurt about that white Symmetra skin.
your pet is, was and will always be shit
I hope someday for gulags filled with leftist subhumans, where they are rightfully forced to do useless labor to death while they are raped and mutilated at the will of their captors…. Imagine a fucking leftist numale having a mental breakdown coming to terms with its fate, eventually being reduced to a grunting basic animal sleeping in dirt and pissing on itself. Leftist cattle scum deserve the worst treatment that humans have to offer, leftists are sub-animal, they are below cockroaches and ant, they should be treated with no mercy or respect whatsoever.
Fucking hell, these people are delusional.
I'm hoping for more of a mad max apocalypse where physical strength and smarts matters again, and if you're not useful you're hunted for sport or eaten. Weak numales would be extinguished overnight once the shit really hits the fan. Women would be where they belong again, kept as prizes by the men strong enough to defend them from other men. And even if you're not STRONG in the traditional sense, having skills that could contribute to your local group would make you valuable. Being mechanically inclined, or a farmer, or a doctor, or knowing enough science to create things like ammo and water purification systems. Because liberals coast through life on art degrees they never actually learn anything useful and there'd be no reason to keep them around.
He is learning, he might be doing math problems
I dont think you know what "normalfag" means
Don't kill all the artists now, I need them to make porn.
It's been around for nearly a century and the reason as to why bread comes in slices. What country is blind to the global radiance that is American consumerism?
I'm pretty sure that if you're being held at gunpoint by a crazy and say "wait I can get you porn" you'll live
finally my life is worth something
Requesting the "I don't owe you sheeeeit" edit
More like a neckbeard in the defense of feminism.
What the fuck is gamergate plus and please tell me that GGfags are not retarded enough to fall for it.
England, where bread was invented.
Shit yeah I knew I bought that gun for a reason.
Stopped reading. Male feminists should be publicly castrated and choked to death with their own dick.
I'm not even sad about it, I'm just pissed that she got off scot free.
want to know some fun trivia about this fellow
Wow, this place is pretty dead huh? Guess your fans forgot about you. Man, that must suck. Want me to kick their asses? I'll make sure they don't forget. Just say the word Monty! …No? Alright, you know best. Just let me know if you need someone to talk to. I'm always here… Denying the fact that you're never coming back… Please Monty, just say SOMETHING! Please… I don't want to accept the death of another great person. I don't want to… I'll talk to you soon Monty!
he wasn't popular
Eltonel is too good for us
Basically, a few retards tried to use gamergate as a platform to become e-celebs… except that they were incapable to articulate anything properly and most of their arguments and methods were hateful and stupid. They were logically called idiots, and thus came up with the idea that they were the "real" gamergate and anyone disagreeing with them merely wanted to "PC" their speech.
Thus, the ones who kept making fun of them and calling them name online had to be "gamergate plus".
That's actually fairly common practice among digital artists.
When working in video/image/audio editing or 3D modelling software, it often ends up easier to just have a second keyboard with all the keys ripped out, except for the ones bound to hotkeys - it massively increases the speed at which you can work, and it ensures your regular keyboard doesn't develop any weird wear-out over certain keys.
If you don't want an ugly, half-eviscerated keyboard lying around you can also opt for those programmable "MMO" keypads with 20 or so macro buttons on them - I know a couple pixiv artists favour them.
Post moar /fit/
That is a story of
If I ever read one. It even has a happy ending.
Much like being fat or having unkempt hair; a neckbeard is a telling sign of LAZINESS. As a whole; it paints a picture of a underachiever. Its stereotype is accurate.
Now that's a very good greentext there
the artist is running out of ideas
i dont get it
The only reason why they even added them in was due to backers in the early parts of the development throwing tantrums about MUH DIVERSITEES
I don't get it, blacks were allowed in most military outfits at that time.
Especially because you're a globally funded outlet in that game.
The woman part…. not so much, but you're fighting aliens so you can suspend your disbelief a little.
No thanks.
sucks to be you
Actually the neckbeard meme I think started on /tg/ and it was meant as a way to acknowledge someone you grew fond of.
Thank god that, even if I'm fat, I'll never be so fat my chin becomes my neck. Feminists tainted the concept of beard so much now just faggots have beards.
I could post the youtube video about a nigger bitch in south africa wanting to abolish science because is the work of western devils, but I'm too lazy to do that and I guess we are all used to that kind of shit.
I just wish every white and asian person in africa leaves and let black people manage themselves.
My middle school teacher did, but that was before my time. Eventually they escaped and he never got new ones after that.
They're still in town. Somewhere.
me 2
pic related holy shit
Did currycoder ever return?
he's literally a college graduate
I thought that was just a meme
Fucking hell. We should make autism punishable by death soon.
I wager the artist of this was a Hebrew. They love shit. Like literal shit. Poop, they are obsessed with it.
This advertisement honestly justifies making the holocaust real and violently purging the western nations of all undesirables. They will miss Trumps very moderate stances soon.
pretty sure the artist draws 2hus stomping balls.
The ones without cbt aren't so bad, at least.
Oh so he was absolute fucking shit at animating.
Alright niggers, which year have you joined?
If you don't let your team know that the team composition is faulty it's unlikely to be fixed.
Also, Hanzo is a solid choice for a defence DPS.
Did that ponyfag just stop time?
I started hitting the site in 2005 but didn't start sticking around until 2006. Got to see snacks, do gaia raids, gorespam hello kitty online, etc.. It was fun.
2003. I'm moot
What are you talking about? I play with my cat, carry it around, snuggle with it, have it sleep on my lap, watch it "play with" (torture to death) whatever rodent, bird, lizard, or insect it managed to catch, and enjoy its affection and friendship whenever it sees me. I can't snuggle comfortably with a dog due to them having far worse fur (they don't groom it like cats do), and I don't have to take cat for a walk – they shit and piss into their sand box, and cleaning that up takes no more than five minutes every day. Also, I don't have to feel guilty if I have a busy day and don't play with the cat too much, since they're independent creatures and can amuse themselves on their own if need be. And before anyone goes
my cat rid the surroundings of all rodents so I don't need to feel afraid to leave my door open for a few minutes, and even managed to catch a fucking mole (didn't kill it, the thing was just too big, but it did bring it home, so I could carry it somewhere far away), so my lawn has one problem less. But please, tell me about how your home-kept dog that welcomes everyone regardless of identity will stop a burglar (on the off chance your actually get burgled)
Why would you screencap this? If anyone here wanted to read reddit, they would be on reddit. Why don't you go ahead and fuck off
Where can I subscribe?
Well, I went to 4chan for /tg/ jokes, so… more or less a year or two after /tg/ was created?
I can't wait to see the look on these subhumans faces when this "nice time they're living in" will be over before it really even started.
>tfw only started during the beginning of 2015
I'm sorry, guys. I wish I started way back in the day.
lol was this bitches man raped in the Eclipse or something
Just try not to be a faggot, Satan.
i want to say '06 but i dont actually remember
pretty sure it was after Soviet Russia stopped posting at any rate
The only thing that matters if you can blend in and get enough knowledge about memes and happenings from the past.
Damn right
2006. I actually learned about 4chan from YTMND back in 05, but I figured it was just an anime site since one of the rules on YTMND was "if you want to post anime, take it to 4chan." Didn't check it out until one year later, but until then I did lurk a few small porn-related imageboards like Renchan.
Started using Holla Forums in 2008 or 2009 (browsed Holla Forums beforehand, but very little). Was able to see the before and after of the creating of /vg/, probably one of the dumbest things moot did. Who knew that if you moved all the video games off Holla Forums, it would become Holla Forums 2.0.
I laughed when I saw the one punch man costume
Quick question, did anyone save the screencap of the user sperging out at the futa drawing, and the subsequent comments. I forgot to save it…
I had visited in 2006 but i was more into ytmnd
Sounds kind of lame and I wouldn't go back to cleaning up parasitic shit and litter they drag everywhere just so I could watch it chase around a lazer pointer for a few minutes a day.
That's because you treat them like utter shit, dumbass. Do you think that animals are fine with being treated like shit?
I left that bit out since I wasn't sure if it was legit or just rumors.
As enriched as we are, there's almost no niggers here. Seriously, it's too cold for them.
2004, as a casual migrant from albinoblacksheep
neil cicierega is thirty years old and married
tally hall is on probably permanent hiatus but at least i got to play four square with them in a parking lot once
the french will never have a military victory
2008-9. At least I'm not cancer.
Boy, what a mistake that was.
I made a definite effort to find doujins short enough to fit in one post, so here's one.
Came here last year, didnt use any imageboards or namefag forums before that.
Mid-2006. It's been an entire fucking decade on imageboards, holy shit.
2007 was a mistake.
Clean your kitty litter you lazy faggot.
About 2006. Still wondering why. Although I see some beauty in chans, it still feels like a wasted decade.
It was sometime in early 2007. It feels bad knowing shitposting on here is the peak of my life.
To be fair newfaggotry is less about how long one has visited the chans, but rather how they act when faced with chan culture. Newfags are those that ignore the mantra of "lurk moar" and post impulsively usually with shit like >be me, reddit spacing and complete disregard for punctuation as but a few examples.
Are now. They've been gradually infiltrating the Vancouver-Lower Mainland area.
You mean the one with the horsecock? If yes lamentably I only saved this one
It's funny how they switch up their explanations immediatley as soon as Kenyan blacks and non-westerns are involved.
You can't just pass a finding over because it doesn't agree with your views, that's Orwellian bullshit right there, it's a huge lie.
Genetics fucking exist, and there are people who will never invent anything or contribute to society, and it's not because of social reasons.
There's literally a Ugandan film-maker who put his own special effects lab together from a box of scraps, so it's not absolute, but his village thought he was a fucking witchdoctor at first.
How is Reviewbrah doing these days?
Are you from Reddit?
SIR is pretty good
Started browsing During Five Guys/GG, later became first exodus and never looked back at 4chan unless it was when we were taking GETs
Nope, never had a reddit account. I'm not big into any of that social media online networking stuff. I like it here cause its nice casual conversation with people you'll probably never talk to again.
The comic actually has a bit of a point
first accidentally stumbled onto '4chan' somewhere in 2009 and lurked frequently around 2011 until started irregularly creating threads and posts ~2014
2010-2012 /mu/ was fucking magical
You are crazy user, that couldn't possibly happen. Stop spreading that awful "leftism is anti-science" smear.
2010, and I was 13 then.
Learned about the site in 2007 on ED
January 2007, fug
2003 to 2006 and then again 2015 to present. Was quite a bit of a culture shock.
Found you guys during the mid of 2012, so basically I was there for the death shudders of half-chan.
I'll admit, I wear them to my building's gym, but mainly because my foot is currently fucked up and I can't put on real shoes. I hate it more for the fact that it means I can't do a proper leg day without blood exploding from my foot.
2006, but not really a daily habit until much later, probably like 2010