Project Reality

user plays:

Part 6: We'll meet again.

Project Reality is a long running milsim like modification for Battlefield 2 (now standalone), that while not at its peak, still has around 400-600 people playing at all times.
The game takes a nieche between full blown military simulation of the Armed Assault series and actual fucking games, with the tacticool aspects of a milsim without its simulation related clutter, and an expanded upon battlefield-style battle for objectives on XBOX FUCKING HUGE MAPS.
The most populated servers usually support up to 98 players on conventional force vs conventional force conquest-type maps, or asymmetrical warfare type maps which have an organized conventional force finding and neutralizing weapon cashes of the opposing guerilla force, consisting mostly of rag-tag teams of allahu akbars and a BR with 120 ping.
Project Reality heavily emphasizes teamplay and intra- and inter-squad cooperation. It uses an inbuilt mumble client that, depending on your position in a squad, transmits faction tied proximity chat [welcome to the jungle intensifies], squad chat, commander chat, as well as individual squad leader chats.

Important information:
Insurgents can blast nasheeds while driving a bomb-truck into an burger FOB.
You can literally gas the kikes (IDF is a conventional force) in this game.
You can literally unload a nine in the welfare line (african conventional as well as insurgent forces) in this game.
No XP, no perks, no unlocks in this game, plug and play.
This game runs on a toaster, just be sure to turn down shadows.
The launcher has an inbuilt game manual which explains game mechanics in great detail.

The caveat:
The game has rather harsh methods of punishing retards and retarded behaviour built into its mechanics, as well as hawk-eyed hotpockets watching you being a good healslut in the bushes.

Its free nigger, get it.

Regarding time coordination:
Standart procedure is joining the Discord server at time T which is usually at 21h UTC, at which point quite a few anons should be on the Discord playing.

Should you want to play real bad at any given moment, use this
its a magic device that tells you what players play on a given serber, with all possible serbers listed look for the [wwew] tags and join in.

Quick tips:

Vehicle tips:


This weekend´s event is DEFINITELY endorsed by:
[wwew]: the salt must flow

Other urls found in this thread:


Its a game you have to absolutely use voice comms in because you´ve got no HUD aside from the compass

We have people who don't use VOIP, they type instead and use the commerose.
It's entirely possible to play without a mic, as long as you're with friends, and if you're capable of following orders.
Discord is only used for shitposting and coordinating which servers we're going to play on.

It does make things difficult though, especially when it comes to getting a medic and stuff like that.

Pretty much this, the discord is just shitposting, we dont even use the voice most of the time
its function is to get people together to play, most of the time we announce it in the thread for fags that arent in the channel

you can play without mic but you´d have to resort to being a grunt without special equip

then it's not the game for you.
Communication is a must, PR was built around voice interaction and coordination.

Can I just pick a rifleman or something and follow people around, do as I'm told etc?

Didn't someome say that we should play planetside in october?

I'm all in for that.

Don't worry, bad squaddies, bad teammates and all other kinds of fun things will make sure things will fuck up. It's inevitable, no matter how much you try to prevent it. embrace it.

But really no one will throw a shitfit if you make a mistake. And yes you can.

Who said that? No way I'm downloading memeside 2 again.

Thanks, I was looking for that.

We're playing on HOG, come join us!

We're on PRTA now!

Jumping back on HOG!

What server now comrades?


Change of plans, we're going to South America Brasil.

Maybe that's why no one plays it anymore. I'm all for milsim tacticool squad based stuff but forcing people to use that crap is dickish and when the population is so low it's only going keep turning more people away

Nigga using voice comms is literally more important than using WASD in this game.

Its not like enforcing voice on TF2 where its a useful but not nessesary functionality, not using voice in PR is equivalent to not using the Buy menu in CS.

It's not about simulating warfare, it's more of an execise in teamwork.
Getting together with total strangers (most of the time) and then managing to win a war scenario.

The nations, not so blest as thee
Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall
While thou shalt flourish great and free
The dread and envy of them all
Rule Britannia! rule the waves
Britons never will be slaves


Going on F|H

You can do all that in text fine and people do in plenty of other games, this is about bringing the masterrace autistic geniuses down to mouthbreathing cod fratboy level. I probably type faster than you talk, and no potential for mishearing either.

Have fun making "strategy" with other people in your wild hogs squad or whatever massively faggy name you military walts end up picking.

But then again I see an unironic use of "nigga" in a post so why the fuck am I even trying.




Holy fucking autism you must sound like Mickey fucking mouse to hate voice chat this much.


Well then, there goes my chance of joining any server.




kek is that what I sound like on the mic?
anyway that moment was eerie as fuck, he just ran past me like 10 meters away and I was just paralyzed like why the fuck would a gook be here

Why on earth would you not light him the fuck up if you saw him? kek
I'm pretty sure enemies can hear your shovels you know.

I, diesalot, was nearby so it wasnt an unreasonable assumption to think it was me. We did get him though.

Fucking arabic pop songs.

They said not to bump the thread, but I'm going to anyway and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

You absolute madman.


Here's a webm from the nam match that happened a week ago i think.

use vp9 and decrease the resolution

also, the size limit is 12 mb now

hopefully better quality here






I only ever played a few matches with you guys. I'll be sure to play more now I swear.



I played this way back, before 8chacn contrarians thought it was cool

Fucking posers, you will neve be as cool as me

So that's what happened while I was hiding the cache, kek.


I played a lot 2 or 3 years ago. Really loved it.
But now my PC can run Arma 3….
Keep the game alive though guys


Bump, does anyone want to play on this fine tuesday morning?





At least Im not the only shitty driver


I feel the obligation to translate this for my American comrades.

Pretty cheeky, I love it.


Its more like

How mant fags from planetside play this?
I miss you guys
I never got in on this, but I might start.

It's not exactly the same as Planetside 2 though, what we're doing would probably be considered try hard as fuck on planetside.

Well the whole game is tryhard as fuck. It's not really like planetside which you can just pick up and play. Without teamwork and coordination you are screwed, but that's what makes it fun.
Also you haven't seen the more tryhard "clans" that literally have actual miliary ranks in their names and go all out operating operations.


Man I really gotta join you guys seems like fun.
Just hope there are some people from EU since I can't really play at night these days.

Didn't say that as if it was a bad thing, just warning him to not expect the same kind of fun mindless zerging we did on planetside, except maybe when playing insurgency.
And then they drive on a marked mine.

Yeah there is a bunch of euros and we do play in late afternoon or evening sometimes.



Warrior clearly in the wrong here, not advancing along with the infantry.

And those faggots were whining about them "supporting us through the entire game".

War is truly hell.

we are on DPRC as of now, come play with us faggots

Playan on the russian server now, it's insurgency on Fallujah, come join!



We're playing at Hardcore NA, come join us!

We're going to the russian server

Do any of you niggers ever use assets or is it just inf time all the time? I'm curious.

We take IFVs and .50s mostly and use mortars from time to time. Some of us fly on and off but not often.
Coordinating an APC/tank squad with normalfags is usually just not worth it.

fug I was hoping we could co-opt cas one day and fuck around with jets/choppers.

Losing a CAS usually means game over for the team so as a rule we steer clear of critical assets.
We´ve got some okay pilots so nothing stops you from actually taking CAS for a ride.

So will I. At least we'll have each other, user.


I don't have anything interesting to post, so have some stock footage.


It was a surprise tank that killed it you dolt

Just a heads up, they FINALLY put the new Construction shit in:

Now we can make our OWN crown on other continents
Also chokepoint fights when?
Our own outher haven when?
thread when?

responding to the one who shall not be named

its 2 am nigger i get lonely at nights

>someone takes havoc for a spin literally



stop making threads for this shitty ass buggy game that only has laggy servers where the ping doesnt matter

Anyone feel like playing tonight?

No thanks, I've had my fill of cancer to last me until the heat-death.

was going to play corpse party but I can be officer for a couple games again like good old times