Are they still making the protagonist look the same still? It's the same hateable gaylord I've played in every final fantasy game for over the last decade. Jessus Christ I hope Tetsuya Nomura gets lynched alive. Killed the franchise.

This could be so much more palatable if they were all SD. But why the spikey haired faggot? Why? Enough of this please stop with this.

Not video games. Sage.

why isn't he a chibi anyway?

why isn't she a normal human?

This, the contrast looks like shit

It is video games. Plus there's about 5-10 people browsing this board right now. I'm not sure why you feel it necessary to arbitrate conversations between like 10-20 people. It sure is autistic.

I think they can both switch to chibi or human. later in the video she goes full human. I just hate the fucking male protagonist.

I agree

It's Roxas right?

chibi was a mistake

I had to google that name because I never played Kingdom Hearts. If so, that would be worse. Spikey haired faggotry and a franchise he doesn't belong in.

It's a gameplay mechanic.

I'm gonna guess because it's world of final fantasy. so you'd expect a generic final fantasy looking guy. why is she chibi though?

That's the problem. Final fantasy is associated with spikey haired gay male protags.

Not with overly large weapons and too many belts as well?


KH is like 70% final fantasy characters.
Hell since KH2, it's basically 90% final fantasy characters with some disney shit here and there.

Thats the entire gimmick of the game. The main characters are real children transported to digital world and can change their forms between chibi and "normal" proportions.

There have been maybe ten FF characters.

Most of the worlds are from Disney movies, each with their handful of disney characters. On the other hand, there are only 19 FF characters in the entire series and no worlds dedicated to them. If anything, it's 60% Disney, 30% Nomura's OCs and maybe 10% Final Fantaasy.

Its really hard to take FF art seriously with an edgy mickey mouse in it.

But are characters like these still what people like in Japan?

I guess he got his equipment at Ye Olde Goth Topic Armoury

Japan likes Cloud.
Be it original Cloud or Kingdom Hearts one winged Cloud or Cloud with tits, basically make a version of Cloud and they'll eat it up.
Making him female racks extra point in the popularity charts.

Let's get one thing clear: people that play square games for the "classic" fantasy feel of the old games are the minority, both in the west and in the east.
They all play these games for animu spiky hair characters (and in the case of KH, the majority of the fanbase kinda doesn't give a shit about the characters and story and they just play it for the gameplay).

So if you're in the first group, you're fucked, more or less.

It's funny because the superior FF7 protagonist got cucked by Cloud's ineptitude.

He comes back in BBS to beat the shit outta you.

It's even worse, the clothes were made by magical fairies.

user, be honest, He is a anticlimax even with the MUH DARKNESS power up.

Mind you even just trying to smack Terra is still Good Character points, but he wasn't a outstandingly difficult boss even on critical.

becuase your mommas a ho

Are you retarded?

call me whatever, but I'm hype.

You might want to remove that watermark, mate.
I sweat to God if this post gets wordfiltered


i am
do you need something?

To me its not really the design, but how the characters are written. Especially the male ones. Not one male kid acted that faggy when i grew up, same for the females, they didnt have bitch attitude. Sometimes Japanese games follow the West when it comes to that shit. Female is the calm collected type that leads, and the male counterpart is some faggot acting goofy kid.

But user the stronk womyn trope is actually very typical in Japanese manga and anime. Perhaps it started as their way of being edgy since traditional Nipnong women are very subservient but the meme magick was too strong and resulted in, among others, the retarded gyaru subculture.

Underage confirmed.

Tory at least puts different hats on his gokus and vegetas

Shit image.

It should be "SHIT PLOT" on that vial… actually, it should just be "SHIT"

The main character design doesn't bother me because its standard JRPG fare, but the entire rest of the cast looking like those retarded Funko dolls is a dealbreaker